
Showing posts with the label Year of the Horse

You are leading me towards eternal loneliness for the cost of love

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for because felonious behaviour is on the rise. Someone wants that Romeo & Juliet love, but they seemed to forget Romeo was a fuck boy who literally was whining about Roslyn minutes before meeting Juliet. Fickle. No, I am not saying anything about love at first sight cuz I do believe in it but the whole point of the play was to teach about rushing into things and that is what you are being warned about. You wont be the Queen/King to a Karmic. This person is watching you.They know they have hurt you. You might be posting on a platform about it or maybe they just know. They are giving you the space to walk away or stay. Their throat chakra blocked jealousy, overly defensive, codependant, reclusive, you talk to much, tell lies, gossip, secretive, and shy. You need to get a amulet or ring or bracelet something you will never remove. Bless it and put it on. This person really wants to reconcile. They know that there is a

The path of temptation is family led

Somone refuses to admit they intentionally lead their family member down a path of destruction. That they triangulated the whole family to gaslight and enable this family member into maintaing their bad behavior becuase the goal was noble( in their eyes). If this family member had died finally their family would have nice things to tell others about them. The level of barely disguised hate however cleverly hidden stood out to the ones who want to protect this poor (well they had a hand in their own destruction so maybe nieve?) soul. You was one of those protectors due to you wanting to just be there for them. You want to talk to this person about what their family has been involved in. The problem is you can't force them to discuss, but you can be there for them. You don't have to have words you just have to be kind. Your person is waking up to the deception and games being played in their name by family in hopes o

Cancer - Vedic

You are still sitting on your throne, but you are weaponless to defend yourself. You are dressed for the part, but its who you are not what your trying to be. You spend to much time pouring out into others and not enough pouring into yourself. You are trying to get out of a contract that has you feeling less then royal. This contract has not brought the abundance and happiness you anticipated. You see others celebrating and you are trying to stack and it seems as if things are slipping between your fingers. You want to celebrate but dont feel its the right time. You aren't the karmic but you are not their soulmate either. You are always over sensitive and argumenative. You have been trying to stimulate a change and its not happening. You stink to someone. You are overly depressed. You have left a lot to be desired in your connections. Your looking for miracles and they are not coming. You are realizing you have no vibe and you have been hiding in others identie

being in touch can hurt

You want to talk more. You are waiting to hear from your beloved. You might be holding on tight to your electronics just waiting. Your false twin kept you unbalanced, There was no duality between yall. You are so greateful that your connection is over. You arent going back you are seeking a new connection. You want to graw and transform and in your past that seemed to be undermined by anyone who knew you for too long. Your future connection will end in union and wedded bliss. Do not worry this love is built on eternal promises. You will be getting a call soon from someone hoping to connect. This call will be the one you have been waiting for they will tell you that you have been on their heart. This past energy is lacking confidence, they are frustrated with themselves. They are always self sabotaging due to ego and insecurity.Their jealousy is tangible. They play games and think you dont notice. They have been holding back and blame it on you when really its their tr

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve

kicked the habit that is you

Normally I am the hunter prepared for any type of prey. Usually I come after people becuase of what they have. I set my eyes on them and i always hit my shot. Yet, lately I just want to make my own. I want to be able to say I did it myself. I want to know that you know that means my money will be slower. I want to evolve and in my present circumstances I don't see the possiblity of healing. I spent a lot of time chasing our connection. I was so codependant terrified that if I didnt fix our connection there would be no connection to have. I knew i couldnt turn to my friends to find solace. Living in the moment wasnt going to save me when i was drowning in our connection. I needed time to be my best self and i allowed societies pressures to dictate how i made that happened. Progress was more important than growth and refuse to embrace the idea that the paradigm of our connection was always wrong. The lack of healthy choices in our connection trickled to other conne

angel numbers

Responsibility and teamwork. Your angels are happy with the achievements you have made in life in the past. They are proud of you because of the effort you have been putting into your work. ~920 You are balanced, harmonious, and peaceful in all areas of your life. Keep the faith & stand strong in your personal truths. ~222 Your life will become more interesting. You will be adventurous, and you'll find interest in things that were previously boring. However for you to enjoy these benefits, you must find the truth that fits you.

working my way towards you

Someone is not feeling confident. They do not feel like you will allow them to getto know you. They are all in their feelings completely unsure how to come to you. They are begginning to have hope. The bad in their life is starting to dissapate. With this change in their emotional weather they are trying to not let their world go topsy turvey. In being more in tune with their emotions they are acknowledging they will always be Royal. If there is a masculine involved someone is upset with them. You had no more hope and then they came along and lifted you. ooooh. This masculine wants to know are you still down? They want to give you all their time. They have taken the time to get to know them selves so they will not lose themselves in you or anybody else. They see how much they are like you and they want to embrace you but at this moment they know there is no forward movement is the postion they are involved in. This masculine is striving to kearn to wear their heart on their slee

General Message

Someone is waiting for money to come in. A promotion was supposed to be heading your way and there has been some interferance. You may be looking at job sites preparing for moving to a better oppurtunity. There was to much drama at your workplace and you are just trying to work. You are teachiing folks, showing them new ways and folks are reaching out to you and desiring more from you. You may be under attack having suicidal thouhgt out of nowhere. Do not fret they are not your thoughts and emotions it is projection from foks who do not want to see you win. You know that you aren't perfect and aren't trying to be anyhing more than who you are. The people upset with you for healing they wanted you to dry in your tears. You make history just showing up. Your life has been shaped by ptsd and yet your still loving and kind. You have severed ties that were attempting to blow up your spot. What you have going is so beautiful and you make people think of you. People want to be in


I need a partner not a liablity. I need you to understand if you come back. Your insecurities cannot and will not stop me from growing. With you there was always a piece missing and I was always waiting for it to fall in place. We just kept moving forward with no actual change or growth in our connection. I had no bliss with you because you never wanted it with me. At this point in time i am ready to throw hands with you rather than be with you. Youmake me feel horrible about myself. I choose bad habits inorder to cope with hw much I hated how weak I felt because of you. Forget the knees make you weak kisses they are lies. I have meditated and prayed and i'm trying to model a better mindset and behavior to myself. I know longer will compromise with you or anyone like you. I am beautiful inside and out and you can't take that from me anymore. No more insecurites about my hair, body, or skin tone. You won't be the reason why I hate me. This particular door is locke

Distant family or Friend message to Divine Masculine

Someone told us to watch you. What made you change up? Was it really Divine Feminine? You don't need that nerd. All you need to do is grind a little harder. Kiss some ass and you might get aead faster. You don't need her. If you set your sight higher you could get it. Stop telling her everything! She knows way to much without your assistance. Everything we have done to stop her from reconnecting with you and everything doesn't stop either of you. We know that its a pointless battle but we still try. We just wont be happy seeing you two together. We don't like that she encourages you to be yourself. You lost is you mallable and we need you that way to control your money, your addictions, your connections.

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Masculine

You need help or something? You already know how she feels. You can feel her in your soul. I hoped you would devestate her and leave her broken. I was hoping you would give her something incurable you know bring her down to where she belongs. Why should her heart heal? Mine never did. You know what come on over here I'll put this grown woamn on you and you wont want her anymore. I need someone to pick me over her!!!I'm going to make a move on you that child doesnt know what to do with a real man. I dont see my age I think I'm young and more desirable. I watched you walk away from that child to your destruction and i cheered. All the bad luck i couldnt create for her i wished on her. Losing you was just the creme of the crop. I laughed at all your dalliances because they cut her to the core. When you fought i hoped you would yell to trigger her. All the kind things you would do for her made me sick. Why was she getting a doting lover and i had noone? I wish you was my ma

I'm sorry but i fucks with you the long way

Will you forgive me? Let me prove that you are important. Your happiness is paramount Your presence is pressure. People have been coming against you, but they have no idea this is all about to blow up in their face. I am so sorry. I am sorry I hurt you. I truly do fuck with you the long way. I am not on my Donell Jones I know where I want to be. I love how vulnerable i feel with you. I had no idea that vulnerablity could equal safety and be a symptom of love. ou got some boundaries up and i want to cross all them cuz who the fuck do you think you are, but i had to think about it. My partner better be able to tell me no and I respect it. Why woud I get mad at your boundaries unless its a me problem?? Im so much more healed then before. Although I know it seems like I'm just saying stuff, but i truly do mean it. I have no intution right now. Im walking blind. I know its been a long time since we have seen each other, but i thought i had more time before I came your way. Look

Boom Boom Shake SDhake

I'm feeling a little insecure right now. I don't feel like I have enough to give. I hate feeling that way. I don't know how to get past it. I tried to think about it and I keep hitting a brick wall. I want to talk to you. You have this perspective that makes everything clear. I know if I explain my past and my present you can guide me to my future. Once i have that info I will be in alignment. I know right now you don't want me in your energy. You are teaching me to take care of myself. I didn't see the real you a lot of people didnt see the real you and you have forced us all to go within and now many of us see with new eyes now. Your inner beauty blossoms out of you like a fragrant flower. I don't have to dig to see anymore you are the up to my down beat. I dream of touching you from the inside out I want to heal you. I want to be your comfort. You have given me so much and I see you are all I need and pleasing you in every way is how I will show you.

you are my bestie

People have no idea how lucky they are to have you in their lives. I'm quitting the street life just to keep you in my life. You are my childhood sweetheaart and I can't imagine a world without you in it especially mine. If we have soul ties then call me bound. Everyone is so quick to shit on what we have, but they dont understand what we have I can't disrespect you like I do everyone else cuz your me thats why its so effortless to love you loving you is loving me. Lots of people break up and cant come back years later there is to much pain and and dead issues that there just isnt energy to unbury. Yet for us it comes down to action. Communicating is our strongest glue and I have learned to love it. 444. You don't beat around the bush with me and you rarely lie. Yeah you with hold a lot, but in your mind what is the point in telling me if I cant help why worry me and I want to say to you I want to learn to help.I appreciate you trying to keep the weight off my shoulde

I swear I am trying

I've put in so much work and have nothing to show for it. At least with a job your 401k will pay out eventually. I 've been trying to stay low key but i want to play for keeps with you. Noone knows how I feel about you about us because i refuse to discuss you. I want to contact you but you have me blocked. I thought by now you would unblock me and be forgiving. I see you for who you really are when before i thought you was a totally different person. I thought walking away would make both our lives happier. I know time is up. I messed up a lot and you should've left me long ago. We were promised a lifetime ago that we werent to be togther. I want to dedicate my heart to you. I want a fufilling life you. I want to create a healthier legacay for both of our families. As frustrated I am i am so focused on you and making life what you always deserved. I want to see you soon. I want to protect you from getting hurt anymore. I know i want to dream with you and create a new

I got triggers

You make me feel average. I feel so useless around you. For anyone else I can step to the plate. For you I choke every time and I want to come thur for you. I want to show you that we can make what is old new again. I have lost the love of my life. I just want to talk to you and tell you how much you mean to me. I don't want to lose that connection. I know I bring you a lot of darkness to your life and you have been holding out for a miracle. You haven't saved because you don't have faith this will occur. I am saving because I know this cant end this way. I am aware no matter how much you mean to me I have to show you not just tell you. I am not very good at leading, but I will follow your lead becuase you have found happiness in the midst of your valleys and canyons. I could study for a lifetime and I still wouldn't fathom all there is to know about you. I admit I didn't always have faith in you and your morals. I judged you based off my own promiscuous behavior. I

I want...

You need loving pretty young thing. I'm watching your every move online. When we are together our souls just vibe. I want you to take everything off next time I see you. I want to give you bliss. I love that your shorter than me.  Everyone is going to hate when they see us together. We are going to be partners not enemies. I don't have to worry about you doing me wrong.  I can't stop your tears right now. I am in the middle of things I don't want you apart of. I understand how precious you are so I have to protect you.  You are my best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime. I will love you forever. You are more than I could ever need.  I am getting better for me to be right when it's time for us. Has anyone ever told you that you are the embodiment of a god/goddess ?  I love that you rub my back when it hurts. I love that you actually want to grow old with me. No one

You need to matter to you

  You haven’t been taking care of your self. You have been doing to much and you feel run down, defeated, outta shape and aimless. You have lost that spark that made it easy to roll outta bed and jut live life, but you failed to remember your the light and the match. You create the spark and your capable of turning it into a proper fire that will burn for ages.  The scales of life has been tallied and you are balanced. Keep on a acknowledging what your aware of ignorance and taking on things we aren’t meant to poison us and then we have to begin healing all over.  All that stagnant energy is just waiting for the outlet you provide. The strength of any gambit depends on its players and the stakes. You’re the player and the stakes are your life so be ready to wrestle lions, tigers and bears.  Everything is waiting for you to not only choose it, but to grab it with both hands. Now be mindful not all your choices are good some start of good, but will lay you by the wayside later, other’s w

Money woes aren‘t meant to keep you up at night

  Your finances have been less than ideal for awhile. Everywhere you turn the well seemed to be empty. Only it’s time for you to realize you are the source of your abundance. You working with negative and positive traits brings a level of balance to all aspects of your life that you need to have in order to be able to handle what you seek.  For you balance comes with assistance. Your divine partner is coming to help you stand when you feel you can longer even kneel. This relationship will be a come up in many ways in divine timing. Although I must warn you that someone else is showing up prepared to fight you or your person to stop this coming together. This energy is very passionate for the fight not so much the result. It’s quite possible it’s a fire sign sun or moon sign with motives to rush in, but they are still in their shadow so their intentions may not be totally moral.  Their will be a decision that brings about a change either to a connection or a living situation  but either