
Showing posts with the label Apple

I am ready for Love

They have kept us apart long enough. I have done enough research to know you are the real deal. I see a abundant life with you. I run these streets but you run my sheets. There is something you dont see coming and Im excited you arent expecting it. I ambuilding something big for us. I am going to need your help. Karma has been kicking my ass. You have a way of doing things that make me want to cater to you. I want to give you gatorade when your tummy aches. I want to take a social media break with you just shut it all off and immerse ourselves in each other. You are going to ruin my surprise though. You are so in the know with the spirit you might "hear" my plans before I even make them. I didnt confess my love and that is why I missed out on you and why I'm trying so hard to make my way back. I know I can't do this without you. I am no longer hesitant. I see the simliarites in our life. You are unexpected blessing andI'm not planning on letytin

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

A conversation with Granny

Oh you will always be her baby. They have had your back even though they have been lonegr then you knew them. Its time to finish out your dreams. You do not need to cry anymore she says the tough times are almost over. If you need a sign look to the sky and the first thing you see that is white is from her. You may sat at night and talk to her looking towards the moon and she says she sees you. You have been rushing forward and she says enjoy the ride. Their will be those who can catch your vibe that is who you can lean on. Focus on your intrests. Stick to your standards. Make them come to uou she says. No text are enough effort needs to be present. If they really care they will make you aware. Do not allow them to turn you into their therapist to the point you need one as well. Every question you have you already know the asnwer from their sexuality to the thefts. Trust your instinct more moore often.

angel numbers

You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should focus on personal development now. You will soon reach your higher status and consciousness.~1010 Take a step back and think about what your opportunities are and how you can move forward.~1100 Your guardian angels ask you to have faith and take the necessary steps to have a settled life. Surrender your worries to the Divine. ~3377 Achievement, progress, abundance, and success. Karma and Universal laws of cause and effort. ~88 Embrace life and open your eyes to signs. ~1111 You have the wisdom to make the right decisions. You are being called to rely on your inner wisdom and intuition whenever you feel lost and confused. Exhibit rational behavior.~850


I hate when you raise your voice at me. I can't hear your words its just a rush of sounds my ears. On top of you being a ladies man I just didn't listen to myself and ended up somewhere that had me thinking I deserved this treatment. I felt I deserved to be left out. I thought I deserved to be depressed. I didn't realize my own self love would rescue me. I thought I loved me in the past, but I didn't I tolerated myself on occasion. I really hated myself. I felt I needed to put more work into myself becuase of what others told me. I didn't see the projections they was sending my way I took it all as heartfelt truths. I lived in the blackest of holes and gave anyone I precieved as being affected by me a wide berth to stay safe. I didn't realize people thought I was surpassing them I was just trying to survive. I spent so much time trying to avoid rejection I didn't force anyone to take accountablity for how they treated me. There was noone to turn to.


Someone isn't as fragile as you first thought. You thought because they was beautiful/ handsome they would be easy to take down but its been years and they still are around. You have tarninshed their reputation and decalred to anyone who would listen that this person was for the streets in everyway you could imagine. You talked about them so badly Only Fans and prostitutes alike felt the right to judge them. All because this person had the IT factor from a young age. You even leaned on this person used their wisdom to better your life and you was never apprective nor gave them credit to others. Now it seems like you need this persons help but you have burned every bridge that might have gotten you to them. Your stank behaviour has been your undoing. Instead of seeing this person as a blessing in your life you viewed them as a destructive force then went out of your way to prove this accusation. ONly for it all to be rpven to be lies. From their hair, to their body to

Who admires you

This person feels no worries when they are with you. This person may have been your enemy in the past, but now they want to prove themselves to you. They have recognized that with you they can find healing. They fear looking you in the eyes you might catch the lies still floating in there. This person is aware you may never fully trust them, but that doesnt change that they want to be apart of your life. This person is looking for signs and syncronicity to come and make your life better. This person chooses to redeem themselves by being a true friend to you. This person is ok with not being in your life if that is your choice. They will not persue you if honoring your boundaries is all they can do then that is how they will honor you. Your friendship would be the icing on the cake, but this person is truly turning over a new leaf. So the change up will be apparent in all aspects of their lives. They dont have 100 percent confidence just yet but they are growing. This friend wil

Be Careful

Someone is going to comes toward you using your words,post, memes against you to win you. They feel if they script this just right you will come falling back into their arms. This will be someone trying to come in talking about adding to you. They are going to come on too strong. They think this is going to be a secret to you. They think you are blinded to their shenanigans. This person feels you are all alone. They did not think that your Spiritual Team was real and they ahve finally come to belive as the turrent of karma hitting them wwon't let up enough for them to forget. They will come in a celebratory behavior as if the past hasn't occured. They feel any action they show toward you is warranted. At one point in time this person brighten up your your world. Now all they represnt are stormy days and a unsafe foundation. Be careful they will try to trick you somehow in a sexual matter. Their sibling may also be a issue or your sibling isa issue. You are seeing things fo


No more retries. #Gameover There is literally no way to win this battle. Your mental healthy is a concern, but it is your concern I cannot an will not make it my priority. I have to focus on me eventually and I choose now. Your the kind of person drunk at work. Just dangerous for no other reason then selfishness. The messed up part is I used to think you was the only person in the world who understands me. We used to hold hands, look at the stars, and dream. I left because I felt like you didn't appreciate my gifts or even your own. For a moment though I was swept up in your vibe. I want your heart, but not as tainted as it as right now. Go fucking heal. Walking away should be hard but your making it easier day by day. The happiness of my soul as this connection dies is uplifting and saddening as well. I shouldn't feel lighter and happier, but that is how I feel. I shoould be sad, and mourning, but the death of this connection is destined. I am meant to be manuevoring li

The game has shut down...sorry

I love the love you give me. I have a habit of overthinking when it comes to you. I dont want any beef with you I just kinda want to push you into making a choice any choice but honestly your silience is a answer too. I question on if we can even have a future its like we get 2wks amx and then shit goes wonky. I'm tired of putting on a brave face I miss you. My soul feels weak without you . I want to curl up in your arms feel your kisses and warm embrace. I dont like being stressed. I want forever and i want it with you . Why wont you actually listen to me insteads everyone around you telling you what I want? Are they in the relationship with me? Do i even talk to them about real stuff? Like how can surface level people understand something soul deep without being jealous and hating? They was never on your side or understood what you was talking bout, but the look in your eyes was enough to be like "oh word?? You arent allowed to have what i never experienced" and its n


You feel like you are always cleaning up the mess left behind by your superiors. You need to be honest with yourself and admit you feel taken advantage of and underappreciated. Any kindness they show you feels false. They have no good intentions toward you or your desire to move up in the world professionally. You thought this job was going to brighten your life, but it has caused more burdens. It's like they promised all these incentives and didn't follow through with any promises. You might have been encouraged to look at your fellow employees as a family to encourage you to take on more work, but not give you financial credit for the work. You have to acknowledge your worth. You deserve better from your employer as your boss, but also as a human just existing. You built this job into your personality you loved it so much. You will hurt walking away from this position so be sure. Have a back up then go for it. You don't have to be tied to a company just because it's y

Time is on your side

No more triggered relationships. No more turmoil or feelings of resentment. You have finally let go and and turning your love toward yourself.  How do you know it's over? You know it's over because you stop looking back. You stop giving more chances. You have grown and transformed.  You have made your spirit team so proud embracing that self love journey. Your happier, letting go of codependent relationships and controlling behavior.  Now it's time to spend time with friends and enjoy your single life.  Live in the moment and have some fun it's not your job to be stationary just because your joy makes them feel some kind of way.  The time is now old cycles have ended and new ones are beginning.

Open your eyes

 It’s time to recognize your enemies because they will be the ones undermining your growth. You won’t always see their behavior, but getting in tuned with yourself you will be able to use your intuition to protect your manifesting. As you move forward during this tower energy of mercury retrograde, just breathe and take one step at a time. You end goal ain’t going nowhere. As long as you keep moving forward you find depth within yourself. 

Focus on one thing at a time

  Right now you could be dealing with instability at home or with your home environment. You feel like foundation is shaking and in order to find stable grounds there is a choice to be made. Whether it’s figuring out how to balance your inner world with all that is occurring outwardly.  Or you need to wake a beat and look at yourself intellectually Instead of emotionally so you can power thru this retrograde energy. When you make choices that still your inner world outwardly you  will start moving the way that best suits you again. 

Are you going to answer the call?

You are being called to be a leader.  Your path has been the way it was because your meant to be a empathetic role model teaching others to intentional put themselves in another’s emotional state to be better to them.  Your biggest battle has been self love. It’s been a tough road and now it’s time for you to lead others down it.  As you relate your experiences to work you will see life has shaped your for such a time as this.  Now it’s time for you to accept it and finish healing so you can began taking others on the path you spiritual Harriet Tubman.  *especially for those with Capricorn highly aspected in their #vedicastrology #yearofthegoat#eldertheseeker#Sagittarius#Capricorn#Aquarius#LEO#cedartrees#beechwood#apple#cancer

Are you ready.

  That next level you been desiring is coming. That space of having no lack, no more drought. You are coming into a place of oasis, after being in a dessert and it looks good on you. You are getting your tools and weapons in place. You are are in a village so your no longer alone.  It’s ok to celebrate you have found your rhythm so start moving. Embracing your child like enthusiasm for life has given you abundance in a place were all expect there to be nothing.  You are being watched over as you move forward on a path many wish you to fall off or stop dead in your tracks and not find the strength to move forward.  You have wrestled the lions and proven you can see past their brute force to overwhelm and stay standing.

spirit message

  So, check this out I got two singers in my head and it's like they are vying for the mike to give a message. Adele: ...someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you Drake: used to call me on my cell phone Now I hear Joe... let's make a love scene... for an audience of two... So first off, it's too early for ya'll to be in your feelings its 3:30 my time but a message is a message lol... Anyway, Some feminine energy (not sex specific) is sending her dear john letter to the sky. They don't know how to say goodbye but she knows it's time to separate. So, they could be sending a text or email maybe evening actually writing it but by the time whomever they are writing gets the message they intend to be gone. Sadly, the person they are walking away from is on their way towards them: they had some plans to ... well, you saw what joe said. Anyways i don't know why you are leaving but I know your person is coming I guess the question is will you wa

You are enough

 I don’t now why you feel like you aren’t where you need to be. You are enough. You do have a place in this world. No ore self sabotaging please. You deserve. You deserve whatever you desire if you are willing to put forth a effort.  Someone likes you alot they want to flirt with you, go on a date and show you how special you are.  Beware of narcissist  that love bomb you then isolate you. Keep on holding that boundary so you only have clarity around you. You only want people around you who reflect the kind of person you are striving to be. People will try to seduce you outta your character. Don’t let them get you into situations where you find yourself emotionally unbalanced. Step back and rest if you need so you can savor the special moments in life. Those friendships that are coming your way will keep you uplifted. 

Money moves

 Someone is contemplating their money moves. This person may have a dog. At night when they are all alone they think about finances and someone they see as a star they also may spy on this star.  This person makes them smile. Whoever they are watching they want to move towards them. They find this person matches their inner drum beat. They may have been getting discouraging messages to keep them from moving towards their star but they are moving and it may have been slow but they speeding towards their desire. 

Harriet time to follow the drinking gourd

  You are being called to be a leader. Your path has been the way it was because your meant to be a empathetic role model teaching others to intentional put themselves in another’s emotional state to be better to them. Your biggest battle has been self love. It’s been a tough road and now it’s time for you to lead others down it. As you relate your experiences to work you will see life has shaped your for such a time as this. Now it’s time for you to accept it and finish healing so you can began taking others on the path you spiritual Harriet Tubman.