
Showing posts with the label 7th house

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

You can't take my child!!!

Somebody's mama wants to fight you. Do you have steps to protect yourself from this person? This woman doesn't even have the morals of a child so any kind of drama is acceptable to them. When you was around this woman ypu was probably drained and I know they definietly drained you trying to protect your back. This woman came for your crown chakra trying to block your insight into their behavior. You just so happen to be the ideal of what a feminine means to this mother. Your caring heat, your inteligence, your cooking skills and especially your looks. They miss treated you every chance they got under the guise of mentoring you. Any kindness shown to you was a distraction for their need to find out what was happening in yor life. This woman is trying to stop their child from coming your way. They fear you having a child and cementing a connection they have been trying to destroy. If they could stab you and get away with it they would. Even the idea of hiring a hi

Ding Dong the bytch is dead

Someone is thinking of you. They kept you in the dark to their true nature. The lies they told you and about you only exposed their own brokenness. This person got off on hurting you. Dimming your light was their favorite past time. They loved to talk about you to others. Your willingness to be vulnerable with them gave them all the ammunition they needed to destroy you repeatedly for years. You had a talent for doing things that should not have came natural but they did and you excelled at them. You was intelligent and good looking as weell. You brighten the life of those you came in contact with. This person was determined to prevent you from reaching your destiny. If you hadf a person they played a hand in your seperation. You may have had a connection from adolesence that this person was jealous of. Your person probably did unique things to spoil you and this person knew and was so hateful about it. Somehow your person has found out about the back door drama

angel numbers

Responsibility and teamwork. Your angels are happy with the achievements you have made in life in the past. They are proud of you because of the effort you have been putting into your work. ~920 You are balanced, harmonious, and peaceful in all areas of your life. Keep the faith & stand strong in your personal truths. ~222 Your life will become more interesting. You will be adventurous, and you'll find interest in things that were previously boring. However for you to enjoy these benefits, you must find the truth that fits you.


When all hope is gone the universe makes a way. You are a master manifestor and you come by it honestly. Both of your parents are spiriually inclined it was going to show up in your life some how. You are funny and people are surpised by that. Youalso have someone who regrets walking away from you. YOu was a bright light in their dark world. People around you gravitate to you just becuase you shine. Someone sees the neglectful situationyou are in and wants to come in and save you. This person loves everything about you from your head to your toes even your attutide and they know it seems premature but their feelings are real and they are deep. They are runing to you will you just stop mving for 5 secs so they can catch up? They gget you aen't ready to be lovers but they din't want to lie they want it all with you.


Someone isn't as fragile as you first thought. You thought because they was beautiful/ handsome they would be easy to take down but its been years and they still are around. You have tarninshed their reputation and decalred to anyone who would listen that this person was for the streets in everyway you could imagine. You talked about them so badly Only Fans and prostitutes alike felt the right to judge them. All because this person had the IT factor from a young age. You even leaned on this person used their wisdom to better your life and you was never apprective nor gave them credit to others. Now it seems like you need this persons help but you have burned every bridge that might have gotten you to them. Your stank behaviour has been your undoing. Instead of seeing this person as a blessing in your life you viewed them as a destructive force then went out of your way to prove this accusation. ONly for it all to be rpven to be lies. From their hair, to their body to


Someone wants to be codependant on someone. You have addictions and an obsession and your hope is that this person can help you. Playing in spell work got you trapped in your own cage and you want out. You are miserable and your possessive , contolling nature has been unmasked and others can see the real you. You have been blocked from what ever or whomever you are obsessing over and Spirit is trying to tech you restraint. Your plans of seduction was laughable. Did you not realize you never had that kind of hold on this person? You may have saw marriage in the future, but that was never the deal. Im hearing that was never going to make it on the list. For some reason you thought that this person had blinders on when really they were just letting you dream big and didn't deflate those little balloons of happiness for you. Why are you angry at them for going along wit your delusions? You choose to ignore every word coming out of their mouth about someone else just

Be Careful

Someone is going to comes toward you using your words,post, memes against you to win you. They feel if they script this just right you will come falling back into their arms. This will be someone trying to come in talking about adding to you. They are going to come on too strong. They think this is going to be a secret to you. They think you are blinded to their shenanigans. This person feels you are all alone. They did not think that your Spiritual Team was real and they ahve finally come to belive as the turrent of karma hitting them wwon't let up enough for them to forget. They will come in a celebratory behavior as if the past hasn't occured. They feel any action they show toward you is warranted. At one point in time this person brighten up your your world. Now all they represnt are stormy days and a unsafe foundation. Be careful they will try to trick you somehow in a sexual matter. Their sibling may also be a issue or your sibling isa issue. You are seeing things fo

i expect too much from you

I have such high expectations of you and its not fair because it doesnt allow you to trulybe yourself. Yet i expect you to be perfect and noone can be that way. I want tobe there for you and I really dont know how to do that. I want to cater to you but instead i attack and undermine. Its like I am posessed everytime I deal with you and the worst parts of me come out and then I have to act like I meant to do all that cuzotherwise Im crazy for apologizing for being a dick all the time, Right now I'm a dummy I want to marry you and I am the worst. I keep pushing you away when all I want to do is pull you close. You are my comfort and understanding & I want to protect you and yet I am your worst enemy. I keep lying to you just to keep you close even though I know you would definitly be better off with out me. I know we knew each other in a past life and I know it indicates we had a chance for a connection now, but with my behavior I ruined things and I dont see us connectiing

I miss you

I stopped watching you though its so very hard. I really need to know what your doing, who you are giving your energy to all of it. I miss your text updates so I could imagine you throughout the day. I miss you. I am willing to drink my self to obliviion so i can see your face in my dreams. You make me feel so strong and confident in my actions and thoughts. I admit for the most part I move thru life terrified. I have pretended for so long to be strong and wise and now everyone is going to know I stole my swag. I pretended to be you so that others would love me as they love you. You make my heart smile and that is why I want to be like you. You are a divine femenine/maasculine and i am karmic. I really thought I would get it right this time but I just made it even worse. I acted in Dark Fae energy and came acrss as a alien. I also fucked around and found out when I got a STD. I didn't think they was the promiscuious one I thought it was you. I hate that i have health issues

If you don’t start doing what your told so you can get to where you need to be…

 Right now you have the warmth in you that feels like spring inside. It’s so sweet it braces you when moments of indecision and almost physical weakness. You could be experiencing headaches or feel pressure in your third eye, have insomnia and maybe eating sporadically. You have been getting a lot of downloads, but have you been paying attention or are you unsure you want to know the answers to the questions you have been shouting out to the universe for a while now for about a decade or within the last decade. You also might be struggling with religion right now asking what is going to give you the answers you need?  You are being be called to write and you are ignoring it. You have a story that needs to be told so others can heal. You have been thru a lot and your experiences are what got you to where you are right now.  Go to your altar spend some time there. Light some white candles and tell them what’s been going on. Be honest with yourself and them let the hurt go. You are unwind

Peace be still

  You might be on pause. Spirit has you at a stand still due to you needing to learn to use calm and gentle tactics. You have been in the king of swords energy.  You haven’t been thinking with emotion. It’s been just cold logic for awhile. You are being asked to look within yourself. When you react in any way, but peaceful you cause turbulence in your life. Open your heart then your mouth people are waiting to hear you. 

spirit message

  I hear Pharell in my head...Beautiful I just want you to know you're my favorite girl.. Someone wants you to know they are jealous of you (regardless of energy). Your Spirit is so bright few appreciate it without slightly hating and this person knows that and they feel bad for you but also happy when you fade due to depression. Your light shines on their perceived weaknesses and while they want to cling to you they also want to bury you. As you turn over a new leaf do not let folks take you out of your rhythm. Go ahead and walk away from people and this person especially who want you to dim your light. Its not your responsibility to make others feel ok just because you are happy with yourself nor is it your job to actively teach them. Part of the journey is looking for what works for YOU to be happy not what is the next person doing. Spirit is giving you your flowers in the 5d and 3d. Spirit and your ancestors are so proud of you. You have walked away from 3rd party situations

Family Hate

  Someone is upset that you have a soulmate connection. That you know or knew that type of love. This family member is desperate for the light this love gives you. This family member has a habit of love bombing you in a attempt to pull you closer, while actually providing no real relationship.  They come across as loving and possibly even “holy”, but they want to take your life literally because they don’t feel you deserve your gifts that they know you got from your shared grandmother.  This person is stalking you. They may even have stolen your story to gain the “ accolades of being a victim”. This family member does not want you to better yourself. Your growth is proof that the lies they told don’t matter.


  Today you might be taking a chance and there is a opportunity for closure. Someone who has been stabbing you in the back you will be walking away from and be prepared a sneak attack maybe why you walk away.  Right now your single because you are trying to make healthier choices in love self care and being happier. You know that is your wealth. 


 You trigger somebody. They want to come your way, but fear your rejection. They don’t feel they will ever see you again. They realized their world is empty and lifeless without you. They fear you! They are insecure. You have them in their feelings and they can’t focus because of how bad they want to be bood up with you. They keep trying to keep you focused on them, but they can feel you slipping away.  When it rains they think of you and that one day\night in the rain.  This person or you may have a accent.  You and this person are both interacting with people you know to be fake, who are holding on to both of you. You are each other’s trauma bond friend, due to this bond being unhealthy no real growth has occurred.  When music plays they think of you and start to feel guilty. They know they have bad boundaries and no respect for most of yours.  This person may have engaged in relationships to have a home. They wished they had the means to support themselves so they could have been in

you got the touch

  You are like Rumpelstiltskin or midas making Gold out of the simple. The problem is no one around you truly appreciates that this talent comes from you. They have even made you feel so bad about this amazing gift that you contemplating walking away from it.  You are surrounded by enemies, but spirit is going to be pulling these folks away. You may be in hermit mode trying to figure out which path is yours to be on to find your enlightenment. You may have been dealing with a Soulmate who distracted you from your path.  You have been off your path for a while tricked like a person eating something in the fairy lands.  Be weary like someone avoiding a black cat.  You are awesome and in this 4 of pentacles energy you only have up to go. Stay vigilant and grounded as you move forward. No one in negative energy will be able to stop your progress.

Messages from Spirit

 Time is a illusion. It will happen when it's supposed to.  A new cycle is starting. You might be seeing 222 everywhere or 6. Your life will become more interesting as this cycle speeds up. You will have the opportunity for adventures. You see the world like a child. You are beginning to see the world as interesting again. However, for you to enjoy these benefits you must find the truth that fits you. 500 might be popping up everywhere for you.  Your angels are around you, which means that they will bring love and peace into your life. Keep on working with your third eye chakra. It might be blocked or overactive and you may be feeling stuck, lacking clarity and concentration  possibly having night mares.  Stop questioning if your destined and if it's wrong to be cheerful in the middle of warfare. I say to that what is warfare, but fighting for a reason to smile?  We all know change is inevitable, but this change is going to be so big that people will be counting your pockets to

me + you

The sound of rain makes you think of someone. You think about holding them in front of a fire. You are scared to reach out to them because you have been hurt before.  You aren't close at the moment it might be because of a water sign, but don't worry the person you are thinking of wants you just as bad. They think the world of you.   They feel upside down about you. Maybe you need to be bunt or smoke a blunt with them, but as long as you apologize you will get out of this mental prison.  Start on the path to be a god with them. Ya'll was supposed to be sweethearts, but interference; You have gotten past the confusion of others lie and seeing what's real for yourself. Go get your person.

A convo between a masculine and feminine

The feminine energy  says everything you know about me is a lie, but since you want to believe it; peace out. The masculine energy  says don't walk away. Nobody walks away; who cares if it is a repeated cycle. You're mine! That should be enough for you.  The feminine energy  wants the masculine energy to look in the mirror and face themselves. See what they have became and why they are walking away. They have learned lessons in love and it hurt. Its the time for the masculine to learn . They have stopped letting the masculine energy influence their thoughts and actions.  The masculine energy  is hiding something. They want to blame it on childhood trauma , but the actions they are planning are all on them. They are stalking the feminine energy they find no entertainment except thru the feminine. The masculine knows their mask is gone, but they honestly didn't  think the feminine would leave. The wishy washy behavior they have been living in they thought they could stay in i