Right now you are not getting what you need in life, a job, a connection, a situation. You feel as if things are stagnated like life is passing you by. You feel as if your light has faded and any umph there was to youhas been sucked out by day to day living. You feellike you don't know how to dream for more but you know there has to be more to life then this. You know it can be right in fron of your face but purpose seems to literally be escaping you. Right now you are seeking clarity. Truth and revelation are the goal. You know the truth will set you free, but is it worth getting out of this particular cage you wonder. You know in order for things to change it starts with you, but you feel like their is no inner path for them its a circle. Going over past events in your mind they were unavoidable, but really you chose to seek no further information and intentionally walked blindly into events expecting others to stand guard in your tomfoolery. You know that cannot cont...