
Showing posts with the label Nut


I don't feel abundant. I dont have the words to save myself. I cheated in life to get thngs moving quicker. I wish i had told the truth. I shouldnt have tried to set you up. What I had with you wasnt worth it. I stopped playing on your phone. Yes, i want to sleep with you but that isnt the point I just want to see why everyone falls for you. My jealousy over you made me keep walking away. I wish you would call me my sexual health isnt the best and i know you could help me. Did my bad friendship push you away? Did my attacking your business keep you away? Why did you walk away how or what did you find out that turned you away? I apologized. I didn't change a thing but i said sorry. I thought you liked me for me??? I stopped spying i swear. I stopped lying about you. I just miss your love and support. I miss listening to muisc and singing with you. The 90s were lit for us remember? I have to confess i never showed you all of me. Its to late to fix ths connection isnt it.

Should I move ???

You are safe first and foremost. Anyone who is triggered by your peace and happiness cant have axcess to you.They cant piss on your dreams. Start speaking your truth. The syncrincites is speaking to you. The hurdles are almost all gone. You have one person whose loyalty is divided and will try to stop you. They will try to introduce negativities ( negative activities) into your life to distract you but you have survived all these karmic lessons you won't fall in the trap. You might need a lawyer for whatever decisions your making. Its ok o talk to those you truat about your situation. Whomever is trying to cause destruction in your life is about to recieve their just desserts. They're actually watching you hoping all goes bad. Their spiritual protection is gone and folks is wanting to know why you arent around. This person or people they can't understand how you got out of all the traps they set for you. This person has projected so much negativity to


I keep hearing one, two, three, the devils after me... You already know how to defend yourself so your not worried about attacks from behind. You are so much more focused on the future and enjoying life. So much lost has already occured. Not just the things you cherished, but it seems to all just fall to the wayside. You are avoiding connections that lead you into compromising yourself. You have a path you want to be on and noone is going to discourage you. You have some connections coming your way that will be your suppoort and your encouragement. Do not think that these connetions aren't protected. These people have been sent towards you as gifts from the divine. All the obstacles that used to be barriers to your movement are falling to the wayside. Money, career, family, friends, whatever the hump you have to get over is literally dissappering like its never been a issue. Money is comijng in , family is healing, friends are supporting your world is changing f

what does your pet have to say?

Your pet wants to spend more time with you. They remeber you used to do more with them. You have been working with them to change their behaviors and with more attention they assure you they will finally get it. The more attention they receive the easier it is for lessons to stick in their minds. It may seem like their behavior is sabotage like but its actually in reaction whatever energy you are putting in the atmosphere. Youwant good behaior then you gotta be good to. You can't have a day where you are ignoring your pet. They don't understand the cold shoulder its either you love them or you hate them. For better or worst they are codependant on you so reward their obsession. When you push them away they are hurt. They feel as devestated as if you died . They are actively mourning every time you send them away angerily. Your pet loves you so very much don't forget that when life gets busy just like your human relationships you have to make a effort.

why is this happening?

Your heart has been set free. Your abuser/s can no longer axcess you. They can try to apply their version of pressure but it aint gonna work. They have no idea the bloodline they fucking with. They been praying to God asking HIM to curse you like a whole ass weirdo. This/ese abuser/s has/ve the nerve to cry about the lost of this connection. They will say they have been abused and thats why they behave as they do. Anything they can do to get back in your good graces they will do. They are willing to let you attack them. They know they would have been safe with you. You gave them wings and made them feel special. They are a trickster/s don't believe them.They are going to come back saying the sweetest things. They will tell you they are fighting their demons. That they want to finally deleve into who you are. They will proclaim they want your happiness above all else while behind the scenes they are undermining you. You being in a happy relationship made them sick with jealousy.


Your money is in a few pots but you are making it wor for you. Having many hats is why you make the big bucks. You are lonely and crave your soulmate. You have returned to sender all the low vibe energy trying to be sent your way. You are learning to bend when its needed. You want to closer to each other. They are sorry they keep hurting you. Noone else makes them feel so vulnerable. They are doing their best to be better for you by being better for themselves. No more lying. No more drama. They choose you thats why they are still around, but they have learned to choose themselves first. The past has taught lessons that have freed them where it used to shackle them. They miss looking into your eyes. Everytime you walk away they have to acknowledge they could just eat you up. They are trying to be slick and hold on to you. They like it when you dominate them. They like it you are a switch. They wish they could swoop you up. You are the reason for transformation in thei

Who admires you

This person feels no worries when they are with you. This person may have been your enemy in the past, but now they want to prove themselves to you. They have recognized that with you they can find healing. They fear looking you in the eyes you might catch the lies still floating in there. This person is aware you may never fully trust them, but that doesnt change that they want to be apart of your life. This person is looking for signs and syncronicity to come and make your life better. This person chooses to redeem themselves by being a true friend to you. This person is ok with not being in your life if that is your choice. They will not persue you if honoring your boundaries is all they can do then that is how they will honor you. Your friendship would be the icing on the cake, but this person is truly turning over a new leaf. So the change up will be apparent in all aspects of their lives. They dont have 100 percent confidence just yet but they are growing. This friend wil

What Family got to say

We lied on you. We told your lovers and friends any and all negative things possible. From calling you for the streets to accusing you of being on drugs or an alcholic. We wanted the world to see us as your Savior. We wanted everyone to disregard how awesome you are and blessed you make us. Your knowledge and gifts were for us to hoard. If you had a blessing it was ours as well. Leaving you out made you work harder for our attention and love. We need you to let us back in your life. Like a crack head feenin for his next hit we crave you. Who is going to educate us. Who is going to give us free everything? You didn't even to learn things you just decided that is what you wanted to do and then did it. We hated it when you was happy. You look prettier, your energy is addictive and you thrive. You have walked away and you are so powerful that we know better to come at you disrepectully anymore. Your intution protects you from us. We did a lot of thing beind your back and had no sh

I'm working on me I promise.

I need a partner not a liablity. I think you are perfect for me please. I have abandonment issues and I know that can be irritating in the long term of dealing with someone but its not all crying internally I promise. In the next little while you will see some changes and I hope that you aill accept the change. I know that I will have to kiss your ass but I'm not overthinking it. I see the innocence in your heart and i want to protect that at all costs. I want to pray more about us but I don't know what to say or who to even talk to. Do you pray for us? Do you pray that our love changes from the toxic pit that it is right now? I want you to feel safe and i know that i actually make youfeellike there is pie on your face. I apologize that i keep acting up. I dont want a superficial life with you and right now thats all we could have because I am scared to dig deep. I want to be with you so bad. I don't want nor need more lessons in love they hurt especially the ones I

You are a bright light

All the things you said running thru my head has me feeling I am not enough. You deserve more than I can give emotionally, finanancially,mentally and even physically. I have been sexually unwise and I have a STD/STI( sexually transmitted demon or incubus). I am connected to too many people sexually and I do not how to release those bonds. I like having so many people wanting me. I feel loved having so many people fighting for my attention. I didn't regonize real love. I feel if you love me you will keep doing for me. When you stop you don't love me. I know you have to live your life and being up my ass isn't part of your whole day. I promise you I am not closed off. I am just scared of you seeing to much or figuring out I am a fraud. I ran away in November because its just to much emotions to handle. I thought kepping things sexual was going to protect my heart, but I just fell even harder for you. I feel if I come forward to fast you will lose sight of what you are

I want...

You need loving pretty young thing. I'm watching your every move online. When we are together our souls just vibe. I want you to take everything off next time I see you. I want to give you bliss. I love that your shorter than me.  Everyone is going to hate when they see us together. We are going to be partners not enemies. I don't have to worry about you doing me wrong.  I can't stop your tears right now. I am in the middle of things I don't want you apart of. I understand how precious you are so I have to protect you.  You are my best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime. I will love you forever. You are more than I could ever need.  I am getting better for me to be right when it's time for us. Has anyone ever told you that you are the embodiment of a god/goddess ?  I love that you rub my back when it hurts. I love that you actually want to grow old with me. No one

18+ from Him

I love watching you masturbate.  I love when you touch yourself and you say my name.  Shit is so fucking hot it makes me hard as fuck.  I am charging towards you.  I gotta get my hands on you I need to make you mine again.  I know I should be spewing love talk, but this is all lust I need to make you curl around my dick as I stroke deep in you.  I want to fuck your mouth and then I wanna make you cum in as many ways as possible. Do you orgasm from nipple play?  Well we are about to find out.  Next time I see you just start taking your clothes off I'll get the message.  Ugh I got burnt.  I didn't know.  I wouldn't have brought it to you if.... I'm not right.  I'm really fucked up right now.  If anything I'm gonna corrupt you along with burn you.  I'm so fucking rude.  You deserve better from me but I can't seem to give you that.  All I give you is tears and stress, loneliness,anger and dick.  I'm heartless so I don't feel bad,  but I know I should

Abundance is yours

 You haven’t been feeling on top of the world lately and it’s been affecting you. You need to remember you are not meant to always be on top, but you also aren’t meant to be on the bottom either. You are always suppose to have change the ups and downs in life are what let’s us appreciate life. Even during the bad you can find good.  The time for fighting has passed. You are not down you are not defeated. You may have been in a tower and you survived. Your strength has helped you to stand when everything is on fire around you.  It’s not exactly time for you to celebrate there still is work to be done. Let those around you party while you get your Scrooge on financially stay like Bob Crochet when it comes to your emotional intelligence. With Mercury Retrograde around the corner do not be trying to jump in to things. Just keep working on your plans methodically because the humps and bumps in the road are just folks trying to stop you from moving on from them.  Those who are attacking you


You may need to work on your base and sacral chakra.  You have been busting your butt, not having the time to be lazy, bored, confused, experiencing doubt in self and tiredness there just doesn’t seem to be enough hrs in the day.  The Sun is washing away your sorrow and shadows. Your self destructive attitude and doubts are fading with the quickness. You are creating. You have created a who new life and world your going to have to walk confidently into this new world. Your creativity might feel like it’s ebbing and flowing sporadically with Carnelian in your corner. Carnelian will breath new life into you so you can breathe new life into your projects.  

A letter from someone you know

 Dear you,  Please don’t cry. I won’t leave again. Once I come home it will be the last time. You’re my Queen/King. Once upon a time we were lose and I miss that. You was so put together always knowing when I lied. You was my Temptation Song, cuz I have my sunshine no matter the day. I know I don’t deserve you, but I will fight for you because I see you as a victim of me and the world. I took your love for granted. Now I feel your so far away. You set the bar and no one compares.  Now there is a hole in my heart, my soul, my life. I’m so damaged I cry about us. I doubt I’ll see you again if I can help it. You helped ease my pain. I experienced such bliss with you. I have a plan on how to see you some how. I will talk you into seeing me. You’re Mine!! I know you still love me so how is it you still haven’t reached out yet?  You don’t want me anymore and it shows. Just when my friends and families true colors are showing. I wish I had showed you I do know how to love you. I played a lot

It’s not you it’s me

  Someone is fighting  their addictions. At night they sit up and drink and smoke and think about you and curse life. They used to feel like they had the whole world in their hands. Nothing was outta reach and every step was sunshine and posh grass.  They see your not stuck thinking about them and that adds to their misery.  Their emotions have them caged in and their thoughts are all tinged with loneliness and heartbreak. While verbally they blame you they know it’s them and that’s what’s eating them up. 

I see you

  Someone is watching you. They want no distractions to bar them from seeing you. They may be depressed right now. They want a chance to reconnect with you. This person wants to drape you in elegance. If you had a connection they can’t deal your energy anymore. You have been on a pedestal in their mind but you want them to see you as down to earth you are not out of reach.  Someone hasn’t been generous in the past they was to busy being crafty and strong handed. This person is/was a hobo sexual using their body to have a home. Feeling empty because they was making deals w/theDevil. They admire your body, but they hate you. You manage to help this person be their best and they want that but not from You. You answer their life’s problems. If you are empathetic you Feel this persons energy so you catch  them before they even know where they are emotionally.  You may have walked away and this perso. Is a king for your energy. You look happier without them and they hate that. They want your

Equation for success

  What isn't adding up for you? In what way are things becoming hard to wrap your intent plus thoughts around? Even when you at your worse what keeps you striving to make one foot forward?  Those are the thoughts rattling around in your head.  You aren't alone there are many who are questioning their self image, reflecting on who they are and how that translates in their relationships both familial and personal. Some who have been bleeding on everyone unaware of their trauma are now beginning to tend those wounds.  You might be disconnecting from people you thought would be connected to you for a lifetime. You have recognized that if someone's energy doesn't match yours they are either a hinderance or  a assist to help you grow and you are taking the initiative to level yourself out by pursing the relationships that push you to grow.  You had connections in the past that sabotaged you, isolated you, kept you trying to prove yourself with no real promise that situations

Sometimes we are our worst enemies

You might be experiencing a separation from a friend, lover or family Member, but you’re not allowing yourself to heal so your staying stuck in whatever toxic cycle you was making the moves to get out of. Let me repeat you was moving away from a toxic cycle and you stopped moving and started attacking yourself. Honestly, for a very few of you it’s spell work from some want to be witch who assumes your doing magic and they are better than you so they are going to do magic to and get you before you get them( did I mention they was delusional). For others it’s You! You are the enemy. You second guess and not nit pick your self into stagnancy. You are allowed to have a break, to rest, to need to lean on someone else. Give yourself a break!!! Who said you had to be perfect? You have learned so much about yourself and how you impact your relationships. No longer are you the silent one, the hesitant one. You quiet voice is a roar now. Confidence in every syllable you speak, write, hum etc. i

Spirit message

 Right now you need to be alone. Not overly wise by thinking keep your enemies close. Right now it’s time to focus on your growth and truly heal instead of starting the process than stopping. You are accepting that you can’t measure your success, based on someone else. Your level up is dependent on nobody,but you. Things are finally where you want them to be.  You are on the tail end of healing from childhood trauma, and past relationships. You feel like your manifestations aren’t being realized, but your abundance is near. Someone is blocking well, attempting to block your download from Spirit.  Spirit says let them try YOU Got This. Anyone coming towards you saying let me elevate you is not being honest. They are hiding they do not mean to bring harmony.  You create your precious moments no one else. Even if you feel your Justice is coming slowly it’s not its all about Divine timing. Stop stressing and begin to remember how  you use to think for yourself. When you did you made big di