
Showing posts with the label falcon


Its time to have faith. You know that soon love is coming and you need to get ready. A invitation or a chance meeting will connect you with someone you least expected. You may feel like you just don't have it in you to try again. That stagant is you new reality and guess what it is not. You don't get the luxury to sit back and reminise. You need to get up and create new memories. Who cares if they are different and not of your norm. Be aware of those will try to lurk, steal and stalk you to gain leverage in YOUR life. The time you spent being a chaser left you empty, broke and often time homeless (emotionally or literally) with no support. You cannot turn back the hanads of time, but you can take the lessons of the past and apply them to your future so you will survive in the happiest and healthiest manner. This new phase you are entering you will find it refreshing as you transform into the newest healthiest version of you. Welcome love in all manners ...


Aten was originally a manifestation of Ra, the sun god with a falcon head and humanoid body. The word Aten means "disk," "orb," or "sphere" in ancient Egyptian. Aten is depicted as the sun's disk with rays that extend down to Earth and end in human hands. The hands sometimes hold the ankh, the symbol of life. Aten became the central deity of a monotheistic religion called Atenism, established by Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten changed his name from Amenhotep to Akhenaten, which means "Glorified-Spirit-of-the-Aten". He also moved the capital of Egypt to Akhetaton, or Tell el-Amarna, which he intended to be the center of his religious beliefs. Aten was depicted differently than other Egyptian gods, who were often shown in human form with animal or human heads. After Akhenaten's reign, the worship of Aten was replaced by the traditional Egyptian gods and belief in Amon-Re Please don't cry anymore. I won't leave anymore. I was weak an...


Bes was a minor Egyptian god who was the protector of children, pregnant women, and mothers. He was also associated with music, fertility, and war. Bes was often depicted as a short, muscular man with a large belly, a lion's tail and mane, and a cat-like nose and ears. He was thought to drive away evil spirits with his unruly beard, lion's mask, loud instruments, and wild dancing. Bes is a dwarf-like being with long arms. He is sometimes shown naked, and sometimes wearing a kilt or leonine skin and a feathered crown. Bes is known for his protective nature, and in some myths, he is associated with Horus, the falcon-headed god of kingship and the sky.   Big D energy coming thru load and clear. We gonna fix this and we gonna be a family!!! I don't know who you dealing with but they want you to know they want to get the right note with you and create a life that is the most beautifuly symphony. You are over arguements, you are over being held responsible for t...

7th house

You are finally going to recieve what you need. No longer will you live in want. You are moving up in finace and learning when to have closure. You are finally looking out for your intrests. You are not looking at options you have your nose to the grindstone. Jut minding your business is helping you to elevate in a way being nosey was never going to. You might be about to run into a soulmate. Not necessalriy a love connect but definitely a heat connect. You will have a partnership of sometype that will put you in that King or Queen of Pentacles energy. This new energy you will be operating in will not leave you lacking affection. You have discrenment now and you an tell the real from the fake. No more facades in this piece. Either they show who they are from the beggining or they can kick rocks. You have no time , space or energy for stagated energies encased in a felsh suit. You have learned from many a situation that love is not all that matters. Love being unco...

1st house

The first house in astrology is the most personal part of a birth chart, and is associated with the self. It's also known as the house of self. Here are some things to know about the first house: Rising sign: Your rising sign, or ascendant, is always in the first house. Ruling planet: Mars, the planet of action, energy, and anger, rules the first house. Associated sign: Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is associated with the first house. What it represents: The first house represents your physical appearance, general temperament, and the body you were born with. It can also provide insight into your personality, including your outlook, traits, and characteristics. Planets in the first house: Planets in the first house can have a strong influence on your life. For example, Mercury in the first house may indicate that you're a chatterbox, while the moon in the first house may indicate that you wear your emotions on your sleeve. Planets transiting the first ...