
Showing posts with the label year of the snake


You to them: NO matter where I am I feel you. I am trying to figure out what went wrong. You are protected fromme and Icant just pop upon you. I am jealous of you, defensive about my behavior , codependant on your good enery, I'm hiding stalking and plotting on you all cuz my throat chakra is closed. I want to force you to make a choice. I want you to choose me and I had no idea I had made it nearly impossible for you to do so. I hurt you because I was busy watching others hurt you. I hate sitting back knowing I'm just destined to watch you. I should have took youout more. I should have wined and dined you. I should have changed a long time ago. I should have kept my promises to you. I know there will be no more oppurtunities. I know you are tired of my games. You are going to have the decadant life you deserve I just know it. I am surprised that you hid so much in you. If I would have just taken the time instead of playing stupid games I would have gaine

I'm working on it

You have the ability to see the potential in anything.Do you feel what I feel Is this rfighting for this. eal? The answers to all of lifes questions is YOU!! I know i am beyond toast in your eyes. I am worse then a fraud I am a failure because I never tried. I didn't see any value in a connection with you. I couldnt imagine being in love. I didnt take life seriously. I judged your age. You actually take very good care of yourself. tate. Its the best way I want to ptotect you from toxic lovers and be the loving entity you need. You are my comfort , understanding and I want to protect you. I want to marry you dummy. My soul awakens with you. My controlling, abusive behavior, my lack of direction and agressive nature was due to my solar plexus being blocked but I am working harder on being aligned. I seek more knowledge on connected with you. Your vibe scares me. We both need to meditate. Its the best way to quiet our minds. All I want to do is grw old with you. All my love is

The path of temptation is family led

Somone refuses to admit they intentionally lead their family member down a path of destruction. That they triangulated the whole family to gaslight and enable this family member into maintaing their bad behavior becuase the goal was noble( in their eyes). If this family member had died finally their family would have nice things to tell others about them. The level of barely disguised hate however cleverly hidden stood out to the ones who want to protect this poor (well they had a hand in their own destruction so maybe nieve?) soul. You was one of those protectors due to you wanting to just be there for them. You want to talk to this person about what their family has been involved in. The problem is you can't force them to discuss, but you can be there for them. You don't have to have words you just have to be kind. Your person is waking up to the deception and games being played in their name by family in hopes o

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve

Friendship messages

I have been paying attention to some thingas and I'm realizing they are trying to kill you. I am scared to come forward and tell you because I fear you will think I am part of this. I know if they trust me enough to plan around me then I'm with them. I will be honest having your back in this situation was furthest from my mind. I was enjoying be chosen by this group. I lost out being attached to them. I am released from them but I don't feel its safe to come forward just yet. You honestly should blow me off. You are a God/goddess and they all knew it. The more people who could harrass you to keep you out of your Divinity the better. I see you now and my devotion to you wont waver again. I don't like being around numb people. I am ready to fix this friendship. In the next 2 weeks you will be experiencing the best of level ups and abundance. They are going to choke on your name and energy. All these people trying to fuck you over from behind your back. I have no ide


No more retries. #Gameover There is literally no way to win this battle. Your mental healthy is a concern, but it is your concern I cannot an will not make it my priority. I have to focus on me eventually and I choose now. Your the kind of person drunk at work. Just dangerous for no other reason then selfishness. The messed up part is I used to think you was the only person in the world who understands me. We used to hold hands, look at the stars, and dream. I left because I felt like you didn't appreciate my gifts or even your own. For a moment though I was swept up in your vibe. I want your heart, but not as tainted as it as right now. Go fucking heal. Walking away should be hard but your making it easier day by day. The happiness of my soul as this connection dies is uplifting and saddening as well. I shouldn't feel lighter and happier, but that is how I feel. I shoould be sad, and mourning, but the death of this connection is destined. I am meant to be manuevoring li

I'm working on me I promise.

I need a partner not a liablity. I think you are perfect for me please. I have abandonment issues and I know that can be irritating in the long term of dealing with someone but its not all crying internally I promise. In the next little while you will see some changes and I hope that you aill accept the change. I know that I will have to kiss your ass but I'm not overthinking it. I see the innocence in your heart and i want to protect that at all costs. I want to pray more about us but I don't know what to say or who to even talk to. Do you pray for us? Do you pray that our love changes from the toxic pit that it is right now? I want you to feel safe and i know that i actually make youfeellike there is pie on your face. I apologize that i keep acting up. I dont want a superficial life with you and right now thats all we could have because I am scared to dig deep. I want to be with you so bad. I don't want nor need more lessons in love they hurt especially the ones I

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Feminine

Your nothing like him. You are to plain. You are slim. You have gone thru to much to sacrifice it be a soft female.He is going to keep you from making the big money. He is asking you to step up and do thankless probono type work. Take it easy and think this thru. What if he is worst then the rest? What if what he was what you refused to believe he was? I know i have given you no oppurtunity to know our family. I felt it was his job. I choose to saty far away but i have been watching... well until you blocked me. You are in the middle of buildng a legacy. Is a relationship a good idea right now? Why tie yourself to one person? So what if your alone when you are older. Its all subjective anyways. He is in no shape to be your partner. There have been so many people doing magic on him that hes buried in karmic debt. I keep a eye out because you are family even if noone is treating you that way. I am so proud of you. I have watched you grow and your chahracter hasnt changed. I would be

Boom Boom Shake SDhake

I'm feeling a little insecure right now. I don't feel like I have enough to give. I hate feeling that way. I don't know how to get past it. I tried to think about it and I keep hitting a brick wall. I want to talk to you. You have this perspective that makes everything clear. I know if I explain my past and my present you can guide me to my future. Once i have that info I will be in alignment. I know right now you don't want me in your energy. You are teaching me to take care of myself. I didn't see the real you a lot of people didnt see the real you and you have forced us all to go within and now many of us see with new eyes now. Your inner beauty blossoms out of you like a fragrant flower. I don't have to dig to see anymore you are the up to my down beat. I dream of touching you from the inside out I want to heal you. I want to be your comfort. You have given me so much and I see you are all I need and pleasing you in every way is how I will show you.


You feel like you are always cleaning up the mess left behind by your superiors. You need to be honest with yourself and admit you feel taken advantage of and underappreciated. Any kindness they show you feels false. They have no good intentions toward you or your desire to move up in the world professionally. You thought this job was going to brighten your life, but it has caused more burdens. It's like they promised all these incentives and didn't follow through with any promises. You might have been encouraged to look at your fellow employees as a family to encourage you to take on more work, but not give you financial credit for the work. You have to acknowledge your worth. You deserve better from your employer as your boss, but also as a human just existing. You built this job into your personality you loved it so much. You will hurt walking away from this position so be sure. Have a back up then go for it. You don't have to be tied to a company just because it's y

I am so confused

Your person is in deep pain and they are making really bad choices.  Looking to you to give them atonement for the chaos they are creating in their wake.  Your wavering on walking away because you don't see sunshine at the end of this storm just more gray skys.  The amount of change that has to go into making this work is staggering.  Running away will be your counterparts suggestion and yours will be to stand, but really what's best for both of you? 

Letter from your person

Hey, You are on my mind at night. You haunt my dreams. This craving for another person is not what I am used to. I have been asking the universe for patience as I have been having some arguments with myself due to a unwillingness to face the man in the mirror.  I have this emptiness inside and I don't know how to fill it a f it makes me feel incomplete. I feel sluggish and unproductive.  Please don't let this connection slip away. You bring out the best in me.  This space we are in where we don't speak where we aren't connected feels so imbalanced.  I am leaving my person. I know that is the biggest issue. Not to say my behavior isn't one as well. I am just saying that I know that is the biggest issue between us.  I know I can't talk my way back into your heart and life. My actions need to line up with where you are and I can't plateau either I have to keep growing.  I know now I didn't do right by you. I am sorry I should've known better.  Sidebar:

I don't want to close my eyes...

Someone misses you. They recount your memories like someone going thru their comic book collection.  I keep hearing that song by Areosmith and it's just the beginning of the chorus." I don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you babe and I don't want to miss a thang..."  Abundance of love is all this person dreams of when it comes to you, but they feel they have nothing worthwhile to offer. Inspire of their lack this person is willing to bust their butt to bring you happiness.  This person has watched your growth as you have triumphed over situations that would have caused others to go down a dark path.  You took a leap of faith on yourself and your glowing so beautifully and they can't help but admire you in all ways.  To know that they can lift you from where you are and set you among the stars is not just a wish, but a reality they are manifesting. They want to upend your world in a good way. 

It’s not you it’s me

  Someone is fighting  their addictions. At night they sit up and drink and smoke and think about you and curse life. They used to feel like they had the whole world in their hands. Nothing was outta reach and every step was sunshine and posh grass.  They see your not stuck thinking about them and that adds to their misery.  Their emotions have them caged in and their thoughts are all tinged with loneliness and heartbreak. While verbally they blame you they know it’s them and that’s what’s eating them up. 

Are you ready?..

  Someone is coming towards you like a Royal, but one prepared for war not celebration. They have been making their way towards this moment and they want a victory but are prepared to fight you to win you.  This person has lost a lot. They had abundance and luck and now they come to you disguised as a monster, but really they are a hurt soldier in need of nursing back to stability. This person has been trusting that their footsteps will lead them back to you.  They see you as someone who has a lot going on for them and is strongly to well as intelligent. They see that your very essence is wealth and no power can take that from you. This person fears you. You know the rhythm of their soul and you know when they are off. You have found a way to dance within even as you fear a misstep.  They have caged their demons and are standing guard against causing harm. They rather be like a surgeon who closes the body when they can do no more instead of continuing to cut and bleed a person and stil

I see you

  Someone is watching you. They want no distractions to bar them from seeing you. They may be depressed right now. They want a chance to reconnect with you. This person wants to drape you in elegance. If you had a connection they can’t deal your energy anymore. You have been on a pedestal in their mind but you want them to see you as down to earth you are not out of reach.  Someone hasn’t been generous in the past they was to busy being crafty and strong handed. This person is/was a hobo sexual using their body to have a home. Feeling empty because they was making deals w/theDevil. They admire your body, but they hate you. You manage to help this person be their best and they want that but not from You. You answer their life’s problems. If you are empathetic you Feel this persons energy so you catch  them before they even know where they are emotionally.  You may have walked away and this perso. Is a king for your energy. You look happier without them and they hate that. They want your

To you from them: B

  My God your impressive! You got me sitting here fingers crossed. I can’t anticipate what you will do next. So I am moving slowly trying to not broadcast my moves. Your brain sees 7steps ahead and it’s hard to out maneuver you.  I used to enjoy bullying you.  Ok I still want to bully you. Having someone as powerful as you blinded an binder to me is awesome. I wish you would come back though no one has had my back like you.  I know you accepted my brokenness. You made me feel invincible. Did I ever do that for you? Is that why you put up with me cuz I made you feel strong somehow? Or was it because you just so kind. You need a King/Queen/Jester in your life come back and let no one separate us. We can run away together. I will marry you to keep you tethered to me. Don’t think about it just come back.  You will lose your light and I will tear your world up. I need you to focus on how good I make you feel not how sad plus forget the curses that you have endured dealing with me.  I’ll giv