
Showing posts with the label Pisces Energy


A contract is ending. Finances are stagnant and passion has dried up. You have been trying to clear out your family roots in order to nurture the healthy ones on your particular family tree. The chaos that is your family has left you in such despair that you felt like all your emotions have been poured out. Its time to go on adventures to leave the city. You and your children are a whole family don't ever feel like you are broken. You may not be ready for love, but you are not a loser. You just need a hug every now and then and you want it from someone who cares. You want someone in your life that sees the you the world doesnt see,someone who wants you head to toe. Drama is in the past. You are moving away from people who were the catalyst for the drama. Anyone who is trying to keep you wrapped up in their sauce is gonna be in for a rude awakening. If people do not have your back you are going to move on regardless and they can tell the Pope you hate


You are repeating a cycle. You are doubling down on trying to fuck someone over due to a family position. You are feeling delusional but you refuse to see it. You have no idea how your behavior is being percieved because you truly feel you are in the right about your behavior. You wake up everyday wondering how to make this one indiviual miserable. You try to keep them surrounded and at least one of them you expect to stab them in the back while the rest of you keep them distracted. All you have done has accumlulated into nothing. That person is still is a loving indiviual. That person still has the right to have a happy life just becuase you aren't is selfish as hell. In every walk of life you have tried to put poison in others ears about this indiviual and for every one person you turned aaginst them 5 more had their back. This battle will continue until you give up or die either choice is yours but your own ancestors are disgusted with you and don't under

What is your 12th house?

  The 12th house  called the house of the instinct, of dreams, of the hidden world and the unconscious. It is considered one of the most dangerous houses in the natal chart, but we ought not overlook that its foundation lies straightforwardly in the depths of our psyche. The 12th House in Astrology governs your subconscious and the things you say to yourself – the good and the bad. This house reveals how intuitive or psychic you are, as well as giving insight into your spirituality and your health. It governs your karma and what you might be bringing with you from the past. It also shows where you might sabotage yourself. Thus, it isn't a surprise that the 12th House governs secrets, confidential matters, worries, hidden enemies, and deception. All of this might seem like polarities – what you keep hidden internally versus how you can be hurt externally (either through self-sabotage or enemies), yet the very nature of the 12th House is that of opposing forces. At its most basic lev