
Showing posts with the label June 19-28

Capricorn, The Nile River, Pluto

Your Angels are nearby ready to help and reassure you that your plans are going well. Achievement, progress, abundance, and success are all yours if you are following the rules for Karma and the Universal laws of cause and effect.  You have to open to help. You have a short time to get some achievement  accomplished so put in the work. Make sure you don't regret your decisions. Your material and earthly needs top to bottom will be met in divine timing. Have faith and trust you have been provided for if you are doing what you are called to do. Change is coming. We are one with creation so when you give back to the world what we have been given, we receive more abundance.  Something is causing you pain, stress and strain. You might be taking on things that aren't your responsibility. Take a look around you if you want things to be better take the time to understand yourself before you accuse others of not understanding you. Maybe they do know you better.    Angel ...

Break ups happen in families, friendships and work situations acknowledge it so you can heal

 Outdated thinking is getting you no-where fast. You have this way of looking at the world that filters out certain people and situations and now you've got to change your frequency you are missing out on to many things.  Staying in your head continuously reminiscing over bad memories and past betrayal will not free you and most certainly will not help you grow to the level spiritually you desire to be at.  You are not in over your head or in a situation you are ill prepared for it literally is your own insecurities ( yes some of those were handed to you by others) that are trapping you in this particular stagnant spot.   You are on a Journey. You are searching for your Great LOVE. No one faults you for that. All the Divine is asking for is your unconditional self love to be what you focus on first because getting lost in your person will detour you from where you are supposed to be on your path. Oneness, that ultimate soulmate space you desire to be in is ther...