You are a bright light
All the things you said running thru my head has me feeling I am not enough. You deserve more than I can give emotionally, finanancially,mentally and even physically. I have been sexually unwise and I have a STD/STI( sexually transmitted demon or incubus). I am connected to too many people sexually and I do not how to release those bonds. I like having so many people wanting me. I feel loved having so many people fighting for my attention. I didn't regonize real love. I feel if you love me you will keep doing for me. When you stop you don't love me. I know you have to live your life and being up my ass isn't part of your whole day. I promise you I am not closed off. I am just scared of you seeing to much or figuring out I am a fraud. I ran away in November because its just to much emotions to handle. I thought kepping things sexual was going to protect my heart, but I just fell even harder for you. I feel if I come forward to fast you will lose sight of what you are ...