
Showing posts with the label Vernal equinox March 21


Sitting back thinking about the past and how you could have avoided some of this karma. You didn't have to tbe in this postion. You didnt have to do all those things, cause all those scenes... Your mask is slipping and you can no longer hide how rotten you have become. You will no longer be able to lie, cheat, or steal. Every attempt to gain will be made plain to any victim you target. The pain you are experiencing is due to your actions. There is consequences for everything and and payment is due. You can't stalk or gaslight your way to a better path. Financial pitfalls, emotional ruin and menatal exhaustion (altimizers?) its all your just due. You earned all you have reaped. You was ungrounded and that led to failure, laziness, and chaos. All you want is love, but all you give is selfishness. You desire affection and yet you give babrberous behavior. Its time for it to end. One way or the other Spirit says its stops now. Death and taxes are inevitable I h...


Karma is coming good and bad. You knew it was heading your way. You didn't care if certain individuals was happy if they couldn't attribute that happiness to you. You move so uniquely few suspected. Your health is poor right now. Your trying to stick your fingers in your ears to ignore what is happening, but its to persitant. You know exactly how its gonna go. You don't want to think about how you lost the postion you held so tightly onto. You are actually really smart you always adapted and it allowed you to win alot, but unfourunately this one the big one you lost. You have been living in your lower energy for to long. You don't feel wonderful, empathetic, inuitive, righteous or determined and I'm sorry do some shadow work and heal. Healing leads to so many lovely new things. You don't have to be numb anymore. You can have a open heart not a sensitive heart. Kindness wont leave you looking stupid. Kindness begats kindness. I would say reach out but yo...

When you heal can't noone stop you

 Many people are unaware that Duke Ellington was a dairy farmer before becoming a Jazz musician. He also was known for his humor and wisdom.  So a lot of people have this idea of who he is in their head and that is of a man with one joy in life and was stoic to boot. Spirit is telling me that you are like the Duke you have talent in a lot of areas and people seem to keep trying to box you in because they see you one way. Everytime that happens you feel suffocated. Not because they don't believe in you but because they dont get that is only a part of you if you fully focused on that one area the rest of you would suffer. Please do not walk away from ALL of the things that make you happy just because you focusing on one talent would make lots of other people happy.  You have been gifted a ability to take the rain and make stars or at least that's how others view you.  You expose all in the pursuit of being grounded in all aspects of your life. You are sensitive, but fu...

Family message

Karmic Uncle- A uncle is trying to get in touch with his emotion. Trying to find the truth within. They are distant from you. A Pisces or Leo could could indirectly part of the connection. This Uncle is sending you messages, but you might be busy trying to balance something’s out you may feel he’s feel blind to. This Uncle is aware things aren’t perfect for you. They don’t truly care. They don’t want to see you happy. They can’t come to you though. They don’t know where you are, but they know you are seeking a deep connection with them or family but now you sense something off about them. 

Have You Ever ... loved someone for years and still have to walk away??

Brandy~ Have You Ever Brian Mcknight~ Back At One Lauren Hill~ Ex Factor Boys 2 Men~ End of The Road Boys 2 Men~ I'll Make Love To You En Vogue ~ What's it Gonna Be Someone feels the pain that they have been causing you for years. They are serenading you thru the 5d. You are a dream come true after it seems like years of nightmares. They are trying to remember how they convinced you to fall in love the first time. They can't figure out why its so hard to get you to reconnect. They feel they lost you even if you are still speaking to them the energy is different and they NOTICE and internally they are seething because they feel like you are withholding the love they are used to on purpose because you are mad at them. They can't fathom you are reacting to their words and actions.  You feel like like you can't prove your Love anymore than you have. They have spent years telling you this isn't what they wanted but they stayed in your energy and now that you are list...