
Showing posts with the label Sagittarius


Someone is mirroring you They aren't keeping secrets fromyou. They are thinking of going to school.This person has emotional intelligence. They dont have sexual addictions nor are they overly sensitive, There is nothing going on evenif you may feel like they are trying to stay away from you, but they honestly are just so in love with you. They think you are so sweet. They also want to wake up to you. Every morning for a few minutes they lay still and pretend they are with you before opening their eyes and accepting the reality that you arent there. For some they wonder are you really as awesome that you are. No matter what occurs the Unoverse seems to makd a way. You are definetly unique. You stimulate every part of their mind. Not being in contact with you leaves them feeling deepressed. In those moments they feel like a loser and joke. There is no red flags everything is green. You don' have to rush this connectiion. You don't have to loo


Someone does not want you tosee your self as a Star. You stand out unadorned and vulnerable and still powerful. You have the ability to see beyond the norm. For a longtime people gathered to talk about you. Alot of time they would talk all thru the evening,but they werent talking about you in glowing terms. Any time you overcame you got pulled right back dowb by individuals you believed to have your best intentions at heart. Any blessings these people did all they could to overturn your blessings. You are about to be blessed by your ancestors and all your money issues very soon will be rectified. If these people were standing between what you believed to be yours and actuality its nolonger feasible for them to do so. Court cases are at play. Do not let yourself get so caught up in thinking about what was done to you and instead focus on your next steps. the past cant be changedbut the future is still fluid. Its no longer a matter of survinging now its about conqueroing

Be careful

Someones baby dad wants them dead. This person has tried to have them attacked, raped, has tried to pin crimes and spread lies just because they can live a independant life without them. They have conspired to keep you struggling. They had you under surverillance. They thought you was so in love you would never suspect that they was after you. Karma is coming good and bad. This individual always feared you seeing that you could do better. Now they see their fears actually coming thru they have done a 180 now they want to be on this path with you. They are brokenhearted because if only they knew you was this capable... They are crying now... They see shaking your foundation was futile youare the builder so you always rose again stronger. Addictions may be a factor in this situation. They fear your touch yet they crave it. They dont understand the signals their body sending them but they know they don't like it. You know things you have ideas you can help them. Its not like they


Someone wants to finally keep a promise to you. This person doesn't have to reflect anymore they know with you is where they want to be. If this person used to be a ass they no longer are a huge jackass. Your love is saving this person and they are so grateful. This person is willing to kiss your ass in attempt to make something happen. In a past fall season they failed to prove their love toward you. They see how hard you are working and they dont want to interrupt.They also know you chew people up and spit them out. Yet in spite of allthat they still see you as someon who they want tohave in sickness and health. They are heart broken right now over you. They feel you are the lottery and they lost out by just one digit so they are gioing tokeep teyring until they get you. They are so impatient. They feel you are punishing them. So many people got your name in their mouths they can't help, but keep thinking of you. Nothing they are learning right now are they retaining ass


The ash tree is  a Druidic birth sign for people born between February 18 and March 17 . People with this sign are said to be imaginative, artistic, and free-thinking. They may also be intuitive, moody, and withdrawn at times. Ash signs are said to be inspired by nature and have a strong interest in art, writing, science, and theology. They are also said to be in a constant state of self-renewal and rarely care about what others think of them So you like to sabotage things. Trying to keep someone from having stability is wrong. Wanting negative things to happen in peoples lives is sad. Some of you are really trying tobe apart of another coupkes connection like you have aright tobe. Shame on you Your behavior is neither appropriate nor ok. So what if you feel average that is not a reasonto hate onothers. You are not finessing your way out of this. Your facade has broken and yu are seen for who you truly are. Thankgoodness somepeople have gotout ofyour cl


I know that I never have told you how I felt about you. I know its been years and you think I forgot you but I fuck with you the long way. The way I feel about you has to be from the Universe. I have been watching you like I am a FBI agent. I don't know what move to make to come to you. I cant play chess, checkers, or monopoly with you I know what ever move I make you are going to see it coming a mile away. I know I need to just spit it out and tell you. You have inspired me to heal. I had so many childhood wounds that I never addressed but because of you I am learning how to face those things. I want to be like you and grow and heal. I beleive i can have love becuase you have taught me to love myself more in a healthy way. I would love a oppurtunity to sit down and talk I feel you would help me so much. You are freaking talented and im low key in awe. I am damaged. My brokeness causes me to hurt and use others and i don't want to be like that anymore. I never learned h


I hear " the way you make me feel, you really turn me on, you knock me off my feet..." So someone likes Micheal Jackson and you bring out their King of Pop. You are so enchanting that their friends are wanting you as well. This person is not confused about you. Every change you make to yourself never takes away from how perfectly you fit together. You don't need to boss up you are already a BOSS. You don't need encouragement you know this connection is right. You have been waiting your whole life for this connection. You aren't going to brag but you know you are menat for each other. The moon energy has been off the charts when yall been doing your thang. Just know here and now they promise to love you faithfully. You are all they need. Please go get checked together its not a matter of not trusting but a bonding moment. In the past others would guilt you for being on your health kick but not this person. When you do come together you will feel br


Im looking to the sky because like Tupac said, "Everything is going to be all right." Right now it feels like you are o a uphill battle and there is interference. I have been fighting for love do you know that. Specifically I am fighting for your love. I always knew a great love was out there for me. I had hopes it was you but you choose to remain stagnant and you are starting to rot in your stubbornness. You are out here behaving like a depraved leader. You took my breath away i thought you was the eye in the storm. My mistake you was the fulcrum to all the drama. I'm leaving. I wanted to smoke and pick your brain but i don't want really anything to do with you anymore your blind to your habits. I am tired of being in a groundhog day situation with you same shit all the time. You dont even fuck up in new ways. You act like you don't get it you aren't in charge. You are a beacon of darkness, lies and emotional abuse offering me up like im a nag a chips f

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

Should I move ???

You are safe first and foremost. Anyone who is triggered by your peace and happiness cant have axcess to you.They cant piss on your dreams. Start speaking your truth. The syncrincites is speaking to you. The hurdles are almost all gone. You have one person whose loyalty is divided and will try to stop you. They will try to introduce negativities ( negative activities) into your life to distract you but you have survived all these karmic lessons you won't fall in the trap. You might need a lawyer for whatever decisions your making. Its ok o talk to those you truat about your situation. Whomever is trying to cause destruction in your life is about to recieve their just desserts. They're actually watching you hoping all goes bad. Their spiritual protection is gone and folks is wanting to know why you arent around. This person or people they can't understand how you got out of all the traps they set for you. This person has projected so much negativity to

You can't take my child!!!

Somebody's mama wants to fight you. Do you have steps to protect yourself from this person? This woman doesn't even have the morals of a child so any kind of drama is acceptable to them. When you was around this woman ypu was probably drained and I know they definietly drained you trying to protect your back. This woman came for your crown chakra trying to block your insight into their behavior. You just so happen to be the ideal of what a feminine means to this mother. Your caring heat, your inteligence, your cooking skills and especially your looks. They miss treated you every chance they got under the guise of mentoring you. Any kindness shown to you was a distraction for their need to find out what was happening in yor life. This woman is trying to stop their child from coming your way. They fear you having a child and cementing a connection they have been trying to destroy. If they could stab you and get away with it they would. Even the idea of hiring a hi

You say I'm crazy but you call me baby and i'm not the only one..can you say my name cuz you cant pay the bills???

I have been under the influence at work. I can't focus because I keep going over what is missing in this connection. You was supposed to be my foundation instead you just became a wall I had to tear down.I am so very tired of crying over you. You was so insecure and hate filled. You really couldn't just be proud that I wasn't insecure like you. I lived out loud no secrets. You loved that about me until it stopped you from controlling me then you began to hate me. I stripped away my insecurities to be with you and you made me feel unloveable and disgusting because how bad must I be for you to do me like this. I know you say you want to stop my tears I just don't trust it. You so caught up on me thinking your broke when im more concerned about your mind and heart. You think sex is always going to solve it and quite frankly the more I come the more I resent you. I just want whats fair to be fair. I want to walk away because this is hurting m

Ding Dong the bytch is dead

Someone is thinking of you. They kept you in the dark to their true nature. The lies they told you and about you only exposed their own brokenness. This person got off on hurting you. Dimming your light was their favorite past time. They loved to talk about you to others. Your willingness to be vulnerable with them gave them all the ammunition they needed to destroy you repeatedly for years. You had a talent for doing things that should not have came natural but they did and you excelled at them. You was intelligent and good looking as weell. You brighten the life of those you came in contact with. This person was determined to prevent you from reaching your destiny. If you hadf a person they played a hand in your seperation. You may have had a connection from adolesence that this person was jealous of. Your person probably did unique things to spoil you and this person knew and was so hateful about it. Somehow your person has found out about the back door drama

Oil and grime, acid rain....Slime beneath me oh slime up above...toxic love

Gotta get away. Gotta run. I gave you a lot for the potential of who we could be. To many people involved in our connection. Tired of people being jealous becuase they dont want to see us together. I dont have time for any of that. I am working on my business and I cant afford to be distracted by games in love. You refuse to change fast enough anyhow. You know I am walking away and you are letting me. You may have gave up your ways but you wont communicate. I am busy being a parent. Shaping lives that will impact the future isnt easy. I am investing in theirs and my future getting spiritually aligned. Those trying to manouver around me will get the life they deserve. Bonous if I get to watch. I am moving up and away cuz I can see that Karma is coming good and bad. I was ready for us to be a we in all ways and have adventures. Instead I had to spend all my time figuring out why you refused to come to me. I couldnt wrap my head around it and I let it hold

The path of temptation is family led

Somone refuses to admit they intentionally lead their family member down a path of destruction. That they triangulated the whole family to gaslight and enable this family member into maintaing their bad behavior becuase the goal was noble( in their eyes). If this family member had died finally their family would have nice things to tell others about them. The level of barely disguised hate however cleverly hidden stood out to the ones who want to protect this poor (well they had a hand in their own destruction so maybe nieve?) soul. You was one of those protectors due to you wanting to just be there for them. You want to talk to this person about what their family has been involved in. The problem is you can't force them to discuss, but you can be there for them. You don't have to have words you just have to be kind. Your person is waking up to the deception and games being played in their name by family in hopes o

Will i get the money i need to make my dreams and goals a reality

You are at the end of this cycle of want and proverty. This journey has long and dificult. You have sought to be the top of what ever postion you are in puttting forth your best efforts to give what is required and it hasn't gotten you where you want to be. Don't fret though someone is coming to offer you help. Be wary of those that are only offering help with strings attached. Some will come in offering assistance to have a reaon to say they helped you stand on your feet. Thee will be one person who comes to you with geniune intent to support you and there might even be potential for love for some of you in this connection as well. You have lost alot on your path towards your destiny. You suffered a lot of unlawful and unjust things in a lot of your connections and the time of victimhood is over. You have stepped into the role of a overcomer. You have set down and started seeking the distance within and found your safe space and begin to build with a healt

Old Sophia is back now things are about to change

No more fake hangouts. No more catering to those who abuse you. No longer will you stay feeling used and abused in connections. That karmic cycle of make up to break up is over. Abandonment and abuse are no longer dishes served at the party that is your life. Any patterns that lead you to destruction they are done. Using silent treatment to control is out the door. Any connections with self involved narcissit and love bombing are no longer a option. You are making changes in your life that will bring good out circumstances to the forefront. You are prepared for the surprises and you are enjoying the ephiapanies that come with the whiffs of inspriration heading your way. That self love is going to be the spice in life and so many people need it. Your unconventional ways are why you cant be strung alng. People think they have the keys to your secrets go ahead and show them they just got backstage passes to a real healing journey. No more empath vs narsissitic drama and

Cancer - Vedic

You are still sitting on your throne, but you are weaponless to defend yourself. You are dressed for the part, but its who you are not what your trying to be. You spend to much time pouring out into others and not enough pouring into yourself. You are trying to get out of a contract that has you feeling less then royal. This contract has not brought the abundance and happiness you anticipated. You see others celebrating and you are trying to stack and it seems as if things are slipping between your fingers. You want to celebrate but dont feel its the right time. You aren't the karmic but you are not their soulmate either. You are always over sensitive and argumenative. You have been trying to stimulate a change and its not happening. You stink to someone. You are overly depressed. You have left a lot to be desired in your connections. Your looking for miracles and they are not coming. You are realizing you have no vibe and you have been hiding in others identie

is we are or is we aint??

You have decided that taking better care of yourself is paramount in your life. You feel that being in your late 30s early 40s its time to make it a more of a priority. You have someone who wants to know if there is a chance for you to become more than you currently have together. They have decided to not keep you a secret. Also they feel that mone wont be as hard to get to with you by their side. They are wondering if they have lost their sanity because only a crazy peson would not choose what you have to offer. Rght now conversation is sparse or nonexistant. They want this deeper connection. They wish they didnt push your boundaries, but they couldn't help it. They are working on being more loving. They have been crying over this connection. They feel like their spark is gone. They don't feel abundant without you. Talking to you helps them overlook their issues for a while. Right now they are struggling to trust the process. They have learned the truth in t

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve