
Showing posts with the label Virgo


You to them: NO matter where I am I feel you. I am trying to figure out what went wrong. You are protected fromme and Icant just pop upon you. I am jealous of you, defensive about my behavior , codependant on your good enery, I'm hiding stalking and plotting on you all cuz my throat chakra is closed. I want to force you to make a choice. I want you to choose me and I had no idea I had made it nearly impossible for you to do so. I hurt you because I was busy watching others hurt you. I hate sitting back knowing I'm just destined to watch you. I should have took youout more. I should have wined and dined you. I should have changed a long time ago. I should have kept my promises to you. I know there will be no more oppurtunities. I know you are tired of my games. You are going to have the decadant life you deserve I just know it. I am surprised that you hid so much in you. If I would have just taken the time instead of playing stupid games I would have gaine

Hazel the knower

</div Ok big boss I see you. You got your nose to the grindstone. You have been taking chances and risks keeping your hand to your chest when it comes to your moves. Its noones business and you mean it. You have a time table in your head. Cycles are ending and time for healing is needed. You can't use drugs or sex to blind you anymore you have to face what you are feeling, thinking and experiencing. You can't just be ignoring it, but I know you are horrible with your boundaries, but its time to get more realistic with how to keep them errect they are not supposed to go down then up then down again lovey. You are trying to avoid your twin flame their duality puts fear in you beacuse they aren't safe within their behavior. You are no longer being complacient if they won't heal you are moving on. They haven't even started their inner healing work, but they feel you will be able to do the work for both of you. They just want to romance you thou


Changes are on the horizon. Your connection is going beter then you think. As this connection expands there will be NO morebeing stuck in the past. No more other women stalking or causing issues. There was so many oprions but none of them ever compared to you. You are not only the best move you are the only move. You have taught me self love and confindence. You taught me to find my inner happiness. I don't see trouble or chaos with you I see peace and abundance. I don't want to keep missing out on the fertile life I know I can have with you. If I have to I am gonna take you away to have some time to learn you for real this tome. I want to show you I am stable, flexiable and that togther we can grow. I also want to show you I am not jealous of your gifts I celebrate you. I am not trapped in illusions. I won't just jump into things. I do know that the sun isn't always shinig but you are my sky. In the midst of allof this I am working on me too. I have been t

Be careful

Someones baby dad wants them dead. This person has tried to have them attacked, raped, has tried to pin crimes and spread lies just because they can live a independant life without them. They have conspired to keep you struggling. They had you under surverillance. They thought you was so in love you would never suspect that they was after you. Karma is coming good and bad. This individual always feared you seeing that you could do better. Now they see their fears actually coming thru they have done a 180 now they want to be on this path with you. They are brokenhearted because if only they knew you was this capable... They are crying now... They see shaking your foundation was futile youare the builder so you always rose again stronger. Addictions may be a factor in this situation. They fear your touch yet they crave it. They dont understand the signals their body sending them but they know they don't like it. You know things you have ideas you can help them. Its not like they


Someone wants to finally keep a promise to you. This person doesn't have to reflect anymore they know with you is where they want to be. If this person used to be a ass they no longer are a huge jackass. Your love is saving this person and they are so grateful. This person is willing to kiss your ass in attempt to make something happen. In a past fall season they failed to prove their love toward you. They see how hard you are working and they dont want to interrupt.They also know you chew people up and spit them out. Yet in spite of allthat they still see you as someon who they want tohave in sickness and health. They are heart broken right now over you. They feel you are the lottery and they lost out by just one digit so they are gioing tokeep teyring until they get you. They are so impatient. They feel you are punishing them. So many people got your name in their mouths they can't help, but keep thinking of you. Nothing they are learning right now are they retaining ass


I feel like its time for me to be strong. I have given some much of myself away and now I just want to share with you alone. You bring light to the dark in every soul. I didn't realize the blessing you was destined to be. I thought you were a blockage in my movements in life. I didn't understand that you would be a source of information and support. I pushed and attacked and thought my hand was hidden. I came for your postionand even attacked your business. I had no idea how strong you truly was. Please don't hurt me even though I deserve it. I would like a chance to make it up to you. My heart is hurt at the betrayl i dealt you. I want to grow with you. I hope I haven't totally missed my chance. Please go talk to the ancestors and see if they will forgive me and let me back in your energy. I love your fucking vibe , your love is soothing and you ease people's lives. You are so creative i envy you and I wish i had your gifts. That is why i alienated you. I l


Message from your person: I'm working on myself. I have stepped out of the crazy and away from the ledge. I have some things I need to focus on. I have nothing to lie to you about. I won the lottery dealing with you. My girth is made to plant seeds in your earth. This aint no Romeo & Juliet bull shit connection. I am trying to prove myself to both of us. I want everyone to know you're mine. I knew you could hurt me so I ran from you. I flirted with others, but refuse to play games with them. My thoughts and prays werent with any one i was just raw dogging life. I had no good examples to follow so I created my own. Since I made my own rules how can I be bothered by the nonsense of our haters. Its like why focus on people who arent living day to day with me?? I am focused on you because you are someone who will bless my life daily. I can't be a god without my goddess. I had you and lost you. I want you back. Let's have adventures. In the past I didnt figure yo

Distance made my heart weep.. come back???

I wanna tear dat ass up. I have grown... in a lot of ways. You bring light to my dark world. Without you I'd still be dead inside. I want to make this work. I know now what i have done to mess things up and I am going to change all of that. I got some ideas and I want try some taboo type things witchu. I see you moving on and I want to catch up. I don't want you being independant anymore I want you connected to me. I will protect you from my mother I know now she is your opp. I didn't understand why and now I get it doesnt matter I am just going to take care of you. I know you can handle yourself, but I see now you shouldn't have to. I didn't get that just you loving me wasn't going to blind you to my actions it just blinded your heart. You refused to accept me for me because you saw thru the facade. Thank you for seeing the real me. I see that im finally doing what you need. I didn't imagine that I wasn't paying attention before but n

You are leading me towards eternal loneliness for the cost of love

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for because felonious behaviour is on the rise. Someone wants that Romeo & Juliet love, but they seemed to forget Romeo was a fuck boy who literally was whining about Roslyn minutes before meeting Juliet. Fickle. No, I am not saying anything about love at first sight cuz I do believe in it but the whole point of the play was to teach about rushing into things and that is what you are being warned about. You wont be the Queen/King to a Karmic. This person is watching you.They know they have hurt you. You might be posting on a platform about it or maybe they just know. They are giving you the space to walk away or stay. Their throat chakra blocked jealousy, overly defensive, codependant, reclusive, you talk to much, tell lies, gossip, secretive, and shy. You need to get a amulet or ring or bracelet something you will never remove. Bless it and put it on. This person really wants to reconcile. They know that there is a

Because I listened to my elders...

Imma stop smoking. Im checking out stock options I know something isn't right and I"m trying to prepare for it. I'm smart and I know that plans take time. I am making moves that is going to bless my legacy. Noone has done it like me so there is no lessson plans to study especially when it comes to love. You want long term love and it will come because people have no idea how lucky they are to know you and have you in there lives. A drug dealer in particular wants you and wants to know why cant they see the world as you do.They are trying to prove themselves to you. You see their indecisiveness and you are metting them where they are. If they want to wait then so be it they can wait tell hell freezes over and you wont be worried bout it because your not stuck this stagnacy you wont accept. This person whether the drug dealer or someone else they are sorry they hurt you. They want to haved some sexual healing. They know you have that je na sa qui. They a

You say I'm crazy but you call me baby and i'm not the only one..can you say my name cuz you cant pay the bills???

I have been under the influence at work. I can't focus because I keep going over what is missing in this connection. You was supposed to be my foundation instead you just became a wall I had to tear down.I am so very tired of crying over you. You was so insecure and hate filled. You really couldn't just be proud that I wasn't insecure like you. I lived out loud no secrets. You loved that about me until it stopped you from controlling me then you began to hate me. I stripped away my insecurities to be with you and you made me feel unloveable and disgusting because how bad must I be for you to do me like this. I know you say you want to stop my tears I just don't trust it. You so caught up on me thinking your broke when im more concerned about your mind and heart. You think sex is always going to solve it and quite frankly the more I come the more I resent you. I just want whats fair to be fair. I want to walk away because this is hurting m

Oil and grime, acid rain....Slime beneath me oh slime up above...toxic love

Gotta get away. Gotta run. I gave you a lot for the potential of who we could be. To many people involved in our connection. Tired of people being jealous becuase they dont want to see us together. I dont have time for any of that. I am working on my business and I cant afford to be distracted by games in love. You refuse to change fast enough anyhow. You know I am walking away and you are letting me. You may have gave up your ways but you wont communicate. I am busy being a parent. Shaping lives that will impact the future isnt easy. I am investing in theirs and my future getting spiritually aligned. Those trying to manouver around me will get the life they deserve. Bonous if I get to watch. I am moving up and away cuz I can see that Karma is coming good and bad. I was ready for us to be a we in all ways and have adventures. Instead I had to spend all my time figuring out why you refused to come to me. I couldnt wrap my head around it and I let it hold

The path of temptation is family led

Somone refuses to admit they intentionally lead their family member down a path of destruction. That they triangulated the whole family to gaslight and enable this family member into maintaing their bad behavior becuase the goal was noble( in their eyes). If this family member had died finally their family would have nice things to tell others about them. The level of barely disguised hate however cleverly hidden stood out to the ones who want to protect this poor (well they had a hand in their own destruction so maybe nieve?) soul. You was one of those protectors due to you wanting to just be there for them. You want to talk to this person about what their family has been involved in. The problem is you can't force them to discuss, but you can be there for them. You don't have to have words you just have to be kind. Your person is waking up to the deception and games being played in their name by family in hopes o

Old Sophia is back now things are about to change

No more fake hangouts. No more catering to those who abuse you. No longer will you stay feeling used and abused in connections. That karmic cycle of make up to break up is over. Abandonment and abuse are no longer dishes served at the party that is your life. Any patterns that lead you to destruction they are done. Using silent treatment to control is out the door. Any connections with self involved narcissit and love bombing are no longer a option. You are making changes in your life that will bring good out circumstances to the forefront. You are prepared for the surprises and you are enjoying the ephiapanies that come with the whiffs of inspriration heading your way. That self love is going to be the spice in life and so many people need it. Your unconventional ways are why you cant be strung alng. People think they have the keys to your secrets go ahead and show them they just got backstage passes to a real healing journey. No more empath vs narsissitic drama and

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve

Parental Angel's message

You are my heart. I still worry about you even with circumstances as they are. I use to rub your back when we woul have serious convos. I thought i would have more time with you. I have been trying to connect with you but you wont sit still long enough to hear me. You want to feel more love just sit still im right with you. Anytime you need to talk I am still here. I won't judge you or interrupt. I won't ask intrusive questions. I want you to accept your soul famuly because they will echo the love I have for you. I know there was times in the past where you needed a break from me well no pressure now lol. You may not be feeling seen right now but please be reassured you are seen and cherished. Noone is talking negatively or bringing up up all your bad deeds waiting to pounce. You have Shea butter baby vibes and im so happy that you feel that energy deep inside. Do not be surprised if your next child reminds you of me. When it rains think of me. Im sorry love c

i think i caught a...

You haven't read everything. You are missing a important peace of information. Find it quickly. You might have a more experienced person assisting you in finding these missing things. Its ok to be vulnerable. You are awesome, you give people butterflies. You have taught people how to walk awy from connections that no longer serve them. People will be reaching out but its only to block you. You are so stern and you put your all in whatever you believe in. People love the authoritive vibe you carry. There are even somewho want to travel the world with you. You are unbothered. Those you have left behind feel emptyy without you. Some are hurting real bad but refuse to admit it. Everyone knows by now thsat you deserve better than you have recieved in the past. Those who caused you harm know now they never should have crossed you. The level up they thought they was gaining is yours and it will fund your interpdendance. Toxic family connections will finally be severed. You

past or present

Someone who you thought was honest with you actually spends to much time lying to you. They thought their behavior was going to break you it didnt. They got off on hurting you. Your light troubles their dark side. This person always has your name in their mouth and they are starting to choke on it. You look fantastic now and those from your past are in awe you just get better with age. Your looks are are blosssoming with age. What turned you on in your youth no longer takes precedance. Noone can control you so those in the past no longer can attempt to take control of your life. You are destined for happiness and the future looks bright keep going forward. Do not allow the labels of the past to hold you back. Do not allow those who abused you in the past to have the same leverage in your life again. If they come to you in the same energy turn them away. Loyalty is necessary to even have a foothold in your boundaries. You are setting up your life in order to be ha

Gang Gang where are we now??? Kswiss, Addias, Reebook, British Knights, Nike Cortez, Puma

Remeber that one Country song Nelly did with the cowboy dude. They lyrics went somerhing like its all in my head i think about it over and over... Well whatever the lyrics that is what happening. The olden days and not so smart days are playing in memories as children are growing up in a world softer and toughter to navigate. The old rules dont apply and some of them shouldnt but a lot of them should. How to not be a hpocrite? How to change without it being obvious the change is happening? Why didn't no one explain doing this as a adult don't balance out and you have to make a choice and then you have to keep choosing that choice daily. They also dont tell you that you can make a different choice any day you want. They have you thinking your stuck and your not. That is the biggest secret they keep from you. Everyday is a choice but you can choose soemthing else. It will be hard but it is a choice as well. Its time to find out who

its a new day and time for a new beginning

Someone wants to tell you, I can weather any storm with you. I just want to put a lil excitement in your life. The world is scary, but knowing your in it keeps them sane. You make them feel lucky and lovely. You don't trigger them. That makes them feel so good. They wish you would reconnect with them. You can take care of yourself and they cant. They will never admit they did you wrong. Get in touch with feminine energy your most powerful in this energy. You have the ability to see the potential in anything. This spring this person wants to attempt to see you. They want to have the right to call you theirs. This person or people wants to work with you. They see how cool you are with the universe. They want your nourishing energy. They broke their own heart hurting you. You gave some of them wings and they only can soar because of you. Folks are mad because they won't get to continue in your energy in this lifetime or the next. They abused your boundaries. You are lettin