
Showing posts with the label 10th House


Ooooh you met someone. You aren't getting the usual signals of desire so you are confused. Since they aren't up under your butt you don't feel comfortable. They are just trying to take things slow. I know you are used to someone trying to get in your mix fast but this is probaby your first time falling in love not lust.This isn't something quick. You are holding back and keeping secrets. Just be honest tell them you would like to be more in what ever it is you require to feel more deired. Its not bad luck to be honest regardless of the outcome. You might misunderstand them alot. So what they don't mind explaining what they mean. Have more faith in them. Have more faith in yourself. If you feel like you are being fake then work on yourself. Traveling wont fill any voids if you arent working on yourself lovey. Drinks and dro won't fill the hole within baby shadow work will. If you haven't let your self dream please do. All your dreams are a sign you are


I have a lot of things I need to hide. Like i don't think your adorable. Spirit is mad at me and I am facing Karma. I was the fuck up in my connections...all of them. I never tried really hard. I tend to stalk becuse I am insecure and have some childhood trauma I can't heal from becuase my abuser is still in my life. I want to mark you as mine, but right now I can't. I realize I have been waiting my whole life for you and you was right here. I spent more time tearing you down and undermining your growth. I couldn't see how magic you were. You was the smooth whiskey in the dark night of the soul on the rocks my life has been. I haven't done nearly a quarter of the inner work that you have cuz I never started. I want to say you are spying on me, but I know you aren't that way. I just have to keep hoping you will show me some toxicness to feel more safe around you. Your kindness rung false, but that is because i didn't know any real kindness. You are my li

Should I move ???

You are safe first and foremost. Anyone who is triggered by your peace and happiness cant have axcess to you.They cant piss on your dreams. Start speaking your truth. The syncrincites is speaking to you. The hurdles are almost all gone. You have one person whose loyalty is divided and will try to stop you. They will try to introduce negativities ( negative activities) into your life to distract you but you have survived all these karmic lessons you won't fall in the trap. You might need a lawyer for whatever decisions your making. Its ok o talk to those you truat about your situation. Whomever is trying to cause destruction in your life is about to recieve their just desserts. They're actually watching you hoping all goes bad. Their spiritual protection is gone and folks is wanting to know why you arent around. This person or people they can't understand how you got out of all the traps they set for you. This person has projected so much negativity to

Because I listened to my elders...

Imma stop smoking. Im checking out stock options I know something isn't right and I"m trying to prepare for it. I'm smart and I know that plans take time. I am making moves that is going to bless my legacy. Noone has done it like me so there is no lessson plans to study especially when it comes to love. You want long term love and it will come because people have no idea how lucky they are to know you and have you in there lives. A drug dealer in particular wants you and wants to know why cant they see the world as you do.They are trying to prove themselves to you. You see their indecisiveness and you are metting them where they are. If they want to wait then so be it they can wait tell hell freezes over and you wont be worried bout it because your not stuck this stagnacy you wont accept. This person whether the drug dealer or someone else they are sorry they hurt you. They want to haved some sexual healing. They know you have that je na sa qui. They a

being in touch can hurt

You want to talk more. You are waiting to hear from your beloved. You might be holding on tight to your electronics just waiting. Your false twin kept you unbalanced, There was no duality between yall. You are so greateful that your connection is over. You arent going back you are seeking a new connection. You want to graw and transform and in your past that seemed to be undermined by anyone who knew you for too long. Your future connection will end in union and wedded bliss. Do not worry this love is built on eternal promises. You will be getting a call soon from someone hoping to connect. This call will be the one you have been waiting for they will tell you that you have been on their heart. This past energy is lacking confidence, they are frustrated with themselves. They are always self sabotaging due to ego and insecurity.Their jealousy is tangible. They play games and think you dont notice. They have been holding back and blame it on you when really its their tr


No you are not being haunted. Yes your behavior is the problem. I understand you want to go back to the simpler times and doit all over but you can't. Suicide is no t the option to get out of the trouble you are in. If you need to talk to someone pick up the phone and reach out. Its ok to walk away from connecctions that do not serve you. Its also ok to not be able to reconnect with people as well. Sometimes it is part of the journey to just miss people. It is time to learn to be different. You cannot expect someone else to teach you to be the best you. If you need assistance ask for help but do not expect someone else to do the work for you Knowing when to relax into feminine energy vs stepping into masculine energy to work towards a goal. You keep courting death you just might meet them. That mask has to come off some how dont let that be how it occurs. Your internal conflict steams from what you withnessed as a child look at it thru a parents eye or a adu

Divine Masculine younger sibling message to Divine Masculine

You are so smart. Whatever was blocking you is gone. Your connection with the divine feminiine is a beautiful story. I want to see the ending. I want a love like yours. I want a masculine like you. I am upset that this growth is taking you away from me. I am so sad I feel like I am losing you. I have nothing to fill my void becuase i don't have a healthy attachment to you. I am not sleeping well since we sepearted but I know it was for your spiritual health. I want to go on adventures with you around the world. I have to be honest I am not the only spy in your life. I thought i was doing what was best for you. I am so mad at you right now! I need to get some help. I have some unhealthy thinking. I just know im willing to do anything to gain your forgiveness. I will kiss your ass to get your forgivenes. If you find out all the truth will you still love me? I caused so many problems! I have seen the error of my ways. Well i understand the consequences of my actions. I want

i can fix this

I'm coming for you. I am upset because I was counting on you to come to me. I see you over there being happier. I will step back if you dont want me. I am hoping that you do not ask that, but instead ask me to join you.I can't tell which way the tide is going to go in this connection. I know the way I have behaved in the past has shown me to be untrue, but can I just say give me a chance to prove that isnt me anymore? I won't let you be hurt by my pain anymore. I underestimated your intelligence and your need for knowledge and your connection to the divine that superseceds it all. Right now I am gearing up to kiss your ass literally and figuritively to pay you back for my ill will and false behavior. I promise I wont be fake about what I want out of this connection. I am having faith that I can have trust in you. I know deep in my soul that I want you to be mine. I want to help you raise kids whether that is mine, yours or ours i just want t ablood line legacy with yo

Finances about to be real good.

You have been in a position where you have to ask yourself am I working for the money or cuz I like my job. You know that the decision you make won’t be a easy choice. You want to be in a position where you feel you are making innovated decisions. You have felt scared to walk thru the door of advancement but you are the key so you should never fear.  Flying by the seat of your pants is not the way you choose to live life so why hurtle thru work? You have options. You can either start to work for yourself on the side until you are more established or full out quit. You can do what ever you desire you truly jut have to weigh your options.  Right now is the time to put in this work. Your higher self is supporting this desire to grow as well as your boss either wants to promote you or they support you creating your own business. You are being seen as someone who grinds hard. Whatever your choice money is coming your way and it’s more than you are used to. Get it!!

No more karmic drama

 You are stepping away from karmic situationships. No more feeling triggered, no more trauma bonding, letting go of resentment, learning the lessons, letting go and loving you. The pain of learning these lesson has you separating from everyone. You are unsure who to trust so you just pulled back from everyone.  You have been searching for your version of paradise. It’s somewhere where you don’t have to keep fighting to protect your spirit. You want to be able to relax in lush grass and beautiful sunsets. You want a life with no drama.  You may have a pet that you find comfort in and they were a gift from the universe to help you find a different kind of assurance within.  Just like being a parent to children you have to give time and attention to your pet and in return they help encourage that inner calm to rein supreme. What are YOUR personal truths? Have you sat down and asked yourself. What will you fight over and what have you been wrong about? You may have been questioning if your

Focus on one thing at a time

  Right now you could be dealing with instability at home or with your home environment. You feel like foundation is shaking and in order to find stable grounds there is a choice to be made. Whether it’s figuring out how to balance your inner world with all that is occurring outwardly.  Or you need to wake a beat and look at yourself intellectually Instead of emotionally so you can power thru this retrograde energy. When you make choices that still your inner world outwardly you  will start moving the way that best suits you again. 

spirit message

  Someone or several some ones are watching a person through social media or literally stalking them and because they feel this is how they will learn enough to decide to make a move. Problem is them posts aren't about you ( they just recognize a lot of folks go thru a lot of shit to and somebody might need that message) or they are just living they life. As far as the following goes they aren't ever gonna go anywhere that will show you their motives. Dude or dudette or bud you gotta reach out that literally is the only way otherwise you are a creep and need to go down a different path. Even if you get rejected at least then you can move on to healthier behavior.

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.

what are you creating?

  You want to be alone cuz your in your crafty stage.  Someone wants you to call them. They want to hear your voice. They want to get to know you, because they think you might just be the one. Whatever is happening they miss you. While they are waiting to connect with you they are leveling up.They feel like you have that It Factor. They want to indulge a little drink and smoke and pick your brain. They are hoping that convo will let them know if your capable of being the One who they can level up continuously with. They want to be be able to heal together not at odds forever.  They want to dream with you and make them a reality. They want to show you over and over they are focused. They see the right kind of the changes in life start and end with you. They want to be the prescription to your pain.  Angel Number: 2021,012,920,250

get out of your own way

Loyalty gonna get you killed out there. Are you real enough in your decisions or are you two minded. Some of you joined up in a situation that at first you was geeked up to do, but now the consequences of what you started has come.  Funnily your victims are praying for you because unlike you they are only wishing the best for you. They was a Empress/ Emperor long before you started hating. Now because you let others direct your steps you are being returned all you sent.  The fact that it was intentional pisses off Spirit as well. Double, Triple, Quadruple the  intention you set and that is the size of your personal storm.  I am sorry you chose this path. I am sorry you was hurt enough that you was willin g to join with others to harm someone. If you feel like your drowning like nothing is beautiful in the sky, that you should have been special. You could also be feeling sad, feeling unfit, surrounded by enemies, feeling childish, looking for help, hoping you still have time, can you ma

Who can I run to?

 Why do I keep hurting myself dealing with you? Like a inflamed muscle I don't rest I just keep pushing and straining and I'm getting weaker. My solar plexus chakra is all blocked my eating habits are trash, I feel like the world is against me. I have been unreliable in the past and I fear I can't change that part of myself. I feel dirty like if I touch anything it will turn to shit. My soul feels dark. It's like my brain is congested with shame. I keep picking these people to be in my life and they just hang around never adding to me except outwardly. When I turn my thoughts to you I feel peace and my brain becomes calm. My connection with you soothes my soul. I want to be delicate with you, but like a flower growing thru concrete a inner gumption, a "against all the odds" type vibe. Like the bright colors of bee balm you are bright,  vibrant and you create abundance. I keep thinking about how it used to be and what I would do differently, but I can't get

Messages from Spirit

 Time is a illusion. It will happen when it's supposed to.  A new cycle is starting. You might be seeing 222 everywhere or 6. Your life will become more interesting as this cycle speeds up. You will have the opportunity for adventures. You see the world like a child. You are beginning to see the world as interesting again. However, for you to enjoy these benefits you must find the truth that fits you. 500 might be popping up everywhere for you.  Your angels are around you, which means that they will bring love and peace into your life. Keep on working with your third eye chakra. It might be blocked or overactive and you may be feeling stuck, lacking clarity and concentration  possibly having night mares.  Stop questioning if your destined and if it's wrong to be cheerful in the middle of warfare. I say to that what is warfare, but fighting for a reason to smile?  We all know change is inevitable, but this change is going to be so big that people will be counting your pockets to

changes are all around us

 Right now you are making healthy choices in love and life. Practicing self-love, self- care, being happier is paramount  to you for you and those you care for. You are avoiding self-absorbed, narcissist, one sided relationships. You are avoiding love damaged people who react badly to receiving genuine love.  You have walked away from addictions or people who seemed addicting to be around. No more obsessions or being treated like a possession. You are releasing any urge to be controlling as things are slowly coming to fruition for you. As you hang out in this energy of freedom o not forget that sometimes you need to put your feet on solid ground. Write out your blueprints plan your foundation then soar. You have been getting downloads where change is becoming a consistent subject matter. You are going to have to make the changes Spirit is asking of you, but you  got this. 

A convo between a masculine and feminine

The feminine energy  says everything you know about me is a lie, but since you want to believe it; peace out. The masculine energy  says don't walk away. Nobody walks away; who cares if it is a repeated cycle. You're mine! That should be enough for you.  The feminine energy  wants the masculine energy to look in the mirror and face themselves. See what they have became and why they are walking away. They have learned lessons in love and it hurt. Its the time for the masculine to learn . They have stopped letting the masculine energy influence their thoughts and actions.  The masculine energy  is hiding something. They want to blame it on childhood trauma , but the actions they are planning are all on them. They are stalking the feminine energy they find no entertainment except thru the feminine. The masculine knows their mask is gone, but they honestly didn't  think the feminine would leave. The wishy washy behavior they have been living in they thought they could stay in i

Break ups happen in families, friendships and work situations acknowledge it so you can heal

 Outdated thinking is getting you no-where fast. You have this way of looking at the world that filters out certain people and situations and now you've got to change your frequency you are missing out on to many things.  Staying in your head continuously reminiscing over bad memories and past betrayal will not free you and most certainly will not help you grow to the level spiritually you desire to be at.  You are not in over your head or in a situation you are ill prepared for it literally is your own insecurities ( yes some of those were handed to you by others) that are trapping you in this particular stagnant spot.   You are on a Journey. You are searching for your Great LOVE. No one faults you for that. All the Divine is asking for is your unconditional self love to be what you focus on first because getting lost in your person will detour you from where you are supposed to be on your path. Oneness, that ultimate soulmate space you desire to be in is there for you to have ju