
Showing posts with the label Oak the stabilizer

Should I move ???

You are safe first and foremost. Anyone who is triggered by your peace and happiness cant have axcess to you.They cant piss on your dreams. Start speaking your truth. The syncrincites is speaking to you. The hurdles are almost all gone. You have one person whose loyalty is divided and will try to stop you. They will try to introduce negativities ( negative activities) into your life to distract you but you have survived all these karmic lessons you won't fall in the trap. You might need a lawyer for whatever decisions your making. Its ok o talk to those you truat about your situation. Whomever is trying to cause destruction in your life is about to recieve their just desserts. They're actually watching you hoping all goes bad. Their spiritual protection is gone and folks is wanting to know why you arent around. This person or people they can't understand how you got out of all the traps they set for you. This person has projected so much negativity to

kicked the habit that is you

Normally I am the hunter prepared for any type of prey. Usually I come after people becuase of what they have. I set my eyes on them and i always hit my shot. Yet, lately I just want to make my own. I want to be able to say I did it myself. I want to know that you know that means my money will be slower. I want to evolve and in my present circumstances I don't see the possiblity of healing. I spent a lot of time chasing our connection. I was so codependant terrified that if I didnt fix our connection there would be no connection to have. I knew i couldnt turn to my friends to find solace. Living in the moment wasnt going to save me when i was drowning in our connection. I needed time to be my best self and i allowed societies pressures to dictate how i made that happened. Progress was more important than growth and refuse to embrace the idea that the paradigm of our connection was always wrong. The lack of healthy choices in our connection trickled to other conne

A conversation with Granny

Oh you will always be her baby. They have had your back even though they have been lonegr then you knew them. Its time to finish out your dreams. You do not need to cry anymore she says the tough times are almost over. If you need a sign look to the sky and the first thing you see that is white is from her. You may sat at night and talk to her looking towards the moon and she says she sees you. You have been rushing forward and she says enjoy the ride. Their will be those who can catch your vibe that is who you can lean on. Focus on your intrests. Stick to your standards. Make them come to uou she says. No text are enough effort needs to be present. If they really care they will make you aware. Do not allow them to turn you into their therapist to the point you need one as well. Every question you have you already know the asnwer from their sexuality to the thefts. Trust your instinct more moore often.

I can find the beat in everything but my heart. Without you im dead.

You are a miracle. You are so impressive. Can you just sit on my lap and never leave? If you dont want to be with me I totally get it I have spent to much time hurting you why would you believe i want to make it up to you? You make me so happy with your cheerful disposition. Your quirkiness is beautiful. . Even when changes occur and something just aint right you manage to keep educating folks. You are doing what you was called to do. I surrender my heart to you. Iknow its beat up and tarnished but its all yours. I dont have any strategy to bring you back excet open my heart and maybe you will step into it. My struggles will not keep me from coming back to you. I will even assist you with work drama. If they are coming against you they are coming against us i get that. The longer we are apart the more bleak life seems. I see you out there making moves though. You are totally #Wifeygoals #youaremyangel you are the reason i dont need a drink. I am looking at your social media c

Sometimes I feel like somebodies watching me

You have some one or somebodies watching you. These folks or this person doesn't want to face rejection from you. They aren't being accountable for things they have done to you in the past. These people maybe upset with how you are making money and how intelligent you are. You was someones back up plan and they are seeing that their plan for youis falling to pieces you are to intelligent to repeatedly falling for their trickery. These peoplle refuse to learn from their mistakes. Instead of admitting defeat they shift the blame to you saying your just to dumb to even fall into the trap rather then giving you credit for being too smart and avoiding it. You are intelligent and they refuse to acknowledge that in their plans they focus on your emotions and attack. These people want to beat you at a game they are the only ones playing. You dont want to know what the rules are because you honestly just don't care. Congratulations you have given up drinking. You also have


No more retries. #Gameover There is literally no way to win this battle. Your mental healthy is a concern, but it is your concern I cannot an will not make it my priority. I have to focus on me eventually and I choose now. Your the kind of person drunk at work. Just dangerous for no other reason then selfishness. The messed up part is I used to think you was the only person in the world who understands me. We used to hold hands, look at the stars, and dream. I left because I felt like you didn't appreciate my gifts or even your own. For a moment though I was swept up in your vibe. I want your heart, but not as tainted as it as right now. Go fucking heal. Walking away should be hard but your making it easier day by day. The happiness of my soul as this connection dies is uplifting and saddening as well. I shouldn't feel lighter and happier, but that is how I feel. I shoould be sad, and mourning, but the death of this connection is destined. I am meant to be manuevoring li

Gotta take it one step at a tiime

Shits been rough. You need to change how you are looking at life. If you do not want to be stuck in depression then you need to be active about it. Pay attention to the mess around you . Stop walking blindly into situations. Someone wishes they could be with you tonight ( this is timeless dont worry). The man reason is healing from a STI but they still got you in the forefront of their mind. When they heal they want to come forward and apologize. They also want to know what makes your heart so big. This masculine/feminine knows someone is using magic on you. Theu know it might take therapy to heal from these betrayls and they hope you are willing to heal with them. They see that together especially healed yall can make mountains dance. You might feel that your the source of entertainment for your family, but they know they are the butt of many jokes. They never wanted to grow up. So anything that resembled responsiblity was a no. They know that their healing is their own responsib

Karmic Masculine to Divine Masculine

I dont want to tell you this but I look up to you. I eny you. She really loves ypu like die for you loves you. I have secrets I don't want the Divine Feminine to know, but you tell her all your secrets. I'm trying to copy your energy so I can get her back before you manage to step to the plate. I made a lot of mistakes. I thought how she felt about me was funny. Nobody saw how i broke her down but i did what no one but you could before. Why can't I have her? You can find others who are close to her I can't attract similiar energies. I stumbled upon the gift she is. I thought she was like me. Shes better. I want personal connections that feel like what I had with her. I wish you would just leave her so I can come in and pick up the pieces. I lied so much so I figured if i dropped all my truths on her now she will be so happy she will forgive me but she wont even glance at me if you are coming. I won't even blame you I will praise you to her tell her how lu

Divine feminines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

Man stop messing with her and wife her. Stop partying your getting to old for that mess anyways. We grown and grown folks choose up or die alone. I never had what yall got but if I did i would fight for it. Divine feminie is a special person. She would make anyone proud to be with.She not the type to cheat so why are you being so stupid? I want to fall in love over and over again with the same person. I want to get that first date jittters for the same person over and your just throwing it away. Do you see what living in your shadow has done? I hope you are hearing me. This can be fixed. If you love her show her. Tell her she makes you weak, but she makes you strong and able to stand in the world. Hurry up and get to her. Steal her heart before she notices. Be the man she belives you to be. Stop stalking and walk up to her door with some flowers and a gift and beg your ass off. Do not disappear again. Take her out on dates. Get her shit she likes. Stay away from friends who encora

You are a bright light

All the things you said running thru my head has me feeling I am not enough. You deserve more than I can give emotionally, finanancially,mentally and even physically. I have been sexually unwise and I have a STD/STI( sexually transmitted demon or incubus). I am connected to too many people sexually and I do not how to release those bonds. I like having so many people wanting me. I feel loved having so many people fighting for my attention. I didn't regonize real love. I feel if you love me you will keep doing for me. When you stop you don't love me. I know you have to live your life and being up my ass isn't part of your whole day. I promise you I am not closed off. I am just scared of you seeing to much or figuring out I am a fraud. I ran away in November because its just to much emotions to handle. I thought kepping things sexual was going to protect my heart, but I just fell even harder for you. I feel if I come forward to fast you will lose sight of what you are

hey future mom/dad

You have a baby waiting to be concieved. They need you to heal yourself, ground, and get back in touch with yourself so that you are a healthy enviroment for them to growth with. Your baby already loves you and wants you to be your best. You may feel healed but there is still some things you need to do some shadow work on. You kinda are stagnant right now and the level you need to be be on you aint there yet. Sometimes its not about self healing. Sometimes it really about leaning on others. You are a vibe, but right now your Spirit baby says its a killer vibe and not benficial to anyone. This child is going to have a flair for fashion and they will excude their Venus energy more than any attribute. I know right now it seems they arent on the way but the timiing isnt right. You can use tarot to talk to them. If you have been crying thinking that the baby just isnt ever gonna come you have to wait for divine timing. Do not worry about evil eyes noone will no they are coming to you

We need to talk

I'm on my way to talk to you. I'm not trying to text you all of this. I have a lot to say and I hope you are willing to listen to me. There has been a lot of interferance in our connection and i just need to clear everything up. I hate this up hill battle i feel we have been fighting for what seems like forever. I know I act like this stuff is easy to get over but i really just bury all of it deep down. I know i should have learned from my past faster, but the lessons took me so long to understand let alone learn from. So i let all my traumas keep me trapped. I stepped beack from you because i had to see where my head was where i fit in when it comes to your life. Do i add to you or am I a burden? Being so far from you makes me wonder and fear what you are feeling about me. I try to send you good vibes because ai want you to be ok evenif i am not with you. They say the sky is the limit but if there was no sky you are my limit. I'll do what ever it takes to reach you

I want...

You need loving pretty young thing. I'm watching your every move online. When we are together our souls just vibe. I want you to take everything off next time I see you. I want to give you bliss. I love that your shorter than me.  Everyone is going to hate when they see us together. We are going to be partners not enemies. I don't have to worry about you doing me wrong.  I can't stop your tears right now. I am in the middle of things I don't want you apart of. I understand how precious you are so I have to protect you.  You are my best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime. I will love you forever. You are more than I could ever need.  I am getting better for me to be right when it's time for us. Has anyone ever told you that you are the embodiment of a god/goddess ?  I love that you rub my back when it hurts. I love that you actually want to grow old with me. No one

From a masculine to a Feminine

I got shit to do.  I gotta focus and you are a distraction.  I never had you and now that your gone I've lost a opportunity to have you so fuck it and you!  Except you are on my mind every night, all night. I cannot even hold you while you cry in your dreams because I turned my back on you in the flesh and in the spirit world.  I was in my masculine energy and buried any trace of my feminine energy because it made me feel weak. You have always been my sunrise. You loved me at my worse. I even stopped loving me I can't understand how you do it. I know you used to ask me what I liked to see you in and it's your dresses. You seem so soft and vulnerable. I know you are not vulnerable in the least, but you just ooze feminity like Gaia in Captain Planet. When it came to you I always knew it was you. I just didn't want it to be you. If I had a better example at home maybe I would have done better by you. I hope you would have gotten a better me because I know in any universe I

Letter from your person

Hey, You are on my mind at night. You haunt my dreams. This craving for another person is not what I am used to. I have been asking the universe for patience as I have been having some arguments with myself due to a unwillingness to face the man in the mirror.  I have this emptiness inside and I don't know how to fill it a f it makes me feel incomplete. I feel sluggish and unproductive.  Please don't let this connection slip away. You bring out the best in me.  This space we are in where we don't speak where we aren't connected feels so imbalanced.  I am leaving my person. I know that is the biggest issue. Not to say my behavior isn't one as well. I am just saying that I know that is the biggest issue between us.  I know I can't talk my way back into your heart and life. My actions need to line up with where you are and I can't plateau either I have to keep growing.  I know now I didn't do right by you. I am sorry I should've known better.  Sidebar:

Spirit Message

Spirit wants you to have a deeper relationship with you. No more just quickly praying they want quality time with you. They gind you funny. They do appreciate the things you do.  They warn you that the relationships you left you don't need to stay involved in. They are again saying your funny. You don't need to be the first anymore. You can take your time so you don't feel contempt for yourself when making mistakes. Taking your time is how you catch your mistakes early.  Don't worry about your status in your family. You know they didn't accept you for you and it made you want to walk away and now folks are watching them and you to see if you will forgive or stay on this public  path. Your family is attempting to court you to pull you back in. They desire your energy. You have forgave them so many times. All you need is to continue to ground your energy and enjoy this no drama period in your life cuz it's about to get real. 

Pedal to the metal

 Your unique in a place of sameness. Always on the defensive because you won’t assimilate. You might have tattoos and like silver rings and you might be learning about herbs or just choosing  to live a more green life.  Peace an solitude is all you are seeking right now. Standing out is for those who are trying to be seen, but you are drawing eyes because you are hiding. Serenity is all you seek and you are rooted enough that you can stand when thinks get swampy and you feel bogged down. You have desires that only the world can hold and your spirit you let the universe mold. Strength untold, slowly becoming bold no one can grab ahold your game is to be told and sold. 


You may need to work on your base and sacral chakra.  You have been busting your butt, not having the time to be lazy, bored, confused, experiencing doubt in self and tiredness there just doesn’t seem to be enough hrs in the day.  The Sun is washing away your sorrow and shadows. Your self destructive attitude and doubts are fading with the quickness. You are creating. You have created a who new life and world your going to have to walk confidently into this new world. Your creativity might feel like it’s ebbing and flowing sporadically with Carnelian in your corner. Carnelian will breath new life into you so you can breathe new life into your projects.  

Family Hate

  Someone is upset that you have a soulmate connection. That you know or knew that type of love. This family member is desperate for the light this love gives you. This family member has a habit of love bombing you in a attempt to pull you closer, while actually providing no real relationship.  They come across as loving and possibly even “holy”, but they want to take your life literally because they don’t feel you deserve your gifts that they know you got from your shared grandmother.  This person is stalking you. They may even have stolen your story to gain the “ accolades of being a victim”. This family member does not want you to better yourself. Your growth is proof that the lies they told don’t matter.


 How are you gonna glow up this person? They was happy knowing you was they happy lil secret. They knew you was amazing they just couldn't see past your size to be with you in public. Now you have changed in a way that makes them totally see you; all of you. They excused it by telling themselves they didn't want you when the whole time they did they was just to superficial and admitting hat to you would make you turn away and stop giving them the awesome love you had.  Now they see how valuable you are and that you really are desired just for being you and now they want to prove to you that they always have loved you always was just blind to it.