
Showing posts with the label Holly the Ruler

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

working my way towards you

Someone is not feeling confident. They do not feel like you will allow them to getto know you. They are all in their feelings completely unsure how to come to you. They are begginning to have hope. The bad in their life is starting to dissapate. With this change in their emotional weather they are trying to not let their world go topsy turvey. In being more in tune with their emotions they are acknowledging they will always be Royal. If there is a masculine involved someone is upset with them. You had no more hope and then they came along and lifted you. ooooh. This masculine wants to know are you still down? They want to give you all their time. They have taken the time to get to know them selves so they will not lose themselves in you or anybody else. They see how much they are like you and they want to embrace you but at this moment they know there is no forward movement is the postion they are involved in. This masculine is striving to kearn to wear their heart on their slee

Take it or Leave it

You have someone coming who feels you take their breath away. As much as they are physically attaracted to you they feel there is to much drama in your connection. Thisb person is learning to keep your name out your mouth. You speak and the cosmos listens. Your light causes this person shadow side to rage and disturbs their spirit. Something you do makes them hot in the pants. Right now you may not be talking to this King energy. They are on your mind all day every day. They wish you would confess how you feel about them to them, but I feel like they just havent been listening. So for some of you they are throwing in the towel on fixing this connection. This person likes to put their all into love, but in the past they made promises to others and was dissapointed with the lack of reciprocity. Now its important you both have faith that this connection not onlly will happen but will flourish. No more misunderstandings no more smoke and mirrors. The person was in their Zeus/ Aproho

Convo with yourself

I am noble, pure and passionate. I am a Ruby. I amprotective, aligned and full of vitality. I will not sabotage myself. I will no longer live a life to just survive I will just thrive. I am not just a blck sheep I am Royalty. I am learning to please myself first. I am learning to not let my outside circumstances affec me. I am not a sum of spellwork. I am a overcomer. I am paying attention to my situations and learning where i should utlize my energy and where it will be wasted. I am learning to love myself. When i said i would never fallin love i didnt know thati was preventing myself from loving me as well. Now i welcome love in all forms. I desere love. I made a choice to be helpful in life i just want a partner as i go along my path. I am learning to love myself as a mother and counselor to others in the world and teach them that jealousy isn't beneficial especially when it comes to getting messages from spirit. I am learning hat even if i keep my word it wont matter i

What you want to say

The world is scary but I thought kowing you was in this world with me would always make me feel safe and sane, but your the one i feel danger coming from you are the one i feel like is driving me crazy. Your damaging behaviors causes me to have to pull back from you. I am at the point i am questioning if you are even meant to be in my life. So now I'm asking you to step up or step the fuck off. I will fight for love but nah I aint fighting nobody for a partner. Ialways knew that love was meant for me I just didn'tknow whenit was going to come. I am changing up the vibe. New friends, new boos, new life. No more being trapped in a unjust situations. You gonna have to damn near give me a reference letter now adays to be in my energy.Intelligence is a requirement I am not going to dumb myself down for the benefit of having friends. I am being kind to myself. I am embracing all my creativity. When I show you all of me I expect to be accepted like family anything less I'

5d conversation

Hey Love, Sit on my lap and let me hold you. I won't hold anything but my body against you. I don't have any plans but to have you. I surrender my heart to you. My only job is to show you repeatedly that I love you and make up for all I have done in the 3d. I know in the 3d I come at your mind and make you doubt our connection, but I am still not healed. I want to make excuses, I want to explain, but I am not stupid I know I am in the wrong. I didn't want to change and now you don't want to be around me. You told me to never talk to you... now I have to figure out how to come back to you. I ain't right and I now that. I am working on being a better version of myself. I want to be a miracle for you. I feel like i need to speed up, but I know that I have you right here with me I just want all me to have all of you. I study you to learn your quirks. I am failing the class that is you. I know if I had forever I still wouldn't know all there is to know about

Karmic Masculine to Divine Feminine

Its over over ain't it? You should've cheated on me. You was faithful to a ideal. I wasn't honest with you. I even had a baby on you but you don't know yet. I did't know you was meant to be my kingdom mate. I tore you down for no reason. If you give me a chance I would dig deep for you. I will give you the sex life you deserve. I was selfish. I felt safe but never made you feel safe. I have nothing to offer you but struggle love becuase I dont want to work hard. I have so many bad things happening I hope you are still covering me. I tried to destroy the joy you had. I wanted to have you clingy on me. I didnt understand not all women are like that. I can't pop up on you. I can't be intimate with you. I just want you to love me. I really want to prove my love thru sex. I just know you will fall back in love if i pull out my tricks. I will do and say anything to get you back to me. I need you. My life is in shambles and noone wants to save me. I ain'

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Feminine

I never let up on you. There was no safe happy place for you with me. I did everything but put my hands on you. I pretended to work harder than I was to carry on my relationships. I want to take credit for how you turned out although I am not fully sure if i have anything to do with who you are. I can't stand to be around you. You maybe blood, but I'd switch you for someone else. You may have walked away, but noone knows that so I will tell them I walked away due to disrespect. How can you prove what I let few witness and fewer understood what was actually occuring. I act like a masculine being emaculated instead of just a sad jealous woman. I should have appreciated the gift of having you in my life instead I resentated you. I was so trapped in my personal illusions that i couldnt feel sympathy for you. I even practice magic against you. I dont see you as a extension of me your alien. Did i ever tell you i hate it when you touch me? I mean i know you know, but I want to

You are a bright light

All the things you said running thru my head has me feeling I am not enough. You deserve more than I can give emotionally, finanancially,mentally and even physically. I have been sexually unwise and I have a STD/STI( sexually transmitted demon or incubus). I am connected to too many people sexually and I do not how to release those bonds. I like having so many people wanting me. I feel loved having so many people fighting for my attention. I didn't regonize real love. I feel if you love me you will keep doing for me. When you stop you don't love me. I know you have to live your life and being up my ass isn't part of your whole day. I promise you I am not closed off. I am just scared of you seeing to much or figuring out I am a fraud. I ran away in November because its just to much emotions to handle. I thought kepping things sexual was going to protect my heart, but I just fell even harder for you. I feel if I come forward to fast you will lose sight of what you are

I swear I am trying

I've put in so much work and have nothing to show for it. At least with a job your 401k will pay out eventually. I 've been trying to stay low key but i want to play for keeps with you. Noone knows how I feel about you about us because i refuse to discuss you. I want to contact you but you have me blocked. I thought by now you would unblock me and be forgiving. I see you for who you really are when before i thought you was a totally different person. I thought walking away would make both our lives happier. I know time is up. I messed up a lot and you should've left me long ago. We were promised a lifetime ago that we werent to be togther. I want to dedicate my heart to you. I want a fufilling life you. I want to create a healthier legacay for both of our families. As frustrated I am i am so focused on you and making life what you always deserved. I want to see you soon. I want to protect you from getting hurt anymore. I know i want to dream with you and create a new

I got triggers

You make me feel average. I feel so useless around you. For anyone else I can step to the plate. For you I choke every time and I want to come thur for you. I want to show you that we can make what is old new again. I have lost the love of my life. I just want to talk to you and tell you how much you mean to me. I don't want to lose that connection. I know I bring you a lot of darkness to your life and you have been holding out for a miracle. You haven't saved because you don't have faith this will occur. I am saving because I know this cant end this way. I am aware no matter how much you mean to me I have to show you not just tell you. I am not very good at leading, but I will follow your lead becuase you have found happiness in the midst of your valleys and canyons. I could study for a lifetime and I still wouldn't fathom all there is to know about you. I admit I didn't always have faith in you and your morals. I judged you based off my own promiscuous behavior. I

it's over...

  " Baby its a shame we have to go thru this . We don't even talk girl we don't even kiss. I never thought we would be breaking up like this but its over now. " ~ 112 Someone is realizing that what they once percieved about you was wrong. This whole idea they had of who you were and what you stood for has been shifted dramatically. This change has got them questioning everything and now they want to hang out and ask you about all the things you have revealed. You have this way at looking at things that is not the other side of things, but is a balanced and rich manner and it brings abundance of self and knowledge. You also make it happen no matter how and you don't compromise yourself to do it.  You are light hearted and and you are always seking more in life. You bring life to the darkness and it doesnt want to leave.

It's been a long road, but your time is finally here

You have been searching for answers and you have them, but now your at a crossroad and the choice to continue your journey alone until your true partner meets up with you or turn back and start over with someone who will drag you from your  destined path.  It's time to walk in your passion and not run from it. Its time to embrace your creativity and utilize it's power in all aspects. You have stopped listening to naysers and doom encouragers. You have released the pain of the past and your moving forward.  Stop looking for things that will stop you on your way and start to embrace your emotional intelligence as a gift just like your logic and stop second guessing everything. 

You are making it happen

 You are are carrying ideas that you are about to birth and the world better watch out. You been getting some downloads in the dream state. You have let go of your burdens and no longer are you allowing others to place their burdens on you and cause towers in your life. You have found that thing in your life that draws you. You wake up thinking of it go to sleep thinking of it too. No more will your cups be overturned. Because you have put your enthusiasm to your work it’s beginning to gain traction. You aren’t fighting no more you have surrendered to the divine. You have released relationships that no longer serve you. You have walked away from all that would make you feel low. You was scared to leave before because you thought you was supposed to be cautious, but instead your about to just dive in and trust the universe. 


You may need to work on your base and sacral chakra.  You have been busting your butt, not having the time to be lazy, bored, confused, experiencing doubt in self and tiredness there just doesn’t seem to be enough hrs in the day.  The Sun is washing away your sorrow and shadows. Your self destructive attitude and doubts are fading with the quickness. You are creating. You have created a who new life and world your going to have to walk confidently into this new world. Your creativity might feel like it’s ebbing and flowing sporadically with Carnelian in your corner. Carnelian will breath new life into you so you can breathe new life into your projects.  

Competition for what???

  You have someone who thinks they are in competition with you. They don’t just want to win they want you dead. Not able to review e the pentacles that Source has planned to give you. You are protected by your spirit team who are armed to the gills prepared to show anyone what is really good. Your whole life is about communing and celebrating your spiritual journey so you are truly connected and can’t be fucked with. Your childlike love for the Divine and for those who came before you puts a smile on your face that those looking down on you can’t comprehend.  Again I’m being told you are being protected and watched over.  This person coming for you is blocked like the first black surgeon was performing on white folks. This person coming for you has no idea they are trying to wrestle a lion you are a Empress or your in your feminine energy and you can’t be taken off your throne. 

It’s time to heal your heart

  You have been waiting with a locked heart for so long you forgot there was a key to unlock it. Very soon you will be meeting the one with the key. There will be no doubts this is the one who is your perfect fit. This person will be someone you will marry.  In order to be be ready for this person you need to heal your heart and root chakra. You won’t be able to accept else for that matter. You might be slowly opening your eyes to options.  You are seeing that you can make a choice good or bad , but your free to make a choice . You don’t have to accept this love. Just beware some of your choices can and will come back to try and take your abundance, your bliss. If you need to sit back and say goodbye to the past wounds that caused you to lock your heart in the first place. Learn from the past so you can create new opportunities in the future. That closed hearted you is gone your relationship with that version of you is over. No second chances or trying to resurrect that old you. You ar

You can see clearly now

 You may be on a fairy kick or magic kick not really sure why, but you have been drawn to the the light and whimsy in life. The dreamy the esoteric pulls at you, but even more so right now. You cannot always have your feet in the air sometimes you have to have your feet on the ground.  If in the past you was part of third party relationships no longer is that going to be tolerated by you. No more hoping they might change, now if they don't follow thru the first time you forgive them  you won't give them an opportunity to have a second chance.  You will no longer be the gold at the end of others peoples rainbows while they aren't even trees o the path. You won't be someone's get rich quick scheme, the foundation they build their futures on. From now on it is equal reciprocity or nothing.  People take,take,take from you and never give you your flowers. They don't want you to know that you make a difference. Not only in other peoples' lives, but also in theirs


 How are you gonna glow up this person? They was happy knowing you was they happy lil secret. They knew you was amazing they just couldn't see past your size to be with you in public. Now you have changed in a way that makes them totally see you; all of you. They excused it by telling themselves they didn't want you when the whole time they did they was just to superficial and admitting hat to you would make you turn away and stop giving them the awesome love you had.  Now they see how valuable you are and that you really are desired just for being you and now they want to prove to you that they always have loved you always was just blind to it.  

Someone is a liar and they have ill intentions

 Oh boy they Know you are the total package. They have a attitude!! They want to have a conversation with  you to ask you have faith in them. They want to say they won't change for themselves why did you think they  would change for you? They say they aren't going to change no matter what  they say. They sabotage your relationship on purpose. even though they know their behavior is hurting you. They actually find it hilarious watching you flounder around trying to figure out how to get into their good graces.  They honestly feel like they don't need you but they like having your energy and efforts to boost their ego because you always go the extra mile.They know they got you so why make more effort or feel insecure?  They also don't feel like they need to heal cuz they are fine you are the one who needs help your obsessed with them so you  pathetic because you should know your to good for them. You accept them at their absolute worse and you won't believe them when