
Showing posts with the label year of the Rat


Ooooh you met someone. You aren't getting the usual signals of desire so you are confused. Since they aren't up under your butt you don't feel comfortable. They are just trying to take things slow. I know you are used to someone trying to get in your mix fast but this is probaby your first time falling in love not lust.This isn't something quick. You are holding back and keeping secrets. Just be honest tell them you would like to be more in what ever it is you require to feel more deired. Its not bad luck to be honest regardless of the outcome. You might misunderstand them alot. So what they don't mind explaining what they mean. Have more faith in them. Have more faith in yourself. If you feel like you are being fake then work on yourself. Traveling wont fill any voids if you arent working on yourself lovey. Drinks and dro won't fill the hole within baby shadow work will. If you haven't let your self dream please do. All your dreams are a sign you are

working my way towards you

Someone is not feeling confident. They do not feel like you will allow them to getto know you. They are all in their feelings completely unsure how to come to you. They are begginning to have hope. The bad in their life is starting to dissapate. With this change in their emotional weather they are trying to not let their world go topsy turvey. In being more in tune with their emotions they are acknowledging they will always be Royal. If there is a masculine involved someone is upset with them. You had no more hope and then they came along and lifted you. ooooh. This masculine wants to know are you still down? They want to give you all their time. They have taken the time to get to know them selves so they will not lose themselves in you or anybody else. They see how much they are like you and they want to embrace you but at this moment they know there is no forward movement is the postion they are involved in. This masculine is striving to kearn to wear their heart on their slee

I can find the beat in everything but my heart. Without you im dead.

You are a miracle. You are so impressive. Can you just sit on my lap and never leave? If you dont want to be with me I totally get it I have spent to much time hurting you why would you believe i want to make it up to you? You make me so happy with your cheerful disposition. Your quirkiness is beautiful. . Even when changes occur and something just aint right you manage to keep educating folks. You are doing what you was called to do. I surrender my heart to you. Iknow its beat up and tarnished but its all yours. I dont have any strategy to bring you back excet open my heart and maybe you will step into it. My struggles will not keep me from coming back to you. I will even assist you with work drama. If they are coming against you they are coming against us i get that. The longer we are apart the more bleak life seems. I see you out there making moves though. You are totally #Wifeygoals #youaremyangel you are the reason i dont need a drink. I am looking at your social media c


OK your own card came out first in reverse. DO you not want to know about yourself? Do you not want to hear about your beahviors and how they are a turnoff? Do you not want to here about the fruitless mission you have been on? You have invested a lot of money into something that is crumbling around your ears. You had a lot of people around taking from you on top of you pouring into dead end connections. You have even used magic to get to where you are in life. You have taken the energy from at least 3 individuals and have two more in your sight to take out becuaser you believe their lives will solidify your foundation. You made promises that you are not going to be able to keep. The wheel has turned in your favor, but the wheel hasn't stop moving and now its begining to turn away from you. You have ignored a lot of signs and easily accesible information that could have saved you from this path, but your determination to stay on this path is what will lead to your destruc

A sibling wants to come forward

Its totally ok to trust this sibling coming back to reconnect. This sibling admires that you have't just givne up on life. They see you protecting yourself your energy and your home and they want to be more like you. This sibling appreciates that you call them out on their behaviour. Trust me they know they are not completely wrapped right. They recognize they need you in their life. They may have stood on the side while you endured a lot of hardship for a vey long time. The fact that they waited so long irritates them. They feel they should have known sooner who you was so they could have protected you. This person had no idea you had abandonment issues that had you stuck in a people pleasing position. You feel if only they knew, but honestly even if they did they didnt have the guts to stand up for you then why now. Your sibling is waking up. Do not hold the past againt them. They may have been loyal out of duty, but they are willing to be loyaly out of love now. This siblin

Divine Masculine younger sibling message to Divine Masculine

You are so smart. Whatever was blocking you is gone. Your connection with the divine feminiine is a beautiful story. I want to see the ending. I want a love like yours. I want a masculine like you. I am upset that this growth is taking you away from me. I am so sad I feel like I am losing you. I have nothing to fill my void becuase i don't have a healthy attachment to you. I am not sleeping well since we sepearted but I know it was for your spiritual health. I want to go on adventures with you around the world. I have to be honest I am not the only spy in your life. I thought i was doing what was best for you. I am so mad at you right now! I need to get some help. I have some unhealthy thinking. I just know im willing to do anything to gain your forgiveness. I will kiss your ass to get your forgivenes. If you find out all the truth will you still love me? I caused so many problems! I have seen the error of my ways. Well i understand the consequences of my actions. I want

I'm freaking Miserable

I lied. I'm sorry. How do you keep loving me? I tried to use dark magic on you. I will get therapy for us. I can help you make money. I can help build your legacy. My family keeps making fun me when it comes to love. I did't know I needed to grow up not for me not for you not for anyone.  I thought being a kid at heart meant being childlike ya know? No responsiblities or serious connections because that was for settling down and I wasnt ready for that. I am trying to be perfect for you although i know you dont need me to be.  I'm not going to lie I have been suicidal due to my overwhelming karma. I keep asking God how to make this stop but He is silent. I guess I have to do what I was supposed to do in the first plaace and dig deep to figure out why I am the way I am then figure out how to fix it. What if I cant what if I am meant to be a monster. You dont want a monster and noone else matters to me now but you so what do I do?   I promise you I truly am trying to be a bett

I got triggers

You make me feel average. I feel so useless around you. For anyone else I can step to the plate. For you I choke every time and I want to come thur for you. I want to show you that we can make what is old new again. I have lost the love of my life. I just want to talk to you and tell you how much you mean to me. I don't want to lose that connection. I know I bring you a lot of darkness to your life and you have been holding out for a miracle. You haven't saved because you don't have faith this will occur. I am saving because I know this cant end this way. I am aware no matter how much you mean to me I have to show you not just tell you. I am not very good at leading, but I will follow your lead becuase you have found happiness in the midst of your valleys and canyons. I could study for a lifetime and I still wouldn't fathom all there is to know about you. I admit I didn't always have faith in you and your morals. I judged you based off my own promiscuous behavior. I

18+ from Her

I crave your touch.  My ideal day is you touching me intimately all day even in front of other people some of them know and like to watch others are oblivious and it adds to the vibe.   Pull my dress up and give me a couple of strokee in the hallway ok,  bend me over the couch yes please,  shower sex yes,  kitchen sex while cooking yes,  hands in my pants with every hug  and every kiss is almost a session yes yes yes!!!!  Walk up to me pull a titty out and start sucking,  don't let me sit on your lap unless it's skin to skin .....  You have no idea how soaked id be if I never knew at what moment you was gonna take me or just tease me for a little while and that was my every day life....ummm yes please 🥺 I'll be such a good girl.  You can bind me, spank me, choke me just let me be yours all day everyday.  I want us to be sensual together I want people to see us and get aroused.  I want them to crave what we have so much that they grab their partner and start touching  and 

it's time for new way of seeing and doing things

You have been struggling with stability and feeling secure where you are at this moment in life. You may have felt you had to lie about your connections in order to have any sense of permanence in life.  The need to be flexible has been a constant and it has caused you to be the runner in relationships. You haven't felt safe enough in your connections to truly be intimate and let ego go.  The issue with that is it keeps you in a self absorbed type relationships because you can't care for others if your well being is first and foremost in your every move.  You intentionally pushed away people or only let them close enough to benefit from the connection but to not grow. The time for that is over. You need to let people in. It's time to make some smarter connections those that are reciprocal rather than one sided. This will benefit you and those who connect with the new you.  Don't be scared to shed the old way of observing the world and try on a new perspective I bet you

They should be careful with you

 Right now you need to be careful. You are about to be presented with a choice and you need to really think about the situation. If you make a rash decision you might end up having long lasting consequences. Some experiences you can’t prepare for they just happen and you have to react and the chips will fall where they fall.  You have been forced over and over in life to heal by yourself from wounds that occurred and now your more wary of connections that put you in that vulnerable space of anxiety.  You have won this battle and you have been searching for answers and the answers you have found tell you that it’s about to happen and it’s unique just for you. No one you connect with is going to understand your journey except you so stop trying to explain it.  You are at the end of a cycle. It’s not even a big change it’s just like a sigh. It’s has to end so that new things can begin.

Someone wants to tell you

 I have been feeling so low and childish. I told so many lies that I’ve been trapped in their webs. I sit back and silently watch you. I am trying to figure out how I didn’t see all that you was before. I am literally breathless over you. I’ve been holding back my emotions from you and it hurts I don’t want to do that anymore. I see you and I see me and I know together we are a power couple. My issue is I’m going to fail you. I feel like you are going to be disappointed in me. I fear I’ll never get to make the dreams I have of us together a reality.  I have been drinking a lot. I need to stop for me but right now for us. I don’t like the man I am when I drink and I don’t want that man around you. I want to be a better man. My best kind of man for you.  I’m striving to be good without you. I be fucking up bad and then I see you again and you tell me all the things that have happened to you that if I would just step up would have never happened just reminds be how bad I fucked up. It my


Right now having boundaries and expectations from your relationships are extra important. By keeping your boundaries you avoid starting relationships that have faulty foundations pocked with ulterior motives. Folks who insist on telling you are wrong about what you feel.  People who find it ok to just pop up caused chaos and leave are lurking in your aura be viligent. Some of you do some type of divination and they can’t get around your knowledge to beat you, this person is plotting day and night to end you, but has no idea how to help themselves. They need your energy. They know you make them feel better and while they rather that comes from themselves or it’s someone else not you.  You bring light to their world and they resent you for that. They know they are a menace to your life, but they don’t feel like they owe any apologies.  Acknowledging that you bring light into their life thru your connections to the world is a lot  it causes them to miss you, but not to want to elevate you


  Today you might be taking a chance and there is a opportunity for closure. Someone who has been stabbing you in the back you will be walking away from and be prepared a sneak attack maybe why you walk away.  Right now your single because you are trying to make healthier choices in love self care and being happier. You know that is your wealth. 

To you from them :A

 I thought you was meant to be mine, but I am no longer sure. If there was a moment where I was going to give you my heart that urge is gone. I want us to fix this. Can we go to therapy to fix this? I lie, cheat, and steal, but the few moments I saw clearly was because of you. I fear I will never hold you again. I know I’ll have to stop calling you mine. I have to find my own light. I can’t expect you to always be there for me. I don’t know how to do better. You don’t love me anymore do you? You no longer look at me and see a hero. I just want to make you laugh. I want you to desire to be in my arms. I have no idea how to change this dynamic. Even coming to you and asking how do we fix this ? It scares me because you have every right to laugh at me, yell at me, cuss me out… I can’t handle any of that. I have no more confidence. I broke my own heart. I know your my other half and that is what hurts the most. I hated being separated. I hate missing you. I wish I could go back in time. I


Gasp with me as I surpass the boundary set by those in fear I'd succeed. Letting go of those who refused to let me see how much I blossomed that now flutter around like moths starving for light around me.  Giving in to the love coming with only the desire to adore me and show me real love.  Prompted to listen to the air to find answers since tongues speak only the language serpents speak Angel Number:222 Lucky Number : 2,3

you got this

You feel like you invested in relationships that weren't fulfilling and you are walking away from them. You are ready to make connections with people who uplift you and allow you to be you. You felt like you was lying to yourself and lost yourself trying to be yourself in with these lies. You have been praying to the Divine asking to see the real you. You recently made a decision that is starting you on this enlightened path you might feel unprepared, but you have all the tools you need to make it.  Don't worry so much. You have wisdom gained thru experience. You are also protected against evil and attracting good luck. Your insides are starting to match your outsides its beautiful.  Your boundaries are strong and the old ones have been restored. Don't feel like you are wasting your time. By Springtime you will see such a difference in yourself. Just don't lie to yourself about what you want, like and desire and you will get to your destination. Be the unique you that t