
Showing posts with the label Year of the Ox

will i reach my goal????

You don't realize God's making moves on your behalf. He is waking up those what dared to dream your destruction. There were so many times abundance was stripped from your hand. You was chased instead of welcomed. You sat there thinking hard before you made your moves.You knew that if others knew where you intended to be they would have tried to sacrifice your goal before you even reached your first step towards it. They would have distorted your path even more than they already have. You would have been feeling like #buttonbright on the #RoadtoOz which reminds me you would have been better off getting a #lovemagnet like the #ShaggyMans so they would stop hating becuase they do not want to stop. They can't see the point in coming to you when the road is so treacherous. If they just turn away from you there is material wealth. You feel like a ghost in their life anyway and they need to stack their pentacles. They feel like people are just waiting to pick


You may feel like their is problems at work but secretly you are loved by many and they find you a delight. People love your carefree attiyude and that you like anime and cartoons. Some feel irritated that you are doing so much, but that just because they can't hang. You have the spirit of ambition and its not a bad thing. Your goal is to build community for your lineage. You want to build it on honesty and no cutting of corners. Utlizing every facet of your capablities to make things work is paramount to you. Your needed and if you left a big hole would definitely appear. Don't let the users finesse you out of your morals and home for some decent sex. Co workers don't need to become lovers. If they can't elevate you then they aren not the one who you have been waiting on your whole life. No lies is going heard. You have bossed up and noticed needs to be taken by all.

What sign am I really dealing with???

#EldertheSeeker #Sagittarius #Capricorn You are dealing with one of the above signs and they want you to know this lifetime they want to keep their promise. This is a parental angel you was their last child. They had a knack for making things with their hands that others others wanted to buy. You didn't wonder how you felt about them. The connection was healthy. NO fighting. They took you to church alot. They got saved from a life on the streets. They didnt go to college, but they made good money and wasn't weak with financial boundaries. This person was driven. Single parent so you didn't get alot of time together. They did suffer from addictions. They did pass with a sound mind. Another group its a lover whom passed who wants you to know you was the best. So good they didnt need porn. They just watched the videos yall made instead. You guys spent a lot of quality time together. You had great convos together. You talked about so many things under the sun. Yal


You are repeating a cycle. You are doubling down on trying to fuck someone over due to a family position. You are feeling delusional but you refuse to see it. You have no idea how your behavior is being percieved because you truly feel you are in the right about your behavior. You wake up everyday wondering how to make this one indiviual miserable. You try to keep them surrounded and at least one of them you expect to stab them in the back while the rest of you keep them distracted. All you have done has accumlulated into nothing. That person is still is a loving indiviual. That person still has the right to have a happy life just becuase you aren't is selfish as hell. In every walk of life you have tried to put poison in others ears about this indiviual and for every one person you turned aaginst them 5 more had their back. This battle will continue until you give up or die either choice is yours but your own ancestors are disgusted with you and don't under

I'm working on it.

I want to please you for hours and hours. I want to show you that you got the love i want and the love i need. I know right now i can't give you what you want . Yoou cant call me to come thru and its killing me and i know its frustrating you. I know we arent attaxhed but we are and i can feel you need me. I can't wait to hear your moans and groans again. I cant wait to hear your whispers in my war. Are the zodaic freak Tyrese was sining about cuz he left a few out. I always figured he couln't pull those ones. I cna't wait to come thru. Someone will be having back pains after this. I need to tell you something it may affect our long term connection. I suffer from depression and i have never learned healthy methods to deal with it. I dont want to mess this up and I know my behavior is a lot for a bunch of people let alone just you. I promise if you give me a chance I will do everything i can to not sabotage this. I want to do life the legal way. I have some things I

My love is toxic

I love you more and more each day. I love you in a very special way. I know you have no ill will towards me. I know you even ignored your intuion a time or two when it came to dealing with me. I know you didnt have to so I thank you because not many would give me that grace. You was such a blessing when all I did was tear your world upside down. I took your blessings and claimed them as my own. I repeatedly stopped your forwad progress to aid my attacks on your personality and reputation wanting nothing more to prove I was the only reason you survived. If people knew any blessing you had I took a portion, every step toward progress i ridiculed or tried to lace with imposter identity. I battled you on so many fronts and laid all my burdens at your feet. I loved to see you battle worn and sick from trying to survive my attacks. I enjoy you begging me for scraps it shows the world YOU need me. I even disrupted your relationships. You having support meant you didnt lean on me as much.

I miss you

I stopped watching you though its so very hard. I really need to know what your doing, who you are giving your energy to all of it. I miss your text updates so I could imagine you throughout the day. I miss you. I am willing to drink my self to obliviion so i can see your face in my dreams. You make me feel so strong and confident in my actions and thoughts. I admit for the most part I move thru life terrified. I have pretended for so long to be strong and wise and now everyone is going to know I stole my swag. I pretended to be you so that others would love me as they love you. You make my heart smile and that is why I want to be like you. You are a divine femenine/maasculine and i am karmic. I really thought I would get it right this time but I just made it even worse. I acted in Dark Fae energy and came acrss as a alien. I also fucked around and found out when I got a STD. I didn't think they was the promiscuious one I thought it was you. I hate that i have health issues

Why do i feel stuck

I can't seem to make anything happen. I have been seeking peace and its hiding from me. I can't text you because I won't find the answers I require. I need to see you in person. I need to have physical connection with you. I am aware there are others out there who crave your energy as well. I know I could have had you but i wasn't authentic in my desires and actions. I moved to soon and assumed you would beg to make me happy. I didn't realize I was ugly in my actions and persona. The Gods above see my behavior and cursed me for it. Your ancestors has razed my mind and heart all that left is guilt. I have been able to dream and talk to you but the convo never goes how I want. Even in my dreams you are cursing me out. I'm thinking of calling you and asking you to pull my cards. Trust me I'm prepared to kiss your ass to get some help. I know full well that I can't wear a mask around you. I just don't know who the real me is so there might not be a

I try to say good bye and i choke

Seasons change and so do connections. I want to change our connection before the next season. I wnat to go to the next stage in our lives together. I know we can heal together. Together we can overcome more obstacles vs the life we are living independantly. I feel we need to connect in a forever type of way. I see your options and I know you have choices to make. I dont want to be strung along while you figure out if you welcome me back into your life. Right now life sucks and I know it would be better if you was with me, but our seperation is necessary I need to heal. I cannot come back to you and continue to hurt you. I hate hurting you but i just keep doing it which means i need to deal with some issues. I know if i came to you that you would gladly assist because thats just how you are, but I really want to do this on my own. I need to show you I am able to handle my issues like a adult. When i come back I dont wnat to leave again. I want to heal enought I dont want t

letter from your person

I don't see a door to go thru. I don't want the world to see me. I am trying to disappear from off the world's radar. How can I be with you and you want the world? I'm holding you back. Being with me hurts you. We aren't in sync anymore. I'm jealous of you. I get defensive when you talk to me. I'm codependent and I hide from the world. I talk to much, I lie and gossip basically I have become everything I always claimed I wasn't even going to be around.  It's time you got some protecty jewelery  to keep me away from you. I am not ready to be around you and you have a destiny I cannot be permitted to stop.  I have my own healing journey I need to start and bring attached to you I couldn't never see the bad because you always forgave it.  People who know you never seem to know how lucky they are until your gone. I am glad I figured it out just pissed it took so long.  I can't believe I messed up so bad you're not in my life. You was a unexpe

it's pure emotion

I felt so safe in your arms and now I'm scared of you. I stepped as far away as I could and not get hurt and so you came for those close to me.  This emotional storm you insist on keeping us in it keeps us stagnant. I can't come back to this and I sure as hell won't stay where I am either. You are all emotion or all logic and neither makes sense for us. -Divine feminine  This waterfall of love is drying up as more and more logs of deciet, abuse, and neglect pile up.  Losing their Divine position over 3d negativity seems silly and yet they are willing to toss it to satisfy their own twisted morality.  Choices are meant to be made by all parties and not everyone will be happy but the end will go finally come. Intentions will finally be made clear and  if no choices are made Divine will place the cards in a way for a domino effect to occur where the choices are taken out of your hand. 

You are making it happen

 You are are carrying ideas that you are about to birth and the world better watch out. You been getting some downloads in the dream state. You have let go of your burdens and no longer are you allowing others to place their burdens on you and cause towers in your life. You have found that thing in your life that draws you. You wake up thinking of it go to sleep thinking of it too. No more will your cups be overturned. Because you have put your enthusiasm to your work it’s beginning to gain traction. You aren’t fighting no more you have surrendered to the divine. You have released relationships that no longer serve you. You have walked away from all that would make you feel low. You was scared to leave before because you thought you was supposed to be cautious, but instead your about to just dive in and trust the universe. 

A letter from someone to you.

 Dear you, I’m gonna get back to you. I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I hate you. I’m gonna hurt you. I want to strip everything from you. Why can’t I trap you? The games I play should not be obvious to you. You was supposed to stay asleep to what was happening. You taunt me thru every source of entertainment I try to utilize. All of them justifying retribution that should be yours not mine.  I am due Justice!!! Someone owes ME!  I demand my due! I am a Royal! I have made my mark and I will be recognized. I don’t need to be reflective. I am who I was meant to be. I don’t do politically correct! I hate feeling like I lost out on you. I’m low key proud you figured me out, but I resent it too because that means your not in my grasp.  I thought I had all the obstacles out maneuvered, but your so smart you threw up new ones.  If we was in another place I’d come back to you and be different. I’d give you that soft rough love you desire. I’m just scarred to trust my heart to you. You’re my

You got this!

  There is a ending occurring and you didn’t think this path would get you to this place, but it’s time to be here it’s time to get to the end of the road.  You have fought hard to get to this juncture in life. You maybe battle weary, but there is no more people to fight no more is there need to be defensive. You will receive all you need once you get pass this last hurdle.  Your creative endeavors are paying off it’s been hard to stay dedicated, but you knew that you had to keep pushing. There was a need to fight alone to know exactly where you stand now you fight battles without even lifting a hand.  You are not double minded on this gift you share it is feeding you as you feed others. 

Are you ready.

  That next level you been desiring is coming. That space of having no lack, no more drought. You are coming into a place of oasis, after being in a dessert and it looks good on you. You are getting your tools and weapons in place. You are are in a village so your no longer alone.  It’s ok to celebrate you have found your rhythm so start moving. Embracing your child like enthusiasm for life has given you abundance in a place were all expect there to be nothing.  You are being watched over as you move forward on a path many wish you to fall off or stop dead in your tracks and not find the strength to move forward.  You have wrestled the lions and proven you can see past their brute force to overwhelm and stay standing.

Truth Is

 Don't be scared to be different. You are focused on growing and building your legacy. Your plans are great now to lay the ground work for how its going to come into fruition. You are being asked to show your plans by people around you. DON'T!! Keep your plans between you and your spirit team. Your childlike desire to trust everyone will have your plans stole and your dream unattainable.   While your growing and building don't forget to be always working on your healing. You can't let unresolved issues overcome your future for you sake not those who caused the pain or confusion in your life.  Do not let anyone walk in more confidence about what your capable of then you because folks will quickly tell you negative aspects about yourself in order to keep you from rising above where they think you should be. They might say it as concerned advice or just playing devil advocate, but why bring up negative things only?  Get working on that sacral chakra you want more creativit


 Overflow it's  coming that abundance you want is coming. That extra umph you need is here. Stop getting frustrated you have been putting in the work. You have let go of alot of connections that no longer serve you. You are seeking healing for yourself. No, longer trying to please others. You are taking care of yourself  mind, body, and soul. You aren't letting no-one sabotage this self love affair. Now if someone wants to be in your presence that they have to show you by action. Its all about timing. When the time is right Spirit will send you to your final first time Love. You got this!!! Its only solo for a little while longer. You are definitely showing the world what being a BLACK sheep means and your partner will be about that same energy. They won't try to hold you back or sabotage you. They will be your warrior. They won't take chances without discussing it. They will show you a love that goes back to the first moment of the very first love.   They won't put

Red Flags

 Whelp, someone wants to know if you are D.T.F. and its screaming red flags. If you don't give up the booty they dipping on you. They wanted to pick your brain but they wanted to be in your draws. You have the gift to see thru them, but only if they can get you into bed.  You are a true delight you exude parental energy that makes to you. Love seems to pour from you like sweat on a basketball player.  If you choose to sleep with this person be prepared to get left again. Due to being how you are this person dislikes, but they want you. Trust me they are as confused as you. They actually feel suicidal because of this indecision and hate. They are fake and they know it. Their words and actions never line up. They don't care if you don't want them they want you. You energy is intoxicating your mind, fertile and everywhere you go you create a home. You are history in in the making and they hate to see it. From head to toe you got that it factor.  You will be receiving apologies

changes are all around us

 Right now you are making healthy choices in love and life. Practicing self-love, self- care, being happier is paramount  to you for you and those you care for. You are avoiding self-absorbed, narcissist, one sided relationships. You are avoiding love damaged people who react badly to receiving genuine love.  You have walked away from addictions or people who seemed addicting to be around. No more obsessions or being treated like a possession. You are releasing any urge to be controlling as things are slowly coming to fruition for you. As you hang out in this energy of freedom o not forget that sometimes you need to put your feet on solid ground. Write out your blueprints plan your foundation then soar. You have been getting downloads where change is becoming a consistent subject matter. You are going to have to make the changes Spirit is asking of you, but you  got this. 


 So, Have you been trying to make a web of lies stick together. Some lies about love because you feel abandoned? Whoever you was trying to keep trapped was your ideal mate, but you was busy playing games with others and you got tricked.  So, You trying to fix your web of lies to get your blueprint partner back. Spirit is saying there is no words, no actions that will convince and deep down you know it. This person was your shea butter baby. They are receiving Justice because of your past deceptions. I'm sorry your just realizing how much they meant to you. I'm sorry you feel empty. You can't mark someone as yours especially if they are telling you NO. Real love isn't forced, isn't supposed to be a negotiation either. You know they are a delight and you truly may be sorry and you might even be ready to risk it all, but you don't want to change even if you really want them in your life you cannot rewrite history and make them see things your way. You need to make