
Showing posts with the label Olive

They thought they could trigger you

Several someones called themselves coming back to you to see where your head was. Do you still not trust them? Do you know what their plans are for you? Do you know what they did behind your back? Do you know how much they hate you? They will come back in groups and as individuals trying all kinds of ways to tempt you back into connections withthem. Why wouldn't you want to be around them they just mad you fucking miserable for years of course you want to rekindle those connections. They lied to you constantly and made you feel less them but hey they are sory. Who cares about your years of therapy trying to figure out what was wrong with you. You walked around feeling incomplete and they rejoiced that you wasnt as perfect as you were. Whatever you did better then them your one or two " bad sides" had them chortling with joy believing you deserved to deal with what ever occured. Someone is going to ask if they can take you out to eat and talk. Your ablitiy to keep cre...

Mister is getting back all he did to you Celie

In Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the character Albert is referred to as "Mr_____" to  symbolize a power shift . By eliminating his last name, either the author or the character Celie removes him from his position of power, erasing his human identity. You are a light and this person male or female tried to snuff it out of you. You moved forward inspite of the roadblock laid in your way. This individual wanted to make their jealousy your problem. Now you got someone who will make mountains move for you. This stoic individual is going to show you the world. In fact they will create a whole new world with you. Your heart will heal because of this new conection. You are going to be so cherished and whomever gains your energ will be blessed. This Albert energy in your life knows how talented but damaged, charamastic but shy intutitive and fluid and lots of your ex's love you. Now they along with all you left behind now will have to sit back as you l...

Scorpio Moon

If its up then its stuck. You made a choice and there is no going back. You was using someone and they are are done allowing that to occur. You kept saying you would change and do better, yet you behave as if you never said anything to begin with and you somehow get worse. You just want to talk to someone who loves you because you need to vent about alot of things. You have lost another job. You have lost friendships. You no longer feel great all these past recriminations hitting you you left and right. You can't even focus on straightening out your life. You have this attitude that needs to change. You cannot treat everyone like your evil step child. You really need to accept that some connections end and its ok its not because someone is evil its becuase you grew apart. You have this drive to excel, triumph and fructify, but because you was always undermining others now the tides have turned and your abouts to drown. You can't boss your way out of this. Noo...

prenup or bust

Someone is fighting their addictions so they can come towards you. They may have codependacy isses, be obsessive, and totally blocked off from their emotions. They haven't fixed any of that. They are damaged and want to figure out a way to come towards you without doing the work. Its a lot of things to fix. This person wants new beginings with you but they refuse to put in the work and if you wont do it all then I guess it will never happen. This connection will only lead to you feeling trapped because its all a facade. They can't be real so nothing you have will be real. You want happiness and joy they want no restictions and no consequenses. You deserve to be in a connection that has equal engagement. You deserve to be seen and acknowledged in every way. You are worth more then this person is trying to minimize you to. You have boundaries now and this energy is terrified of no's. This person fears facing their past, their lies, and insecurities. I th...


Right now you may be experiencing karmic lessons. You jumped into a situation without knowing what you was getting into and now you are feeling regret. You wanted more then was promised to you tried to force the Universe to grant you that which was someone elses. You wanted someone to be alone and now you see that you are going to get that wish for yourself. YOu desired someones life and had no idea how hard it was. Well congratulations you get their struggles and their path to abundance took a long while enjoy the journey you wanted it so badly. You tried to present to the world a brave face, but that mask wasn't necessary. You was doing well on your path until you tried to step on someone elses path. You are sitting back watching them trying to get a step ahead of them so you can say they are copying you when they know even if noone else does that you are stealing your story from them. The story they are living you couldnt have penned after your worst nightm...


I feel like its time for me to be strong. I have given some much of myself away and now I just want to share with you alone. You bring light to the dark in every soul. I didn't realize the blessing you was destined to be. I thought you were a blockage in my movements in life. I didn't understand that you would be a source of information and support. I pushed and attacked and thought my hand was hidden. I came for your postionand even attacked your business. I had no idea how strong you truly was. Please don't hurt me even though I deserve it. I would like a chance to make it up to you. My heart is hurt at the betrayl i dealt you. I want to grow with you. I hope I haven't totally missed my chance. Please go talk to the ancestors and see if they will forgive me and let me back in your energy. I love your fucking vibe , your love is soothing and you ease people's lives. You are so creative i envy you and I wish i had your gifts. That is why i alienated you. I l...

You say I'm crazy but you call me baby and i'm not the only one..can you say my name cuz you cant pay the bills???

I have been under the influence at work. I can't focus because I keep going over what is missing in this connection. You was supposed to be my foundation instead you just became a wall I had to tear down.I am so very tired of crying over you. You was so insecure and hate filled. You really couldn't just be proud that I wasn't insecure like you. I lived out loud no secrets. You loved that about me until it stopped you from controlling me then you began to hate me. I stripped away my insecurities to be with you and you made me feel unloveable and disgusting because how bad must I be for you to do me like this. I know you say you want to stop my tears I just don't trust it. You so caught up on me thinking your broke when im more concerned about your mind and heart. You think sex is always going to solve it and quite frankly the more I come the more I resent you. I just want whats fair to be fair. I want to walk away because this is hurting m...

Gang Gang where are we now??? Kswiss, Addias, Reebook, British Knights, Nike Cortez, Puma

Remeber that one Country song Nelly did with the cowboy dude. They lyrics went somerhing like its all in my head i think about it over and over... Well whatever the lyrics that is what happening. The olden days and not so smart days are playing in memories as children are growing up in a world softer and toughter to navigate. The old rules dont apply and some of them shouldnt but a lot of them should. How to not be a hpocrite? How to change without it being obvious the change is happening? Why didn't no one explain doing this as a adult don't balance out and you have to make a choice and then you have to keep choosing that choice daily. They also dont tell you that you can make a different choice any day you want. They have you thinking your stuck and your not. That is the biggest secret they keep from you. Everyday is a choice but you can choose soemthing else. It will be hard but it is a choice as well. Its time to find out who...

its a new day and time for a new beginning

Someone wants to tell you, I can weather any storm with you. I just want to put a lil excitement in your life. The world is scary, but knowing your in it keeps them sane. You make them feel lucky and lovely. You don't trigger them. That makes them feel so good. They wish you would reconnect with them. You can take care of yourself and they cant. They will never admit they did you wrong. Get in touch with feminine energy your most powerful in this energy. You have the ability to see the potential in anything. This spring this person wants to attempt to see you. They want to have the right to call you theirs. This person or people wants to work with you. They see how cool you are with the universe. They want your nourishing energy. They broke their own heart hurting you. You gave some of them wings and they only can soar because of you. Folks are mad because they won't get to continue in your energy in this lifetime or the next. They abused your boundaries. You are lettin...

a shift is happening

Keep the faith & stand strong in your personal truths. Your life will become adventurous, and you'll find interest in the things that were previously boring. However, for you to energy enjoy these benefits, you must find the truth that fits you. When it rains you are thought of the most(probably because you cause storms in people's lives). You have been seen as a liar, cheater and deceiver and a heart breaker. You see the world differently from someone you view as a angel. You want to talk to this person you feel it will stop you from feeling numb. By this Spring you will reach out. You are hoping working together will make you great. It is time to finish healing you don't want to die whole on the outside and broken within. You have this innate ability to see the potential in everyone, but you tend to use that gift for evil. If your smoking stop! Spirit is saying your doing to much. The Universe is not happy with you. Stop being mad at folks that are just hap...

what does your pet have to say?

Your pet wants to spend more time with you. They remeber you used to do more with them. You have been working with them to change their behaviors and with more attention they assure you they will finally get it. The more attention they receive the easier it is for lessons to stick in their minds. It may seem like their behavior is sabotage like but its actually in reaction whatever energy you are putting in the atmosphere. Youwant good behaior then you gotta be good to. You can't have a day where you are ignoring your pet. They don't understand the cold shoulder its either you love them or you hate them. For better or worst they are codependant on you so reward their obsession. When you push them away they are hurt. They feel as devestated as if you died . They are actively mourning every time you send them away angerily. Your pet loves you so very much don't forget that when life gets busy just like your human relationships you have to make a effort.

Red Flag

edit  You have become so protective over your heart. After many reincarnations in just this one lifetime you have died and resurrected int a person who fights for their personal rights like they are the are the nation of WAKANDA and you are the Blackpanther. No longer are you going to have to fight. You have overcome the battles that cmae your way. You now not only stand on business but are prepared to defend yourself. You have found the tools to protect you on your journey and noone is going toovercome you. You have been trapped in some empath and narcissit paradigm. You refuse to be used now that you understand the enormity of the energy being sent your way and the enrgy that ws being siphoned from you. All the fake love is about to head your way and I know you want it to feel real. All affection is not good. Just move around accordingly.

Green Flags

edit  They see you as so attractive. You flirt and date and you don't hook up. Your doing this adult thing right. Any third parties are ot inttentional becuase that is not your energy. Hurting someone else just to be with someone is not your thing. They see you making healthy choices in life and love and that is attaractive to them. You have self love, your self sufficent and your happy alone. This person wants toprevent your sadness. The thought of missing you and missing out on this connection actually brings tears to this persons eyes. If there is a past connection there is a lot of reminisicing. There maybe keepsakes that this person has held onto as a way to stay connected to you. This person may actuallybe learning from those past memeories on how to be a better oartner now. that doesnt neccessaraily mean you will take them back but it is a good direction to be heading in for a future partner for them. You project stability and and securuity and your person sees tha...


No more retries. #Gameover There is literally no way to win this battle. Your mental healthy is a concern, but it is your concern I cannot an will not make it my priority. I have to focus on me eventually and I choose now. Your the kind of person drunk at work. Just dangerous for no other reason then selfishness. The messed up part is I used to think you was the only person in the world who understands me. We used to hold hands, look at the stars, and dream. I left because I felt like you didn't appreciate my gifts or even your own. For a moment though I was swept up in your vibe. I want your heart, but not as tainted as it as right now. Go fucking heal. Walking away should be hard but your making it easier day by day. The happiness of my soul as this connection dies is uplifting and saddening as well. I shouldn't feel lighter and happier, but that is how I feel. I shoould be sad, and mourning, but the death of this connection is destined. I am meant to be manuevoring li...

Master Manifestor

You need to speak with your chest. If you want to propose you have to talk to the person you want to marry. Standing in the shadows just watching them solves what?? Stop trying to create situations and just pick up the phone and call. Someone is dealing with the law and that is one reason why they havent called. They are expereriencing Karma left and right. They dont want to bring that around you. Once all that is handled they want to come your way and ask you if they can play for keeps. This person can be in their late 30s or early 40s. They are very creative. They look innocent but can hwip some ass. They also are actually as nice as they come across. This person isn't coming to you in Ares/Athena energy this person is going to be your Hephaestus/Hestia some who knows the value of home, love, and loyalty. Its time for a romantic level up. I know that sounds kind of arogant, but it is the truth as you level up you need a partner who not only matches your fly but matches ...

Karmic Feminine message to Divine Feminine

God you are so smart! How are you so confident and, happy when all these bad things happen in your life? Then your love with Divine Masculine is beautiful. I have even seen the growth sense I've been more involved in his life. I want to see what really happens between ya'll cuz it cant really be so magical. I played him to the left. I didn't cocreate with him. I ruined our abundance. I played like I didnt see what I was doing was causing pain. If i could I would fix it now. How you handle all this is ridiculous who is that strong? If you let me I would love to talk to you. I did you wrong. I would love to be firends. Regardless we are family now. I think about putting some of the stuff you say on shirts. I can't hold him back much longer. I should have appreciated him. After all my spying I look up to you. All my secrets are coming out. I tried to copy you and I wasted money and time. I dont get how you do it. Due to all I have done now people are watching you bec...

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

What are you doing with yourself? You got a lil bit of time to fix this mess. Your children need to see you being better. Be happy your feminine is connected to source. Not many are gifted that way. I messed up and made you feel unloved and it was wrong of me to not ever really fix it. I get why when I came to you the door of communication was shut. I gave you empty promises to stay connected not any effort and i apologize. You brought delight to my life i promise. You are my joy. I admit i was spying on yours and others connected ou you page like the grandkids and their mom(s) and your friends. Some of them blocked me but enough connected to give me more insight into your life. I still see you as a baby and that isnt fair. I really want a better relationship with you. I have proved fickle in the past but no longer. I was young when you was born and did not handle it well. I was scared I would hurt you and funny enough i managed to do just that. I want to fix this I just need you t...


Your job feels like a illusion. It looks great on the outside but on the inside its chaos and back bititng. You are trying to do your lifes work and you keep getting blocked. Don't worry there is co-workers or even supervisors who see the merit of your work and will be supporting you as you continue to press on. You will be blessed due to your hard work and preserverance. Your energy makes people feel like they have always known you. Those who have known you and lost connection with you are willing to do anything to get back in your life. To have the privilige of looking you in the eyes and not being shunned from your presence again. You are a blessing to all who work with you. Your presence is minimal and that causes discontent. You take people from their comfort zone and they want you to meet them in their safe space instead of making them come to you. The days of people using you are over. You might be applying other places or looking for other avenues to make finances. T...

I want...

You need loving pretty young thing. I'm watching your every move online. When we are together our souls just vibe. I want you to take everything off next time I see you. I want to give you bliss. I love that your shorter than me.  Everyone is going to hate when they see us together. We are going to be partners not enemies. I don't have to worry about you doing me wrong.  I can't stop your tears right now. I am in the middle of things I don't want you apart of. I understand how precious you are so I have to protect you.  You are my best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime. I will love you forever. You are more than I could ever need.  I am getting better for me to be right when it's time for us. Has anyone ever told you that you are the embodiment of a god/goddess ?  I love that you rub my back when it hurts. I love that you actually want to grow old with me. No...

Ask yourself…

 You are not accepting empty offers anymore. You are only accepting that which you have made yourself. You have survived often being poisoned by those close to you and though you have built up a immunity you still choose to do things yourself.  You might be bonding with a pet more or you are looking to get a pet. It’s your spirit looking to bond with another being while you become more balanced. Like a animal finds peace in the midst of wild places so must you find peace in the wild parts of you. You can be the Emperor or Empress of yourself  if you get out of that slow moving knight energy and move pass being leader of a kingdom and be a leader of nations. Recognize the strength within you.   It’s ok for you to step towards challenges versus being overwhelmed by them and having to figure out the problem as it occurs. It’s time for preventative fighting and protecting and the way to start is to know what you really are fighting for. Then why must you fight? Once you ...