
Showing posts with the label year of the Rooster


Message from your person: I'm working on myself. I have stepped out of the crazy and away from the ledge. I have some things I need to focus on. I have nothing to lie to you about. I won the lottery dealing with you. My girth is made to plant seeds in your earth. This aint no Romeo & Juliet bull shit connection. I am trying to prove myself to both of us. I want everyone to know you're mine. I knew you could hurt me so I ran from you. I flirted with others, but refuse to play games with them. My thoughts and prays werent with any one i was just raw dogging life. I had no good examples to follow so I created my own. Since I made my own rules how can I be bothered by the nonsense of our haters. Its like why focus on people who arent living day to day with me?? I am focused on you because you are someone who will bless my life daily. I can't be a god without my goddess. I had you and lost you. I want you back. Let's have adventures. In the past I didnt figure yo

Parental Angel's message

You are my heart. I still worry about you even with circumstances as they are. I use to rub your back when we woul have serious convos. I thought i would have more time with you. I have been trying to connect with you but you wont sit still long enough to hear me. You want to feel more love just sit still im right with you. Anytime you need to talk I am still here. I won't judge you or interrupt. I won't ask intrusive questions. I want you to accept your soul famuly because they will echo the love I have for you. I know there was times in the past where you needed a break from me well no pressure now lol. You may not be feeling seen right now but please be reassured you are seen and cherished. Noone is talking negatively or bringing up up all your bad deeds waiting to pounce. You have Shea butter baby vibes and im so happy that you feel that energy deep inside. Do not be surprised if your next child reminds you of me. When it rains think of me. Im sorry love c

i think i caught a...

You haven't read everything. You are missing a important peace of information. Find it quickly. You might have a more experienced person assisting you in finding these missing things. Its ok to be vulnerable. You are awesome, you give people butterflies. You have taught people how to walk awy from connections that no longer serve them. People will be reaching out but its only to block you. You are so stern and you put your all in whatever you believe in. People love the authoritive vibe you carry. There are even somewho want to travel the world with you. You are unbothered. Those you have left behind feel emptyy without you. Some are hurting real bad but refuse to admit it. Everyone knows by now thsat you deserve better than you have recieved in the past. Those who caused you harm know now they never should have crossed you. The level up they thought they was gaining is yours and it will fund your interpdendance. Toxic family connections will finally be severed. You

past or present

Someone who you thought was honest with you actually spends to much time lying to you. They thought their behavior was going to break you it didnt. They got off on hurting you. Your light troubles their dark side. This person always has your name in their mouth and they are starting to choke on it. You look fantastic now and those from your past are in awe you just get better with age. Your looks are are blosssoming with age. What turned you on in your youth no longer takes precedance. Noone can control you so those in the past no longer can attempt to take control of your life. You are destined for happiness and the future looks bright keep going forward. Do not allow the labels of the past to hold you back. Do not allow those who abused you in the past to have the same leverage in your life again. If they come to you in the same energy turn them away. Loyalty is necessary to even have a foothold in your boundaries. You are setting up your life in order to be ha

what does your pet have to say?

Your pet wants to spend more time with you. They remeber you used to do more with them. You have been working with them to change their behaviors and with more attention they assure you they will finally get it. The more attention they receive the easier it is for lessons to stick in their minds. It may seem like their behavior is sabotage like but its actually in reaction whatever energy you are putting in the atmosphere. Youwant good behaior then you gotta be good to. You can't have a day where you are ignoring your pet. They don't understand the cold shoulder its either you love them or you hate them. For better or worst they are codependant on you so reward their obsession. When you push them away they are hurt. They feel as devestated as if you died . They are actively mourning every time you send them away angerily. Your pet loves you so very much don't forget that when life gets busy just like your human relationships you have to make a effort.

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Feminine

Your nothing like him. You are to plain. You are slim. You have gone thru to much to sacrifice it be a soft female.He is going to keep you from making the big money. He is asking you to step up and do thankless probono type work. Take it easy and think this thru. What if he is worst then the rest? What if what he was what you refused to believe he was? I know i have given you no oppurtunity to know our family. I felt it was his job. I choose to saty far away but i have been watching... well until you blocked me. You are in the middle of buildng a legacy. Is a relationship a good idea right now? Why tie yourself to one person? So what if your alone when you are older. Its all subjective anyways. He is in no shape to be your partner. There have been so many people doing magic on him that hes buried in karmic debt. I keep a eye out because you are family even if noone is treating you that way. I am so proud of you. I have watched you grow and your chahracter hasnt changed. I would be

It's been a long road, but your time is finally here

You have been searching for answers and you have them, but now your at a crossroad and the choice to continue your journey alone until your true partner meets up with you or turn back and start over with someone who will drag you from your  destined path.  It's time to walk in your passion and not run from it. Its time to embrace your creativity and utilize it's power in all aspects. You have stopped listening to naysers and doom encouragers. You have released the pain of the past and your moving forward.  Stop looking for things that will stop you on your way and start to embrace your emotional intelligence as a gift just like your logic and stop second guessing everything. 

They should be careful with you

 Right now you need to be careful. You are about to be presented with a choice and you need to really think about the situation. If you make a rash decision you might end up having long lasting consequences. Some experiences you can’t prepare for they just happen and you have to react and the chips will fall where they fall.  You have been forced over and over in life to heal by yourself from wounds that occurred and now your more wary of connections that put you in that vulnerable space of anxiety.  You have won this battle and you have been searching for answers and the answers you have found tell you that it’s about to happen and it’s unique just for you. No one you connect with is going to understand your journey except you so stop trying to explain it.  You are at the end of a cycle. It’s not even a big change it’s just like a sigh. It’s has to end so that new things can begin.

Blame it on the rain

Silly little one. You can’t ignore that you have to eat and drink more healthier. Junk food and sugary drinks aren’t for you. You have been feeling lethargic, snappy and your bowels are probably looser than normal. You are supposed to be glowing, growing, and reaping your rewards at this time in your life. You are being watched over by loved ones and your spirit team. You have been letting your gifts fall to the wayside out of fear. Letting others opinions and sense of right cause you to let go of your spiritual support team and second guess your path.  You are developing a healthy ego and it’s letting you fly in areas of life you used to fail. Like any good POC comic character you are wielding lightning instead of getting hit. It’s ok to admit you need to learn more and then you make a effort to go about learning. Something you create is going to flip your life around.  You have been manifesting and the Universe says it’s time to start receiving so get balanced so you can begin catchi

Are you ready?..

  Someone is coming towards you like a Royal, but one prepared for war not celebration. They have been making their way towards this moment and they want a victory but are prepared to fight you to win you.  This person has lost a lot. They had abundance and luck and now they come to you disguised as a monster, but really they are a hurt soldier in need of nursing back to stability. This person has been trusting that their footsteps will lead them back to you.  They see you as someone who has a lot going on for them and is strongly to well as intelligent. They see that your very essence is wealth and no power can take that from you. This person fears you. You know the rhythm of their soul and you know when they are off. You have found a way to dance within even as you fear a misstep.  They have caged their demons and are standing guard against causing harm. They rather be like a surgeon who closes the body when they can do no more instead of continuing to cut and bleed a person and stil

Watch out

  You are about to get justice. You have been surrounded by people who had you on a pedestal and still had their backs to you. Making you perform for their attention. Now you have stopped seeking their attention and instead your now shining a light as a beacon for others who thought they were the only ones in that position.  You have faced the balance within to attend to yourself even when tides of life threaten to over take you. Like a breakdancer you have learned fluidity.  I will warn you one of the people a feminine energy is out for vengeance a masculine energy is trying to take your foundation for himself, a younger masculine (teen) young adult is seeking support and the rest is just waiting to see what your going to do next. The devoured of dreams and family has lost the battle when it comes to having you in their grasp. Keep on doing whatever your doing cuz your shining.  

Its time to heal

 You wish you could change the past. There were moments of great Peace, but now it is bad so bad you want to die, but you keep trudging along. Its deeper than depression, but your just coasting along. You don't feel abundant you don't even feel abundant. You don't feel like a black sheep you feel  invisible and incomplete. Your looking at empty connections, but wont leave them alone. You're tired of life's lessons. You don't know how to fully pull away from them. You are struggling with self love and self sabotage and once you heal from this you will be able to walk away.  You don't have to stay in the energy of continual loss. Those hard lessons can lead you to the greatest answers possibly even your sweetest taboo.  Fyi the person you feel NEEDY about you aren't healed enough to be there for them focus on yourself buddy. Back up and heal before coming towards someone its not their job to heal you or even show you how to heal.  This is your journey. You

I didnt know what i had lost until you was gone....

 Somebody is watching you. They are reading your posts and feel you are talking about them and they want to clear up any misunderstanding. Their life is in shambles and they have no idea how to fix it without you. You are the bridge to their happy place, They see you as a gift from god. They are so mesmerized by you.  They said the storm is over, but they don't see any rainbows and they wonder if that's cuz they all ready found their pot of gold. They love that you are in Sync with yourself. They know they gave you the bare minimum. The next time they see you they want to see you dressed up. They can't send it in messages they have to say it in person. BTW...  they want you to know your skin is like cashmere.

following the breadcrumbs

 You are leading someone unto the path of reckoning. Someone from your past life or past. Whomever it is knows you as a enemy and although they treat you differently they dislike you deeply. They see you as a trailblazer and hate that about you. You cause anyone who is connected to you levels up. You loved on them and didn't appreciate the connections , but now that they are severed from you they want it back. They want you to believe they aren't the enemy, but you being  in alignment is making it hard. Seeing you heal your soul is making them fail where they once succeeded.  The energy you shared with them made them feel like a go getter who could fly  and they feel like their is no air and they can't breathe let alone fly. Just stuck