
Showing posts with the label Moon signs

Distance made my heart weep.. come back???

I wanna tear dat ass up. I have grown... in a lot of ways. You bring light to my dark world. Without you I'd still be dead inside. I want to make this work. I know now what i have done to mess things up and I am going to change all of that. I got some ideas and I want try some taboo type things witchu. I see you moving on and I want to catch up. I don't want you being independant anymore I want you connected to me. I will protect you from my mother I know now she is your opp. I didn't understand why and now I get it doesnt matter I am just going to take care of you. I know you can handle yourself, but I see now you shouldn't have to. I didn't get that just you loving me wasn't going to blind you to my actions it just blinded your heart. You refused to accept me for me because you saw thru the facade. Thank you for seeing the real me. I see that im finally doing what you need. I didn't imagine that I wasn't paying attention before but n

Oil and grime, acid rain....Slime beneath me oh slime up above...toxic love

Gotta get away. Gotta run. I gave you a lot for the potential of who we could be. To many people involved in our connection. Tired of people being jealous becuase they dont want to see us together. I dont have time for any of that. I am working on my business and I cant afford to be distracted by games in love. You refuse to change fast enough anyhow. You know I am walking away and you are letting me. You may have gave up your ways but you wont communicate. I am busy being a parent. Shaping lives that will impact the future isnt easy. I am investing in theirs and my future getting spiritually aligned. Those trying to manouver around me will get the life they deserve. Bonous if I get to watch. I am moving up and away cuz I can see that Karma is coming good and bad. I was ready for us to be a we in all ways and have adventures. Instead I had to spend all my time figuring out why you refused to come to me. I couldnt wrap my head around it and I let it hold

Glow up

Your beautiful and so is your spirit. I know you seek freedom. You want to be authentic and you feel you cant and that you are not the total package I need you to change the way you see life. Did you know you had people who hate you simply becuase you dont need them? Your ability to survive without them has them baffled. Some of them have had dreams about you where you told them about themselves, fought them and even murdered them. You are being supported by the Universe. You have been accountable for your actions good and bad. You stopped going after connections and situations that where only going to cause you to experience rejection. You are aware you are being watched but you also know you cant let that stop your progress. You have released the proverty mindset and have accepted you are being taken care of by the Universe. You may not have financial abundance at the moment but you have a ful belly a roof over your head and clothes to change into tomorrow that are bug and dise

sick and tired of broken promises

Promises was all you gave me. I didn't check to see if anything you said held wait. I placed my faith in you and allowed myself to begin to fall in love but I didn't feel safe. You did't let me feel ok caring about you. It took some time but i figured out you had another motive. As I look at the future I fail to see you in it. I'm not going to fight you. I honestly have other things on my mind. I wish you would choose a life that i could fully be apart of all the time. Any magic you have been playing with to have me tied to you has been returned 10 fold. You wanted me to ride your toxic wave. You wanted me craving you at the cost of the peace of my mind. You wanted me to create a home for you in my heart. For what? Why should I provide a space for someoone whom doesnt appreciate their special space? Why should i be a safe space for a unsafe person? I admit them kisses is what got me in the first place, but we aren't in no kind of kissing status. I just can'

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

What are you doing with yourself? You got a lil bit of time to fix this mess. Your children need to see you being better. Be happy your feminine is connected to source. Not many are gifted that way. I messed up and made you feel unloved and it was wrong of me to not ever really fix it. I get why when I came to you the door of communication was shut. I gave you empty promises to stay connected not any effort and i apologize. You brought delight to my life i promise. You are my joy. I admit i was spying on yours and others connected ou you page like the grandkids and their mom(s) and your friends. Some of them blocked me but enough connected to give me more insight into your life. I still see you as a baby and that isnt fair. I really want a better relationship with you. I have proved fickle in the past but no longer. I was young when you was born and did not handle it well. I was scared I would hurt you and funny enough i managed to do just that. I want to fix this I just need you t

you are my bestie

People have no idea how lucky they are to have you in their lives. I'm quitting the street life just to keep you in my life. You are my childhood sweetheaart and I can't imagine a world without you in it especially mine. If we have soul ties then call me bound. Everyone is so quick to shit on what we have, but they dont understand what we have I can't disrespect you like I do everyone else cuz your me thats why its so effortless to love you loving you is loving me. Lots of people break up and cant come back years later there is to much pain and and dead issues that there just isnt energy to unbury. Yet for us it comes down to action. Communicating is our strongest glue and I have learned to love it. 444. You don't beat around the bush with me and you rarely lie. Yeah you with hold a lot, but in your mind what is the point in telling me if I cant help why worry me and I want to say to you I want to learn to help.I appreciate you trying to keep the weight off my shoulde

Healthy moves

  Yay you! You are making healthy choices in love and like. That self love is looking good on you. You are becoming happier and as you are you seeing the overflow. Stop measuring what many dance means and start seeing that you are elevating learning, expanding. You are walking away from co-defendant obsessive behavior and because of that the blocks in your life will no longer restrain you. No more letting people stopping your happiness. 

Its time to stick to your guns!!

 You keep getting knocked down and left for dead. As you reanimate your life you tell others how you did it just incase they fall into that pitfall as well. Defying societal urges to step on others who are down you are listening to that higher purpose and pulling others up. Here is where protecting yourself comes in. You have to have boundaries or you will end up pulling up people who only want to push you down. It doesn't matter how low you perceive yourself there are those who just don't want you to have anything. There are those around you who are unstable who are to show the masks they used to hide behind.  They are still trying to oppress you, but you are being protected by your Spirit team. Even when you had nothing these folks still had they hands out. They still have their hand out physically and metaphorically to you.  So people might be accusing of being stingy with your gifts, time and energy and guess what they can suck a fat one. No one is entitled to what God has

Capricorn, The Nile River, Pluto

Your Angels are nearby ready to help and reassure you that your plans are going well. Achievement, progress, abundance, and success are all yours if you are following the rules for Karma and the Universal laws of cause and effect.  You have to open to help. You have a short time to get some achievement  accomplished so put in the work. Make sure you don't regret your decisions. Your material and earthly needs top to bottom will be met in divine timing. Have faith and trust you have been provided for if you are doing what you are called to do. Change is coming. We are one with creation so when you give back to the world what we have been given, we receive more abundance.  Something is causing you pain, stress and strain. You might be taking on things that aren't your responsibility. Take a look around you if you want things to be better take the time to understand yourself before you accuse others of not understanding you. Maybe they do know you better.    Angel Numbers: 333,105

Break ups happen in families, friendships and work situations acknowledge it so you can heal

 Outdated thinking is getting you no-where fast. You have this way of looking at the world that filters out certain people and situations and now you've got to change your frequency you are missing out on to many things.  Staying in your head continuously reminiscing over bad memories and past betrayal will not free you and most certainly will not help you grow to the level spiritually you desire to be at.  You are not in over your head or in a situation you are ill prepared for it literally is your own insecurities ( yes some of those were handed to you by others) that are trapping you in this particular stagnant spot.   You are on a Journey. You are searching for your Great LOVE. No one faults you for that. All the Divine is asking for is your unconditional self love to be what you focus on first because getting lost in your person will detour you from where you are supposed to be on your path. Oneness, that ultimate soulmate space you desire to be in is there for you to have ju


 You are pleading for someone not to leave you, to be patient while you settle some business.   Whether it is another person or a job it's interfering with what your new person. You don't feel they want to create with you anymore and that thought hurts so much. You want them to have patience. Your upset cuz they aren't yours and you don't know how to keep them. You just wanted to understand them and now you feel you will never get the chance. You just want to look them in the eyes. You are ready to risk it all for them though. Your ready to confess to them hoping it will make it right.   

Virgo, Aquarius

 Jorja Smith~ The One Ginuwine~ Pony Savannah Cristina ~ Soul Ties Your person triggers you. They make you feel safe and yet vulnerable. That angers you. You believe that Divine Timing will deliver them to you. Even though you're sure this person is yours. You still want to know why they are special to you. Your sitting back trying to figure how to makes this happen. Your trouble with drugs/alcohol/people  in the past you from being who you should've been. Both of your 3rd eye may be blocked neither of ya'll see what's happening around you. Even spiritually blind you know they light up the block. You're missing them. You also are terrified that if they gave you another chance you would mess it up, because you want to marry them.  


 If you been seeing 222 get ready change is coming!!! You feel magical, but someone promised you this life time and they can't keep this promise. You drown them in your intensity but at the end of the day its only about the sex. On the other hand there is someone who has their eye on you and they want to love you the right way. Their love is going to heal you. They think your built like a God/Goddess/Powerful Energy. If you aren't sexually active be prepared they wanna break your back. They just want you to be the real you, no matter what that idea of you doesn't compare to the real you. Your old person knows you have every reason to hate them , but they didnt intend for things to go this way. This new person though  lives for your kisses. Nobody kisses are like yours. They want you to walk fully away from your past because as far as they are concerned you are theirs.


 Your person is you other half. They think you need more confidence in yourself though. At night you are the main thing they think of. No more games no more rociness. you are beautiful to them in and out.  You might be seeing 11:11 alot and its just reminding you to embrace life and its promises. Your person want you to know your voice is like every love song wrapped up in sex and hugs. Its just yummy, but they want you to know they want more. They want partnership. They are ashamed of their behavior and want you to know they should've known better. They just want you to stop your tears. They just want  to heal your past to  move on to your future together.


  You feel like someone is playing games and your tired and you want to say" banana". They claim they are changing for the better ,but they aren't. The world is serious enough without you trying to figure out if you want to walk on eggshells for them.  Can I suggest dance on them damn eggshells instead?  If you are walking on eggshells so they don't notice you might as well dance like noone is watching.  222 might be popping out at you alot.  Choices need to be made. You feel a connection to a energy that is saying to you "let's risk it all," but "let's do it carefully." You see your person in a way that no one else does.  It heals a part of them.  They look in your eyes and want to create with you, but they don't want this to go any deeper. 


 Do you know how unique you are? You are blessed with insight. You are probably seeing 333 alot. You have been going thru it these last few months, but each time you heal a bit more. Wednesday(a day dedicated to being wised and productive also Odin and Hermes) might be significant to you. Whatever it is your coming to the hump in your spiritual week.  Also someone wants you to have faith in your connection because they can feel your not seeing them in the same light. They miss the connection you had. They think you are so wise, abundant and you bring good luck. You create prosperity and they think you light up the block. 


 Someone is on the down low but is questioning that life to have  chance of a life with someone else. They ask only that the person they want to come to be honest with them as they trust their secret to them. They are also terrified that the person they are coming towards won't like them back.  Since they have a habit of making bad choices they want to be absolutely ready for any thing that may come up. 

I give all my love to you

Ghetto Love~ Da Brat Commodores~ Zoom  Harry Styles~ Adore` You Sara Bareilles~ Love Song  Emma Sameth & Wolfe ft Jeremy Z.~ Spin with You Katie T & Justice~ Daughter of the Sun From your person: I didn't do right by you because I saw me inside of you and I didn't like what I saw. I saw that the person in you my mirror looked so much better, healthier, stronger than me and I knew I couldn't face that everyday so I ran. I need to see you. ♭ I feel like I am dying cuz I haven't seen you in so long. I want to tell you I love you and ask you to be mine forever. I don't understand why you don't believe your mines. When I kiss you next time I see you... you won't doubt me. Let me get a few more things in order and you won't have to cry anymore. 

To Singles

 Miley Cyrus~ Midnight Sky A masculine is saying to their feminine:  I'm able to care for you the way I want to now. I think about you every night trying to figure out how to tell you. I just want to hold you, but I'm scared you haven't let go of the past. I want to marry you, but if you can't forgive me then I got to go.  This merry go round of feelings is outta control as it is I have one foot door.  Give me a sign it's safe to come toward you. You look real fine all on your own but I want to be with you. All I need is one sign please... I'm ready. The Feminines response: I don't need you to make me a Queen I am a Queen already. I have abundance because any who are with me are blessed. With my very being I pour out like a waterfall. I don't know if I can see you as a King. You're hiding a lot from me. You're not showing your face. How can I trust what I can't see? What you're not telling me the next person will and also show me as well!