The Jig is Up

Its been time to induce soe trasformation in your life. Why you would keep putting it off is beyond me. You keep blocking out the noise and the people who are the cause. If it isn't about peace or money it isn't worth expending your energy. You have determined within yourself to not kowtow to others expectations and to find within yourself your truth. You have become your own angel. You chose your own lane and you found security and stableness. Now its time to teach others what you have learned and came across during your journey thru life. You have stories to tell start telling them. You have that speacial something that others have and it pushes them toward the spot light. I didn't say you wanted it I said its in you. You have spent so long trying to hide that light, ignoring when there was a dazzle in certain peoples facces. You had connections that were all quid pro quo and you never took more or complained when you got less.. Well the time for that crap is ov...