
Showing posts with the label druid zodiac

Hazel the knower

</div Ok big boss I see you. You got your nose to the grindstone. You have been taking chances and risks keeping your hand to your chest when it comes to your moves. Its noones business and you mean it. You have a time table in your head. Cycles are ending and time for healing is needed. You can't use drugs or sex to blind you anymore you have to face what you are feeling, thinking and experiencing. You can't just be ignoring it, but I know you are horrible with your boundaries, but its time to get more realistic with how to keep them errect they are not supposed to go down then up then down again lovey. You are trying to avoid your twin flame their duality puts fear in you beacuse they aren't safe within their behavior. You are no longer being complacient if they won't heal you are moving on. They haven't even started their inner healing work, but they feel you will be able to do the work for both of you. They just want to romance you thou