
Showing posts with the label Sekhmet


Im looking to the sky because like Tupac said, "Everything is going to be all right." Right now it feels like you are o a uphill battle and there is interference. I have been fighting for love do you know that. Specifically I am fighting for your love. I always knew a great love was out there for me. I had hopes it was you but you choose to remain stagnant and you are starting to rot in your stubbornness. You are out here behaving like a depraved leader. You took my breath away i thought you was the eye in the storm. My mistake you was the fulcrum to all the drama. I'm leaving. I wanted to smoke and pick your brain but i don't want really anything to do with you anymore your blind to your habits. I am tired of being in a groundhog day situation with you same shit all the time. You dont even fuck up in new ways. You act like you don't get it you aren't in charge. You are a beacon of darkness, lies and emotional abuse offering me up like im a nag a chips f

Parental Angel's message

You are my heart. I still worry about you even with circumstances as they are. I use to rub your back when we woul have serious convos. I thought i would have more time with you. I have been trying to connect with you but you wont sit still long enough to hear me. You want to feel more love just sit still im right with you. Anytime you need to talk I am still here. I won't judge you or interrupt. I won't ask intrusive questions. I want you to accept your soul famuly because they will echo the love I have for you. I know there was times in the past where you needed a break from me well no pressure now lol. You may not be feeling seen right now but please be reassured you are seen and cherished. Noone is talking negatively or bringing up up all your bad deeds waiting to pounce. You have Shea butter baby vibes and im so happy that you feel that energy deep inside. Do not be surprised if your next child reminds you of me. When it rains think of me. Im sorry love c

kicked the habit that is you

Normally I am the hunter prepared for any type of prey. Usually I come after people becuase of what they have. I set my eyes on them and i always hit my shot. Yet, lately I just want to make my own. I want to be able to say I did it myself. I want to know that you know that means my money will be slower. I want to evolve and in my present circumstances I don't see the possiblity of healing. I spent a lot of time chasing our connection. I was so codependant terrified that if I didnt fix our connection there would be no connection to have. I knew i couldnt turn to my friends to find solace. Living in the moment wasnt going to save me when i was drowning in our connection. I needed time to be my best self and i allowed societies pressures to dictate how i made that happened. Progress was more important than growth and refuse to embrace the idea that the paradigm of our connection was always wrong. The lack of healthy choices in our connection trickled to other conne


Someone isn't as fragile as you first thought. You thought because they was beautiful/ handsome they would be easy to take down but its been years and they still are around. You have tarninshed their reputation and decalred to anyone who would listen that this person was for the streets in everyway you could imagine. You talked about them so badly Only Fans and prostitutes alike felt the right to judge them. All because this person had the IT factor from a young age. You even leaned on this person used their wisdom to better your life and you was never apprective nor gave them credit to others. Now it seems like you need this persons help but you have burned every bridge that might have gotten you to them. Your stank behaviour has been your undoing. Instead of seeing this person as a blessing in your life you viewed them as a destructive force then went out of your way to prove this accusation. ONly for it all to be rpven to be lies. From their hair, to their body to


Something came in a flash and is leaving just as fast. You thought you had the game sewed up and you came to learn there is way mor to it. You didn't gain what you sought. You have lost the will to continue the fight you began so eagerly. Now is time to sit back and reap what you sewed there is no changing it now. You are going to be tossed better then a italian salad in a Nona's kitchen. Spirit is going to take their time. All that moon magic has a price. You looked to the skies and tried to ignore the star. Their is no solace for your choice. You felt you was the better choice. You didnt know enough. You could have had a ally. You thought you was stronger. You got fycked. Drinking is not going to help. Can you over come the storm heading your way no... but you can pick up he pieces afterward if you choose to. You aren't hearing any messages because you stopped listening like Saul and let envy enter your heart. If you only wanted to make a difference the

Who admires you

This person feels no worries when they are with you. This person may have been your enemy in the past, but now they want to prove themselves to you. They have recognized that with you they can find healing. They fear looking you in the eyes you might catch the lies still floating in there. This person is aware you may never fully trust them, but that doesnt change that they want to be apart of your life. This person is looking for signs and syncronicity to come and make your life better. This person chooses to redeem themselves by being a true friend to you. This person is ok with not being in your life if that is your choice. They will not persue you if honoring your boundaries is all they can do then that is how they will honor you. Your friendship would be the icing on the cake, but this person is truly turning over a new leaf. So the change up will be apparent in all aspects of their lives. They dont have 100 percent confidence just yet but they are growing. This friend wil

i expect too much from you

I have such high expectations of you and its not fair because it doesnt allow you to trulybe yourself. Yet i expect you to be perfect and noone can be that way. I want tobe there for you and I really dont know how to do that. I want to cater to you but instead i attack and undermine. Its like I am posessed everytime I deal with you and the worst parts of me come out and then I have to act like I meant to do all that cuzotherwise Im crazy for apologizing for being a dick all the time, Right now I'm a dummy I want to marry you and I am the worst. I keep pushing you away when all I want to do is pull you close. You are my comfort and understanding & I want to protect you and yet I am your worst enemy. I keep lying to you just to keep you close even though I know you would definitly be better off with out me. I know we knew each other in a past life and I know it indicates we had a chance for a connection now, but with my behavior I ruined things and I dont see us connectiing

Master Manifestor

You need to speak with your chest. If you want to propose you have to talk to the person you want to marry. Standing in the shadows just watching them solves what?? Stop trying to create situations and just pick up the phone and call. Someone is dealing with the law and that is one reason why they havent called. They are expereriencing Karma left and right. They dont want to bring that around you. Once all that is handled they want to come your way and ask you if they can play for keeps. This person can be in their late 30s or early 40s. They are very creative. They look innocent but can hwip some ass. They also are actually as nice as they come across. This person isn't coming to you in Ares/Athena energy this person is going to be your Hephaestus/Hestia some who knows the value of home, love, and loyalty. Its time for a romantic level up. I know that sounds kind of arogant, but it is the truth as you level up you need a partner who not only matches your fly but matches

Why do i feel stuck

I can't seem to make anything happen. I have been seeking peace and its hiding from me. I can't text you because I won't find the answers I require. I need to see you in person. I need to have physical connection with you. I am aware there are others out there who crave your energy as well. I know I could have had you but i wasn't authentic in my desires and actions. I moved to soon and assumed you would beg to make me happy. I didn't realize I was ugly in my actions and persona. The Gods above see my behavior and cursed me for it. Your ancestors has razed my mind and heart all that left is guilt. I have been able to dream and talk to you but the convo never goes how I want. Even in my dreams you are cursing me out. I'm thinking of calling you and asking you to pull my cards. Trust me I'm prepared to kiss your ass to get some help. I know full well that I can't wear a mask around you. I just don't know who the real me is so there might not be a

it's over...

  " Baby its a shame we have to go thru this . We don't even talk girl we don't even kiss. I never thought we would be breaking up like this but its over now. " ~ 112 Someone is realizing that what they once percieved about you was wrong. This whole idea they had of who you were and what you stood for has been shifted dramatically. This change has got them questioning everything and now they want to hang out and ask you about all the things you have revealed. You have this way at looking at things that is not the other side of things, but is a balanced and rich manner and it brings abundance of self and knowledge. You also make it happen no matter how and you don't compromise yourself to do it.  You are light hearted and and you are always seking more in life. You bring life to the darkness and it doesnt want to leave.

Letter from your person

Hey, You are on my mind at night. You haunt my dreams. This craving for another person is not what I am used to. I have been asking the universe for patience as I have been having some arguments with myself due to a unwillingness to face the man in the mirror.  I have this emptiness inside and I don't know how to fill it a f it makes me feel incomplete. I feel sluggish and unproductive.  Please don't let this connection slip away. You bring out the best in me.  This space we are in where we don't speak where we aren't connected feels so imbalanced.  I am leaving my person. I know that is the biggest issue. Not to say my behavior isn't one as well. I am just saying that I know that is the biggest issue between us.  I know I can't talk my way back into your heart and life. My actions need to line up with where you are and I can't plateau either I have to keep growing.  I know now I didn't do right by you. I am sorry I should've known better.  Sidebar:

I don't want to close my eyes...

Someone misses you. They recount your memories like someone going thru their comic book collection.  I keep hearing that song by Areosmith and it's just the beginning of the chorus." I don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you babe and I don't want to miss a thang..."  Abundance of love is all this person dreams of when it comes to you, but they feel they have nothing worthwhile to offer. Inspire of their lack this person is willing to bust their butt to bring you happiness.  This person has watched your growth as you have triumphed over situations that would have caused others to go down a dark path.  You took a leap of faith on yourself and your glowing so beautifully and they can't help but admire you in all ways.  To know that they can lift you from where you are and set you among the stars is not just a wish, but a reality they are manifesting. They want to upend your world in a good way. 

Ask yourself…

 You are not accepting empty offers anymore. You are only accepting that which you have made yourself. You have survived often being poisoned by those close to you and though you have built up a immunity you still choose to do things yourself.  You might be bonding with a pet more or you are looking to get a pet. It’s your spirit looking to bond with another being while you become more balanced. Like a animal finds peace in the midst of wild places so must you find peace in the wild parts of you. You can be the Emperor or Empress of yourself  if you get out of that slow moving knight energy and move pass being leader of a kingdom and be a leader of nations. Recognize the strength within you.   It’s ok for you to step towards challenges versus being overwhelmed by them and having to figure out the problem as it occurs. It’s time for preventative fighting and protecting and the way to start is to know what you really are fighting for. Then why must you fight? Once you have those answers

Blame it on the rain

Silly little one. You can’t ignore that you have to eat and drink more healthier. Junk food and sugary drinks aren’t for you. You have been feeling lethargic, snappy and your bowels are probably looser than normal. You are supposed to be glowing, growing, and reaping your rewards at this time in your life. You are being watched over by loved ones and your spirit team. You have been letting your gifts fall to the wayside out of fear. Letting others opinions and sense of right cause you to let go of your spiritual support team and second guess your path.  You are developing a healthy ego and it’s letting you fly in areas of life you used to fail. Like any good POC comic character you are wielding lightning instead of getting hit. It’s ok to admit you need to learn more and then you make a effort to go about learning. Something you create is going to flip your life around.  You have been manifesting and the Universe says it’s time to start receiving so get balanced so you can begin catchi

Everyone has feminine and masculine energy

 You are surrounded by stars, but I’m not sure you realize you are the biggest star among them. You shine bright and you stand out. You are starting to see evidence of your Empress energy. You are no longer fighting to be relaxed you are just going with the flow. You have found that peace in your feminine energy  instead of the pressure of your masculine energy. The fruits of your labor are coming to fruition and you are starting to see it.  You used to fight so hard to make things come to pass and you had others fighting you to stop you from going down your path. The more you fought the less you was able to move forward. You put away your sword and your trying to use your words and you have found they cut even deeper then any fight could  cause. There are power in words use them cautiously, but figure out the balance and utilize it to your best ability.

You need to matter to you

  You haven’t been taking care of your self. You have been doing to much and you feel run down, defeated, outta shape and aimless. You have lost that spark that made it easy to roll outta bed and jut live life, but you failed to remember your the light and the match. You create the spark and your capable of turning it into a proper fire that will burn for ages.  The scales of life has been tallied and you are balanced. Keep on a acknowledging what your aware of ignorance and taking on things we aren’t meant to poison us and then we have to begin healing all over.  All that stagnant energy is just waiting for the outlet you provide. The strength of any gambit depends on its players and the stakes. You’re the player and the stakes are your life so be ready to wrestle lions, tigers and bears.  Everything is waiting for you to not only choose it, but to grab it with both hands. Now be mindful not all your choices are good some start of good, but will lay you by the wayside later, other’s w

Eat it boo!!!

  You have your defenses up and your enemies are surrounding you like starving hyenas. They also see you as mysterious and unable to reach like the moon. You are just creating more abundance for your foundation. You are grounding yourself. You are the victor in this war you have been in. They are slowly surrendering seeing that you have created this strength and you know how utilize it. They thought they was going to come in like a monster and have a army and spill your cups. Instead they can’t even get to you. 


  You are smart, have good energy, and you present it in a willful way but you are also impulsive. Your sincerity is apparent to all after talking to you because when you walk into a room folks feel like you are flexing on them. Tchue/Tlaciache(hero who brought fire to mankind) risked his life to bring a tool of change to man and I feel you are very much like him in you see a need and you want to figure out how to fulfill it. So keep on doing whatever you are doing in the world to be a part of the light and keep on passing out tools I feel that is your calling.


  Today you might be taking a chance and there is a opportunity for closure. Someone who has been stabbing you in the back you will be walking away from and be prepared a sneak attack maybe why you walk away.  Right now your single because you are trying to make healthier choices in love self care and being happier. You know that is your wealth. 

you got the touch

  You are like Rumpelstiltskin or midas making Gold out of the simple. The problem is no one around you truly appreciates that this talent comes from you. They have even made you feel so bad about this amazing gift that you contemplating walking away from it.  You are surrounded by enemies, but spirit is going to be pulling these folks away. You may be in hermit mode trying to figure out which path is yours to be on to find your enlightenment. You may have been dealing with a Soulmate who distracted you from your path.  You have been off your path for a while tricked like a person eating something in the fairy lands.  Be weary like someone avoiding a black cat.  You are awesome and in this 4 of pentacles energy you only have up to go. Stay vigilant and grounded as you move forward. No one in negative energy will be able to stop your progress.