
Showing posts with the label Mut

i think i caught a...

You haven't read everything. You are missing a important peace of information. Find it quickly. You might have a more experienced person assisting you in finding these missing things. Its ok to be vulnerable. You are awesome, you give people butterflies. You have taught people how to walk awy from connections that no longer serve them. People will be reaching out but its only to block you. You are so stern and you put your all in whatever you believe in. People love the authoritive vibe you carry. There are even somewho want to travel the world with you. You are unbothered. Those you have left behind feel emptyy without you. Some are hurting real bad but refuse to admit it. Everyone knows by now thsat you deserve better than you have recieved in the past. Those who caused you harm know now they never should have crossed you. The level up they thought they was gaining is yours and it will fund your interpdendance. Toxic family connections will finally be severed. You

past or present

Someone who you thought was honest with you actually spends to much time lying to you. They thought their behavior was going to break you it didnt. They got off on hurting you. Your light troubles their dark side. This person always has your name in their mouth and they are starting to choke on it. You look fantastic now and those from your past are in awe you just get better with age. Your looks are are blosssoming with age. What turned you on in your youth no longer takes precedance. Noone can control you so those in the past no longer can attempt to take control of your life. You are destined for happiness and the future looks bright keep going forward. Do not allow the labels of the past to hold you back. Do not allow those who abused you in the past to have the same leverage in your life again. If they come to you in the same energy turn them away. Loyalty is necessary to even have a foothold in your boundaries. You are setting up your life in order to be ha

Distant family or Friend message to Divine Masculine

Someone told us to watch you. What made you change up? Was it really Divine Feminine? You don't need that nerd. All you need to do is grind a little harder. Kiss some ass and you might get aead faster. You don't need her. If you set your sight higher you could get it. Stop telling her everything! She knows way to much without your assistance. Everything we have done to stop her from reconnecting with you and everything doesn't stop either of you. We know that its a pointless battle but we still try. We just wont be happy seeing you two together. We don't like that she encourages you to be yourself. You lost is you mallable and we need you that way to control your money, your addictions, your connections.

I'm sorry but i fucks with you the long way

Will you forgive me? Let me prove that you are important. Your happiness is paramount Your presence is pressure. People have been coming against you, but they have no idea this is all about to blow up in their face. I am so sorry. I am sorry I hurt you. I truly do fuck with you the long way. I am not on my Donell Jones I know where I want to be. I love how vulnerable i feel with you. I had no idea that vulnerablity could equal safety and be a symptom of love. ou got some boundaries up and i want to cross all them cuz who the fuck do you think you are, but i had to think about it. My partner better be able to tell me no and I respect it. Why woud I get mad at your boundaries unless its a me problem?? Im so much more healed then before. Although I know it seems like I'm just saying stuff, but i truly do mean it. I have no intution right now. Im walking blind. I know its been a long time since we have seen each other, but i thought i had more time before I came your way. Look

Love is blind

I’m hearing lovers and friends. “Tell me again that we’ll be lovers and friends “ so your hearing trust and believe and it’s very hard for you to trust or believe in the situation you find yourself facing. You have been looking for signs to make sure you are in the right path. You are a light bringer and you are bringing life to a part of yourself and those you’re connecting with are being influenced by example.  Your wisdom should be on shirts you have so many clever ways to explain life. You may feel like people are taking your advice and running. They are not appreciative and it hurts. You are protected from their jealousy and envy.  You need to be very careful right now you are blind to something that you already have all the information for. Until you acknowledge what you are ignoring your confidence will wilt, joy will be hard to find, your enthusiasm for the things in life that brought you happy will be missing, Your creativity will be blocked, balance in all areas of life will

A letter from someone to you.

 Dear you, I’m gonna get back to you. I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I hate you. I’m gonna hurt you. I want to strip everything from you. Why can’t I trap you? The games I play should not be obvious to you. You was supposed to stay asleep to what was happening. You taunt me thru every source of entertainment I try to utilize. All of them justifying retribution that should be yours not mine.  I am due Justice!!! Someone owes ME!  I demand my due! I am a Royal! I have made my mark and I will be recognized. I don’t need to be reflective. I am who I was meant to be. I don’t do politically correct! I hate feeling like I lost out on you. I’m low key proud you figured me out, but I resent it too because that means your not in my grasp.  I thought I had all the obstacles out maneuvered, but your so smart you threw up new ones.  If we was in another place I’d come back to you and be different. I’d give you that soft rough love you desire. I’m just scarred to trust my heart to you. You’re my

you got the touch

  You are like Rumpelstiltskin or midas making Gold out of the simple. The problem is no one around you truly appreciates that this talent comes from you. They have even made you feel so bad about this amazing gift that you contemplating walking away from it.  You are surrounded by enemies, but spirit is going to be pulling these folks away. You may be in hermit mode trying to figure out which path is yours to be on to find your enlightenment. You may have been dealing with a Soulmate who distracted you from your path.  You have been off your path for a while tricked like a person eating something in the fairy lands.  Be weary like someone avoiding a black cat.  You are awesome and in this 4 of pentacles energy you only have up to go. Stay vigilant and grounded as you move forward. No one in negative energy will be able to stop your progress.

What is your 3rd house?

  Commonly referred to as the House of Communication. Especially towards loved ones.  How you learn to communicate starts at a early age and your intelligence gained helps you navigate your relationship.  The 3rd House is about your environment – how you interact with it, how you relate to others, your ideas, and your opinions. he meaning of “Communication, Community, and Thinking.” The 3rd House's Natural Planetary Ruler:  Mercury The 3rd House's Natural Astrology Sign:  Gemini Characteristics of the 3rd House:  Third House astrology is about your left brain. It governs fact-gathering, analysis, and forming opinions about your experiences. It's how you think. The 3rd House in astrology also tells us how you're likely to perceive your environment, and the things you're likely to neglect. First up in your environment are your relatives. While the 3rd House doesn't involve your parents (they have their own houses), it does involve your siblings and other relative

Spirit message

 Right now you need to be alone. Not overly wise by thinking keep your enemies close. Right now it’s time to focus on your growth and truly heal instead of starting the process than stopping. You are accepting that you can’t measure your success, based on someone else. Your level up is dependent on nobody,but you. Things are finally where you want them to be.  You are on the tail end of healing from childhood trauma, and past relationships. You feel like your manifestations aren’t being realized, but your abundance is near. Someone is blocking well, attempting to block your download from Spirit.  Spirit says let them try YOU Got This. Anyone coming towards you saying let me elevate you is not being honest. They are hiding they do not mean to bring harmony.  You create your precious moments no one else. Even if you feel your Justice is coming slowly it’s not its all about Divine timing. Stop stressing and begin to remember how  you use to think for yourself. When you did you made big di

The answer is yes

 You feel like you have been over-whelmed by your past. Shadows, sorrows and self destructive behaviors that feed attitudes and hand out doubt like it was Halloween candy. Guess what you and only you can wipe the slate clean. You are the director of your life. Whatever the question you have been asking the answer is Yes!!! Its ok to be optimistic when you are heart is more open to optimism and Love Shadows are easier to push away. You have healed and its ok to wear scars proudly. You have gained them thru war and you survived. If you need to forgive and forget do it for you. Trust yourself, there is no limit to where you can go if you just imagine it. Do not block your emotions. The world you are destined to help create for your lineage cannot be sown in fear. If you step back you will see you don't have to control the world to change the world. Your greatest triumph isn't what you have done its that you keep trying.  Go you!! 

Smile you're Soul looks beautiful

 Most of the things you know to be true are lies about me. I was supposed to be your foundation and I failed. I know you don't want to repeat any cycles with me. I want to say I won't take you down the path again, but I'm still a fucked up individual and there are no guarantees. I know someone broke you heart and i damaged even more. I see you trying to heal and I thinks its looks great. You are changing and I fear that the new you will really not want me. 

Mercury Retrograde

 This mercury retrograde you could be feeling blank. Not clear on anything so you are trying to just pause on life. Which would be an impressive feat if you could, but you can't bud. You gotta get moving cuz stagnancy will be your death. This isn't a maybe death either. Spirit said move your aa or the police will move you to the morgue.  Start walking in that natural confidence Spirit gave you. You know its time for a change. You can not let your past trauma keep you from moving forward. It's ok if you can't see the road ahead of you. You are doing some things Spirit is so proud of you for letting go of toxic habits, but they won't be gentle with you its boot camp time. You want something prove it.  Someone is about to show up with flowers. This person is going to put you in your head. Its ok Spirit is ready to have that talk with you, but you already know the answer. You can claim you was asleep but you WOKE now so you got no excuses.  You want your happily ever af

This looks promising...

 They know you have been hurt in the past. They know your hurting. They just can't figure out what to do. They know if given the chance they will show that you deserve to be loved to be cherished and doted on. They can't wait to see you again for the first time again.  For some of y'all its been a decade or more. They want to create precious memories with you. They want to create a lifetime. They want to rewrite the definition the meaning of true Love.   They are very calculated in their moves. Their feelings for you just keep growing. You are better then Juliette and they want to be more than just your Romeo I'm hearing "lets write our own love story." I also hear them saying "that fool died 3 days after meeting her I want forever lets aim for longevity like  Denzel and Paulette or even some random couple who have 50 yrs under their belt and HE still pinches her butt."  I like your person lol they are fresh, but smart hehe.   They are moving closer

It's all about you

Your energy is so upbeat go ahead get dressed for the day. You are leaving people in the dust not just trying to pacify them.  The world is scary and they wish you stay in their reach even though they can't be stable for you. They know you keep it 100. Keep on working on your sacral chakra. Be confident, joyful, balance, passion, sexuality, emotional expression. You are finding real happiness this lifetime and its beautiful to behold. You finally are the leader of your life. If you don't feel like your at home its ok you are creating one. In deed and energy as well as creating one within yourself.  Avoid lying to yourself, keep on loving you. I understand that maybe you feel abandonment, but once you realize you are not alone ever cuz Spirit is with you that feeling will dissipate, because you are in a delight.  Folks is leaving you you because they aren't meant to be in your life any longer. So don't believe that its because of you. Trust fols don't realize until y