
Showing posts with the label 11th House


Ooooh you met someone. You aren't getting the usual signals of desire so you are confused. Since they aren't up under your butt you don't feel comfortable. They are just trying to take things slow. I know you are used to someone trying to get in your mix fast but this is probaby your first time falling in love not lust.This isn't something quick. You are holding back and keeping secrets. Just be honest tell them you would like to be more in what ever it is you require to feel more deired. Its not bad luck to be honest regardless of the outcome. You might misunderstand them alot. So what they don't mind explaining what they mean. Have more faith in them. Have more faith in yourself. If you feel like you are being fake then work on yourself. Traveling wont fill any voids if you arent working on yourself lovey. Drinks and dro won't fill the hole within baby shadow work will. If you haven't let your self dream please do. All your dreams are a sign you are

A convo with Pop pop

Always ask for the truth. Never date friends, If there is confusion walk away. Always have a back up plan. Do not allow somone to stop your shine. Accept praise it is not vanity. Do not feel alone you always have me. Allow me to help you step up to your highest self. You may not be the first doing something but I have faith you can be the best. Its time for you to love yourself more. Its ok to heal hurts you thought was already healed. Sometimes to reconnect withyourself and nature. You can change your ways. You will have people flocking to follow your lead. You are not only good to look at you are intelligent I am so proud of you. I mis hugging you too. I am still learning lessons even where I am but you being happy makes me joyful. I love knowing you are growing into such a wonderful person. Don't keep secrets they will be your downfall. Be your own standard. No more crying because of others. I wasn't planning on leaving as soon as I did but you m

I can find the beat in everything but my heart. Without you im dead.

You are a miracle. You are so impressive. Can you just sit on my lap and never leave? If you dont want to be with me I totally get it I have spent to much time hurting you why would you believe i want to make it up to you? You make me so happy with your cheerful disposition. Your quirkiness is beautiful. . Even when changes occur and something just aint right you manage to keep educating folks. You are doing what you was called to do. I surrender my heart to you. Iknow its beat up and tarnished but its all yours. I dont have any strategy to bring you back excet open my heart and maybe you will step into it. My struggles will not keep me from coming back to you. I will even assist you with work drama. If they are coming against you they are coming against us i get that. The longer we are apart the more bleak life seems. I see you out there making moves though. You are totally #Wifeygoals #youaremyangel you are the reason i dont need a drink. I am looking at your social media c


Something is coming and you arent expecting it. You are prepared like a Queen or King on a chessboard. You are dominating someone who thought they had a upper hand. Your love for self saved you from being dragged down to the level emed by your opps. Someone will use love to rebind you to their downfall. They will say all the right things. You know their games though. This is still a checker game to them. You have changed and therefore the rules no longer apply. If you are mirrors of each other they need to clean theirs because you refuse to reflect back the same image they want to project. What thry want to hide you show with pride because those wounds are scars now healed with hard work and tears. What is missing for them you cannot replace. You cannot use your tools they wont fit their pieces.Like inventors of old they must design tools inique to their need. You have learned to stand on your own. It is time for them as well. Your love is not enough to save anyone


You are repeating a cycle. You are doubling down on trying to fuck someone over due to a family position. You are feeling delusional but you refuse to see it. You have no idea how your behavior is being percieved because you truly feel you are in the right about your behavior. You wake up everyday wondering how to make this one indiviual miserable. You try to keep them surrounded and at least one of them you expect to stab them in the back while the rest of you keep them distracted. All you have done has accumlulated into nothing. That person is still is a loving indiviual. That person still has the right to have a happy life just becuase you aren't is selfish as hell. In every walk of life you have tried to put poison in others ears about this indiviual and for every one person you turned aaginst them 5 more had their back. This battle will continue until you give up or die either choice is yours but your own ancestors are disgusted with you and don't under

Red Flag

edit  You have become so protective over your heart. After many reincarnations in just this one lifetime you have died and resurrected int a person who fights for their personal rights like they are the are the nation of WAKANDA and you are the Blackpanther. No longer are you going to have to fight. You have overcome the battles that cmae your way. You now not only stand on business but are prepared to defend yourself. You have found the tools to protect you on your journey and noone is going toovercome you. You have been trapped in some empath and narcissit paradigm. You refuse to be used now that you understand the enormity of the energy being sent your way and the enrgy that ws being siphoned from you. All the fake love is about to head your way and I know you want it to feel real. All affection is not good. Just move around accordingly.

Green Flags

edit  They see you as so attractive. You flirt and date and you don't hook up. Your doing this adult thing right. Any third parties are ot inttentional becuase that is not your energy. Hurting someone else just to be with someone is not your thing. They see you making healthy choices in life and love and that is attaractive to them. You have self love, your self sufficent and your happy alone. This person wants toprevent your sadness. The thought of missing you and missing out on this connection actually brings tears to this persons eyes. If there is a past connection there is a lot of reminisicing. There maybe keepsakes that this person has held onto as a way to stay connected to you. This person may actuallybe learning from those past memeories on how to be a better oartner now. that doesnt neccessaraily mean you will take them back but it is a good direction to be heading in for a future partner for them. You project stability and and securuity and your person sees tha

Remember me???

You are the young at heart that they sing about. You make people want to spend time witth you just to bask in your energy. People who have harmed you are looking to make offers of peace to fix the connections they held with you in the past. These people fucked around and they found out. You are powerful and you only crave synergy. Those who are jealous of you and your self love journey have no idea the desert you crawled thru. You have a lot of new people coming your way ths spring. You definitely have a lot of people coming from the past trying to find a spot in your new beggining. They unfourtunately think this new you is just a game a facade that you will release just for their benefit. At the end of the day. These people know they need you in there life. They miss having your energy in your life. Some of them are overthinking how to reconnect and have come up with nada. These people do not want to let you go. These people will give anything to be in your future even if its o

Sometimes I feel like somebodies watching me

You have some one or somebodies watching you. These folks or this person doesn't want to face rejection from you. They aren't being accountable for things they have done to you in the past. These people maybe upset with how you are making money and how intelligent you are. You was someones back up plan and they are seeing that their plan for youis falling to pieces you are to intelligent to repeatedly falling for their trickery. These peoplle refuse to learn from their mistakes. Instead of admitting defeat they shift the blame to you saying your just to dumb to even fall into the trap rather then giving you credit for being too smart and avoiding it. You are intelligent and they refuse to acknowledge that in their plans they focus on your emotions and attack. These people want to beat you at a game they are the only ones playing. You dont want to know what the rules are because you honestly just don't care. Congratulations you have given up drinking. You also have

sick and tired of broken promises

Promises was all you gave me. I didn't check to see if anything you said held wait. I placed my faith in you and allowed myself to begin to fall in love but I didn't feel safe. You did't let me feel ok caring about you. It took some time but i figured out you had another motive. As I look at the future I fail to see you in it. I'm not going to fight you. I honestly have other things on my mind. I wish you would choose a life that i could fully be apart of all the time. Any magic you have been playing with to have me tied to you has been returned 10 fold. You wanted me to ride your toxic wave. You wanted me craving you at the cost of the peace of my mind. You wanted me to create a home for you in my heart. For what? Why should I provide a space for someoone whom doesnt appreciate their special space? Why should i be a safe space for a unsafe person? I admit them kisses is what got me in the first place, but we aren't in no kind of kissing status. I just can'

Distant family or Friend message to Divine Masculine

Someone told us to watch you. What made you change up? Was it really Divine Feminine? You don't need that nerd. All you need to do is grind a little harder. Kiss some ass and you might get aead faster. You don't need her. If you set your sight higher you could get it. Stop telling her everything! She knows way to much without your assistance. Everything we have done to stop her from reconnecting with you and everything doesn't stop either of you. We know that its a pointless battle but we still try. We just wont be happy seeing you two together. We don't like that she encourages you to be yourself. You lost is you mallable and we need you that way to control your money, your addictions, your connections.

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

What are you doing with yourself? You got a lil bit of time to fix this mess. Your children need to see you being better. Be happy your feminine is connected to source. Not many are gifted that way. I messed up and made you feel unloved and it was wrong of me to not ever really fix it. I get why when I came to you the door of communication was shut. I gave you empty promises to stay connected not any effort and i apologize. You brought delight to my life i promise. You are my joy. I admit i was spying on yours and others connected ou you page like the grandkids and their mom(s) and your friends. Some of them blocked me but enough connected to give me more insight into your life. I still see you as a baby and that isnt fair. I really want a better relationship with you. I have proved fickle in the past but no longer. I was young when you was born and did not handle it well. I was scared I would hurt you and funny enough i managed to do just that. I want to fix this I just need you t

I owe you a apology

How many drinks will it take for you to sit still and let me talk to you? I have to tell you how I feel. I keep trying to talk to you thru music, but your not talking back. You are my Angel on this barren Earth. I just need a chance to show you I have changed. You won't be a secret this time. I should have never treated some of the people I wined and dinde so well they didn't deserve a quarter of the attention and affection I gave them. I surrounded myself with fake people and reaped all kinds of karma. I thought i was moving the right way. I didn't see that when my life was going well was cuz you was in my life. I thought things would be bad but once you was gone it would get 10 times worse. You was shielding me from so much karma just taking the hits and pressing forward. You accepted life unfiltered so I could wear rose ccolored glasses never turning my eye to the devastation I was leaving behind. You was the only one to call me out over and over about how I was affect

If you don’t start doing what your told so you can get to where you need to be…

 Right now you have the warmth in you that feels like spring inside. It’s so sweet it braces you when moments of indecision and almost physical weakness. You could be experiencing headaches or feel pressure in your third eye, have insomnia and maybe eating sporadically. You have been getting a lot of downloads, but have you been paying attention or are you unsure you want to know the answers to the questions you have been shouting out to the universe for a while now for about a decade or within the last decade. You also might be struggling with religion right now asking what is going to give you the answers you need?  You are being be called to write and you are ignoring it. You have a story that needs to be told so others can heal. You have been thru a lot and your experiences are what got you to where you are right now.  Go to your altar spend some time there. Light some white candles and tell them what’s been going on. Be honest with yourself and them let the hurt go. You are unwind

Watch out

  Someone is dangerous to you. They see you as a delight, but you have been reflecting on the connection and you now recognize the red flags. You are being reassured that the Universe sees you. You are and always have been connected to the Creator. New beginnings are coming your way in life, love and within. As you walk in forgiveness and you see the overflow occur.  The more will you allow others to block your blessings. No more will you allow others to project laziness on you because you are a go getter. The last decade you have gone thru a lot and these last 9 months have been a doozy. In the next 9 weeks you will see physically evidence of abundance in the next 9 days you you will see a change I. Your energy. If your family safety don’t trip your family is safe. Your clairvoyant you do know that you can utilize your skills for yourself. All those who say they don’t read themselves just don’t want to hear. The messages. But with practice you can find the messages  that will help you

It’s time to heal your heart

  You have been waiting with a locked heart for so long you forgot there was a key to unlock it. Very soon you will be meeting the one with the key. There will be no doubts this is the one who is your perfect fit. This person will be someone you will marry.  In order to be be ready for this person you need to heal your heart and root chakra. You won’t be able to accept else for that matter. You might be slowly opening your eyes to options.  You are seeing that you can make a choice good or bad , but your free to make a choice . You don’t have to accept this love. Just beware some of your choices can and will come back to try and take your abundance, your bliss. If you need to sit back and say goodbye to the past wounds that caused you to lock your heart in the first place. Learn from the past so you can create new opportunities in the future. That closed hearted you is gone your relationship with that version of you is over. No second chances or trying to resurrect that old you. You ar


  You are smart, have good energy, and you present it in a willful way but you are also impulsive. Your sincerity is apparent to all after talking to you because when you walk into a room folks feel like you are flexing on them. Tchue/Tlaciache(hero who brought fire to mankind) risked his life to bring a tool of change to man and I feel you are very much like him in you see a need and you want to figure out how to fulfill it. So keep on doing whatever you are doing in the world to be a part of the light and keep on passing out tools I feel that is your calling.

New things on the horizon

 You might be about to start a relationship. In life or business partnership that will bring a new level of contentment.  New beginnings and strong bonds.  You may be in your head trying to figure out whether or not this meant for you. Regardless of your circumstances stability and satisfaction.  You might be struggling to get your point across to people, and no one seems to get where you are coming from, but they know you believe what your saying they just aren't understanding. The right person will hear you, but until you feel heard and understood you are going to be walking around hostile and lacking compassion . Searching for answers and feeling lost. Aching because you feel lack, with no direction to turn to. It is frustrating you. You want friends & companions that support you on your spiritual journey. You desire adventure and dignity. Unique combo, but its energy is perfectly you.

you got the touch

  You are like Rumpelstiltskin or midas making Gold out of the simple. The problem is no one around you truly appreciates that this talent comes from you. They have even made you feel so bad about this amazing gift that you contemplating walking away from it.  You are surrounded by enemies, but spirit is going to be pulling these folks away. You may be in hermit mode trying to figure out which path is yours to be on to find your enlightenment. You may have been dealing with a Soulmate who distracted you from your path.  You have been off your path for a while tricked like a person eating something in the fairy lands.  Be weary like someone avoiding a black cat.  You are awesome and in this 4 of pentacles energy you only have up to go. Stay vigilant and grounded as you move forward. No one in negative energy will be able to stop your progress.

Song Message

  Incapable~ Keyshia Cole: Oh what a oh what a feeling  The one that I thought that I needed  Was Incapable incapable of needing me back  Incapable incapable of loving like that  Oh what a oh what a feeling  The one that I thought that I needed  Was Incapable incapable of needing me back  Incapable incapable of loving like that Laugh Now, Cry Later~ Drake: When he tell the story, that's not how it went  Know they be lyin', a hundred percent  Moved out the Ritz and forgot 'bout the Bent'  Valet just called me to tell me come get it  Knocked that boy off and I don't want no credit  If it was me, they wouldn't regret it  Left me for dead and now they wan' dead it, yeah  Heart is still beatin', my niggas still eatin'  Backyard, it look like the Garden of Eden  Pillow talk with 'em, she spillin' the tea  And then shawty came back and said she didn't mean it  It's hard to believe it Slow Motion~ Charlotte Lawrence: I wish that I could hate