
Showing posts with the label Year of the Rabbit

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

You can't take my child!!!

Somebody's mama wants to fight you. Do you have steps to protect yourself from this person? This woman doesn't even have the morals of a child so any kind of drama is acceptable to them. When you was around this woman ypu was probably drained and I know they definietly drained you trying to protect your back. This woman came for your crown chakra trying to block your insight into their behavior. You just so happen to be the ideal of what a feminine means to this mother. Your caring heat, your inteligence, your cooking skills and especially your looks. They miss treated you every chance they got under the guise of mentoring you. Any kindness shown to you was a distraction for their need to find out what was happening in yor life. This woman is trying to stop their child from coming your way. They fear you having a child and cementing a connection they have been trying to destroy. If they could stab you and get away with it they would. Even the idea of hiring a hi

Ding Dong the bytch is dead

Someone is thinking of you. They kept you in the dark to their true nature. The lies they told you and about you only exposed their own brokenness. This person got off on hurting you. Dimming your light was their favorite past time. They loved to talk about you to others. Your willingness to be vulnerable with them gave them all the ammunition they needed to destroy you repeatedly for years. You had a talent for doing things that should not have came natural but they did and you excelled at them. You was intelligent and good looking as weell. You brighten the life of those you came in contact with. This person was determined to prevent you from reaching your destiny. If you hadf a person they played a hand in your seperation. You may have had a connection from adolesence that this person was jealous of. Your person probably did unique things to spoil you and this person knew and was so hateful about it. Somehow your person has found out about the back door drama

being in touch can hurt

You want to talk more. You are waiting to hear from your beloved. You might be holding on tight to your electronics just waiting. Your false twin kept you unbalanced, There was no duality between yall. You are so greateful that your connection is over. You arent going back you are seeking a new connection. You want to graw and transform and in your past that seemed to be undermined by anyone who knew you for too long. Your future connection will end in union and wedded bliss. Do not worry this love is built on eternal promises. You will be getting a call soon from someone hoping to connect. This call will be the one you have been waiting for they will tell you that you have been on their heart. This past energy is lacking confidence, they are frustrated with themselves. They are always self sabotaging due to ego and insecurity.Their jealousy is tangible. They play games and think you dont notice. They have been holding back and blame it on you when really its their tr

message from someone

Someone wants to tell you... I miss us being closer. Music plays and I instantly think of you sometimes I hear your voice. I feel stupid cuz I lost you. You were my butterfly. I'll never get someone like you. I fucked up one time to many and lost out big time. It sucks I had to lose you to see that you move like I move. I won't lie I'm not sorry for what I did I'm just sorry it hurt you. I'm trapped in the darkness now. I see your eyes everywhere looking at me so sadly. We are no longer the same when did it change? Why must we be in seperation? Can I pretend to be someone else and stay in your energy? I will give you all the time I withheld from you in the past. I won't be a detriment to you. The lie that gets to me the most is the one I have to tell the world because you aren't in my life anymore. It's like everything is a karmic lesson. I can't even pray. I managed to break my own heart. #luckynumber2 #luckynumber3 #luckynumber7 You are ab

General Message

Someone is waiting for money to come in. A promotion was supposed to be heading your way and there has been some interferance. You may be looking at job sites preparing for moving to a better oppurtunity. There was to much drama at your workplace and you are just trying to work. You are teachiing folks, showing them new ways and folks are reaching out to you and desiring more from you. You may be under attack having suicidal thouhgt out of nowhere. Do not fret they are not your thoughts and emotions it is projection from foks who do not want to see you win. You know that you aren't perfect and aren't trying to be anyhing more than who you are. The people upset with you for healing they wanted you to dry in your tears. You make history just showing up. Your life has been shaped by ptsd and yet your still loving and kind. You have severed ties that were attempting to blow up your spot. What you have going is so beautiful and you make people think of you. People want to be in

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Masculine

You need help or something? You already know how she feels. You can feel her in your soul. I hoped you would devestate her and leave her broken. I was hoping you would give her something incurable you know bring her down to where she belongs. Why should her heart heal? Mine never did. You know what come on over here I'll put this grown woamn on you and you wont want her anymore. I need someone to pick me over her!!!I'm going to make a move on you that child doesnt know what to do with a real man. I dont see my age I think I'm young and more desirable. I watched you walk away from that child to your destruction and i cheered. All the bad luck i couldnt create for her i wished on her. Losing you was just the creme of the crop. I laughed at all your dalliances because they cut her to the core. When you fought i hoped you would yell to trigger her. All the kind things you would do for her made me sick. Why was she getting a doting lover and i had noone? I wish you was my ma

You are making it happen

 You are are carrying ideas that you are about to birth and the world better watch out. You been getting some downloads in the dream state. You have let go of your burdens and no longer are you allowing others to place their burdens on you and cause towers in your life. You have found that thing in your life that draws you. You wake up thinking of it go to sleep thinking of it too. No more will your cups be overturned. Because you have put your enthusiasm to your work it’s beginning to gain traction. You aren’t fighting no more you have surrendered to the divine. You have released relationships that no longer serve you. You have walked away from all that would make you feel low. You was scared to leave before because you thought you was supposed to be cautious, but instead your about to just dive in and trust the universe. 

A letter from someone to you.

 Dear you, I’m gonna get back to you. I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I hate you. I’m gonna hurt you. I want to strip everything from you. Why can’t I trap you? The games I play should not be obvious to you. You was supposed to stay asleep to what was happening. You taunt me thru every source of entertainment I try to utilize. All of them justifying retribution that should be yours not mine.  I am due Justice!!! Someone owes ME!  I demand my due! I am a Royal! I have made my mark and I will be recognized. I don’t need to be reflective. I am who I was meant to be. I don’t do politically correct! I hate feeling like I lost out on you. I’m low key proud you figured me out, but I resent it too because that means your not in my grasp.  I thought I had all the obstacles out maneuvered, but your so smart you threw up new ones.  If we was in another place I’d come back to you and be different. I’d give you that soft rough love you desire. I’m just scarred to trust my heart to you. You’re my

I don't care if you don't want me, I want to possess you it doesn't feel right without our connection

 song message: Tired of Being Alone~ Al Green I'm so tired of being alone I'm so tired of on-my-own Won't you help me girl Soon as you can I guess you know that I, uh, I love you so Even though you don't want me no more Hey hey hey hey, I'm cryin' tears All through the years I'll tell ya like it is Honey, love me if you will Yeah baby Tired of being alone here by myself, now I tell ya, I'm tired baby I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night In my dreams, nobody but you, baby Sometimes I wonder If you love me like you say you do You see baby, I been thinkin' about it, yeah I been, I been wantin' to get next to you baby Ya see, sometimes I hold my arms, I say mmmm hmmm hmmm Yeah baby Meeting you has proven to me To be my greatest dream, yeah Message: You might be in a situation where you are connected to someone or someones who a karmic to you and they have a karmic as well and they both are sending ill will your way or even doing dark m

what are you creating?

  You want to be alone cuz your in your crafty stage.  Someone wants you to call them. They want to hear your voice. They want to get to know you, because they think you might just be the one. Whatever is happening they miss you. While they are waiting to connect with you they are leveling up.They feel like you have that It Factor. They want to indulge a little drink and smoke and pick your brain. They are hoping that convo will let them know if your capable of being the One who they can level up continuously with. They want to be be able to heal together not at odds forever.  They want to dream with you and make them a reality. They want to show you over and over they are focused. They see the right kind of the changes in life start and end with you. They want to be the prescription to your pain.  Angel Number: 2021,012,920,250

You gotta reap what you sewed

 Are you in denial? Are you realizing that disliking someone over lies has only caused you to feel  or face rejection. That path you are doggedly sticking to will not put you on a good vibe that soothes your soul path.  You might be sad and in your thoughts. Your thinking hard even thinking about the past and how you wish your parents would stay together. You are experiencing BIG lessons. Lessons that are causing you depression because you won't stop playing games. You can't even enjoy music because its telling on you. Every songs lyrics seem to describe your behavior, past actions or relationships.  What you think is being done in the dark or in your heart will be  told to those who are spiritually connected. You maybe angry because you can't manifest, but thats cuz your hearts not in the right place.  If you don't want the lesson's spirit is handing out then you need to stop the behavior that is bringing out the lessons.  Stop calling out to the Divine to stop you

A convo between a masculine and feminine

The feminine energy  says everything you know about me is a lie, but since you want to believe it; peace out. The masculine energy  says don't walk away. Nobody walks away; who cares if it is a repeated cycle. You're mine! That should be enough for you.  The feminine energy  wants the masculine energy to look in the mirror and face themselves. See what they have became and why they are walking away. They have learned lessons in love and it hurt. Its the time for the masculine to learn . They have stopped letting the masculine energy influence their thoughts and actions.  The masculine energy  is hiding something. They want to blame it on childhood trauma , but the actions they are planning are all on them. They are stalking the feminine energy they find no entertainment except thru the feminine. The masculine knows their mask is gone, but they honestly didn't  think the feminine would leave. The wishy washy behavior they have been living in they thought they could stay in i

The answer is yes

 You feel like you have been over-whelmed by your past. Shadows, sorrows and self destructive behaviors that feed attitudes and hand out doubt like it was Halloween candy. Guess what you and only you can wipe the slate clean. You are the director of your life. Whatever the question you have been asking the answer is Yes!!! Its ok to be optimistic when you are heart is more open to optimism and Love Shadows are easier to push away. You have healed and its ok to wear scars proudly. You have gained them thru war and you survived. If you need to forgive and forget do it for you. Trust yourself, there is no limit to where you can go if you just imagine it. Do not block your emotions. The world you are destined to help create for your lineage cannot be sown in fear. If you step back you will see you don't have to control the world to change the world. Your greatest triumph isn't what you have done its that you keep trying.  Go you!! 

Someone is a liar and they have ill intentions

 Oh boy they Know you are the total package. They have a attitude!! They want to have a conversation with  you to ask you have faith in them. They want to say they won't change for themselves why did you think they  would change for you? They say they aren't going to change no matter what  they say. They sabotage your relationship on purpose. even though they know their behavior is hurting you. They actually find it hilarious watching you flounder around trying to figure out how to get into their good graces.  They honestly feel like they don't need you but they like having your energy and efforts to boost their ego because you always go the extra mile.They know they got you so why make more effort or feel insecure?  They also don't feel like they need to heal cuz they are fine you are the one who needs help your obsessed with them so you  pathetic because you should know your to good for them. You accept them at their absolute worse and you won't believe them when

you got this

You feel like you invested in relationships that weren't fulfilling and you are walking away from them. You are ready to make connections with people who uplift you and allow you to be you. You felt like you was lying to yourself and lost yourself trying to be yourself in with these lies. You have been praying to the Divine asking to see the real you. You recently made a decision that is starting you on this enlightened path you might feel unprepared, but you have all the tools you need to make it.  Don't worry so much. You have wisdom gained thru experience. You are also protected against evil and attracting good luck. Your insides are starting to match your outsides its beautiful.  Your boundaries are strong and the old ones have been restored. Don't feel like you are wasting your time. By Springtime you will see such a difference in yourself. Just don't lie to yourself about what you want, like and desire and you will get to your destination. Be the unique you that t