
Showing posts with the label Virgo

The Jig is Up

Its been time to induce soe trasformation in your life. Why you would keep putting it off is beyond me. You keep blocking out the noise and the people who are the cause. If it isn't about peace or money it isn't worth expending your energy. You have determined within yourself to not kowtow to others expectations and to find within yourself your truth. You have become your own angel. You chose your own lane and you found security and stableness. Now its time to teach others what you have learned and came across during your journey thru life. You have stories to tell start telling them. You have that speacial something that others have and it pushes them toward the spot light. I didn't say you wanted it I said its in you. You have spent so long trying to hide that light, ignoring when there was a dazzle in certain peoples facces. You had connections that were all quid pro quo and you never took more or complained when you got less.. Well the time for that crap is ov...

They thought they could trigger you

Several someones called themselves coming back to you to see where your head was. Do you still not trust them? Do you know what their plans are for you? Do you know what they did behind your back? Do you know how much they hate you? They will come back in groups and as individuals trying all kinds of ways to tempt you back into connections withthem. Why wouldn't you want to be around them they just mad you fucking miserable for years of course you want to rekindle those connections. They lied to you constantly and made you feel less them but hey they are sory. Who cares about your years of therapy trying to figure out what was wrong with you. You walked around feeling incomplete and they rejoiced that you wasnt as perfect as you were. Whatever you did better then them your one or two " bad sides" had them chortling with joy believing you deserved to deal with what ever occured. Someone is going to ask if they can take you out to eat and talk. Your ablitiy to keep cre...


Its time to have faith. You know that soon love is coming and you need to get ready. A invitation or a chance meeting will connect you with someone you least expected. You may feel like you just don't have it in you to try again. That stagant is you new reality and guess what it is not. You don't get the luxury to sit back and reminise. You need to get up and create new memories. Who cares if they are different and not of your norm. Be aware of those will try to lurk, steal and stalk you to gain leverage in YOUR life. The time you spent being a chaser left you empty, broke and often time homeless (emotionally or literally) with no support. You cannot turn back the hanads of time, but you can take the lessons of the past and apply them to your future so you will survive in the happiest and healthiest manner. This new phase you are entering you will find it refreshing as you transform into the newest healthiest version of you. Welcome love in all manners ...

Hazel the Knower

You might be constipated or maybe you are just acting shitty. You definitely got folks lusting after you. You have decided its in God's hands and you just aren't engaging. You especially have pulled back from connections by proxy you know his mom, her sister, their cousin... you have been getting bad vibes and moving accordingly. You have established that if your people don't have your backs they are the enemy. You have made your boundaries so clear that folks want to fight you and others to get to you. You have endured to much sabotage in your life. You don't have to take risk to just thrive. You have options it is time to start utlizing them. You are no longer in this paradigm of over giving to someone comfortable with only taking. You have found happiness and have grown and in that growing you have found joy. You are enjoying your new connections and striving to be the bright light you have always wanted to be. You are attracting blessings and ab...

I just wanna show you how much I love you.

I'm going to make you so happy!! No more bitterness. I will give you what you need. You will find the growth in life in all areas with me. You can find closure with my support I got your back. Together we will eat better, strive for growth and support each other as we each go on our indiviual journey and the one we go on together. We will make healthy choices together and seperatley for the betterment of our legacy. We both will be happier because we have support in growing as individuals. We will be able to fight off those who stalk, watch and lurk in our lives because together we can accomplish anything. WE are aout to go on a new adventure together in life and love. We will teach others clarity and how to move with grace and honor in connections. This journey we have been on that has caused us so much pain and suffering has ended and now its time to celebrate the victory of not losing each other. We have found a rhythm and vibe that is uniquely us and I want ...


The Egyptians believed that the sphinx was a representation of their solar deity, Sun God, Horemakhet or Horus of the Horizon. Historical records from the New Kingdom show that in Egyptian culture the sphinx symbolized  royalty and sacred status . The Sphinx is an Egyptian zodiac sign for people born between December 27 and January 25. The Sphinx is associated with the Egyptian goddess of the Nile and protection. People with this zodiac sign are said to be adaptable, serious, and discerning. In Egyptian mythology, the Sphinx is a solar deity and a half-man, half-lion creature that represents power, protection, and sacred life.  *Especially Sagittarius,Capricorn Whoever you was coming for has won the war regardless of how many battles you think you had under your belt. You have been left behind when you thought you was chosen. All those secret dates and online conversations are coming to the light. You thought you had love and success just around the corner but ...

I owe you..

Lol Someone has lies out the ass to tell you, but no truths and definitely no secrets revealed that they kept from you. They can't get into your energy to steal from you. The goal was for you to crashout so they never had to give you what they owe. These thefts left you homeless,emotionally broken, mentally exhausted and finacially struggling yet you kept finding it within to keep rebuilding. Now folks want to come back as they see you once again growing out of the darkness like a rose in concrete. Noone seemed to have faith in you and yet you had faith and love in yourself in spades. Your world may have gotten shaken, but you always held on to your faith. Ex lovers who kept trying to put you in a box labeled as only able to please never allowed to be human. Now they want to come back and fight whomever you are with for another chance. Their egos are so strong they believe they deserve the oppurtunity to be different with you. Very few of them have ...


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with the period from about March 21 to April 19. The symbol for Aries is ♈, and it is represented as a ram. Aries is a fire sign, along with Leo and Sagittarius. People born under the sign of Aries are said to be bold, ambitious, and passionate leaders. The Aries constellation is located in the northern sky, between Pisces and Taurus. It contains over 60 stars, including Hamal, Teegarden's Star, and 41 Arietis. The constellation is also known as the Ram.  You are looking good and feeling good. Your head is becoming clearer.You have your eye on somoene who makes you want to risk it all. You crave a blanced life and you believe you can have it with this individual. You are prepared to wine and dine this individual. You cannot give them everything they need, but you are game to try. You have been broken hearted for a long time but you finally feel healed enough to approach and you are so trepidous it is ok you g...

Gemini/ Karma

According to astrology, Geminis are linked to karmic lessons related to communication, learning, and emotional depth. Geminis are known for being curious and adaptable, but they may struggle to develop clarity in their communication. Their karmic lesson is to learn to share their knowledge and educate others, while also knowing when to stop. Geminis are intelligent and fast-thinking, but they may need to learn to slow down and receive information at a pace that can be digested. Geminis may need to develop emotional depth and consistency. They may be drawn to karmic relationships that challenge their communication and emotional understanding, which can help them learn about love and genuine connection You thought you had marked someone for dead and its like they are living just to spite you. They are happy, healthy and soon to be wealthy. They have a beautiful heart and many love them. You tried to make them jealous, tried to make them chase you for affection a...

Mister is getting back all he did to you Celie

In Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the character Albert is referred to as "Mr_____" to  symbolize a power shift . By eliminating his last name, either the author or the character Celie removes him from his position of power, erasing his human identity. You are a light and this person male or female tried to snuff it out of you. You moved forward inspite of the roadblock laid in your way. This individual wanted to make their jealousy your problem. Now you got someone who will make mountains move for you. This stoic individual is going to show you the world. In fact they will create a whole new world with you. Your heart will heal because of this new conection. You are going to be so cherished and whomever gains your energ will be blessed. This Albert energy in your life knows how talented but damaged, charamastic but shy intutitive and fluid and lots of your ex's love you. Now they along with all you left behind now will have to sit back as you l...


Libra is  a zodiac sign and constellation that represents balance and harmony.  Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with the period from September 22 to October 23. The symbol for Libra is the scales, which represents fairness and justice. Libras are said to be sociable, intelligent, and charming.   Libra is a constellation in the southern sky, located between Virgo and Scorpius. The constellation's name comes from the Latin word for "weighing scales". Libra is best visible at 9 PM in June. The brightest star in the constellation is Zubeneschamali, also known as Beta Librae.   You are leveling up. Those who was holding you back are falling out of your life and healthier connections are happening right now. You have found it wasn't you who needed to change it was those in your enviroment that needed to bounce. You had people in your energy that did not respect your boundaries. Now you are going tow...

Putting in the work

Kk kk ff You are safe. Noone can put pie in your face. You will not be made to look like a joke. You have stepped out in faith and now you are falling and are having doubts. You have to find that seed and hold on to it. You aresafe. Your family is safe. You've never done this before, but you are growing and now you light up the block the wonderment that is a symptom of innocence you radiate it. You are more then the sum of your past experiences. Have faith find it within. Anyone sending negative energy your way will find that its been returned to them times 10. They are wondering how you know they betrayed you and why arent you hurt by it. Why arent you fragile and broken? You are intoxicating to be around. You make all around you feel rich. As you move ahead in life you will have many who judge your jouney. There are those who want to fight over you. Some of these people were in open relationships or dating around and they are...

Not my first but definitely my last

I let them go. It wsn't pretty or easy but I stopped that connection. I will get rid of all signs of the connectio if that will reassure you. I don't want any reminders either. Divorice, break up whatever I will make sure its crystal clear I mean this. I dont really want to talk about my next steps but I know its necessary. I want to talk to you. I am waiting to hear from you. I miss you so very much. My soul hurts and I can't help, but cry at the pain that misssing you is causing me right now. I will admit I have messed up so bad I feel like will never get back to you healthy and a addition to your life not a burden. You don't just see your worth in this individual you see where you lack as well, but instead of shame you feel a rush to get to work. No hiding your flaws its gonna be about embracing and reshapeing. That pain I caused I am gong to do my damndest to heal, that grief to abate. I should have never allowed myself to get to a point of hurti...

Let's risk it all

I have been sitting here thinking for a while now and things have to change. I have to change. We have to change. I want forever with you. i know in the past none of my nehavior was consitent enough for you to believe what I am sayin now but I mean it. I know I had to make a decision. I know I couldn't have it both ways. Either I was in with you or I was gone and being gone just is not a option.You bring a light into my life I can't find anywhere else. I din't have what I felt you deserved and so I went around those who wouldn't notice they weren't getting my best and was actually dealing with me at my worse. I don't have the right to ask you to come back to me. I destated you over and over and felt shame but pushed it aside. If i denied it enough maybe it would become true. I have so much to say now that you may not want to hear. I took a little out of you everyday and expected you to still perform at 100%. I was young when we started all t...

First House

In astrology, the first house is the most personal part of a birth chart and is associated with the self. It's also known as the house of self. The first house is defined by the rising sign, or ascendant, and is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, and anger. The first house can provide insight into a person's outward In astrology, the first house is  the most personal part of a birth chart and is associated with the self . It's also known as the house of self.   The first house can provide insight into a person's outward appearance, traits, characteristics, outlook, and sense of expression.   The first house can provide clues to how a person's personality may evolve in the future. When planets in the sky transit into the first house, goals are manifested, and new projects, ideas, or perspectives take form. The rising sign is the sign whose characteristics a person adopts at birth and expresses naturally. For example, a Capricorn rising person is thought...


So many options, but I follow others opinions. I never developed the ability to hold my boundaries and now I am floundering. Mental illness is pausing my momentum. The world doesnt owe me shit, but I still want to put my hands out. I know I need to stop seeing things thru a slanted view. For so long it was like so many people were talking to you and their voices were coming thru a filter so very distorted, but now its all crystal clear. Its time for you to follow your intuiton and trust it. If you would just trust yourself you would know that all you need is within. Stop talking so much and just listen. You will hear the truth in the silence. After learning the truth you will be able to say one final good bye and bounce right on out of their lives and into the future. It may not move smoothly, but its still going to move forward. There will be times that folks you thought you had on your side were really your opposition. They are recognizing that they can't do life without yo...


Saturn's placement in a person's birth chart can have a significant impact on their personality, life experiences, and challenges. The sign in which Saturn is placed can influence a person's personality and life experiences. For example, Saturn in Capricorn can make a person ambitious, hardworking, and responsible.  The element in which Saturn is placed can indicate the nature of the challenges and achievements it brings. For example, Saturn in water signs can bring emotional challenges and achievements, while Saturn in air signs can bring social and intellectual challenges and achievements.  The house in which Saturn is placed can indicate the area of life where its energy is most felt. For example, Saturn in the 10th house can bring perseverance, responsibility, and practicality to a person's career and public life. When Saturn returns to the sign it was in when a person was born, it's often considered a coming-of-age moment, usually around...

Olive Tree

In astrology, the olive tree is  associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius . The olive tree is a symbol of peace, friendship, and forgiveness, which are values that Aquarians are said to hold dear.   The olive tree is a symbol of abundance, as it produces an abundance of fruit, oil, and leaves.   Olive trees can live for over a thousand years, making them some of the oldest botanical specimens in the world.   The olive tree is considered sacred in many cultures and traditions.   The olive tree is considered lucky in many cultures.    Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used olive oil to heal ailments.   Romans used olive oil to wash their hair and beautify their skin.   olive tree has a deep historical significance in Greek mythology and tradition. In Greek mythology, the goddess Athena created the olive tree after winning a contest with Poseidon to control Athens.  My heart is fragile.I have finally learned hw to...


The maple tree and its leaves have many spiritual meanings. The maple tree's wide shape and ability to cast shade can protect people from evil spirits and danger. In Native American culture, the maple is a tree of protection against negative energies. The maple tree's white bark and five-pointed leaves are similar to a human hand, which was seen as a sign of a connection between the human and divine worlds. The red color of maple leaves is associated with happiness and joy, and the maple tree has many stories related to love and romance. In Korean culture, the maple's heart-shaped leaves symbolize love and affection. The maple tree is a symbol of strength and endurance, and is Canada's national tree. In Asia, the maple tree symbolizes official dignity and a sense of duty and respect. In Celtic culture, the maple leaf represents wisdom and knowledge gained over time. In Japanese culture, the maple is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and prosperity. In Chinese c...


You have beef with a sibling who doesn't know they are a sibling. You came for them and they had no idea why. You was out there getting yours and lying left and right, but wanted them to wear your lies like it was the definition of their life. So what if someone you was dealing with wanted them that doesn't mean turn on family especially if they aren't that type of person character wise before this incident. That you was told in private, but wanted to make it a public battle is ridiculous and shows the level of immaturity you are still dealing with. You could have risen above your jealousy, but you chose not to. You stalked and chased but never was adult enough to say hey I feel intimidated by your light. Who knows you might have healed things before it got to the point you are at now. You made so many efforts to battle, but now you need to make just as many apologies to rectify your connection. Noone is going to blame you for wanting to fix your mistak...