
Showing posts with the label feminine energy

A convo between a masculine and feminine

The feminine energy  says everything you know about me is a lie, but since you want to believe it; peace out. The masculine energy  says don't walk away. Nobody walks away; who cares if it is a repeated cycle. You're mine! That should be enough for you.  The feminine energy  wants the masculine energy to look in the mirror and face themselves. See what they have became and why they are walking away. They have learned lessons in love and it hurt. Its the time for the masculine to learn . They have stopped letting the masculine energy influence their thoughts and actions.  The masculine energy  is hiding something. They want to blame it on childhood trauma , but the actions they are planning are all on them. They are stalking the feminine energy they find no entertainment except thru the feminine. The masculine knows their mask is gone, but they honestly didn't  think the feminine would leave. The wishy washy behavior they have been living in they though...


Masculine to Feminine Fine!!!! I ain't gonna wait till the time is perfect. Your rushing me. I'm just trying to get shit stable. Life is hitting me hard and your trying to leave me! You may not see it, but your mine. I don't want to mess up with you anymore. I get it maybe my last chance, but please  wait!!  I'm gonna show you, but dammit you trigger me. You get to me with the way you talk. The way you make me feel like you see me, hear me, understand me. Cliche as fuck, but I need you to love me.  Next time I see you... wear a dress and I got something I wanna ask you...

Dear Feminine

 Hey You, I dream about you. Worrying about if you really will be mine. I dream of our next time together. God I want you. I don't even want to do anything fancy just look in your eyes and show you I want to be close to you again. Your so beautiful inside and out. I want to make new dreams with you. I honestly am not trying to hurt you. I gave you the bare minimum, but I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to have this relationship thru texts. I need to see you. I know I'm going to be shouting it to the roof tops, but your mine. I know we still have to wait, but its driving me crazy. WHEN CAN I HAVE YOU??????????? 


 I see you are seeking wisdom that will have you more intune with yourself and will make your roots clearer. With this clarity comes the close of a cycle that had you reaching for fleeting familial connections and now you will be the tree and plant new roots. Protecting this new found sense of self will help that feeling of fighting for stability.  You are falling in love with yourself again and you are nervous. What if I fall off? What if I get depressed? What if instead of accepting like any other relationship that inconsistent behavior and maybe expect more from yourself. The relationship with yourself takes time. You need to love you right way. You need to have patience with you. If it takes your partner forever to figure it out your gonna take longer cuz you don't believe in you! You aint different you just need to see yourself differently. Have faith in yourself.  Song message: Got it on Me~ Pop Smoke If you don't own your swag!!! No-one can honestly hate you for b...