
Showing posts with the label Alder the trailblazer


Ooooh you met someone. You aren't getting the usual signals of desire so you are confused. Since they aren't up under your butt you don't feel comfortable. They are just trying to take things slow. I know you are used to someone trying to get in your mix fast but this is probaby your first time falling in love not lust.This isn't something quick. You are holding back and keeping secrets. Just be honest tell them you would like to be more in what ever it is you require to feel more deired. Its not bad luck to be honest regardless of the outcome. You might misunderstand them alot. So what they don't mind explaining what they mean. Have more faith in them. Have more faith in yourself. If you feel like you are being fake then work on yourself. Traveling wont fill any voids if you arent working on yourself lovey. Drinks and dro won't fill the hole within baby shadow work will. If you haven't let your self dream please do. All your dreams are a sign you are


I have a lot of things I need to hide. Like i don't think your adorable. Spirit is mad at me and I am facing Karma. I was the fuck up in my connections...all of them. I never tried really hard. I tend to stalk becuse I am insecure and have some childhood trauma I can't heal from becuase my abuser is still in my life. I want to mark you as mine, but right now I can't. I realize I have been waiting my whole life for you and you was right here. I spent more time tearing you down and undermining your growth. I couldn't see how magic you were. You was the smooth whiskey in the dark night of the soul on the rocks my life has been. I haven't done nearly a quarter of the inner work that you have cuz I never started. I want to say you are spying on me, but I know you aren't that way. I just have to keep hoping you will show me some toxicness to feel more safe around you. Your kindness rung false, but that is because i didn't know any real kindness. You are my li

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

The path of temptation is family led

Somone refuses to admit they intentionally lead their family member down a path of destruction. That they triangulated the whole family to gaslight and enable this family member into maintaing their bad behavior becuase the goal was noble( in their eyes). If this family member had died finally their family would have nice things to tell others about them. The level of barely disguised hate however cleverly hidden stood out to the ones who want to protect this poor (well they had a hand in their own destruction so maybe nieve?) soul. You was one of those protectors due to you wanting to just be there for them. You want to talk to this person about what their family has been involved in. The problem is you can't force them to discuss, but you can be there for them. You don't have to have words you just have to be kind. Your person is waking up to the deception and games being played in their name by family in hopes o

Love takes time

I keep hearing ," what kind of man would i be if i lived unfaithfully and what kind of girl would you be if you did the same?" There is a masculine wanting to be alone but knowing it is not the best idea right now. They are caught up in a situation they have to give all their focus to and splitting their attention something will be forgotten and they can't have that. This masculine respects you and your connection to much to pull you into drama. This masculine does not want to keep secrets anymore. They feel right now you would break their heart because you wint wait until all is settled. They are surrounded by enemies and they know it. Their enemies can be as close as family or actual family members. They want to tell the world you are then just friends. This masculine wants to wisk their feminine away to a place with no old memeories. They want to create harmony. They want to explore your love. They want to satrt this connection with honesty. They want to get rea

who the hell did i marry?

You are getting a taste of your own medicine. This is a lesson and once you learn it the happiness you sought will be just around the corner. Accepting your truth so it can no longer be weaponized against you. Do not let your past addictions keep you shackled to this situation. Go to where you can find peace and regroup if you need to, but its time to face this situation head on so you canfinally be happy. You have declared if they can't let you be happy they need to leave you alone. You know you cannot do the healing you need alone but you sure as hell can't do it in a unsafe enviroment. You need T.L.C. You want reasssurance that you are loed and wanted. Not lusted, not seen as a finacial advantaged just wanted. You want to be seen for the assest you truly are not as a burden. You want to learn your talents and you want the space to foster them to see if you can make something great and yours out of them. This isn't something you want in the future you want this now


Pills and potions, overdosing, angry because who you love doesnt love you. Played to many games got caight in the same and now you can't stand your self. You aren't taking care of yourself and whatever you are doing is cutting yearss off your life. You might be a 80s baby. You just want this person to finally pick you. You haven't learned the lesson yet of dealing with this person and what ever you did I hope you have a lawyer because i see they are justified for whatever they are about to do.. You are like a dark cloud in this persons life. You may have thought you was being sneaky but they found out. Now that they know they want you to say it out loud and say it with your chest. You have been getting signs that have been telling you to stop for ages. YOu wasn't scared before but all the sounds and shadows have finally got you sppoked. Its tolate to blowout the candle. The universe heard your little baragins and has come to collect on what you owe and its comin

Karmic Partners

You walked away from a connection that you want but you know you shouldnt have. You watched someone love you and you constantly push them away. Until they stayed away. Now you feel that flutter and miss the sound of their voice. All of a sudden you feel the love they wanted you to feel for the longest. You still balme them for leaving but you know your heart never would have awakened if they hadn't. Their dissaperance from your life left a huge gapeing hole you had no idea their little frame could fit in let alone fill but there presence was huge. Now you are trying to get that heart chakra open fully You want to feel all the feels especially for them. You want to get back to them but lets be honest you havent changed and don't really plan on it now your just gonna take a break until it gets boring. Then spice up life a bit. You just need them to put up with all your shit your not asking for a lot. If they wont play the game though you have others who will. You


You got a crush on a older person and you fear that may be the reason why they never give you a chance. You are all in your head reeplaying messgaes wondering if you messed up. You just want to make this connection work. You want to be there for them in their pain and pleasure. You see them as a soulmate. You even see a child with them. You know you need to build yourself up some more but you havent given up on this idea of connection. Right now you feel like you are in a blackhole but really you arent. Let that negative miindaet go. Give that negative energy a wide bearth. You are attuned no matter the circumstances. Give them time. Being to pushy is a turn off. While you arent connected work on your toxic ways and continueeducating yourself. Go take your blood tests and start on that cleansing journey. No matter if you gain this connection or not this start to your spiritual joruney is awesome!!!


I don't understand you anymore. I look back at old texts and videos and im aching. I used those pics and videos. I perfer them to the real stuff. You are so tantalizing. I love sitting back and thinking about the last time and my favortite time and that other time... I see you as a light bringer and i know we are connected. I have some sexual transmitted demons and a actual sexual transmitted illness. I can't relax I messed up so bad. I will kiss your ass to prove my devotion ... after I get healthy again. I want to undersand you better. I want to get to know you like its the first time again.I just want to chill and vibe with you. I am coming your way soon. I know I have lied in the past, but I am working on peoving my hnesty in allmy actions. I want get grounded and start practicing mindful relaxation.

5d conversation

Hey Love, Sit on my lap and let me hold you. I won't hold anything but my body against you. I don't have any plans but to have you. I surrender my heart to you. My only job is to show you repeatedly that I love you and make up for all I have done in the 3d. I know in the 3d I come at your mind and make you doubt our connection, but I am still not healed. I want to make excuses, I want to explain, but I am not stupid I know I am in the wrong. I didn't want to change and now you don't want to be around me. You told me to never talk to you... now I have to figure out how to come back to you. I ain't right and I now that. I am working on being a better version of myself. I want to be a miracle for you. I feel like i need to speed up, but I know that I have you right here with me I just want all me to have all of you. I study you to learn your quirks. I am failing the class that is you. I know if I had forever I still wouldn't know all there is to know about


I deserve to punished. I fumbled and lost. I promised you this lifetime i would do right by you. Marry you and make you ridiculously happy. I messed up in one timeline looking at my doopleganger miserable because the woman he loved he mocked and betrayed and here i am literally doing the same thing. From the amount of kids to the relationship fumbles I'm mirroring them and I don't know how to stop. I hate the fucking matrix. I knew from the first moment i saw you i wanted you. I made you chase me and I intentionally kept my distance. I figured your crush on me would carry us til i got bored with you. I never got bored you kept changing and becoming more and more fascinating, You did right inleaving me alone and not chasing me. I was cheating. I know it sounds crazy but i wanted a little girl with you. I don't have daughters and i just knew we would have a goregous talented little girl. I never told you but you had my heart... you still do. I want to give you all

I owe you a apology

How many drinks will it take for you to sit still and let me talk to you? I have to tell you how I feel. I keep trying to talk to you thru music, but your not talking back. You are my Angel on this barren Earth. I just need a chance to show you I have changed. You won't be a secret this time. I should have never treated some of the people I wined and dinde so well they didn't deserve a quarter of the attention and affection I gave them. I surrounded myself with fake people and reaped all kinds of karma. I thought i was moving the right way. I didn't see that when my life was going well was cuz you was in my life. I thought things would be bad but once you was gone it would get 10 times worse. You was shielding me from so much karma just taking the hits and pressing forward. You accepted life unfiltered so I could wear rose ccolored glasses never turning my eye to the devastation I was leaving behind. You was the only one to call me out over and over about how I was affect

Your my unspoken dream made real

Tell me how am I supposed to breath with no air? You are the air I breath. You are my soulmate my heart. You are a boss in your own arena. You created a lane and I want to get into it with you. Everything is always fresh and new with you. You inspire me to change on the outside and inside. You are my sunrise and sunset. Right now nothing feels real without you.You look like a god/goddess and I in awe of you. You are my sun and moon and everything between. If none of that existed you would still be my king/queen. I pray for you daily though. I want you to be happy even if its not with me. IN the past I was definitely a toxic lover and things were never smooth sailing for us. I want to change your perspective so that you will give us another chance. Right now I'm trying to get my health right mentally and physically. I owe myself that before anything else but ypu are never far from my mind. I want you to think of my words and believe in me I do not want to cause pai

I'll fight any war with you

You are in the middle of a war of those who want you to succeed and those who are praying daily that God show you that you are not all that. You arent seeing exactly what is going to end this, but you are so tired. Someone wants to know if you still want to have a relationship with them. This person doesn't have time for you at the moment and they are aware it bothers you. They know that time with you is the most important to them. They try to come to you with their truths because they have nothing else to hand you aside from their lies. This person questions why you provide a space for them in your life. The harder life is the more they feel they can trust you to support them. They have trouble sleeping because you are on their mind nightly. During the day while making money its their focus, but you stay in their thoughts never very far. This person wants to tell you that if you chose not to deal with them thats fine, but be prepared for them to be enraged because the thou

I don't want to close my eyes...

Someone misses you. They recount your memories like someone going thru their comic book collection.  I keep hearing that song by Areosmith and it's just the beginning of the chorus." I don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you babe and I don't want to miss a thang..."  Abundance of love is all this person dreams of when it comes to you, but they feel they have nothing worthwhile to offer. Inspire of their lack this person is willing to bust their butt to bring you happiness.  This person has watched your growth as you have triumphed over situations that would have caused others to go down a dark path.  You took a leap of faith on yourself and your glowing so beautifully and they can't help but admire you in all ways.  To know that they can lift you from where you are and set you among the stars is not just a wish, but a reality they are manifesting. They want to upend your world in a good way. 

Ask yourself…

 You are not accepting empty offers anymore. You are only accepting that which you have made yourself. You have survived often being poisoned by those close to you and though you have built up a immunity you still choose to do things yourself.  You might be bonding with a pet more or you are looking to get a pet. It’s your spirit looking to bond with another being while you become more balanced. Like a animal finds peace in the midst of wild places so must you find peace in the wild parts of you. You can be the Emperor or Empress of yourself  if you get out of that slow moving knight energy and move pass being leader of a kingdom and be a leader of nations. Recognize the strength within you.   It’s ok for you to step towards challenges versus being overwhelmed by them and having to figure out the problem as it occurs. It’s time for preventative fighting and protecting and the way to start is to know what you really are fighting for. Then why must you fight? Once you have those answers

Your good at strategy

 The battles you have been defending yourself against are slowly ending. You are about to experience peace after so many years of unrest. You may have been confused on the out look of a relationship, just keep on doing what you are doing and you will be surprised that the relationship you desire will appear where you least expect.  Right now is a time for you to ask yourself why you are not jumping into things feet first.  The opportunity to see where you might not be as prepared or balanced and gaining wisdom from learning to apply that knowledge to practical purpose is now. You have all the maps, Apps,  gps and hand written instructions to get you to your life and you have your heart desires to learn 

You’re ok

 You have been used to pouring out for others. Always emptying your cup to folks and situations that accepted your all but never offered to refill you. You fought villages of haters, survived floods of  poverty and financial pestilence. Your path may have been so skewed with so many options, but not enough information to make a choice so you standing still. You actually made the right choice standing still because your noticing that some of the paths have disappeared like they never existed. Your destined to have abundance enough to share with others if you choose. To give to the vulnerable and exposed.  You have caused someone to step off their throne. They have put their weapon down and no longer feel like a giant towering over you. Now you are about to take the throne because that is where you was meant to be. Not only are you meant to be on the throne, but you are prepared to fight for your throne. Both your masculine and feminine sides both ready to fight!!  You standing above oth

I see you

  Someone is watching you. They want no distractions to bar them from seeing you. They may be depressed right now. They want a chance to reconnect with you. This person wants to drape you in elegance. If you had a connection they can’t deal your energy anymore. You have been on a pedestal in their mind but you want them to see you as down to earth you are not out of reach.  Someone hasn’t been generous in the past they was to busy being crafty and strong handed. This person is/was a hobo sexual using their body to have a home. Feeling empty because they was making deals w/theDevil. They admire your body, but they hate you. You manage to help this person be their best and they want that but not from You. You answer their life’s problems. If you are empathetic you Feel this persons energy so you catch  them before they even know where they are emotionally.  You may have walked away and this perso. Is a king for your energy. You look happier without them and they hate that. They want your