
Showing posts with the label hawthorn

I am ready for Love

They have kept us apart long enough. I have done enough research to know you are the real deal. I see a abundant life with you. I run these streets but you run my sheets. There is something you dont see coming and Im excited you arent expecting it. I ambuilding something big for us. I am going to need your help. Karma has been kicking my ass. You have a way of doing things that make me want to cater to you. I want to give you gatorade when your tummy aches. I want to take a social media break with you just shut it all off and immerse ourselves in each other. You are going to ruin my surprise though. You are so in the know with the spirit you might "hear" my plans before I even make them. I didnt confess my love and that is why I missed out on you and why I'm trying so hard to make my way back. I know I can't do this without you. I am no longer hesitant. I see the simliarites in our life. You are unexpected blessing andI'm not planning on letytin

message from someone

Someone wants to tell you... I miss us being closer. Music plays and I instantly think of you sometimes I hear your voice. I feel stupid cuz I lost you. You were my butterfly. I'll never get someone like you. I fucked up one time to many and lost out big time. It sucks I had to lose you to see that you move like I move. I won't lie I'm not sorry for what I did I'm just sorry it hurt you. I'm trapped in the darkness now. I see your eyes everywhere looking at me so sadly. We are no longer the same when did it change? Why must we be in seperation? Can I pretend to be someone else and stay in your energy? I will give you all the time I withheld from you in the past. I won't be a detriment to you. The lie that gets to me the most is the one I have to tell the world because you aren't in my life anymore. It's like everything is a karmic lesson. I can't even pray. I managed to break my own heart. #luckynumber2 #luckynumber3 #luckynumber7 You are ab

You are a bright light

All the things you said running thru my head has me feeling I am not enough. You deserve more than I can give emotionally, finanancially,mentally and even physically. I have been sexually unwise and I have a STD/STI( sexually transmitted demon or incubus). I am connected to too many people sexually and I do not how to release those bonds. I like having so many people wanting me. I feel loved having so many people fighting for my attention. I didn't regonize real love. I feel if you love me you will keep doing for me. When you stop you don't love me. I know you have to live your life and being up my ass isn't part of your whole day. I promise you I am not closed off. I am just scared of you seeing to much or figuring out I am a fraud. I ran away in November because its just to much emotions to handle. I thought kepping things sexual was going to protect my heart, but I just fell even harder for you. I feel if I come forward to fast you will lose sight of what you are

its beginning to look a lot like fyck this shyt

Winter time a relationship will be coming to a end. Someone no longer wants to play for keeps. To many people have been involved in this situation and it had gone no where fast. These people are sending you messages trying to get your attention to get back into your energy. Just keep blocking and moving forward. Don't listen to the pleas becuase they aren't genuine. Soon as you bolster this person or people up they will abandon you again. You have torn between two groups your whole life but you was put there by people why didnt want you on either side. You was just a excuse for two or more sets of evil people to prove their dominance in a battle that didnt exist. You have become the reason you get up in the morning. You realized having a outside reason eventual fell off foryou either due to adhd or vibes.Its not perfect you still get down in the dumps and gloomy occasionally but over all you like you more and that changes so much of your life perspective. You have loved

18+ from Her

I crave your touch.  My ideal day is you touching me intimately all day even in front of other people some of them know and like to watch others are oblivious and it adds to the vibe.   Pull my dress up and give me a couple of strokee in the hallway ok,  bend me over the couch yes please,  shower sex yes,  kitchen sex while cooking yes,  hands in my pants with every hug  and every kiss is almost a session yes yes yes!!!!  Walk up to me pull a titty out and start sucking,  don't let me sit on your lap unless it's skin to skin .....  You have no idea how soaked id be if I never knew at what moment you was gonna take me or just tease me for a little while and that was my every day life....ummm yes please 🥺 I'll be such a good girl.  You can bind me, spank me, choke me just let me be yours all day everyday.  I want us to be sensual together I want people to see us and get aroused.  I want them to crave what we have so much that they grab their partner and start touching  and