
Showing posts with the label ammit

You can't take my child!!!

Somebody's mama wants to fight you. Do you have steps to protect yourself from this person? This woman doesn't even have the morals of a child so any kind of drama is acceptable to them. When you was around this woman ypu was probably drained and I know they definietly drained you trying to protect your back. This woman came for your crown chakra trying to block your insight into their behavior. You just so happen to be the ideal of what a feminine means to this mother. Your caring heat, your inteligence, your cooking skills and especially your looks. They miss treated you every chance they got under the guise of mentoring you. Any kindness shown to you was a distraction for their need to find out what was happening in yor life. This woman is trying to stop their child from coming your way. They fear you having a child and cementing a connection they have been trying to destroy. If they could stab you and get away with it they would. Even the idea of hiring a hi

Ding Dong the bytch is dead

Someone is thinking of you. They kept you in the dark to their true nature. The lies they told you and about you only exposed their own brokenness. This person got off on hurting you. Dimming your light was their favorite past time. They loved to talk about you to others. Your willingness to be vulnerable with them gave them all the ammunition they needed to destroy you repeatedly for years. You had a talent for doing things that should not have came natural but they did and you excelled at them. You was intelligent and good looking as weell. You brighten the life of those you came in contact with. This person was determined to prevent you from reaching your destiny. If you hadf a person they played a hand in your seperation. You may have had a connection from adolesence that this person was jealous of. Your person probably did unique things to spoil you and this person knew and was so hateful about it. Somehow your person has found out about the back door drama

Will i get the money i need to make my dreams and goals a reality

You are at the end of this cycle of want and proverty. This journey has long and dificult. You have sought to be the top of what ever postion you are in puttting forth your best efforts to give what is required and it hasn't gotten you where you want to be. Don't fret though someone is coming to offer you help. Be wary of those that are only offering help with strings attached. Some will come in offering assistance to have a reaon to say they helped you stand on your feet. Thee will be one person who comes to you with geniune intent to support you and there might even be potential for love for some of you in this connection as well. You have lost alot on your path towards your destiny. You suffered a lot of unlawful and unjust things in a lot of your connections and the time of victimhood is over. You have stepped into the role of a overcomer. You have set down and started seeking the distance within and found your safe space and begin to build with a healt

who the hell did i marry?

You are getting a taste of your own medicine. This is a lesson and once you learn it the happiness you sought will be just around the corner. Accepting your truth so it can no longer be weaponized against you. Do not let your past addictions keep you shackled to this situation. Go to where you can find peace and regroup if you need to, but its time to face this situation head on so you canfinally be happy. You have declared if they can't let you be happy they need to leave you alone. You know you cannot do the healing you need alone but you sure as hell can't do it in a unsafe enviroment. You need T.L.C. You want reasssurance that you are loed and wanted. Not lusted, not seen as a finacial advantaged just wanted. You want to be seen for the assest you truly are not as a burden. You want to learn your talents and you want the space to foster them to see if you can make something great and yours out of them. This isn't something you want in the future you want this now


When all hope is gone the universe makes a way. You are a master manifestor and you come by it honestly. Both of your parents are spiriually inclined it was going to show up in your life some how. You are funny and people are surpised by that. Youalso have someone who regrets walking away from you. YOu was a bright light in their dark world. People around you gravitate to you just becuase you shine. Someone sees the neglectful situationyou are in and wants to come in and save you. This person loves everything about you from your head to your toes even your attutide and they know it seems premature but their feelings are real and they are deep. They are runing to you will you just stop mving for 5 secs so they can catch up? They gget you aen't ready to be lovers but they din't want to lie they want it all with you.


Someone isn't as fragile as you first thought. You thought because they was beautiful/ handsome they would be easy to take down but its been years and they still are around. You have tarninshed their reputation and decalred to anyone who would listen that this person was for the streets in everyway you could imagine. You talked about them so badly Only Fans and prostitutes alike felt the right to judge them. All because this person had the IT factor from a young age. You even leaned on this person used their wisdom to better your life and you was never apprective nor gave them credit to others. Now it seems like you need this persons help but you have burned every bridge that might have gotten you to them. Your stank behaviour has been your undoing. Instead of seeing this person as a blessing in your life you viewed them as a destructive force then went out of your way to prove this accusation. ONly for it all to be rpven to be lies. From their hair, to their body to


Someone wants to be codependant on someone. You have addictions and an obsession and your hope is that this person can help you. Playing in spell work got you trapped in your own cage and you want out. You are miserable and your possessive , contolling nature has been unmasked and others can see the real you. You have been blocked from what ever or whomever you are obsessing over and Spirit is trying to tech you restraint. Your plans of seduction was laughable. Did you not realize you never had that kind of hold on this person? You may have saw marriage in the future, but that was never the deal. Im hearing that was never going to make it on the list. For some reason you thought that this person had blinders on when really they were just letting you dream big and didn't deflate those little balloons of happiness for you. Why are you angry at them for going along wit your delusions? You choose to ignore every word coming out of their mouth about someone else just

Distant family or Friend message to Divine Feminine

You loving me is what has gotten me thru a lot a of things. I didn't believe you was able to love someone like I realize you love me. I had no idea you was so sweet. I want to cherish you now. i understand that the way things look make you feel unsafe but that is fair from the truth. You are safe because i will make it so. I will stand up for you. I may have walked away but i am coming back to be you anchor in the storms that are about to hit you due to others and their jealousy. I will admit to omine because I know ou could sense it. others knew you could see thru them as well. That is why they kept dismissing you . You saw to much. You read emotions before you learned any other divination techniques. You are glistening now that this new level up has occured. I want to let you knowthe next time i see your family I like you and want to date. I have noticed the few functions they have had recent were missing something. I dont understand why everone is trying to rush you when th

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Feminine

I never let up on you. There was no safe happy place for you with me. I did everything but put my hands on you. I pretended to work harder than I was to carry on my relationships. I want to take credit for how you turned out although I am not fully sure if i have anything to do with who you are. I can't stand to be around you. You maybe blood, but I'd switch you for someone else. You may have walked away, but noone knows that so I will tell them I walked away due to disrespect. How can you prove what I let few witness and fewer understood what was actually occuring. I act like a masculine being emaculated instead of just a sad jealous woman. I should have appreciated the gift of having you in my life instead I resentated you. I was so trapped in my personal illusions that i couldnt feel sympathy for you. I even practice magic against you. I dont see you as a extension of me your alien. Did i ever tell you i hate it when you touch me? I mean i know you know, but I want to

Boom Boom Shake SDhake

I'm feeling a little insecure right now. I don't feel like I have enough to give. I hate feeling that way. I don't know how to get past it. I tried to think about it and I keep hitting a brick wall. I want to talk to you. You have this perspective that makes everything clear. I know if I explain my past and my present you can guide me to my future. Once i have that info I will be in alignment. I know right now you don't want me in your energy. You are teaching me to take care of myself. I didn't see the real you a lot of people didnt see the real you and you have forced us all to go within and now many of us see with new eyes now. Your inner beauty blossoms out of you like a fragrant flower. I don't have to dig to see anymore you are the up to my down beat. I dream of touching you from the inside out I want to heal you. I want to be your comfort. You have given me so much and I see you are all I need and pleasing you in every way is how I will show you.

letter from your person

I don't see a door to go thru. I don't want the world to see me. I am trying to disappear from off the world's radar. How can I be with you and you want the world? I'm holding you back. Being with me hurts you. We aren't in sync anymore. I'm jealous of you. I get defensive when you talk to me. I'm codependent and I hide from the world. I talk to much, I lie and gossip basically I have become everything I always claimed I wasn't even going to be around.  It's time you got some protecty jewelery  to keep me away from you. I am not ready to be around you and you have a destiny I cannot be permitted to stop.  I have my own healing journey I need to start and bring attached to you I couldn't never see the bad because you always forgave it.  People who know you never seem to know how lucky they are until your gone. I am glad I figured it out just pissed it took so long.  I can't believe I messed up so bad you're not in my life. You was a unexpe

it's pure emotion

I felt so safe in your arms and now I'm scared of you. I stepped as far away as I could and not get hurt and so you came for those close to me.  This emotional storm you insist on keeping us in it keeps us stagnant. I can't come back to this and I sure as hell won't stay where I am either. You are all emotion or all logic and neither makes sense for us. -Divine feminine  This waterfall of love is drying up as more and more logs of deciet, abuse, and neglect pile up.  Losing their Divine position over 3d negativity seems silly and yet they are willing to toss it to satisfy their own twisted morality.  Choices are meant to be made by all parties and not everyone will be happy but the end will go finally come. Intentions will finally be made clear and  if no choices are made Divine will place the cards in a way for a domino effect to occur where the choices are taken out of your hand. 

Create the tools you need so you can succeed

 You may feel like you are ill prepared to handle the tools you have been given in this battle call life. You have the strength to shape new tools if you feel that is what you need to do just remember what you create will be the first of their kind so you must train others to use those tools as well. It will be hard because your making up as you go.  You  should be wary of contracts presented to you at this time. Not all finance is good even when you need it coming in selling your soul for a few pesos is not fair to you. You have a knack to survive in situations others would buckle in. You have found healing in the midst of your spiritual famine.  You have spent much time surround by others trying to see how you do what you do. You have even tried to teach them and they still sat there acting like you didn’t teach them anything, but are using the skills they have learned from you to attack you.  You may have pulled back your energy to gain insight from your ancestors and guides. Seekin