
Showing posts from December, 2021

take the step

 Good influences the coming together of the right pieces will create the baby/project you are working towards you will be charged if you discard/abort this. The truth is you are meant to birth this child/project. Your actions have lead you to this place. 

Channeled Message

  Message 1: Abundance is heading your way as you walk in confidence and positive vibes. There is beauty in simple stuff and you have  learned to embrace that as well as opening your eyes your once closed eyes to see all the things you have been trained to ignore. There have been alot of dark days as you intentionally train yourself to see and think with compassion. You use to struggle to see the light but lately it is easier than every to bask in it not just see it. Right now it's your spiritual summer. Enjoy your time in the light it is well deserved.  Message 2: Grab a pen and paper and start planning. The cycles you have repeated  is no longer a option for you whatsoever. Whatever you ae doing toward trying to investigate all angles  so you can avoid pitfalls is working. Be sure of what you want and try to ignore external influences. What is meant to be yours will be. These lessons you have been involved in have given you the tools to face your future on sur...

Sagittarius, Pisces

 Instinct that is fed by curiosity. Learning to live with ego not lead by Ego. You need to withdraw from the battle field. Seek solitude while meditating and reflecting.    You have made some choices that have turned your world upside down. Your focus is on money and a idea that will bring you fortune. You just want to feel secure. You are tired of living with others and having your foundation swept away regardless of  if you are prepared to stand alone or not. You feel like you deserve stability. The fact that you have walked over others in this pursuit wasn't a reality to you because you are in a single minded mindset.  You want to make your peace with those you harmed because they have burnt the bridges you desperately want to come backover. You have gained some wisdom and see you are alone because of your choices. You are hiding in your fantasies, fostering instability because you are denying half of your energy in this ridiculous self abuse of denying your...