
Showing posts with the label Mars

I'm working on it

You have the ability to see the potential in anything.Do you feel what I feel Is this rfighting for this. eal? The answers to all of lifes questions is YOU!! I know i am beyond toast in your eyes. I am worse then a fraud I am a failure because I never tried. I didn't see any value in a connection with you. I couldnt imagine being in love. I didnt take life seriously. I judged your age. You actually take very good care of yourself. tate. Its the best way I want to ptotect you from toxic lovers and be the loving entity you need. You are my comfort , understanding and I want to protect you. I want to marry you dummy. My soul awakens with you. My controlling, abusive behavior, my lack of direction and agressive nature was due to my solar plexus being blocked but I am working harder on being aligned. I seek more knowledge on connected with you. Your vibe scares me. We both need to meditate. Its the best way to quiet our minds. All I want to do is grw old with you. All my love is

Because I listened to my elders...

Imma stop smoking. Im checking out stock options I know something isn't right and I"m trying to prepare for it. I'm smart and I know that plans take time. I am making moves that is going to bless my legacy. Noone has done it like me so there is no lessson plans to study especially when it comes to love. You want long term love and it will come because people have no idea how lucky they are to know you and have you in there lives. A drug dealer in particular wants you and wants to know why cant they see the world as you do.They are trying to prove themselves to you. You see their indecisiveness and you are metting them where they are. If they want to wait then so be it they can wait tell hell freezes over and you wont be worried bout it because your not stuck this stagnacy you wont accept. This person whether the drug dealer or someone else they are sorry they hurt you. They want to haved some sexual healing. They know you have that je na sa qui. They a

Old Sophia is back now things are about to change

No more fake hangouts. No more catering to those who abuse you. No longer will you stay feeling used and abused in connections. That karmic cycle of make up to break up is over. Abandonment and abuse are no longer dishes served at the party that is your life. Any patterns that lead you to destruction they are done. Using silent treatment to control is out the door. Any connections with self involved narcissit and love bombing are no longer a option. You are making changes in your life that will bring good out circumstances to the forefront. You are prepared for the surprises and you are enjoying the ephiapanies that come with the whiffs of inspriration heading your way. That self love is going to be the spice in life and so many people need it. Your unconventional ways are why you cant be strung alng. People think they have the keys to your secrets go ahead and show them they just got backstage passes to a real healing journey. No more empath vs narsissitic drama and

will i reach my goal????

You don't realize God's making moves on your behalf. He is waking up those what dared to dream your destruction. There were so many times abundance was stripped from your hand. You was chased instead of welcomed. You sat there thinking hard before you made your moves.You knew that if others knew where you intended to be they would have tried to sacrifice your goal before you even reached your first step towards it. They would have distorted your path even more than they already have. You would have been feeling like #buttonbright on the #RoadtoOz which reminds me you would have been better off getting a #lovemagnet like the #ShaggyMans so they would stop hating becuase they do not want to stop. They can't see the point in coming to you when the road is so treacherous. If they just turn away from you there is material wealth. You feel like a ghost in their life anyway and they need to stack their pentacles. They feel like people are just waiting to pick

the journey may be hard but it will be worth it

You might be having to operate in deception in order to make it to thru this next little Tower coming your way. You might be dealing with a Leo or this will occur in Leo season. You have abundance coming your way like a river just gotta keep it to yourself. There will be those who come after you just because you are you and the more well known you become the more the hate will come your way as well. Like Paul Robeson you might get your very means of earning a income thwarted but keep pressing ahead because those above will rectify it in the end. No bragging and keep your plans hidden use subterfuge and deception if need be, but protect yourself. Don't let the strife of life tear you apart. You are capable of balancing out the situation in your favor. You might be called to do something you have no training to do like Dorie Miller when he stepped up that day at Pearl Harbor, but he succeeded just like you will. This person or situation will bring drama, but like Charles Drew you w


Someone is thinking of things in the past. Rewriting their memories to be happier. Trying to rewrite the story so it has a happier ending. All you desire is to go on adventures and to stop missing out on life. Possibly feeling like happy and you were just not meant to be together. Quick connections with no substance are no longer desired. Not knowing when to say no but claiming awaeness in connectiomns is your new self talk. Declaring to yourself there is a best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime out there just waitung fir the first steps to be taken. This person might have numerous piercings. This person when you hug then you do not like to release them. When you are with them you feel fertile. You are freeing yourself from darkness and toxicness. Your throat chakra has been blocked preventing the truth from coming out but now your free and you can find a safe place embraced by harmony to thrive in. Learning to stand alone is ha


I need a partner not a liablity. I need you to understand if you come back. Your insecurities cannot and will not stop me from growing. With you there was always a piece missing and I was always waiting for it to fall in place. We just kept moving forward with no actual change or growth in our connection. I had no bliss with you because you never wanted it with me. At this point in time i am ready to throw hands with you rather than be with you. Youmake me feel horrible about myself. I choose bad habits inorder to cope with hw much I hated how weak I felt because of you. Forget the knees make you weak kisses they are lies. I have meditated and prayed and i'm trying to model a better mindset and behavior to myself. I know longer will compromise with you or anyone like you. I am beautiful inside and out and you can't take that from me anymore. No more insecurites about my hair, body, or skin tone. You won't be the reason why I hate me. This particular door is locke

They call me mellow yellow

I don't enjoy the way I feel. My fucking soul hurts. I don't feel unique in this situation. I feel like I have always been like this and there is no changing, but come to find out it was spell work. I have learned to protect myself. No longer will I accept interferace in my connections. There is one person I want to talk to and it hurts its been so long I almost forget what its like to kiss them. I want to be the shoulder they lean on and that's a issue when others are relentless with their watered down evil eye. I have been working on my soloar plexus chakra. I am no longer controlling, obsessive, and lacking in direction. I had to walk away from things that didn't sit well in my heart. Thats why I can't walk away from you. You are the best thing for me. You are my ideal mate. If you hadn't noticed I've been flirting with you. I suck at it but I want you to know i'm interested. I'm sorry I ghosted. I am coming back. I want to make a movie wi

I want...

You need loving pretty young thing. I'm watching your every move online. When we are together our souls just vibe. I want you to take everything off next time I see you. I want to give you bliss. I love that your shorter than me.  Everyone is going to hate when they see us together. We are going to be partners not enemies. I don't have to worry about you doing me wrong.  I can't stop your tears right now. I am in the middle of things I don't want you apart of. I understand how precious you are so I have to protect you.  You are my best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime. I will love you forever. You are more than I could ever need.  I am getting better for me to be right when it's time for us. Has anyone ever told you that you are the embodiment of a god/goddess ?  I love that you rub my back when it hurts. I love that you actually want to grow old with me. No one

Don't Bizounce

Someone has an addiction to women.  They think women make the world just easier to live in.  Women are the spice in life.  Problem with this mindset is this person keeps entering into connections that they are implying would stay monogamous and then cheating rampantly.  There was no way this person was going to bring that you.  Not you.  Not the person they loved.  You could be on the edge of the mess, but right in the middle no they couldn't bear to see you daily knowing they was hurting you like that.  You may feel like they are choosing other connections instead of you and it's not that it's these other people make being a cheater easier.  For whatever reason it's just easier to hurt them then it is to know they are causing you intentional harm which they would never do.  Right now this person wants to touch you deeply everywhere and I mean everywhere fingers in your mouth too??? you bet!!!  They have two words for you #CreamPie you do with that as you will... They w

You can stand just a little longer

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant and fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you.  You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself.  You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path.  You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.

Peace be still

  You might be on pause. Spirit has you at a stand still due to you needing to learn to use calm and gentle tactics. You have been in the king of swords energy.  You haven’t been thinking with emotion. It’s been just cold logic for awhile. You are being asked to look within yourself. When you react in any way, but peaceful you cause turbulence in your life. Open your heart then your mouth people are waiting to hear you. 

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.

Your healing is beautiful

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you. You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself. You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path. You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.

Retrograde energy sit back and take a look at yourself

You might be in some Gemini  Energy or you might resonate with the song by Sage the Gemini " Gas Pedal". Spirit is asking you to have courage. You are experiencing loss of control and ignoring your inner voice. You are doing something you know in your heart your wrong for and Spirit is telling you to stop before you can't turn back. You might be struggling to get things completed. simple tasks seem overwhelming and all you want to do is sleep. You aren't finding balance. Instead of being on top of things you feel like a mountain has slid on your back and you want to be surprised by it, but your only surprised its not heavier.  You might be desperately trying to manipulate situations to make it seem like you didn't make the mountain, but you don't need Sherlock Holmes to explain the signs. You left evidence in the hearts you affected. Its time to own it so you can start getting from under the mountain. If you are or have been committing fraud, lying to seem bet

you got the touch

  You are like Rumpelstiltskin or midas making Gold out of the simple. The problem is no one around you truly appreciates that this talent comes from you. They have even made you feel so bad about this amazing gift that you contemplating walking away from it.  You are surrounded by enemies, but spirit is going to be pulling these folks away. You may be in hermit mode trying to figure out which path is yours to be on to find your enlightenment. You may have been dealing with a Soulmate who distracted you from your path.  You have been off your path for a while tricked like a person eating something in the fairy lands.  Be weary like someone avoiding a black cat.  You are awesome and in this 4 of pentacles energy you only have up to go. Stay vigilant and grounded as you move forward. No one in negative energy will be able to stop your progress.

If you don't get your head out your butt and pay attention to your surroundings...

It's a time to be clear in your movements. Have clarity and move in wisdom. You are feeling driven don't get distracted. Its already winning. Spirit knows you don't feel complete, but you are just fine because what you are waiting for  is just around the corner.  You love being in the midst of your Spirit guides. You feel accepted and loved and its beautiful.  Keep protecting yourself, energy and home. Some people are trying to see the world the way you do. They are pissed that they can't and because you can they hate you even more. No, in this instance hate is not a strong word for them they truly mean it. Some of the people want you dead.  They think then it won't matter if they don't get it whatever that is, but you won't have it either.  That you've made it this far is due to your indomitable spirit. You have been working on yourself becoming more comfortable with realizing you matter to you. That and self love that you need more than anyone else'

Mars, Pluto, Angel Numbers, Horus, Libra, Gemini, Df & DM, Aquarius

 I can hear Tiana singing  "  This old town can slow you down People taking the easy way I'm getting closer and closer every day I'm almost there People down here think I'm crazy But I don't care Trials and tribulations I've had my share There ain't nothing gonna stop me now 'Cause I'm almost there But I know exactly where I'm going And I'm almost there" You have been having quarrels with family and friends and you feel you can't move pass those connections. Well, you can be the bigger person. Make up with them! Just be honest with yourself. Just because you care doesn't mean they line up with who you are doesn't mean you can't love from a distance. You might also be having a life balance issue that is causing you  to hyper focus in one area and ignoring others.  You might even be feeling lackluster about some decision that caused drama before, but any delays internal or external won't last long. This weak moment wil


 If you been seeing 222 get ready change is coming!!! You feel magical, but someone promised you this life time and they can't keep this promise. You drown them in your intensity but at the end of the day its only about the sex. On the other hand there is someone who has their eye on you and they want to love you the right way. Their love is going to heal you. They think your built like a God/Goddess/Powerful Energy. If you aren't sexually active be prepared they wanna break your back. They just want you to be the real you, no matter what that idea of you doesn't compare to the real you. Your old person knows you have every reason to hate them , but they didnt intend for things to go this way. This new person though  lives for your kisses. Nobody kisses are like yours. They want you to walk fully away from your past because as far as they are concerned you are theirs.