
Showing posts with the label Hornbeam


You to them: NO matter where I am I feel you. I am trying to figure out what went wrong. You are protected fromme and Icant just pop upon you. I am jealous of you, defensive about my behavior , codependant on your good enery, I'm hiding stalking and plotting on you all cuz my throat chakra is closed. I want to force you to make a choice. I want you to choose me and I had no idea I had made it nearly impossible for you to do so. I hurt you because I was busy watching others hurt you. I hate sitting back knowing I'm just destined to watch you. I should have took youout more. I should have wined and dined you. I should have changed a long time ago. I should have kept my promises to you. I know there will be no more oppurtunities. I know you are tired of my games. You are going to have the decadant life you deserve I just know it. I am surprised that you hid so much in you. If I would have just taken the time instead of playing stupid games I would have gaine


Im looking to the sky because like Tupac said, "Everything is going to be all right." Right now it feels like you are o a uphill battle and there is interference. I have been fighting for love do you know that. Specifically I am fighting for your love. I always knew a great love was out there for me. I had hopes it was you but you choose to remain stagnant and you are starting to rot in your stubbornness. You are out here behaving like a depraved leader. You took my breath away i thought you was the eye in the storm. My mistake you was the fulcrum to all the drama. I'm leaving. I wanted to smoke and pick your brain but i don't want really anything to do with you anymore your blind to your habits. I am tired of being in a groundhog day situation with you same shit all the time. You dont even fuck up in new ways. You act like you don't get it you aren't in charge. You are a beacon of darkness, lies and emotional abuse offering me up like im a nag a chips f

Will i get the money i need to make my dreams and goals a reality

You are at the end of this cycle of want and proverty. This journey has long and dificult. You have sought to be the top of what ever postion you are in puttting forth your best efforts to give what is required and it hasn't gotten you where you want to be. Don't fret though someone is coming to offer you help. Be wary of those that are only offering help with strings attached. Some will come in offering assistance to have a reaon to say they helped you stand on your feet. Thee will be one person who comes to you with geniune intent to support you and there might even be potential for love for some of you in this connection as well. You have lost alot on your path towards your destiny. You suffered a lot of unlawful and unjust things in a lot of your connections and the time of victimhood is over. You have stepped into the role of a overcomer. You have set down and started seeking the distance within and found your safe space and begin to build with a healt


Pills and potions, overdosing, angry because who you love doesnt love you. Played to many games got caight in the same and now you can't stand your self. You aren't taking care of yourself and whatever you are doing is cutting yearss off your life. You might be a 80s baby. You just want this person to finally pick you. You haven't learned the lesson yet of dealing with this person and what ever you did I hope you have a lawyer because i see they are justified for whatever they are about to do.. You are like a dark cloud in this persons life. You may have thought you was being sneaky but they found out. Now that they know they want you to say it out loud and say it with your chest. You have been getting signs that have been telling you to stop for ages. YOu wasn't scared before but all the sounds and shadows have finally got you sppoked. Its tolate to blowout the candle. The universe heard your little baragins and has come to collect on what you owe and its comin


Someone is thinking of things in the past. Rewriting their memories to be happier. Trying to rewrite the story so it has a happier ending. All you desire is to go on adventures and to stop missing out on life. Possibly feeling like happy and you were just not meant to be together. Quick connections with no substance are no longer desired. Not knowing when to say no but claiming awaeness in connectiomns is your new self talk. Declaring to yourself there is a best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime out there just waitung fir the first steps to be taken. This person might have numerous piercings. This person when you hug then you do not like to release them. When you are with them you feel fertile. You are freeing yourself from darkness and toxicness. Your throat chakra has been blocked preventing the truth from coming out but now your free and you can find a safe place embraced by harmony to thrive in. Learning to stand alone is ha

What sign am I really dealing with???

#EldertheSeeker #Sagittarius #Capricorn You are dealing with one of the above signs and they want you to know this lifetime they want to keep their promise. This is a parental angel you was their last child. They had a knack for making things with their hands that others others wanted to buy. You didn't wonder how you felt about them. The connection was healthy. NO fighting. They took you to church alot. They got saved from a life on the streets. They didnt go to college, but they made good money and wasn't weak with financial boundaries. This person was driven. Single parent so you didn't get alot of time together. They did suffer from addictions. They did pass with a sound mind. Another group its a lover whom passed who wants you to know you was the best. So good they didnt need porn. They just watched the videos yall made instead. You guys spent a lot of quality time together. You had great convos together. You talked about so many things under the sun. Yal


I deserve to punished. I fumbled and lost. I promised you this lifetime i would do right by you. Marry you and make you ridiculously happy. I messed up in one timeline looking at my doopleganger miserable because the woman he loved he mocked and betrayed and here i am literally doing the same thing. From the amount of kids to the relationship fumbles I'm mirroring them and I don't know how to stop. I hate the fucking matrix. I knew from the first moment i saw you i wanted you. I made you chase me and I intentionally kept my distance. I figured your crush on me would carry us til i got bored with you. I never got bored you kept changing and becoming more and more fascinating, You did right inleaving me alone and not chasing me. I was cheating. I know it sounds crazy but i wanted a little girl with you. I don't have daughters and i just knew we would have a goregous talented little girl. I never told you but you had my heart... you still do. I want to give you all

Remember me???

You are the young at heart that they sing about. You make people want to spend time witth you just to bask in your energy. People who have harmed you are looking to make offers of peace to fix the connections they held with you in the past. These people fucked around and they found out. You are powerful and you only crave synergy. Those who are jealous of you and your self love journey have no idea the desert you crawled thru. You have a lot of new people coming your way ths spring. You definitely have a lot of people coming from the past trying to find a spot in your new beggining. They unfourtunately think this new you is just a game a facade that you will release just for their benefit. At the end of the day. These people know they need you in there life. They miss having your energy in your life. Some of them are overthinking how to reconnect and have come up with nada. These people do not want to let you go. These people will give anything to be in your future even if its o

Be Careful

Someone is going to comes toward you using your words,post, memes against you to win you. They feel if they script this just right you will come falling back into their arms. This will be someone trying to come in talking about adding to you. They are going to come on too strong. They think this is going to be a secret to you. They think you are blinded to their shenanigans. This person feels you are all alone. They did not think that your Spiritual Team was real and they ahve finally come to belive as the turrent of karma hitting them wwon't let up enough for them to forget. They will come in a celebratory behavior as if the past hasn't occured. They feel any action they show toward you is warranted. At one point in time this person brighten up your your world. Now all they represnt are stormy days and a unsafe foundation. Be careful they will try to trick you somehow in a sexual matter. Their sibling may also be a issue or your sibling isa issue. You are seeing things fo

I'm sorry but i fucks with you the long way

Will you forgive me? Let me prove that you are important. Your happiness is paramount Your presence is pressure. People have been coming against you, but they have no idea this is all about to blow up in their face. I am so sorry. I am sorry I hurt you. I truly do fuck with you the long way. I am not on my Donell Jones I know where I want to be. I love how vulnerable i feel with you. I had no idea that vulnerablity could equal safety and be a symptom of love. ou got some boundaries up and i want to cross all them cuz who the fuck do you think you are, but i had to think about it. My partner better be able to tell me no and I respect it. Why woud I get mad at your boundaries unless its a me problem?? Im so much more healed then before. Although I know it seems like I'm just saying stuff, but i truly do mean it. I have no intution right now. Im walking blind. I know its been a long time since we have seen each other, but i thought i had more time before I came your way. Look

I owe you a apology

How many drinks will it take for you to sit still and let me talk to you? I have to tell you how I feel. I keep trying to talk to you thru music, but your not talking back. You are my Angel on this barren Earth. I just need a chance to show you I have changed. You won't be a secret this time. I should have never treated some of the people I wined and dinde so well they didn't deserve a quarter of the attention and affection I gave them. I surrounded myself with fake people and reaped all kinds of karma. I thought i was moving the right way. I didn't see that when my life was going well was cuz you was in my life. I thought things would be bad but once you was gone it would get 10 times worse. You was shielding me from so much karma just taking the hits and pressing forward. You accepted life unfiltered so I could wear rose ccolored glasses never turning my eye to the devastation I was leaving behind. You was the only one to call me out over and over about how I was affect

18+ from Her

I crave your touch.  My ideal day is you touching me intimately all day even in front of other people some of them know and like to watch others are oblivious and it adds to the vibe.   Pull my dress up and give me a couple of strokee in the hallway ok,  bend me over the couch yes please,  shower sex yes,  kitchen sex while cooking yes,  hands in my pants with every hug  and every kiss is almost a session yes yes yes!!!!  Walk up to me pull a titty out and start sucking,  don't let me sit on your lap unless it's skin to skin .....  You have no idea how soaked id be if I never knew at what moment you was gonna take me or just tease me for a little while and that was my every day life....ummm yes please 🥺 I'll be such a good girl.  You can bind me, spank me, choke me just let me be yours all day everyday.  I want us to be sensual together I want people to see us and get aroused.  I want them to crave what we have so much that they grab their partner and start touching  and 

From a masculine to a Feminine

I got shit to do.  I gotta focus and you are a distraction.  I never had you and now that your gone I've lost a opportunity to have you so fuck it and you!  Except you are on my mind every night, all night. I cannot even hold you while you cry in your dreams because I turned my back on you in the flesh and in the spirit world.  I was in my masculine energy and buried any trace of my feminine energy because it made me feel weak. You have always been my sunrise. You loved me at my worse. I even stopped loving me I can't understand how you do it. I know you used to ask me what I liked to see you in and it's your dresses. You seem so soft and vulnerable. I know you are not vulnerable in the least, but you just ooze feminity like Gaia in Captain Planet. When it came to you I always knew it was you. I just didn't want it to be you. If I had a better example at home maybe I would have done better by you. I hope you would have gotten a better me because I know in any universe I

The race is almost over

 You have been in this race for a long time. Every hurdle so close to tripping you up but you always seemed to know and pull your foot a lil higher.  You have overcame so much and so you would think you would be celebrating but it’s not enough for you. Your still on your path and you have a higher goal in mind.  Others around you are already celebrating , but for some it’s too early to be celebrating and they will realize when the party is over.  You are digging deep and exhibiting strength that you need to ignore the celebrating u til your foundation is secure.  You have been making monetary gains and your doing it thru your personal discoveries hard work and intelligence is paying off for you.  You have gone thru a transformation and your trying to figure out what’s next for you. In the past you was a monster and you have found your humanity. You are no longer using your gifts weapons now you choose to use them as tools for the betterment of humanity. 

You are making it happen

 You are are carrying ideas that you are about to birth and the world better watch out. You been getting some downloads in the dream state. You have let go of your burdens and no longer are you allowing others to place their burdens on you and cause towers in your life. You have found that thing in your life that draws you. You wake up thinking of it go to sleep thinking of it too. No more will your cups be overturned. Because you have put your enthusiasm to your work it’s beginning to gain traction. You aren’t fighting no more you have surrendered to the divine. You have released relationships that no longer serve you. You have walked away from all that would make you feel low. You was scared to leave before because you thought you was supposed to be cautious, but instead your about to just dive in and trust the universe. 

Create the tools you need so you can succeed

 You may feel like you are ill prepared to handle the tools you have been given in this battle call life. You have the strength to shape new tools if you feel that is what you need to do just remember what you create will be the first of their kind so you must train others to use those tools as well. It will be hard because your making up as you go.  You  should be wary of contracts presented to you at this time. Not all finance is good even when you need it coming in selling your soul for a few pesos is not fair to you. You have a knack to survive in situations others would buckle in. You have found healing in the midst of your spiritual famine.  You have spent much time surround by others trying to see how you do what you do. You have even tried to teach them and they still sat there acting like you didn’t teach them anything, but are using the skills they have learned from you to attack you.  You may have pulled back your energy to gain insight from your ancestors and guides. Seekin

You got this!

  There is a ending occurring and you didn’t think this path would get you to this place, but it’s time to be here it’s time to get to the end of the road.  You have fought hard to get to this juncture in life. You maybe battle weary, but there is no more people to fight no more is there need to be defensive. You will receive all you need once you get pass this last hurdle.  Your creative endeavors are paying off it’s been hard to stay dedicated, but you knew that you had to keep pushing. There was a need to fight alone to know exactly where you stand now you fight battles without even lifting a hand.  You are not double minded on this gift you share it is feeding you as you feed others. 


  Today you might be taking a chance and there is a opportunity for closure. Someone who has been stabbing you in the back you will be walking away from and be prepared a sneak attack maybe why you walk away.  Right now your single because you are trying to make healthier choices in love self care and being happier. You know that is your wealth. 

Someone sees you…

 You might have been in a runner chaser dynamic, but they are coming their 5d self is reminding you they promised this lifetime they would make it right to you.  They see you move like they do.  They didn’t think you would chose any other path then the one back to them.  They are aching to have you back, but you no longer are in a mental prison. They realized that together you could been gods together. They are realizing they lost out having that Corey and Topanga relationship they always desired. They are ashamed they was two faced with yo. You are impressive to them body, mind and spirit.  They don’t feel special enough to deal with you. Maybe they had bad intentions because they was jealous of you and your self love journey. They see you grinding and they even thought about marrying you.  This person listens to music and wants to have a song you both say this reminds me of us.  You are pissing them off right now because your happy without them. They don’t have any happy in any part

Family message

 Brother- There is a brother out there who lives for money. They only see things in view of its value. They live a fairly empty life even though they may have a lot. They don’t feel like they have enough even though Spirit says they are abundant.  They don’t understand what abundance means. To them they need money, things, but the real abundance they seek is love, security in the home, and family connections.  They keep looking outward when they already have the answers within. They are trying to mend wounds they just realized they had.  This brother really wants to grow with you, but they have no idea how to stay in a healthy place with you. They see you as a whole different world that needs to be understood.  That isn’t their job they don’t get that they are overstepping. They feel like you are sending disses their way not seeing the broader picture of whatever method you using to heal.