
Showing posts with the label nephthy

I am ready for Love

They have kept us apart long enough. I have done enough research to know you are the real deal. I see a abundant life with you. I run these streets but you run my sheets. There is something you dont see coming and Im excited you arent expecting it. I ambuilding something big for us. I am going to need your help. Karma has been kicking my ass. You have a way of doing things that make me want to cater to you. I want to give you gatorade when your tummy aches. I want to take a social media break with you just shut it all off and immerse ourselves in each other. You are going to ruin my surprise though. You are so in the know with the spirit you might "hear" my plans before I even make them. I didnt confess my love and that is why I missed out on you and why I'm trying so hard to make my way back. I know I can't do this without you. I am no longer hesitant. I see the simliarites in our life. You are unexpected blessing andI'm not planning on letytin

Should I move ???

You are safe first and foremost. Anyone who is triggered by your peace and happiness cant have axcess to you.They cant piss on your dreams. Start speaking your truth. The syncrincites is speaking to you. The hurdles are almost all gone. You have one person whose loyalty is divided and will try to stop you. They will try to introduce negativities ( negative activities) into your life to distract you but you have survived all these karmic lessons you won't fall in the trap. You might need a lawyer for whatever decisions your making. Its ok o talk to those you truat about your situation. Whomever is trying to cause destruction in your life is about to recieve their just desserts. They're actually watching you hoping all goes bad. Their spiritual protection is gone and folks is wanting to know why you arent around. This person or people they can't understand how you got out of all the traps they set for you. This person has projected so much negativity to

Because I listened to my elders...

Imma stop smoking. Im checking out stock options I know something isn't right and I"m trying to prepare for it. I'm smart and I know that plans take time. I am making moves that is going to bless my legacy. Noone has done it like me so there is no lessson plans to study especially when it comes to love. You want long term love and it will come because people have no idea how lucky they are to know you and have you in there lives. A drug dealer in particular wants you and wants to know why cant they see the world as you do.They are trying to prove themselves to you. You see their indecisiveness and you are metting them where they are. If they want to wait then so be it they can wait tell hell freezes over and you wont be worried bout it because your not stuck this stagnacy you wont accept. This person whether the drug dealer or someone else they are sorry they hurt you. They want to haved some sexual healing. They know you have that je na sa qui. They a

Karmic Feminine message to Divine Feminine

God you are so smart! How are you so confident and, happy when all these bad things happen in your life? Then your love with Divine Masculine is beautiful. I have even seen the growth sense I've been more involved in his life. I want to see what really happens between ya'll cuz it cant really be so magical. I played him to the left. I didn't cocreate with him. I ruined our abundance. I played like I didnt see what I was doing was causing pain. If i could I would fix it now. How you handle all this is ridiculous who is that strong? If you let me I would love to talk to you. I did you wrong. I would love to be firends. Regardless we are family now. I think about putting some of the stuff you say on shirts. I can't hold him back much longer. I should have appreciated him. After all my spying I look up to you. All my secrets are coming out. I tried to copy you and I wasted money and time. I dont get how you do it. Due to all I have done now people are watching you bec

Karmic Masculine to Divine Feminine

Its over over ain't it? You should've cheated on me. You was faithful to a ideal. I wasn't honest with you. I even had a baby on you but you don't know yet. I did't know you was meant to be my kingdom mate. I tore you down for no reason. If you give me a chance I would dig deep for you. I will give you the sex life you deserve. I was selfish. I felt safe but never made you feel safe. I have nothing to offer you but struggle love becuase I dont want to work hard. I have so many bad things happening I hope you are still covering me. I tried to destroy the joy you had. I wanted to have you clingy on me. I didnt understand not all women are like that. I can't pop up on you. I can't be intimate with you. I just want you to love me. I really want to prove my love thru sex. I just know you will fall back in love if i pull out my tricks. I will do and say anything to get you back to me. I need you. My life is in shambles and noone wants to save me. I ain'

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Masculine

You need help or something? You already know how she feels. You can feel her in your soul. I hoped you would devestate her and leave her broken. I was hoping you would give her something incurable you know bring her down to where she belongs. Why should her heart heal? Mine never did. You know what come on over here I'll put this grown woamn on you and you wont want her anymore. I need someone to pick me over her!!!I'm going to make a move on you that child doesnt know what to do with a real man. I dont see my age I think I'm young and more desirable. I watched you walk away from that child to your destruction and i cheered. All the bad luck i couldnt create for her i wished on her. Losing you was just the creme of the crop. I laughed at all your dalliances because they cut her to the core. When you fought i hoped you would yell to trigger her. All the kind things you would do for her made me sick. Why was she getting a doting lover and i had noone? I wish you was my ma

Ask yourself…

 You are not accepting empty offers anymore. You are only accepting that which you have made yourself. You have survived often being poisoned by those close to you and though you have built up a immunity you still choose to do things yourself.  You might be bonding with a pet more or you are looking to get a pet. It’s your spirit looking to bond with another being while you become more balanced. Like a animal finds peace in the midst of wild places so must you find peace in the wild parts of you. You can be the Emperor or Empress of yourself  if you get out of that slow moving knight energy and move pass being leader of a kingdom and be a leader of nations. Recognize the strength within you.   It’s ok for you to step towards challenges versus being overwhelmed by them and having to figure out the problem as it occurs. It’s time for preventative fighting and protecting and the way to start is to know what you really are fighting for. Then why must you fight? Once you have those answers