
Showing posts with the label Hathor

is we are or is we aint??

You have decided that taking better care of yourself is paramount in your life. You feel that being in your late 30s early 40s its time to make it a more of a priority. You have someone who wants to know if there is a chance for you to become more than you currently have together. They have decided to not keep you a secret. Also they feel that mone wont be as hard to get to with you by their side. They are wondering if they have lost their sanity because only a crazy peson would not choose what you have to offer. Rght now conversation is sparse or nonexistant. They want this deeper connection. They wish they didnt push your boundaries, but they couldn't help it. They are working on being more loving. They have been crying over this connection. They feel like their spark is gone. They don't feel abundant without you. Talking to you helps them overlook their issues for a while. Right now they are struggling to trust the process. They have learned the truth in t

Love message

edit  Not everything has a happy ending but I hope that for us there is one. I would love to rekindle our connection and show you geniune affection. You and i don't even need friends we are each others favorite person and I want to talk to you and you alone for ever. I love to hang withyou. Fun never has to end when we are together. All the walls that need to come down in our connectin will becuase we will take them down together. Together we can see every side of a situation. We are great as indiviuals, but we are an awesome dynamic. Togther we find balance. I will admit I've been stalking and I used to gaslight you. I never made you a priority and left you feeling incomplete. I will come to you on a less lustful tone. No more 3rd parties I promise. The wreck my life is because of my wandering eye and lack of self preservation. I didnt value myself so when others didn't I just brushed it off. I also had addictions to fill the holes that was in my soul. I was code

Sometimes I feel like somebodies watching me

You have some one or somebodies watching you. These folks or this person doesn't want to face rejection from you. They aren't being accountable for things they have done to you in the past. These people maybe upset with how you are making money and how intelligent you are. You was someones back up plan and they are seeing that their plan for youis falling to pieces you are to intelligent to repeatedly falling for their trickery. These peoplle refuse to learn from their mistakes. Instead of admitting defeat they shift the blame to you saying your just to dumb to even fall into the trap rather then giving you credit for being too smart and avoiding it. You are intelligent and they refuse to acknowledge that in their plans they focus on your emotions and attack. These people want to beat you at a game they are the only ones playing. You dont want to know what the rules are because you honestly just don't care. Congratulations you have given up drinking. You also have

Divine Masculine younger sibling message to Divine Masculine

You are so smart. Whatever was blocking you is gone. Your connection with the divine feminiine is a beautiful story. I want to see the ending. I want a love like yours. I want a masculine like you. I am upset that this growth is taking you away from me. I am so sad I feel like I am losing you. I have nothing to fill my void becuase i don't have a healthy attachment to you. I am not sleeping well since we sepearted but I know it was for your spiritual health. I want to go on adventures with you around the world. I have to be honest I am not the only spy in your life. I thought i was doing what was best for you. I am so mad at you right now! I need to get some help. I have some unhealthy thinking. I just know im willing to do anything to gain your forgiveness. I will kiss your ass to get your forgivenes. If you find out all the truth will you still love me? I caused so many problems! I have seen the error of my ways. Well i understand the consequences of my actions. I want

i can fix this

I'm coming for you. I am upset because I was counting on you to come to me. I see you over there being happier. I will step back if you dont want me. I am hoping that you do not ask that, but instead ask me to join you.I can't tell which way the tide is going to go in this connection. I know the way I have behaved in the past has shown me to be untrue, but can I just say give me a chance to prove that isnt me anymore? I won't let you be hurt by my pain anymore. I underestimated your intelligence and your need for knowledge and your connection to the divine that superseceds it all. Right now I am gearing up to kiss your ass literally and figuritively to pay you back for my ill will and false behavior. I promise I wont be fake about what I want out of this connection. I am having faith that I can have trust in you. I know deep in my soul that I want you to be mine. I want to help you raise kids whether that is mine, yours or ours i just want t ablood line legacy with yo

The race is almost over

 You have been in this race for a long time. Every hurdle so close to tripping you up but you always seemed to know and pull your foot a lil higher.  You have overcame so much and so you would think you would be celebrating but it’s not enough for you. Your still on your path and you have a higher goal in mind.  Others around you are already celebrating , but for some it’s too early to be celebrating and they will realize when the party is over.  You are digging deep and exhibiting strength that you need to ignore the celebrating u til your foundation is secure.  You have been making monetary gains and your doing it thru your personal discoveries hard work and intelligence is paying off for you.  You have gone thru a transformation and your trying to figure out what’s next for you. In the past you was a monster and you have found your humanity. You are no longer using your gifts weapons now you choose to use them as tools for the betterment of humanity. 

Are you ready?..

  Someone is coming towards you like a Royal, but one prepared for war not celebration. They have been making their way towards this moment and they want a victory but are prepared to fight you to win you.  This person has lost a lot. They had abundance and luck and now they come to you disguised as a monster, but really they are a hurt soldier in need of nursing back to stability. This person has been trusting that their footsteps will lead them back to you.  They see you as someone who has a lot going on for them and is strongly to well as intelligent. They see that your very essence is wealth and no power can take that from you. This person fears you. You know the rhythm of their soul and you know when they are off. You have found a way to dance within even as you fear a misstep.  They have caged their demons and are standing guard against causing harm. They rather be like a surgeon who closes the body when they can do no more instead of continuing to cut and bleed a person and stil

Watch out

  You are about to get justice. You have been surrounded by people who had you on a pedestal and still had their backs to you. Making you perform for their attention. Now you have stopped seeking their attention and instead your now shining a light as a beacon for others who thought they were the only ones in that position.  You have faced the balance within to attend to yourself even when tides of life threaten to over take you. Like a breakdancer you have learned fluidity.  I will warn you one of the people a feminine energy is out for vengeance a masculine energy is trying to take your foundation for himself, a younger masculine (teen) young adult is seeking support and the rest is just waiting to see what your going to do next. The devoured of dreams and family has lost the battle when it comes to having you in their grasp. Keep on doing whatever your doing cuz your shining.