
Showing posts with the label tefnut


The Thoth zodiac sign is an Egyptian zodiac sign associated with the god of wisdom and learning, Thoth. People born under this sign are said to be wise, energetic, romantic, and courageous.  Dates: April 1–19 and November 8–17.  Associated traits: wise, energetic, romantic, courageous, inventive, enjoy learning, and excellent problem solvers. Associated symbols: ibis, baboon, scales, papyrus role, stylus, crescent moons, and pens. Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and learning. Virgo, the sign ruled by the Moon and Mercury Life is leveling out and truth be told its not how I thought it would turn out. I thought my secrets was safe. I thought the people in my connections were to oblivious to notice each other let alone what I was up to. Someone gave them a cheat sheet and now they got me clocked. On top of having me clocked they are turning it around on me. They got they hands out and attitudes soaring. They still haven't figured out me close to the vest secrets, ...


Aries are said to have a karma of taking action, starting things, and being free, but not being too self-absorbed. Some say that people born under the sign of Aries are known for being courageous, energetic, and adventurous. They are also said to be independent and thrive in dynamic fields like business, military, sports, and engineering.Some say that Aries is suffused with the potency of the creative impulse and can be sharpened like an artist's too. According to astrology, the dharma of Aries is to balance their fiery nature with patience and self-awareness. Aries are known for being bold, independent, and enthusiastic, and their dharma is to use these traits to start things and be free, but not be too self-absorbed. Aries are natural motivators who can ignite passion in others. Aries can embrace their independence and self-reliance to pursue their passions without being hindered by others' expectations. Aries are born to advance in arts, culture, entertainment, and more. ...

Year of the ox

The Year of the Ox is a year in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, which is based on the lunar calendar. The ox is the second animal in the cycle. The most recent Years of the Ox were 2021, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, and 1925. Hardworking, honest, practical, and reliable. Strong, methodical, and conservative. Faithful, trustworthy, and has leadership qualities. Stubborn, judgmental, and can be violent when pushed too far.Gets along with people born in the year of the rooster, snake, and rat, but not the tiger or horse The ox symbolizes patience and diligence. The Chinese term for ox is niú (牛), which can refer to cows, bulls, or other bovine animals. The Year of the Ox is celebrated in many Asian countries, including China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Korea. I missed out on the best thing to eer happen to me. You was a star and I treated you regular. Every oppurtunity to grow with you I shut it down. I didn't have good examples of lo...


Im looking to the sky because like Tupac said, "Everything is going to be all right." Right now it feels like you are o a uphill battle and there is interference. I have been fighting for love do you know that. Specifically I am fighting for your love. I always knew a great love was out there for me. I had hopes it was you but you choose to remain stagnant and you are starting to rot in your stubbornness. You are out here behaving like a depraved leader. You took my breath away i thought you was the eye in the storm. My mistake you was the fulcrum to all the drama. I'm leaving. I wanted to smoke and pick your brain but i don't want really anything to do with you anymore your blind to your habits. I am tired of being in a groundhog day situation with you same shit all the time. You dont even fuck up in new ways. You act like you don't get it you aren't in charge. You are a beacon of darkness, lies and emotional abuse offering me up like im a nag a chips f...

Will i get the money i need to make my dreams and goals a reality

You are at the end of this cycle of want and proverty. This journey has long and dificult. You have sought to be the top of what ever postion you are in puttting forth your best efforts to give what is required and it hasn't gotten you where you want to be. Don't fret though someone is coming to offer you help. Be wary of those that are only offering help with strings attached. Some will come in offering assistance to have a reaon to say they helped you stand on your feet. Thee will be one person who comes to you with geniune intent to support you and there might even be potential for love for some of you in this connection as well. You have lost alot on your path towards your destiny. You suffered a lot of unlawful and unjust things in a lot of your connections and the time of victimhood is over. You have stepped into the role of a overcomer. You have set down and started seeking the distance within and found your safe space and begin to build with a healt...

i think i caught a...

You haven't read everything. You are missing a important peace of information. Find it quickly. You might have a more experienced person assisting you in finding these missing things. Its ok to be vulnerable. You are awesome, you give people butterflies. You have taught people how to walk awy from connections that no longer serve them. People will be reaching out but its only to block you. You are so stern and you put your all in whatever you believe in. People love the authoritive vibe you carry. There are even somewho want to travel the world with you. You are unbothered. Those you have left behind feel emptyy without you. Some are hurting real bad but refuse to admit it. Everyone knows by now thsat you deserve better than you have recieved in the past. Those who caused you harm know now they never should have crossed you. The level up they thought they was gaining is yours and it will fund your interpdendance. Toxic family connections will finally be severed. You...

past or present

Someone who you thought was honest with you actually spends to much time lying to you. They thought their behavior was going to break you it didnt. They got off on hurting you. Your light troubles their dark side. This person always has your name in their mouth and they are starting to choke on it. You look fantastic now and those from your past are in awe you just get better with age. Your looks are are blosssoming with age. What turned you on in your youth no longer takes precedance. Noone can control you so those in the past no longer can attempt to take control of your life. You are destined for happiness and the future looks bright keep going forward. Do not allow the labels of the past to hold you back. Do not allow those who abused you in the past to have the same leverage in your life again. If they come to you in the same energy turn them away. Loyalty is necessary to even have a foothold in your boundaries. You are setting up your life in order to be ha...

Karmic Lessons

I don't need another lesson in love they hrut. I know I am becoming a faded memory. I miss you so much. I choose to not stand up for myself for a very long time and you walked away. I was allowing others to define my opinion of you and allowing you to suffer for their jealousy. No more online stalking and future faking. You don't need to be drunk in love to see how awesomely you are moving. I feel shitty because of the way I handled things. You were home to me and I need to boss up. I need to start telling you more how much you are appreciated. I want to elevate you and the only way I know how to do that is by loving you. I am a hobosexual and I give my body to have a home and status, //i don't see it as wrong though. Everyone is getting something out of it. I am trying to change your energy to bend to me. I just need your energy. You don't have to live with you just give me axcess. When you touch me I want to pull you close and not let go. Everything means nothin...


edit  Someone wants to take you out on a date. They want to get to know you on a different level. This person really wants to savor the moment with you because they feel every moment withyou is to fleeting. This person may hate sudden changes and the way you are moving now seems very sudden to them. You may have been a very people pleasing partner in the past and you no longer are doing that and your unconditional love feels very conditional. Your selflove has pushed your desire to be loved by certain individuals away. Being one with yourself has finnaly superceeded the need to hear about the so called love others had for you. You may have been heartbroken recent ly because of a connection. You had to not only seperate from the person but also from ypur emotions for a while becuse you felt you might drown. You went thru all the stages of loss and yet you still feel chained to those emotions. Until yu release and really go heal you cannot complete this transformation yoou ...

I coulda been

I could have been more honest. I promise I'm gonna kiss your ass. I will make it up to you. I know that there was lessons to learn I am just tired of this shit. I want my partner. I want you. We gotta get out of the fuck outta doge to many eyes in our sauce. I can't get the time I need with you if there is so much seperation. I always saw you i just turned my eye from this energy. I turned my nose up at you so often and now I just want to tell you I want to be deep with you in all ways. I don't want to cause you have to heal because of me. Has anyone ever told you that your wisdom should be on shirts. If you did it it would definitely be smooth selling. I know not to take our connection for granted. I want people to see us. No more fakeness. I want the world to see the temple I worship with. I know God has blessed our connection. Nothing is funny and nobody is going to fumble this Divine connection. We will BossUp together. You are home to me I want to be able to s...

The game has shut down...sorry

I love the love you give me. I have a habit of overthinking when it comes to you. I dont want any beef with you I just kinda want to push you into making a choice any choice but honestly your silience is a answer too. I question on if we can even have a future its like we get 2wks amx and then shit goes wonky. I'm tired of putting on a brave face I miss you. My soul feels weak without you . I want to curl up in your arms feel your kisses and warm embrace. I dont like being stressed. I want forever and i want it with you . Why wont you actually listen to me insteads everyone around you telling you what I want? Are they in the relationship with me? Do i even talk to them about real stuff? Like how can surface level people understand something soul deep without being jealous and hating? They was never on your side or understood what you was talking bout, but the look in your eyes was enough to be like "oh word?? You arent allowed to have what i never experienced" and its n...

Gotta take it one step at a tiime

Shits been rough. You need to change how you are looking at life. If you do not want to be stuck in depression then you need to be active about it. Pay attention to the mess around you . Stop walking blindly into situations. Someone wishes they could be with you tonight ( this is timeless dont worry). The man reason is healing from a STI but they still got you in the forefront of their mind. When they heal they want to come forward and apologize. They also want to know what makes your heart so big. This masculine/feminine knows someone is using magic on you. Theu know it might take therapy to heal from these betrayls and they hope you are willing to heal with them. They see that together especially healed yall can make mountains dance. You might feel that your the source of entertainment for your family, but they know they are the butt of many jokes. They never wanted to grow up. So anything that resembled responsiblity was a no. They know that their healing is their own responsib...

Divine feminines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

Man stop messing with her and wife her. Stop partying your getting to old for that mess anyways. We grown and grown folks choose up or die alone. I never had what yall got but if I did i would fight for it. Divine feminie is a special person. She would make anyone proud to be with.She not the type to cheat so why are you being so stupid? I want to fall in love over and over again with the same person. I want to get that first date jittters for the same person over and your just throwing it away. Do you see what living in your shadow has done? I hope you are hearing me. This can be fixed. If you love her show her. Tell her she makes you weak, but she makes you strong and able to stand in the world. Hurry up and get to her. Steal her heart before she notices. Be the man she belives you to be. Stop stalking and walk up to her door with some flowers and a gift and beg your ass off. Do not disappear again. Take her out on dates. Get her shit she likes. Stay away from friends who encora...

Why do i feel stuck

I can't seem to make anything happen. I have been seeking peace and its hiding from me. I can't text you because I won't find the answers I require. I need to see you in person. I need to have physical connection with you. I am aware there are others out there who crave your energy as well. I know I could have had you but i wasn't authentic in my desires and actions. I moved to soon and assumed you would beg to make me happy. I didn't realize I was ugly in my actions and persona. The Gods above see my behavior and cursed me for it. Your ancestors has razed my mind and heart all that left is guilt. I have been able to dream and talk to you but the convo never goes how I want. Even in my dreams you are cursing me out. I'm thinking of calling you and asking you to pull my cards. Trust me I'm prepared to kiss your ass to get some help. I know full well that I can't wear a mask around you. I just don't know who the real me is so there might not be a...

I try to say good bye and i choke

Seasons change and so do connections. I want to change our connection before the next season. I wnat to go to the next stage in our lives together. I know we can heal together. Together we can overcome more obstacles vs the life we are living independantly. I feel we need to connect in a forever type of way. I see your options and I know you have choices to make. I dont want to be strung along while you figure out if you welcome me back into your life. Right now life sucks and I know it would be better if you was with me, but our seperation is necessary I need to heal. I cannot come back to you and continue to hurt you. I hate hurting you but i just keep doing it which means i need to deal with some issues. I know if i came to you that you would gladly assist because thats just how you are, but I really want to do this on my own. I need to show you I am able to handle my issues like a adult. When i come back I dont wnat to leave again. I want to heal enought I dont want t...

letter from your person

You was created to be something great like the Powerpuff girls. You are so creative, but you focus on creating moments you forget to enjoy them. At least you have finally started letting your guard down and you have learned to work with your shadow instead of ignoring it or avoiding it.  I see you though and I wonder how well is it really going for you? Are you as balanced as you appear. I like what I see from a distance but, is it a facade?  I am scared to allow my heart to sing love songs about you. I don't want you to shatter me.  I want to tell you how wonderful you are that the stars are so jealous of you God sent them to adorn your lashes and hair, but the words get flipped and I tell you little to nothing sweet and nice. Give me the chance and I will show you all the that is sweet in my heart.