
Showing posts with the label Water signs


Karma is coming good and bad. You knew it was heading your way. You didn't care if certain individuals was happy if they couldn't attribute that happiness to you. You move so uniquely few suspected. Your health is poor right now. Your trying to stick your fingers in your ears to ignore what is happening, but its to persitant. You know exactly how its gonna go. You don't want to think about how you lost the postion you held so tightly onto. You are actually really smart you always adapted and it allowed you to win alot, but unfourunately this one the big one you lost. You have been living in your lower energy for to long. You don't feel wonderful, empathetic, inuitive, righteous or determined and I'm sorry do some shadow work and heal. Healing leads to so many lovely new things. You don't have to be numb anymore. You can have a open heart not a sensitive heart. Kindness wont leave you looking stupid. Kindness begats kindness. I would say reach out but yo

Distance made my heart weep.. come back???

I wanna tear dat ass up. I have grown... in a lot of ways. You bring light to my dark world. Without you I'd still be dead inside. I want to make this work. I know now what i have done to mess things up and I am going to change all of that. I got some ideas and I want try some taboo type things witchu. I see you moving on and I want to catch up. I don't want you being independant anymore I want you connected to me. I will protect you from my mother I know now she is your opp. I didn't understand why and now I get it doesnt matter I am just going to take care of you. I know you can handle yourself, but I see now you shouldn't have to. I didn't get that just you loving me wasn't going to blind you to my actions it just blinded your heart. You refused to accept me for me because you saw thru the facade. Thank you for seeing the real me. I see that im finally doing what you need. I didn't imagine that I wasn't paying attention before but n

Oil and grime, acid rain....Slime beneath me oh slime up above...toxic love

Gotta get away. Gotta run. I gave you a lot for the potential of who we could be. To many people involved in our connection. Tired of people being jealous becuase they dont want to see us together. I dont have time for any of that. I am working on my business and I cant afford to be distracted by games in love. You refuse to change fast enough anyhow. You know I am walking away and you are letting me. You may have gave up your ways but you wont communicate. I am busy being a parent. Shaping lives that will impact the future isnt easy. I am investing in theirs and my future getting spiritually aligned. Those trying to manouver around me will get the life they deserve. Bonous if I get to watch. I am moving up and away cuz I can see that Karma is coming good and bad. I was ready for us to be a we in all ways and have adventures. Instead I had to spend all my time figuring out why you refused to come to me. I couldnt wrap my head around it and I let it hold

is we are or is we aint??

You have decided that taking better care of yourself is paramount in your life. You feel that being in your late 30s early 40s its time to make it a more of a priority. You have someone who wants to know if there is a chance for you to become more than you currently have together. They have decided to not keep you a secret. Also they feel that mone wont be as hard to get to with you by their side. They are wondering if they have lost their sanity because only a crazy peson would not choose what you have to offer. Rght now conversation is sparse or nonexistant. They want this deeper connection. They wish they didnt push your boundaries, but they couldn't help it. They are working on being more loving. They have been crying over this connection. They feel like their spark is gone. They don't feel abundant without you. Talking to you helps them overlook their issues for a while. Right now they are struggling to trust the process. They have learned the truth in t


Someone isn't as fragile as you first thought. You thought because they was beautiful/ handsome they would be easy to take down but its been years and they still are around. You have tarninshed their reputation and decalred to anyone who would listen that this person was for the streets in everyway you could imagine. You talked about them so badly Only Fans and prostitutes alike felt the right to judge them. All because this person had the IT factor from a young age. You even leaned on this person used their wisdom to better your life and you was never apprective nor gave them credit to others. Now it seems like you need this persons help but you have burned every bridge that might have gotten you to them. Your stank behaviour has been your undoing. Instead of seeing this person as a blessing in your life you viewed them as a destructive force then went out of your way to prove this accusation. ONly for it all to be rpven to be lies. From their hair, to their body to

5d conversation

Hey Love, Sit on my lap and let me hold you. I won't hold anything but my body against you. I don't have any plans but to have you. I surrender my heart to you. My only job is to show you repeatedly that I love you and make up for all I have done in the 3d. I know in the 3d I come at your mind and make you doubt our connection, but I am still not healed. I want to make excuses, I want to explain, but I am not stupid I know I am in the wrong. I didn't want to change and now you don't want to be around me. You told me to never talk to you... now I have to figure out how to come back to you. I ain't right and I now that. I am working on being a better version of myself. I want to be a miracle for you. I feel like i need to speed up, but I know that I have you right here with me I just want all me to have all of you. I study you to learn your quirks. I am failing the class that is you. I know if I had forever I still wouldn't know all there is to know about

They call me mellow yellow

I don't enjoy the way I feel. My fucking soul hurts. I don't feel unique in this situation. I feel like I have always been like this and there is no changing, but come to find out it was spell work. I have learned to protect myself. No longer will I accept interferace in my connections. There is one person I want to talk to and it hurts its been so long I almost forget what its like to kiss them. I want to be the shoulder they lean on and that's a issue when others are relentless with their watered down evil eye. I have been working on my soloar plexus chakra. I am no longer controlling, obsessive, and lacking in direction. I had to walk away from things that didn't sit well in my heart. Thats why I can't walk away from you. You are the best thing for me. You are my ideal mate. If you hadn't noticed I've been flirting with you. I suck at it but I want you to know i'm interested. I'm sorry I ghosted. I am coming back. I want to make a movie wi

From a masculine to a Feminine

I got shit to do.  I gotta focus and you are a distraction.  I never had you and now that your gone I've lost a opportunity to have you so fuck it and you!  Except you are on my mind every night, all night. I cannot even hold you while you cry in your dreams because I turned my back on you in the flesh and in the spirit world.  I was in my masculine energy and buried any trace of my feminine energy because it made me feel weak. You have always been my sunrise. You loved me at my worse. I even stopped loving me I can't understand how you do it. I know you used to ask me what I liked to see you in and it's your dresses. You seem so soft and vulnerable. I know you are not vulnerable in the least, but you just ooze feminity like Gaia in Captain Planet. When it came to you I always knew it was you. I just didn't want it to be you. If I had a better example at home maybe I would have done better by you. I hope you would have gotten a better me because I know in any universe I

Competition for what???

  You have someone who thinks they are in competition with you. They don’t just want to win they want you dead. Not able to review e the pentacles that Source has planned to give you. You are protected by your spirit team who are armed to the gills prepared to show anyone what is really good. Your whole life is about communing and celebrating your spiritual journey so you are truly connected and can’t be fucked with. Your childlike love for the Divine and for those who came before you puts a smile on your face that those looking down on you can’t comprehend.  Again I’m being told you are being protected and watched over.  This person coming for you is blocked like the first black surgeon was performing on white folks. This person coming for you has no idea they are trying to wrestle a lion you are a Empress or your in your feminine energy and you can’t be taken off your throne. 

you got the touch

  You are like Rumpelstiltskin or midas making Gold out of the simple. The problem is no one around you truly appreciates that this talent comes from you. They have even made you feel so bad about this amazing gift that you contemplating walking away from it.  You are surrounded by enemies, but spirit is going to be pulling these folks away. You may be in hermit mode trying to figure out which path is yours to be on to find your enlightenment. You may have been dealing with a Soulmate who distracted you from your path.  You have been off your path for a while tricked like a person eating something in the fairy lands.  Be weary like someone avoiding a black cat.  You are awesome and in this 4 of pentacles energy you only have up to go. Stay vigilant and grounded as you move forward. No one in negative energy will be able to stop your progress.


 Overflow it's  coming that abundance you want is coming. That extra umph you need is here. Stop getting frustrated you have been putting in the work. You have let go of alot of connections that no longer serve you. You are seeking healing for yourself. No, longer trying to please others. You are taking care of yourself  mind, body, and soul. You aren't letting no-one sabotage this self love affair. Now if someone wants to be in your presence that they have to show you by action. Its all about timing. When the time is right Spirit will send you to your final first time Love. You got this!!! Its only solo for a little while longer. You are definitely showing the world what being a BLACK sheep means and your partner will be about that same energy. They won't try to hold you back or sabotage you. They will be your warrior. They won't take chances without discussing it. They will show you a love that goes back to the first moment of the very first love.   They won't put

Is it you or me??

Someone wants to get use to you, but they are sneaky. You are protecting yourself not confiding in others because you have found it brings more harm then good.  Deceptive energy abounds don't let it be you. While you are seeking paths that are more appealing. You are aiming to work smarter not harder. Change isn't easy so it will be something  you do have to make a easier way for yourself.  You will be entering new environments where you don't feel balanced. Don't worry you have home within you so when you feel lost  center yourself. Leaving a area you used to be apart of may be how you get to expand. Life has been hard for you but Spirit says no longer. All Divine wants is for you to go with the flow.  You are learning your new crafts and focusing on being committed to your growth. Your uniqueness is a gift too! Day by day your getting better, but stopping puts a speed bump of resistance you have to go over anytime you stop applying yourself.  Song message:  Sorry not

Its time to heal

 You wish you could change the past. There were moments of great Peace, but now it is bad so bad you want to die, but you keep trudging along. Its deeper than depression, but your just coasting along. You don't feel abundant you don't even feel abundant. You don't feel like a black sheep you feel  invisible and incomplete. Your looking at empty connections, but wont leave them alone. You're tired of life's lessons. You don't know how to fully pull away from them. You are struggling with self love and self sabotage and once you heal from this you will be able to walk away.  You don't have to stay in the energy of continual loss. Those hard lessons can lead you to the greatest answers possibly even your sweetest taboo.  Fyi the person you feel NEEDY about you aren't healed enough to be there for them focus on yourself buddy. Back up and heal before coming towards someone its not their job to heal you or even show you how to heal.  This is your journey. You

Sekhmet, Sagittarius, Pluto, Capricorn,Scorpio,Leo,Taurus, Cancer, Geb,

  You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should  focus on personal development now. Soon you will reach your higher state of consciousness. This is also a time to be scrupulous in your dealings with others and to control your negative thoughts and feelings. Try to cultivate positivity. Step away from stress and strain. You might need to stop away from somethings you use to worry about, but you are finally realizing it was never your responsibility. Take a good look at yourself, your needs and physical surroundings. Its time yo be strong in your decisions and action concerning your physical well being.  The decisions you need  to make are often best made in solitude outside the influence of others. If you need to grieve the end of a relationship do it! Stop trying to pretend like it doesn't hurt and bother you. Its ok to show emotion. Just remember this was long overdue and was just the spilled milk of your relationship history.  Angel Numbers: 1010,1212

Break ups happen in families, friendships and work situations acknowledge it so you can heal

 Outdated thinking is getting you no-where fast. You have this way of looking at the world that filters out certain people and situations and now you've got to change your frequency you are missing out on to many things.  Staying in your head continuously reminiscing over bad memories and past betrayal will not free you and most certainly will not help you grow to the level spiritually you desire to be at.  You are not in over your head or in a situation you are ill prepared for it literally is your own insecurities ( yes some of those were handed to you by others) that are trapping you in this particular stagnant spot.   You are on a Journey. You are searching for your Great LOVE. No one faults you for that. All the Divine is asking for is your unconditional self love to be what you focus on first because getting lost in your person will detour you from where you are supposed to be on your path. Oneness, that ultimate soulmate space you desire to be in is there for you to have ju