
Showing posts with the label Willow the observer

Parental Angel's message

You are my heart. I still worry about you even with circumstances as they are. I use to rub your back when we woul have serious convos. I thought i would have more time with you. I have been trying to connect with you but you wont sit still long enough to hear me. You want to feel more love just sit still im right with you. Anytime you need to talk I am still here. I won't judge you or interrupt. I won't ask intrusive questions. I want you to accept your soul famuly because they will echo the love I have for you. I know there was times in the past where you needed a break from me well no pressure now lol. You may not be feeling seen right now but please be reassured you are seen and cherished. Noone is talking negatively or bringing up up all your bad deeds waiting to pounce. You have Shea butter baby vibes and im so happy that you feel that energy deep inside. Do not be surprised if your next child reminds you of me. When it rains think of me. Im sorry love c


Pills and potions, overdosing, angry because who you love doesnt love you. Played to many games got caight in the same and now you can't stand your self. You aren't taking care of yourself and whatever you are doing is cutting yearss off your life. You might be a 80s baby. You just want this person to finally pick you. You haven't learned the lesson yet of dealing with this person and what ever you did I hope you have a lawyer because i see they are justified for whatever they are about to do.. You are like a dark cloud in this persons life. You may have thought you was being sneaky but they found out. Now that they know they want you to say it out loud and say it with your chest. You have been getting signs that have been telling you to stop for ages. YOu wasn't scared before but all the sounds and shadows have finally got you sppoked. Its tolate to blowout the candle. The universe heard your little baragins and has come to collect on what you owe and its comin


I deserve to punished. I fumbled and lost. I promised you this lifetime i would do right by you. Marry you and make you ridiculously happy. I messed up in one timeline looking at my doopleganger miserable because the woman he loved he mocked and betrayed and here i am literally doing the same thing. From the amount of kids to the relationship fumbles I'm mirroring them and I don't know how to stop. I hate the fucking matrix. I knew from the first moment i saw you i wanted you. I made you chase me and I intentionally kept my distance. I figured your crush on me would carry us til i got bored with you. I never got bored you kept changing and becoming more and more fascinating, You did right inleaving me alone and not chasing me. I was cheating. I know it sounds crazy but i wanted a little girl with you. I don't have daughters and i just knew we would have a goregous talented little girl. I never told you but you had my heart... you still do. I want to give you all

I'm working on me I promise.

I need a partner not a liablity. I think you are perfect for me please. I have abandonment issues and I know that can be irritating in the long term of dealing with someone but its not all crying internally I promise. In the next little while you will see some changes and I hope that you aill accept the change. I know that I will have to kiss your ass but I'm not overthinking it. I see the innocence in your heart and i want to protect that at all costs. I want to pray more about us but I don't know what to say or who to even talk to. Do you pray for us? Do you pray that our love changes from the toxic pit that it is right now? I want you to feel safe and i know that i actually make youfeellike there is pie on your face. I apologize that i keep acting up. I dont want a superficial life with you and right now thats all we could have because I am scared to dig deep. I want to be with you so bad. I don't want nor need more lessons in love they hurt especially the ones I

The game has shut down...sorry

I love the love you give me. I have a habit of overthinking when it comes to you. I dont want any beef with you I just kinda want to push you into making a choice any choice but honestly your silience is a answer too. I question on if we can even have a future its like we get 2wks amx and then shit goes wonky. I'm tired of putting on a brave face I miss you. My soul feels weak without you . I want to curl up in your arms feel your kisses and warm embrace. I dont like being stressed. I want forever and i want it with you . Why wont you actually listen to me insteads everyone around you telling you what I want? Are they in the relationship with me? Do i even talk to them about real stuff? Like how can surface level people understand something soul deep without being jealous and hating? They was never on your side or understood what you was talking bout, but the look in your eyes was enough to be like "oh word?? You arent allowed to have what i never experienced" and its n

Karmic Feminine message to Divine Feminine

God you are so smart! How are you so confident and, happy when all these bad things happen in your life? Then your love with Divine Masculine is beautiful. I have even seen the growth sense I've been more involved in his life. I want to see what really happens between ya'll cuz it cant really be so magical. I played him to the left. I didn't cocreate with him. I ruined our abundance. I played like I didnt see what I was doing was causing pain. If i could I would fix it now. How you handle all this is ridiculous who is that strong? If you let me I would love to talk to you. I did you wrong. I would love to be firends. Regardless we are family now. I think about putting some of the stuff you say on shirts. I can't hold him back much longer. I should have appreciated him. After all my spying I look up to you. All my secrets are coming out. I tried to copy you and I wasted money and time. I dont get how you do it. Due to all I have done now people are watching you bec

Karmic Masculine to Divine Feminine

Its over over ain't it? You should've cheated on me. You was faithful to a ideal. I wasn't honest with you. I even had a baby on you but you don't know yet. I did't know you was meant to be my kingdom mate. I tore you down for no reason. If you give me a chance I would dig deep for you. I will give you the sex life you deserve. I was selfish. I felt safe but never made you feel safe. I have nothing to offer you but struggle love becuase I dont want to work hard. I have so many bad things happening I hope you are still covering me. I tried to destroy the joy you had. I wanted to have you clingy on me. I didnt understand not all women are like that. I can't pop up on you. I can't be intimate with you. I just want you to love me. I really want to prove my love thru sex. I just know you will fall back in love if i pull out my tricks. I will do and say anything to get you back to me. I need you. My life is in shambles and noone wants to save me. I ain'

I have woken up

I love myself more when im not around you. Im am more free. Being bound is no longer comfortable for my soul. I know better now. Some people do not deserve another chance with me and I know that with comfidence now. I know i deserve better than i was recieving from those around me. I know there are people who want to come back inot my life and that is something they will have to continue to deal with alone. Its not my problem. I tried to keep the door open and they refused to walk they, but now that the door is shut they are pounding on the door. I was good to them and they didn't acknowledge me. I will learn to keep my boundaries. If they try to make me feel guilty I won't listen. I have to learn to resist the pull of false connections. I have to remeber how empty they left me feeling. Promises of celbration won't pull me in. I have seen in the past that celebratory behavior only lasts for a season then I am put away until I am needed to solve another puzzle but when

hey future mom/dad

You have a baby waiting to be concieved. They need you to heal yourself, ground, and get back in touch with yourself so that you are a healthy enviroment for them to growth with. Your baby already loves you and wants you to be your best. You may feel healed but there is still some things you need to do some shadow work on. You kinda are stagnant right now and the level you need to be be on you aint there yet. Sometimes its not about self healing. Sometimes it really about leaning on others. You are a vibe, but right now your Spirit baby says its a killer vibe and not benficial to anyone. This child is going to have a flair for fashion and they will excude their Venus energy more than any attribute. I know right now it seems they arent on the way but the timiing isnt right. You can use tarot to talk to them. If you have been crying thinking that the baby just isnt ever gonna come you have to wait for divine timing. Do not worry about evil eyes noone will no they are coming to you

I miss you but I think I've messed up to much

We don't talk we dont even kiss. I miss kissing you, your lips are so soft.  I tried to stop thinking about you because you scared me. I also figured leave you before you saw the real me and left. I made such a mistake walking away. I realize I can't do this life thing without you.  Your body is a wonderland. You thighs are thick, you have a great sense of humor, your smart as fuck and still have a dirty mouth, your heart puts the best parts of you to shame it's so beautiful 😍😊. I didn't confess my love for you because of fear of you leaving me.  Oh my God that day you cried and screamed at me still haunts me. That day I tried to love on you and you pulled away like I disgusted you makes me shrudder. How could I treat you so bad my touch makes you shy away? You used to cling to me finding every reason in the world to touch me.  I hear you have some spiritual gifts that let you know when I'm heading your way. So I'm stumped on how to get to you now.  I don'

Blame it on the rain

Silly little one. You can’t ignore that you have to eat and drink more healthier. Junk food and sugary drinks aren’t for you. You have been feeling lethargic, snappy and your bowels are probably looser than normal. You are supposed to be glowing, growing, and reaping your rewards at this time in your life. You are being watched over by loved ones and your spirit team. You have been letting your gifts fall to the wayside out of fear. Letting others opinions and sense of right cause you to let go of your spiritual support team and second guess your path.  You are developing a healthy ego and it’s letting you fly in areas of life you used to fail. Like any good POC comic character you are wielding lightning instead of getting hit. It’s ok to admit you need to learn more and then you make a effort to go about learning. Something you create is going to flip your life around.  You have been manifesting and the Universe says it’s time to start receiving so get balanced so you can begin catchi

Someone has a message for you

 Hey, I be thinking about you all the time. I want to smoke and drink with you and pick your brain. I want to spend all my extra time with you. As far as I’m concerned there isn’t enough time in the day to spend with you.  Lately we ain’t talking. You normally would have reached out by now. You aren’t the same. Is this my fault? I used to take joy I. Your pain to me that meant you loved me. I pushed you even though I know you was telling the truth. Forced you to second guess your every move because you wasn’t respecting my say so enough. I made you think I was changing or that I was accepting I was who you wanted to be with. I play ignorant and like I didn’t believe but I knew how much you loved me. I didn’t care. I didn’t believe it then, but I know it now. I can’t mess with you while you got rules and boundaries. I will let you get broken to prove to you I’m better then you.  I depend on you. You get what I need. I don’t even have to tell you. It’s just your mouth you don’t know how

You need to matter to you

  You haven’t been taking care of your self. You have been doing to much and you feel run down, defeated, outta shape and aimless. You have lost that spark that made it easy to roll outta bed and jut live life, but you failed to remember your the light and the match. You create the spark and your capable of turning it into a proper fire that will burn for ages.  The scales of life has been tallied and you are balanced. Keep on a acknowledging what your aware of ignorance and taking on things we aren’t meant to poison us and then we have to begin healing all over.  All that stagnant energy is just waiting for the outlet you provide. The strength of any gambit depends on its players and the stakes. You’re the player and the stakes are your life so be ready to wrestle lions, tigers and bears.  Everything is waiting for you to not only choose it, but to grab it with both hands. Now be mindful not all your choices are good some start of good, but will lay you by the wayside later, other’s w

When you heal can't noone stop you

 Many people are unaware that Duke Ellington was a dairy farmer before becoming a Jazz musician. He also was known for his humor and wisdom.  So a lot of people have this idea of who he is in their head and that is of a man with one joy in life and was stoic to boot. Spirit is telling me that you are like the Duke you have talent in a lot of areas and people seem to keep trying to box you in because they see you one way. Everytime that happens you feel suffocated. Not because they don't believe in you but because they dont get that is only a part of you if you fully focused on that one area the rest of you would suffer. Please do not walk away from ALL of the things that make you happy just because you focusing on one talent would make lots of other people happy.  You have been gifted a ability to take the rain and make stars or at least that's how others view you.  You expose all in the pursuit of being grounded in all aspects of your life. You are sensitive, but full of hope

Karmic Lessons

 You are receiving what you need in life and moving onward. Those who you are leaving behind are feeling triggered. They want you trapped in turmoil, but you’re not and they are resentful especially since they are experiencing karmic lessons. They are urged to let you go physically, spiritually or mentally.  Someone is competition with you a hidden enemy someone who acts like a Swan, but they are a snake. Someone most likely a woman wants you looking over your shoulder in fear just because their person is interested in you. You aren’t even looking up right now because your focused on your career endeavors.  Your focused on healing as well. Knowing that you can’t heal around those who hurt you.  You are headed toward light hearted fun. You are also headed toward finding out some truths, but you are adapting as you move towards healing. 


 You trigger somebody. They want to come your way, but fear your rejection. They don’t feel they will ever see you again. They realized their world is empty and lifeless without you. They fear you! They are insecure. You have them in their feelings and they can’t focus because of how bad they want to be bood up with you. They keep trying to keep you focused on them, but they can feel you slipping away.  When it rains they think of you and that one day\night in the rain.  This person or you may have a accent.  You and this person are both interacting with people you know to be fake, who are holding on to both of you. You are each other’s trauma bond friend, due to this bond being unhealthy no real growth has occurred.  When music plays they think of you and start to feel guilty. They know they have bad boundaries and no respect for most of yours.  This person may have engaged in relationships to have a home. They wished they had the means to support themselves so they could have been in