
Showing posts with the label Gemini energy

I can find the beat in everything but my heart. Without you im dead.

You are a miracle. You are so impressive. Can you just sit on my lap and never leave? If you dont want to be with me I totally get it I have spent to much time hurting you why would you believe i want to make it up to you? You make me so happy with your cheerful disposition. Your quirkiness is beautiful. . Even when changes occur and something just aint right you manage to keep educating folks. You are doing what you was called to do. I surrender my heart to you. Iknow its beat up and tarnished but its all yours. I dont have any strategy to bring you back excet open my heart and maybe you will step into it. My struggles will not keep me from coming back to you. I will even assist you with work drama. If they are coming against you they are coming against us i get that. The longer we are apart the more bleak life seems. I see you out there making moves though. You are totally #Wifeygoals #youaremyangel you are the reason i dont need a drink. I am looking at your social media c

Love message

edit  Not everything has a happy ending but I hope that for us there is one. I would love to rekindle our connection and show you geniune affection. You and i don't even need friends we are each others favorite person and I want to talk to you and you alone for ever. I love to hang withyou. Fun never has to end when we are together. All the walls that need to come down in our connectin will becuase we will take them down together. Together we can see every side of a situation. We are great as indiviuals, but we are an awesome dynamic. Togther we find balance. I will admit I've been stalking and I used to gaslight you. I never made you a priority and left you feeling incomplete. I will come to you on a less lustful tone. No more 3rd parties I promise. The wreck my life is because of my wandering eye and lack of self preservation. I didnt value myself so when others didn't I just brushed it off. I also had addictions to fill the holes that was in my soul. I was code

Sometimes I feel like somebodies watching me

You have some one or somebodies watching you. These folks or this person doesn't want to face rejection from you. They aren't being accountable for things they have done to you in the past. These people maybe upset with how you are making money and how intelligent you are. You was someones back up plan and they are seeing that their plan for youis falling to pieces you are to intelligent to repeatedly falling for their trickery. These peoplle refuse to learn from their mistakes. Instead of admitting defeat they shift the blame to you saying your just to dumb to even fall into the trap rather then giving you credit for being too smart and avoiding it. You are intelligent and they refuse to acknowledge that in their plans they focus on your emotions and attack. These people want to beat you at a game they are the only ones playing. You dont want to know what the rules are because you honestly just don't care. Congratulations you have given up drinking. You also have

I owe you a apology

How many drinks will it take for you to sit still and let me talk to you? I have to tell you how I feel. I keep trying to talk to you thru music, but your not talking back. You are my Angel on this barren Earth. I just need a chance to show you I have changed. You won't be a secret this time. I should have never treated some of the people I wined and dinde so well they didn't deserve a quarter of the attention and affection I gave them. I surrounded myself with fake people and reaped all kinds of karma. I thought i was moving the right way. I didn't see that when my life was going well was cuz you was in my life. I thought things would be bad but once you was gone it would get 10 times worse. You was shielding me from so much karma just taking the hits and pressing forward. You accepted life unfiltered so I could wear rose ccolored glasses never turning my eye to the devastation I was leaving behind. You was the only one to call me out over and over about how I was affect

Watch out

  You are about to get justice. You have been surrounded by people who had you on a pedestal and still had their backs to you. Making you perform for their attention. Now you have stopped seeking their attention and instead your now shining a light as a beacon for others who thought they were the only ones in that position.  You have faced the balance within to attend to yourself even when tides of life threaten to over take you. Like a breakdancer you have learned fluidity.  I will warn you one of the people a feminine energy is out for vengeance a masculine energy is trying to take your foundation for himself, a younger masculine (teen) young adult is seeking support and the rest is just waiting to see what your going to do next. The devoured of dreams and family has lost the battle when it comes to having you in their grasp. Keep on doing whatever your doing cuz your shining.  

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.

Retrograde energy sit back and take a look at yourself

You might be in some Gemini  Energy or you might resonate with the song by Sage the Gemini " Gas Pedal". Spirit is asking you to have courage. You are experiencing loss of control and ignoring your inner voice. You are doing something you know in your heart your wrong for and Spirit is telling you to stop before you can't turn back. You might be struggling to get things completed. simple tasks seem overwhelming and all you want to do is sleep. You aren't finding balance. Instead of being on top of things you feel like a mountain has slid on your back and you want to be surprised by it, but your only surprised its not heavier.  You might be desperately trying to manipulate situations to make it seem like you didn't make the mountain, but you don't need Sherlock Holmes to explain the signs. You left evidence in the hearts you affected. Its time to own it so you can start getting from under the mountain. If you are or have been committing fraud, lying to seem bet

What is your 3rd house?

  Commonly referred to as the House of Communication. Especially towards loved ones.  How you learn to communicate starts at a early age and your intelligence gained helps you navigate your relationship.  The 3rd House is about your environment – how you interact with it, how you relate to others, your ideas, and your opinions. he meaning of “Communication, Community, and Thinking.” The 3rd House's Natural Planetary Ruler:  Mercury The 3rd House's Natural Astrology Sign:  Gemini Characteristics of the 3rd House:  Third House astrology is about your left brain. It governs fact-gathering, analysis, and forming opinions about your experiences. It's how you think. The 3rd House in astrology also tells us how you're likely to perceive your environment, and the things you're likely to neglect. First up in your environment are your relatives. While the 3rd House doesn't involve your parents (they have their own houses), it does involve your siblings and other relative