Its time to stick to your guns!!
You keep getting knocked down and left for dead. As you reanimate your life you tell others how you did it just incase they fall into that pitfall as well. Defying societal urges to step on others who are down you are listening to that higher purpose and pulling others up. Here is where protecting yourself comes in. You have to have boundaries or you will end up pulling up people who only want to push you down. It doesn't matter how low you perceive yourself there are those who just don't want you to have anything. There are those around you who are unstable who are to show the masks they used to hide behind. They are still trying to oppress you, but you are being protected by your Spirit team. Even when you had nothing these folks still had they hands out. They still have their hand out physically and metaphorically to you. So people might be accusing of being stingy with your gifts, time and energy and guess what they can suck a fat one. No one is entitled to what Go...