
Showing posts with the label 8th House

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

Love message

edit  Not everything has a happy ending but I hope that for us there is one. I would love to rekindle our connection and show you geniune affection. You and i don't even need friends we are each others favorite person and I want to talk to you and you alone for ever. I love to hang withyou. Fun never has to end when we are together. All the walls that need to come down in our connectin will becuase we will take them down together. Together we can see every side of a situation. We are great as indiviuals, but we are an awesome dynamic. Togther we find balance. I will admit I've been stalking and I used to gaslight you. I never made you a priority and left you feeling incomplete. I will come to you on a less lustful tone. No more 3rd parties I promise. The wreck my life is because of my wandering eye and lack of self preservation. I didnt value myself so when others didn't I just brushed it off. I also had addictions to fill the holes that was in my soul. I was code

Level on up bebe its time

Its time to Boss Up and get on your grind. As you move forward you will make soul connections do not be afraid to experience new people. Don't worry about ex's coming back wanting to reconnect. Some bridges don't need to be recrossed. You can't sit there and listen to them talk about how they messed up with you. That is NOT your responsiblity. You have been paying attention to the signs and syncroniciites. The lining up of things has you over the moon with excitement. You are taking your time to enjoy each manifestaition as it comes. You are standing taller, walking prouder, and internally you are happier and thatis the biggest win of all. Soon you will have confidence that EVERYTHING that is meant to be yours will find you. Who cares about those who would accuse you of cheating to get ahead. AS you move up in life you will of course have your gguard up so don't trip. There will be those suck up to you as well to be in your energy. Don't trip on it you will

Divine Masculine younger sibling message to Divine Masculine

You are so smart. Whatever was blocking you is gone. Your connection with the divine feminiine is a beautiful story. I want to see the ending. I want a love like yours. I want a masculine like you. I am upset that this growth is taking you away from me. I am so sad I feel like I am losing you. I have nothing to fill my void becuase i don't have a healthy attachment to you. I am not sleeping well since we sepearted but I know it was for your spiritual health. I want to go on adventures with you around the world. I have to be honest I am not the only spy in your life. I thought i was doing what was best for you. I am so mad at you right now! I need to get some help. I have some unhealthy thinking. I just know im willing to do anything to gain your forgiveness. I will kiss your ass to get your forgivenes. If you find out all the truth will you still love me? I caused so many problems! I have seen the error of my ways. Well i understand the consequences of my actions. I want

i can fix this

I'm coming for you. I am upset because I was counting on you to come to me. I see you over there being happier. I will step back if you dont want me. I am hoping that you do not ask that, but instead ask me to join you.I can't tell which way the tide is going to go in this connection. I know the way I have behaved in the past has shown me to be untrue, but can I just say give me a chance to prove that isnt me anymore? I won't let you be hurt by my pain anymore. I underestimated your intelligence and your need for knowledge and your connection to the divine that superseceds it all. Right now I am gearing up to kiss your ass literally and figuritively to pay you back for my ill will and false behavior. I promise I wont be fake about what I want out of this connection. I am having faith that I can have trust in you. I know deep in my soul that I want you to be mine. I want to help you raise kids whether that is mine, yours or ours i just want t ablood line legacy with yo

Finances about to be real good.

You have been in a position where you have to ask yourself am I working for the money or cuz I like my job. You know that the decision you make won’t be a easy choice. You want to be in a position where you feel you are making innovated decisions. You have felt scared to walk thru the door of advancement but you are the key so you should never fear.  Flying by the seat of your pants is not the way you choose to live life so why hurtle thru work? You have options. You can either start to work for yourself on the side until you are more established or full out quit. You can do what ever you desire you truly jut have to weigh your options.  Right now is the time to put in this work. Your higher self is supporting this desire to grow as well as your boss either wants to promote you or they support you creating your own business. You are being seen as someone who grinds hard. Whatever your choice money is coming your way and it’s more than you are used to. Get it!!

No more karmic drama

 You are stepping away from karmic situationships. No more feeling triggered, no more trauma bonding, letting go of resentment, learning the lessons, letting go and loving you. The pain of learning these lesson has you separating from everyone. You are unsure who to trust so you just pulled back from everyone.  You have been searching for your version of paradise. It’s somewhere where you don’t have to keep fighting to protect your spirit. You want to be able to relax in lush grass and beautiful sunsets. You want a life with no drama.  You may have a pet that you find comfort in and they were a gift from the universe to help you find a different kind of assurance within.  Just like being a parent to children you have to give time and attention to your pet and in return they help encourage that inner calm to rein supreme. What are YOUR personal truths? Have you sat down and asked yourself. What will you fight over and what have you been wrong about? You may have been questioning if your

When I think of anything I connect it to you

 When I picture… when I picture  the future I’m not working towards a better tomorrow I’m enjoying a quiet moment with you. Softly discussing our days and laughing at I wish you was there moments.  When I picture the future I see joy in work for us both because there is joy at home. I see support of dreams and encouragement to explore aspiration.  When I picture the future I see hugs after arguments because at the end of the day it  isn’t me against you but we against it all.    When I picture the future I see hope realized those times that past me had no words to describe of love and support and legacy.  I don’t imagine we won’t be discussing how we can make a impact, but that won’t be the only reason why we call ourselves a match.  Helping others is our calling, but enjoying love with no pressure  in all areas of life is what we really want to do so when I imagine the future it’s always in the living room on a couch at the end of the day wrapped up in the arms of my Bebe.


Right now having boundaries and expectations from your relationships are extra important. By keeping your boundaries you avoid starting relationships that have faulty foundations pocked with ulterior motives. Folks who insist on telling you are wrong about what you feel.  People who find it ok to just pop up caused chaos and leave are lurking in your aura be viligent. Some of you do some type of divination and they can’t get around your knowledge to beat you, this person is plotting day and night to end you, but has no idea how to help themselves. They need your energy. They know you make them feel better and while they rather that comes from themselves or it’s someone else not you.  You bring light to their world and they resent you for that. They know they are a menace to your life, but they don’t feel like they owe any apologies.  Acknowledging that you bring light into their life thru your connections to the world is a lot  it causes them to miss you, but not to want to elevate you

Money moves

 Someone is contemplating their money moves. This person may have a dog. At night when they are all alone they think about finances and someone they see as a star they also may spy on this star.  This person makes them smile. Whoever they are watching they want to move towards them. They find this person matches their inner drum beat. They may have been getting discouraging messages to keep them from moving towards their star but they are moving and it may have been slow but they speeding towards their desire. 

what are you creating?

  You want to be alone cuz your in your crafty stage.  Someone wants you to call them. They want to hear your voice. They want to get to know you, because they think you might just be the one. Whatever is happening they miss you. While they are waiting to connect with you they are leveling up.They feel like you have that It Factor. They want to indulge a little drink and smoke and pick your brain. They are hoping that convo will let them know if your capable of being the One who they can level up continuously with. They want to be be able to heal together not at odds forever.  They want to dream with you and make them a reality. They want to show you over and over they are focused. They see the right kind of the changes in life start and end with you. They want to be the prescription to your pain.  Angel Number: 2021,012,920,250

New things on the horizon

 You might be about to start a relationship. In life or business partnership that will bring a new level of contentment.  New beginnings and strong bonds.  You may be in your head trying to figure out whether or not this meant for you. Regardless of your circumstances stability and satisfaction.  You might be struggling to get your point across to people, and no one seems to get where you are coming from, but they know you believe what your saying they just aren't understanding. The right person will hear you, but until you feel heard and understood you are going to be walking around hostile and lacking compassion . Searching for answers and feeling lost. Aching because you feel lack, with no direction to turn to. It is frustrating you. You want friends & companions that support you on your spiritual journey. You desire adventure and dignity. Unique combo, but its energy is perfectly you.

Messages from Spirit

 Time is a illusion. It will happen when it's supposed to.  A new cycle is starting. You might be seeing 222 everywhere or 6. Your life will become more interesting as this cycle speeds up. You will have the opportunity for adventures. You see the world like a child. You are beginning to see the world as interesting again. However, for you to enjoy these benefits you must find the truth that fits you. 500 might be popping up everywhere for you.  Your angels are around you, which means that they will bring love and peace into your life. Keep on working with your third eye chakra. It might be blocked or overactive and you may be feeling stuck, lacking clarity and concentration  possibly having night mares.  Stop questioning if your destined and if it's wrong to be cheerful in the middle of warfare. I say to that what is warfare, but fighting for a reason to smile?  We all know change is inevitable, but this change is going to be so big that people will be counting your pockets to

Gemini, Capricorn, Amon- Ra

 You will be better off if you will practice patience and gratitude, responsibility and teamwork. Your angels, ancestors and guides are all so proud of you  because of the effort you have been making. You are ending relationships that no longer serve your higher purpose. This new beginnings, of new people, creativity, freedom loving people will help you choose a partner of similar traits.  Angel Numbers:  300,2021,920

Its time to stick to your guns!!

 You keep getting knocked down and left for dead. As you reanimate your life you tell others how you did it just incase they fall into that pitfall as well. Defying societal urges to step on others who are down you are listening to that higher purpose and pulling others up. Here is where protecting yourself comes in. You have to have boundaries or you will end up pulling up people who only want to push you down. It doesn't matter how low you perceive yourself there are those who just don't want you to have anything. There are those around you who are unstable who are to show the masks they used to hide behind.  They are still trying to oppress you, but you are being protected by your Spirit team. Even when you had nothing these folks still had they hands out. They still have their hand out physically and metaphorically to you.  So people might be accusing of being stingy with your gifts, time and energy and guess what they can suck a fat one. No one is entitled to what God has

I suck at emotion laid conversation.

 6lack~ Prblms Timing is at work. When you reconnect it will be like the first time. Your person recognizes you have trauma from their past behavior. They are upset that you are not speaking to them the way you used to and the silence is eating at them. They know you are a gift from the Divine and they don't want to let you go.  They want to finally create some precious memories with you.  They for some reason don't want you to be aware of how they feel. They want you to come to them begging for their attention and then they feel they can show you slowly how intense their love for you is they are yours heart and soul.  They want you to be their lil baby.  They wish you would just give them a chance to prove that THIS time it really is different. They want to sweep you off your feet they still want this chance. They realize they don't know how to be a adult. They are aware their behavior has been a big issue in your situationship.  They are battling within trying to heal the

Cancer, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus

 Melvoni~ Chrome Meg Meyers~ The Underground Mariah Carey~ Always Be My Baby Clint Black~ A Better Man Kehlani & Kyle~ Playin Wit Me  Ty Dolla~ Or Nah Sex is the biggest energy in the message. You want someone head to toe, and telling them you are ready for love.  You want to tell them your not the enemy and you didn't do them right.   You want them to know they are on your mind at night. You want them to know you admire their confidence. You think you are one and the same. You wish they knew how beautiful you think their spirit is.