You just wanted to be with someone who gave you balance. You wanted a Union that you was literally the other half of. Even if you was the polar opposite you still wanted symestry. You have a soft heart and you just knew you was going to have romance, flirting, and romantic dates. You was not prepared for verbal abuse, slurs, and the fighting. You was not prepared to feel like a 3rd party in your own home. You thought certan connections change things. You was unaware the leeles people will go to be connected to another. You thought you was heading towards expansion and the safe space to be innovative instead your dreams were crushed and your love thrown in your face, So you are leaving it alone. Why keep trying if betrayl and dimimishing of spirit is all that is offered?? Heartbreak and pain, seperation and loss, deception and lies were the only gifts from the repeated shocking attacks from your so called loved ones. Where is a place to hold faith for love to come when from the c...