
Showing posts with the label Venus

You are leading me towards eternal loneliness for the cost of love

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for because felonious behaviour is on the rise. Someone wants that Romeo & Juliet love, but they seemed to forget Romeo was a fuck boy who literally was whining about Roslyn minutes before meeting Juliet. Fickle. No, I am not saying anything about love at first sight cuz I do believe in it but the whole point of the play was to teach about rushing into things and that is what you are being warned about. You wont be the Queen/King to a Karmic. This person is watching you.They know they have hurt you. You might be posting on a platform about it or maybe they just know. They are giving you the space to walk away or stay. Their throat chakra blocked jealousy, overly defensive, codependant, reclusive, you talk to much, tell lies, gossip, secretive, and shy. You need to get a amulet or ring or bracelet something you will never remove. Bless it and put it on. This person really wants to reconcile. They know that there is a


I keep hearing one, two, three, the devils after me... You already know how to defend yourself so your not worried about attacks from behind. You are so much more focused on the future and enjoying life. So much lost has already occured. Not just the things you cherished, but it seems to all just fall to the wayside. You are avoiding connections that lead you into compromising yourself. You have a path you want to be on and noone is going to discourage you. You have some connections coming your way that will be your suppoort and your encouragement. Do not think that these connetions aren't protected. These people have been sent towards you as gifts from the divine. All the obstacles that used to be barriers to your movement are falling to the wayside. Money, career, family, friends, whatever the hump you have to get over is literally dissappering like its never been a issue. Money is comijng in , family is healing, friends are supporting your world is changing f

Friendship messages

I have been paying attention to some thingas and I'm realizing they are trying to kill you. I am scared to come forward and tell you because I fear you will think I am part of this. I know if they trust me enough to plan around me then I'm with them. I will be honest having your back in this situation was furthest from my mind. I was enjoying be chosen by this group. I lost out being attached to them. I am released from them but I don't feel its safe to come forward just yet. You honestly should blow me off. You are a God/goddess and they all knew it. The more people who could harrass you to keep you out of your Divinity the better. I see you now and my devotion to you wont waver again. I don't like being around numb people. I am ready to fix this friendship. In the next 2 weeks you will be experiencing the best of level ups and abundance. They are going to choke on your name and energy. All these people trying to fuck you over from behind your back. I have no ide

I'm working on me I promise.

I need a partner not a liablity. I think you are perfect for me please. I have abandonment issues and I know that can be irritating in the long term of dealing with someone but its not all crying internally I promise. In the next little while you will see some changes and I hope that you aill accept the change. I know that I will have to kiss your ass but I'm not overthinking it. I see the innocence in your heart and i want to protect that at all costs. I want to pray more about us but I don't know what to say or who to even talk to. Do you pray for us? Do you pray that our love changes from the toxic pit that it is right now? I want you to feel safe and i know that i actually make youfeellike there is pie on your face. I apologize that i keep acting up. I dont want a superficial life with you and right now thats all we could have because I am scared to dig deep. I want to be with you so bad. I don't want nor need more lessons in love they hurt especially the ones I

Master Manifestor

You need to speak with your chest. If you want to propose you have to talk to the person you want to marry. Standing in the shadows just watching them solves what?? Stop trying to create situations and just pick up the phone and call. Someone is dealing with the law and that is one reason why they havent called. They are expereriencing Karma left and right. They dont want to bring that around you. Once all that is handled they want to come your way and ask you if they can play for keeps. This person can be in their late 30s or early 40s. They are very creative. They look innocent but can hwip some ass. They also are actually as nice as they come across. This person isn't coming to you in Ares/Athena energy this person is going to be your Hephaestus/Hestia some who knows the value of home, love, and loyalty. Its time for a romantic level up. I know that sounds kind of arogant, but it is the truth as you level up you need a partner who not only matches your fly but matches

Divine Masculine younger sibling message to Divine Masculine

You are so smart. Whatever was blocking you is gone. Your connection with the divine feminiine is a beautiful story. I want to see the ending. I want a love like yours. I want a masculine like you. I am upset that this growth is taking you away from me. I am so sad I feel like I am losing you. I have nothing to fill my void becuase i don't have a healthy attachment to you. I am not sleeping well since we sepearted but I know it was for your spiritual health. I want to go on adventures with you around the world. I have to be honest I am not the only spy in your life. I thought i was doing what was best for you. I am so mad at you right now! I need to get some help. I have some unhealthy thinking. I just know im willing to do anything to gain your forgiveness. I will kiss your ass to get your forgivenes. If you find out all the truth will you still love me? I caused so many problems! I have seen the error of my ways. Well i understand the consequences of my actions. I want

i can fix this

I'm coming for you. I am upset because I was counting on you to come to me. I see you over there being happier. I will step back if you dont want me. I am hoping that you do not ask that, but instead ask me to join you.I can't tell which way the tide is going to go in this connection. I know the way I have behaved in the past has shown me to be untrue, but can I just say give me a chance to prove that isnt me anymore? I won't let you be hurt by my pain anymore. I underestimated your intelligence and your need for knowledge and your connection to the divine that superseceds it all. Right now I am gearing up to kiss your ass literally and figuritively to pay you back for my ill will and false behavior. I promise I wont be fake about what I want out of this connection. I am having faith that I can have trust in you. I know deep in my soul that I want you to be mine. I want to help you raise kids whether that is mine, yours or ours i just want t ablood line legacy with yo

Don't Bizounce

Someone has an addiction to women.  They think women make the world just easier to live in.  Women are the spice in life.  Problem with this mindset is this person keeps entering into connections that they are implying would stay monogamous and then cheating rampantly.  There was no way this person was going to bring that you.  Not you.  Not the person they loved.  You could be on the edge of the mess, but right in the middle no they couldn't bear to see you daily knowing they was hurting you like that.  You may feel like they are choosing other connections instead of you and it's not that it's these other people make being a cheater easier.  For whatever reason it's just easier to hurt them then it is to know they are causing you intentional harm which they would never do.  Right now this person wants to touch you deeply everywhere and I mean everywhere fingers in your mouth too??? you bet!!!  They have two words for you #CreamPie you do with that as you will... They w

From a masculine to a Feminine

I got shit to do.  I gotta focus and you are a distraction.  I never had you and now that your gone I've lost a opportunity to have you so fuck it and you!  Except you are on my mind every night, all night. I cannot even hold you while you cry in your dreams because I turned my back on you in the flesh and in the spirit world.  I was in my masculine energy and buried any trace of my feminine energy because it made me feel weak. You have always been my sunrise. You loved me at my worse. I even stopped loving me I can't understand how you do it. I know you used to ask me what I liked to see you in and it's your dresses. You seem so soft and vulnerable. I know you are not vulnerable in the least, but you just ooze feminity like Gaia in Captain Planet. When it came to you I always knew it was you. I just didn't want it to be you. If I had a better example at home maybe I would have done better by you. I hope you would have gotten a better me because I know in any universe I

in sync

555- You are getting in sync with your true self. Letting go of patterns that have you avoiding your phone and getting into intense conversations. Keeping up your boundaries may make others angry, but is what is best for you.  People are watching to see if you will go back to who you used to be and if you will go back to dealing with the people you used to deal with.  Some are on your social media others are talking to others who knows you trying to sus any and all info they can get.  Some of them if they asked if knew why they attack and doy and lie they wouldn't even know it's just a complusion they need the tea,have to spread the tea, and if there is no tea make some up.  You have to be up to something because if they was you they would be up to something. I guess the concept that even if they had your body your soul is uniquely yours and no one can duplicate that energy exactly so it's a waste of desire to want to be you.  If they was

Equation for success

  What isn't adding up for you? In what way are things becoming hard to wrap your intent plus thoughts around? Even when you at your worse what keeps you striving to make one foot forward?  Those are the thoughts rattling around in your head.  You aren't alone there are many who are questioning their self image, reflecting on who they are and how that translates in their relationships both familial and personal. Some who have been bleeding on everyone unaware of their trauma are now beginning to tend those wounds.  You might be disconnecting from people you thought would be connected to you for a lifetime. You have recognized that if someone's energy doesn't match yours they are either a hinderance or  a assist to help you grow and you are taking the initiative to level yourself out by pursing the relationships that push you to grow.  You had connections in the past that sabotaged you, isolated you, kept you trying to prove yourself with no real promise that situations

Pure Cocoa??? Interesting

  So, you are creating  a safe place to do some miracles. Ask for help from heaven. The art of pragmatic magic and the displacement between worlds is some heavy things to think on. You have been honoring the ancients. Learning to build the foundation that will sustain your activities so that you can create the life you want.  You have learned that everything around you can become your teacher. You let the world around you to show her the way. You approach learning with the innocence of a child. You can explore familiar things with the curiosity of an apprentice. You have put your emotions aside and have been communicating your observations and questions clearly. The secrets of the gods can be found by all individuals. Learn from them. Spread them. Drinking some pure cocoa is an ancient training method for deeper awareness by opening the heart. Commercial chocolates have harmful ingredients. Only pure cocoa can clear the capillaries and increase blood circulation. The teaching of the he

You can see clearly now

 You may be on a fairy kick or magic kick not really sure why, but you have been drawn to the the light and whimsy in life. The dreamy the esoteric pulls at you, but even more so right now. You cannot always have your feet in the air sometimes you have to have your feet on the ground.  If in the past you was part of third party relationships no longer is that going to be tolerated by you. No more hoping they might change, now if they don't follow thru the first time you forgive them  you won't give them an opportunity to have a second chance.  You will no longer be the gold at the end of others peoples rainbows while they aren't even trees o the path. You won't be someone's get rich quick scheme, the foundation they build their futures on. From now on it is equal reciprocity or nothing.  People take,take,take from you and never give you your flowers. They don't want you to know that you make a difference. Not only in other peoples' lives, but also in theirs

Red Flags

 Whelp, someone wants to know if you are D.T.F. and its screaming red flags. If you don't give up the booty they dipping on you. They wanted to pick your brain but they wanted to be in your draws. You have the gift to see thru them, but only if they can get you into bed.  You are a true delight you exude parental energy that makes to you. Love seems to pour from you like sweat on a basketball player.  If you choose to sleep with this person be prepared to get left again. Due to being how you are this person dislikes, but they want you. Trust me they are as confused as you. They actually feel suicidal because of this indecision and hate. They are fake and they know it. Their words and actions never line up. They don't care if you don't want them they want you. You energy is intoxicating your mind, fertile and everywhere you go you create a home. You are history in in the making and they hate to see it. From head to toe you got that it factor.  You will be receiving apologies

Mercury Retrograde

 This mercury retrograde you could be feeling blank. Not clear on anything so you are trying to just pause on life. Which would be an impressive feat if you could, but you can't bud. You gotta get moving cuz stagnancy will be your death. This isn't a maybe death either. Spirit said move your aa or the police will move you to the morgue.  Start walking in that natural confidence Spirit gave you. You know its time for a change. You can not let your past trauma keep you from moving forward. It's ok if you can't see the road ahead of you. You are doing some things Spirit is so proud of you for letting go of toxic habits, but they won't be gentle with you its boot camp time. You want something prove it.  Someone is about to show up with flowers. This person is going to put you in your head. Its ok Spirit is ready to have that talk with you, but you already know the answer. You can claim you was asleep but you WOKE now so you got no excuses.  You want your happily ever af

I suck at emotion laid conversation.

 6lack~ Prblms Timing is at work. When you reconnect it will be like the first time. Your person recognizes you have trauma from their past behavior. They are upset that you are not speaking to them the way you used to and the silence is eating at them. They know you are a gift from the Divine and they don't want to let you go.  They want to finally create some precious memories with you.  They for some reason don't want you to be aware of how they feel. They want you to come to them begging for their attention and then they feel they can show you slowly how intense their love for you is they are yours heart and soul.  They want you to be their lil baby.  They wish you would just give them a chance to prove that THIS time it really is different. They want to sweep you off your feet they still want this chance. They realize they don't know how to be a adult. They are aware their behavior has been a big issue in your situationship.  They are battling within trying to heal the

What they want to say

 Dealing with Fire Signs all placements: Hey will you let go of expectations? I am SO proud of you, but I hate you for growing beyond me. I know everything  I do contradicts with what I say, but have faith you are mine. Take your time accepting this because there is no next for me you are the last stop.  I want to be your hero and save you this time. I know in the past I took your love for granted and built a Web of lies. I'm watching you closely to see if you have figured out my secrets. I am ready to fight anyone and everyone for your love I hope they know that.  I haven't let go of my toxic Habits. I just need you to be blind to them I could care less if the world knows I'm evil just not you. I used to care that the world saw the best in me now I realize it doesn't matter if you don't see me on a pedestal. The rareness of you is like a acoustic guitar  come back please Angel Numbers: 111, 222

Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer

Jeremih~ Birthday Sex Keyshia Cole~ Incapable Have faith cuz your mine. You want to express to your person. You're tired of distant communication, you want to see them. They don't know, but your getting your priorities straight. You don't want them to know that you wanted to show them how much you loved them.  Your spirit is screaming just hold me down and I'll hold you down. If you got a phone call from them you would tell them your working on aligning. Then you would tell them that you see they are noble, pure and they create passion within you and all that inspires you to be a better person. You want to show them you won't take their love for granted by the storm and all alone.  I am sorry, but now is the time to be alone. You have a few more things to heal so that when you come back to union. You will be able to focus on what you are called to do together. Take this opportunity of aloneness to meditate, pray, walk, dance, sing, write, etc. Anything to ground an

Cancer, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus

 Melvoni~ Chrome Meg Meyers~ The Underground Mariah Carey~ Always Be My Baby Clint Black~ A Better Man Kehlani & Kyle~ Playin Wit Me  Ty Dolla~ Or Nah Sex is the biggest energy in the message. You want someone head to toe, and telling them you are ready for love.  You want to tell them your not the enemy and you didn't do them right.   You want them to know they are on your mind at night. You want them to know you admire their confidence. You think you are one and the same. You wish they knew how beautiful you think their spirit is.


 Your person is you other half. They think you need more confidence in yourself though. At night you are the main thing they think of. No more games no more rociness. you are beautiful to them in and out.  You might be seeing 11:11 alot and its just reminding you to embrace life and its promises. Your person want you to know your voice is like every love song wrapped up in sex and hugs. Its just yummy, but they want you to know they want more. They want partnership. They are ashamed of their behavior and want you to know they should've known better. They just want you to stop your tears. They just want  to heal your past to  move on to your future together.