
Showing posts with the label hapi


Someone wants to finally keep a promise to you. This person doesn't have to reflect anymore they know with you is where they want to be. If this person used to be a ass they no longer are a huge jackass. Your love is saving this person and they are so grateful. This person is willing to kiss your ass in attempt to make something happen. In a past fall season they failed to prove their love toward you. They see how hard you are working and they dont want to interrupt.They also know you chew people up and spit them out. Yet in spite of allthat they still see you as someon who they want tohave in sickness and health. They are heart broken right now over you. They feel you are the lottery and they lost out by just one digit so they are gioing tokeep teyring until they get you. They are so impatient. They feel you are punishing them. So many people got your name in their mouths they can't help, but keep thinking of you. Nothing they are learning right now are they retaining ass

its a new day and time for a new beginning

Someone wants to tell you, I can weather any storm with you. I just want to put a lil excitement in your life. The world is scary, but knowing your in it keeps them sane. You make them feel lucky and lovely. You don't trigger them. That makes them feel so good. They wish you would reconnect with them. You can take care of yourself and they cant. They will never admit they did you wrong. Get in touch with feminine energy your most powerful in this energy. You have the ability to see the potential in anything. This spring this person wants to attempt to see you. They want to have the right to call you theirs. This person or people wants to work with you. They see how cool you are with the universe. They want your nourishing energy. They broke their own heart hurting you. You gave some of them wings and they only can soar because of you. Folks are mad because they won't get to continue in your energy in this lifetime or the next. They abused your boundaries. You are lettin

Who wants you dead dead?

This person used to kiss your ass so much they might as well have tossed ypur salad. They showed you all of them and you accepted them and they had the nerve to judge you because if they was you they wouldnt be there for them. Just backwards energy. You are so creative and gentle. This may have been a childhood sweetheart who refuse to communicate with you their true feelings and blames you becuase they can't speak up. If you was less intemidating, less sure of yourself, unsure of yourself when walking your path. The person recognized you on a soul level and instead of embracing you they turned against you. They kept their time from you which is what you craved the most. They wanted you to indefinitely be waiting for them. It fed their ego knowing that you wanted more with them. Now they are circling the block becuase they feel their hope is gone. Your love lifts them. Your level up is their come up as far as they are concerned. The more you gain the more you can give them.


I don't understand you anymore. I look back at old texts and videos and im aching. I used those pics and videos. I perfer them to the real stuff. You are so tantalizing. I love sitting back and thinking about the last time and my favortite time and that other time... I see you as a light bringer and i know we are connected. I have some sexual transmitted demons and a actual sexual transmitted illness. I can't relax I messed up so bad. I will kiss your ass to prove my devotion ... after I get healthy again. I want to undersand you better. I want to get to know you like its the first time again.I just want to chill and vibe with you. I am coming your way soon. I know I have lied in the past, but I am working on peoving my hnesty in allmy actions. I want get grounded and start practicing mindful relaxation.

Karmic Lessons

I don't need another lesson in love they hrut. I know I am becoming a faded memory. I miss you so much. I choose to not stand up for myself for a very long time and you walked away. I was allowing others to define my opinion of you and allowing you to suffer for their jealousy. No more online stalking and future faking. You don't need to be drunk in love to see how awesomely you are moving. I feel shitty because of the way I handled things. You were home to me and I need to boss up. I need to start telling you more how much you are appreciated. I want to elevate you and the only way I know how to do that is by loving you. I am a hobosexual and I give my body to have a home and status, //i don't see it as wrong though. Everyone is getting something out of it. I am trying to change your energy to bend to me. I just need your energy. You don't have to live with you just give me axcess. When you touch me I want to pull you close and not let go. Everything means nothin

I coulda been

I could have been more honest. I promise I'm gonna kiss your ass. I will make it up to you. I know that there was lessons to learn I am just tired of this shit. I want my partner. I want you. We gotta get out of the fuck outta doge to many eyes in our sauce. I can't get the time I need with you if there is so much seperation. I always saw you i just turned my eye from this energy. I turned my nose up at you so often and now I just want to tell you I want to be deep with you in all ways. I don't want to cause you have to heal because of me. Has anyone ever told you that your wisdom should be on shirts. If you did it it would definitely be smooth selling. I know not to take our connection for granted. I want people to see us. No more fakeness. I want the world to see the temple I worship with. I know God has blessed our connection. Nothing is funny and nobody is going to fumble this Divine connection. We will BossUp together. You are home to me I want to be able to s

The game has shut down...sorry

I love the love you give me. I have a habit of overthinking when it comes to you. I dont want any beef with you I just kinda want to push you into making a choice any choice but honestly your silience is a answer too. I question on if we can even have a future its like we get 2wks amx and then shit goes wonky. I'm tired of putting on a brave face I miss you. My soul feels weak without you . I want to curl up in your arms feel your kisses and warm embrace. I dont like being stressed. I want forever and i want it with you . Why wont you actually listen to me insteads everyone around you telling you what I want? Are they in the relationship with me? Do i even talk to them about real stuff? Like how can surface level people understand something soul deep without being jealous and hating? They was never on your side or understood what you was talking bout, but the look in your eyes was enough to be like "oh word?? You arent allowed to have what i never experienced" and its n

Gotta take it one step at a tiime

Shits been rough. You need to change how you are looking at life. If you do not want to be stuck in depression then you need to be active about it. Pay attention to the mess around you . Stop walking blindly into situations. Someone wishes they could be with you tonight ( this is timeless dont worry). The man reason is healing from a STI but they still got you in the forefront of their mind. When they heal they want to come forward and apologize. They also want to know what makes your heart so big. This masculine/feminine knows someone is using magic on you. Theu know it might take therapy to heal from these betrayls and they hope you are willing to heal with them. They see that together especially healed yall can make mountains dance. You might feel that your the source of entertainment for your family, but they know they are the butt of many jokes. They never wanted to grow up. So anything that resembled responsiblity was a no. They know that their healing is their own responsib

Karmic Masculine to Divine Masculine

I dont want to tell you this but I look up to you. I eny you. She really loves ypu like die for you loves you. I have secrets I don't want the Divine Feminine to know, but you tell her all your secrets. I'm trying to copy your energy so I can get her back before you manage to step to the plate. I made a lot of mistakes. I thought how she felt about me was funny. Nobody saw how i broke her down but i did what no one but you could before. Why can't I have her? You can find others who are close to her I can't attract similiar energies. I stumbled upon the gift she is. I thought she was like me. Shes better. I want personal connections that feel like what I had with her. I wish you would just leave her so I can come in and pick up the pieces. I lied so much so I figured if i dropped all my truths on her now she will be so happy she will forgive me but she wont even glance at me if you are coming. I won't even blame you I will praise you to her tell her how lu

Divine feminines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

Man stop messing with her and wife her. Stop partying your getting to old for that mess anyways. We grown and grown folks choose up or die alone. I never had what yall got but if I did i would fight for it. Divine feminie is a special person. She would make anyone proud to be with.She not the type to cheat so why are you being so stupid? I want to fall in love over and over again with the same person. I want to get that first date jittters for the same person over and your just throwing it away. Do you see what living in your shadow has done? I hope you are hearing me. This can be fixed. If you love her show her. Tell her she makes you weak, but she makes you strong and able to stand in the world. Hurry up and get to her. Steal her heart before she notices. Be the man she belives you to be. Stop stalking and walk up to her door with some flowers and a gift and beg your ass off. Do not disappear again. Take her out on dates. Get her shit she likes. Stay away from friends who encora

My love is toxic

I love you more and more each day. I love you in a very special way. I know you have no ill will towards me. I know you even ignored your intuion a time or two when it came to dealing with me. I know you didnt have to so I thank you because not many would give me that grace. You was such a blessing when all I did was tear your world upside down. I took your blessings and claimed them as my own. I repeatedly stopped your forwad progress to aid my attacks on your personality and reputation wanting nothing more to prove I was the only reason you survived. If people knew any blessing you had I took a portion, every step toward progress i ridiculed or tried to lace with imposter identity. I battled you on so many fronts and laid all my burdens at your feet. I loved to see you battle worn and sick from trying to survive my attacks. I enjoy you begging me for scraps it shows the world YOU need me. I even disrupted your relationships. You having support meant you didnt lean on me as much.

I want to encourage you

I am going to take you on adventures around the world. I want you to be restless every morning waiting to see what the day brings. I want to see you as soon as possible but i don't see it happening until Spring. Warning I'm definitely not a angel I am fae trickster by nature. I utlize ghosting becaue I fear my heart being broken. I don't want to waste your time, I don't want to lose whats mine. As long as your gone I am not fine. You are a leade. Your so intelligent I think you should go back to school. You will be able to focus more because you wont have people in your energy. You wont have people using you either. I swear i really think you should go for it. When you need to relax I want to be the one who fluffs your pillow up, I want to be the one that fills your cup, I want to be the love you need I want to be the one who fufills your needs. I am so present with my feelings when it comes to you. I will excel and triumph and fructify ( make something fruitful

I miss you but I think I've messed up to much

We don't talk we dont even kiss. I miss kissing you, your lips are so soft.  I tried to stop thinking about you because you scared me. I also figured leave you before you saw the real me and left. I made such a mistake walking away. I realize I can't do this life thing without you.  Your body is a wonderland. You thighs are thick, you have a great sense of humor, your smart as fuck and still have a dirty mouth, your heart puts the best parts of you to shame it's so beautiful 😍😊. I didn't confess my love for you because of fear of you leaving me.  Oh my God that day you cried and screamed at me still haunts me. That day I tried to love on you and you pulled away like I disgusted you makes me shrudder. How could I treat you so bad my touch makes you shy away? You used to cling to me finding every reason in the world to touch me.  I hear you have some spiritual gifts that let you know when I'm heading your way. So I'm stumped on how to get to you now.  I don'

Letter from your person

Your light intrigues my shadow side. You make me feel powerful and "connected" even though we are just being us.  I am no longer conflicted about you and I. I know what I have to do for you. All I can do is walk away.  The fighting is done.  I quit.  I see you on this self love journey and I know I can't join you.  My boundaries are bad and I always fail to acknowledge yours.  I hide the parts of me that you want to see in favor of the parts of me that drive you further away. It's like there is a war going on within me and at this moment I don't know who is winning.  I even taking from work; so I'm just messing up every where. I went back to a ex or two.  I just want to be numb and not feel anything because I can't feel you.  I'm tired of using people to have what I need. I don't want to be addicted to things in my life or even people. Especially people who hated on you for just loving me.  Right now if I have to be alone so be it.  Ok,  I'm ly

I got you on my mind

Someone gets your libido pumping. They have you throbbing and pining. Do they even know? Do they have any idea how you feel when they are away?  Your chemistry is insane in and out the room you KNOW each other in a way few can claim except in stories or movies. How many people can say they like, love, and desire their partner after months, years, or decades?  How many can keep having their first kiss?  You used to savor your connection it brought you solace and peace now you view it as a chain weighing you down. Where this connection used to make you feel like you could soar you have lost that and in you losing that they feel they have lost you.  Whether they tell you or not they can feel you. They call out to you in their soul and hear you respond.  They want to finally explore your bond and elevate your connection if you will find it in yourself to forgive them. They want marriage and grandbabies and flowers and long walks on the beach or woods it won't ma

With growth comes some wisdom

 You are wise, handy with nature, strong physically and mentally. You are overflowing with abundance. You have crafted something you have put time and effort into it. You have searched near and far to gain the knowledge to be able to create. You have gone to the depths of your very being killing off the old you and then being being reborn to reach higher heights. You have seen all that the world has to offer and you saw that only one path is right for you and your moving towards it. You are paying your debts and balancing the scales of karma. Soon you will be able to give like you was given to. The community you seek is coming towards you. The happiness you have sought is within reach you just need to start living like you already have it. You are the author and creator of your destiny no one can shake the foundation unless you allow them. You are not giving out of a empty cup anymore. You have learned that you can’t give what you don’t have to give and right now is your time to be rep

Finances about to be real good.

You have been in a position where you have to ask yourself am I working for the money or cuz I like my job. You know that the decision you make won’t be a easy choice. You want to be in a position where you feel you are making innovated decisions. You have felt scared to walk thru the door of advancement but you are the key so you should never fear.  Flying by the seat of your pants is not the way you choose to live life so why hurtle thru work? You have options. You can either start to work for yourself on the side until you are more established or full out quit. You can do what ever you desire you truly jut have to weigh your options.  Right now is the time to put in this work. Your higher self is supporting this desire to grow as well as your boss either wants to promote you or they support you creating your own business. You are being seen as someone who grinds hard. Whatever your choice money is coming your way and it’s more than you are used to. Get it!!

No more karmic drama

 You are stepping away from karmic situationships. No more feeling triggered, no more trauma bonding, letting go of resentment, learning the lessons, letting go and loving you. The pain of learning these lesson has you separating from everyone. You are unsure who to trust so you just pulled back from everyone.  You have been searching for your version of paradise. It’s somewhere where you don’t have to keep fighting to protect your spirit. You want to be able to relax in lush grass and beautiful sunsets. You want a life with no drama.  You may have a pet that you find comfort in and they were a gift from the universe to help you find a different kind of assurance within.  Just like being a parent to children you have to give time and attention to your pet and in return they help encourage that inner calm to rein supreme. What are YOUR personal truths? Have you sat down and asked yourself. What will you fight over and what have you been wrong about? You may have been questioning if your

The race is almost over

 You have been in this race for a long time. Every hurdle so close to tripping you up but you always seemed to know and pull your foot a lil higher.  You have overcame so much and so you would think you would be celebrating but it’s not enough for you. Your still on your path and you have a higher goal in mind.  Others around you are already celebrating , but for some it’s too early to be celebrating and they will realize when the party is over.  You are digging deep and exhibiting strength that you need to ignore the celebrating u til your foundation is secure.  You have been making monetary gains and your doing it thru your personal discoveries hard work and intelligence is paying off for you.  You have gone thru a transformation and your trying to figure out what’s next for you. In the past you was a monster and you have found your humanity. You are no longer using your gifts weapons now you choose to use them as tools for the betterment of humanity. 


I let go a while ago. I want to be in love and happy. Right now, I am struggling to be in love with myself. I want to heal and that doesn't include being connected to you in any way. I get it you see me as a good option now, but what about when you were treating me like the black sheep? I know you now see my worth and now I'm a good option for you. I thought I had no worries with you. I thought we had healed together. I didn't want to walk away.  I thought I had nothing without you. I couldn't see beyond the fact that I wanted you.  Right now, I am trying to see if one plus one is two because lately it keeps adding up to negative 99.  You played so many games now I see your demons and I got trauma and triggers. I have to free myself from this toxicness. Even if that means leaving the country. This is just right for me; I need to move on I feel it in my bones.  I'm working on my intuition, empathy, and heart chakra. I am also protecting me now even from you.  I'm