
Showing posts with the label pluto

You are leading me towards eternal loneliness for the cost of love

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for because felonious behaviour is on the rise. Someone wants that Romeo & Juliet love, but they seemed to forget Romeo was a fuck boy who literally was whining about Roslyn minutes before meeting Juliet. Fickle. No, I am not saying anything about love at first sight cuz I do believe in it but the whole point of the play was to teach about rushing into things and that is what you are being warned about. You wont be the Queen/King to a Karmic. This person is watching you.They know they have hurt you. You might be posting on a platform about it or maybe they just know. They are giving you the space to walk away or stay. Their throat chakra blocked jealousy, overly defensive, codependant, reclusive, you talk to much, tell lies, gossip, secretive, and shy. You need to get a amulet or ring or bracelet something you will never remove. Bless it and put it on. This person really wants to reconcile. They know that there is a

the journey may be hard but it will be worth it

You might be having to operate in deception in order to make it to thru this next little Tower coming your way. You might be dealing with a Leo or this will occur in Leo season. You have abundance coming your way like a river just gotta keep it to yourself. There will be those who come after you just because you are you and the more well known you become the more the hate will come your way as well. Like Paul Robeson you might get your very means of earning a income thwarted but keep pressing ahead because those above will rectify it in the end. No bragging and keep your plans hidden use subterfuge and deception if need be, but protect yourself. Don't let the strife of life tear you apart. You are capable of balancing out the situation in your favor. You might be called to do something you have no training to do like Dorie Miller when he stepped up that day at Pearl Harbor, but he succeeded just like you will. This person or situation will bring drama, but like Charles Drew you w

red flags

Move toward your higher purpose. Your thoughts are manifesting quickly and thru reality you are seeing your 5d dreams come true. Reassurance that the Universe understands your fears and concerns. It's ok to let go and release it to your guides so you can heal. You have been paying attention to your relationships. 'Walking away should be hard, but your making it easier day by day," is your mindset when it comes to certain relationships. You are accepting you haven't always stood up for yourself for a long time and didn't always walk away from circumstances that didn't serve you. You may have gotten swept up by the vibe back in the day, but now you are not letting anyone redirect your flow. Your learning to laugh as you walk away from relationships that no longer serve you. You are not giving out retries. You are ready for love and the Universe hears. The Universe is aware you haven't been smiling down to your soul for a while and that won't do. You a

why is this happening?

Your heart has been set free. Your abuser/s can no longer axcess you. They can try to apply their version of pressure but it aint gonna work. They have no idea the bloodline they fucking with. They been praying to God asking HIM to curse you like a whole ass weirdo. This/ese abuser/s has/ve the nerve to cry about the lost of this connection. They will say they have been abused and thats why they behave as they do. Anything they can do to get back in your good graces they will do. They are willing to let you attack them. They know they would have been safe with you. You gave them wings and made them feel special. They are a trickster/s don't believe them.They are going to come back saying the sweetest things. They will tell you they are fighting their demons. That they want to finally deleve into who you are. They will proclaim they want your happiness above all else while behind the scenes they are undermining you. You being in a happy relationship made them sick with jealousy.


Let me save you this time you are saying to your person. The old you is dead and cremeated you are a new you and ready to be the person they want. You are codependant and they are going to have to deal with it. You don't care if their feelings aren't reciprocated you can feel enough for the both of you. Your person is creative, and intelligent. A go getter and a ideas person who never ceases to amaze you. They are tall to. You admire their intelllience and their ablitiy to make money. You like them being chaotic peaceful is boring. You like them needy for you. If they sit back and think about your actions they would cease giving but they lack clarity and wisdom when it comes to you. You wish you could keep them wearing rose colored glasses, but its not paying off anymore. When you arent with them you will call just to keep them bound. No options just smooth sailing right to hell becuaseyou dont stand your ground why should you when you can make them feel

Who admires you

This person feels no worries when they are with you. This person may have been your enemy in the past, but now they want to prove themselves to you. They have recognized that with you they can find healing. They fear looking you in the eyes you might catch the lies still floating in there. This person is aware you may never fully trust them, but that doesnt change that they want to be apart of your life. This person is looking for signs and syncronicity to come and make your life better. This person chooses to redeem themselves by being a true friend to you. This person is ok with not being in your life if that is your choice. They will not persue you if honoring your boundaries is all they can do then that is how they will honor you. Your friendship would be the icing on the cake, but this person is truly turning over a new leaf. So the change up will be apparent in all aspects of their lives. They dont have 100 percent confidence just yet but they are growing. This friend wil

What Family got to say

We lied on you. We told your lovers and friends any and all negative things possible. From calling you for the streets to accusing you of being on drugs or an alcholic. We wanted the world to see us as your Savior. We wanted everyone to disregard how awesome you are and blessed you make us. Your knowledge and gifts were for us to hoard. If you had a blessing it was ours as well. Leaving you out made you work harder for our attention and love. We need you to let us back in your life. Like a crack head feenin for his next hit we crave you. Who is going to educate us. Who is going to give us free everything? You didn't even to learn things you just decided that is what you wanted to do and then did it. We hated it when you was happy. You look prettier, your energy is addictive and you thrive. You have walked away and you are so powerful that we know better to come at you disrepectully anymore. Your intution protects you from us. We did a lot of thing beind your back and had no sh

I coulda been

I could have been more honest. I promise I'm gonna kiss your ass. I will make it up to you. I know that there was lessons to learn I am just tired of this shit. I want my partner. I want you. We gotta get out of the fuck outta doge to many eyes in our sauce. I can't get the time I need with you if there is so much seperation. I always saw you i just turned my eye from this energy. I turned my nose up at you so often and now I just want to tell you I want to be deep with you in all ways. I don't want to cause you have to heal because of me. Has anyone ever told you that your wisdom should be on shirts. If you did it it would definitely be smooth selling. I know not to take our connection for granted. I want people to see us. No more fakeness. I want the world to see the temple I worship with. I know God has blessed our connection. Nothing is funny and nobody is going to fumble this Divine connection. We will BossUp together. You are home to me I want to be able to s

Karmic Masculine to Divine Feminine

Its over over ain't it? You should've cheated on me. You was faithful to a ideal. I wasn't honest with you. I even had a baby on you but you don't know yet. I did't know you was meant to be my kingdom mate. I tore you down for no reason. If you give me a chance I would dig deep for you. I will give you the sex life you deserve. I was selfish. I felt safe but never made you feel safe. I have nothing to offer you but struggle love becuase I dont want to work hard. I have so many bad things happening I hope you are still covering me. I tried to destroy the joy you had. I wanted to have you clingy on me. I didnt understand not all women are like that. I can't pop up on you. I can't be intimate with you. I just want you to love me. I really want to prove my love thru sex. I just know you will fall back in love if i pull out my tricks. I will do and say anything to get you back to me. I need you. My life is in shambles and noone wants to save me. I ain'

Divine feminines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

Man stop messing with her and wife her. Stop partying your getting to old for that mess anyways. We grown and grown folks choose up or die alone. I never had what yall got but if I did i would fight for it. Divine feminie is a special person. She would make anyone proud to be with.She not the type to cheat so why are you being so stupid? I want to fall in love over and over again with the same person. I want to get that first date jittters for the same person over and your just throwing it away. Do you see what living in your shadow has done? I hope you are hearing me. This can be fixed. If you love her show her. Tell her she makes you weak, but she makes you strong and able to stand in the world. Hurry up and get to her. Steal her heart before she notices. Be the man she belives you to be. Stop stalking and walk up to her door with some flowers and a gift and beg your ass off. Do not disappear again. Take her out on dates. Get her shit she likes. Stay away from friends who encora

you are my bestie

People have no idea how lucky they are to have you in their lives. I'm quitting the street life just to keep you in my life. You are my childhood sweetheaart and I can't imagine a world without you in it especially mine. If we have soul ties then call me bound. Everyone is so quick to shit on what we have, but they dont understand what we have I can't disrespect you like I do everyone else cuz your me thats why its so effortless to love you loving you is loving me. Lots of people break up and cant come back years later there is to much pain and and dead issues that there just isnt energy to unbury. Yet for us it comes down to action. Communicating is our strongest glue and I have learned to love it. 444. You don't beat around the bush with me and you rarely lie. Yeah you with hold a lot, but in your mind what is the point in telling me if I cant help why worry me and I want to say to you I want to learn to help.I appreciate you trying to keep the weight off my shoulde

Don't Bizounce

Someone has an addiction to women.  They think women make the world just easier to live in.  Women are the spice in life.  Problem with this mindset is this person keeps entering into connections that they are implying would stay monogamous and then cheating rampantly.  There was no way this person was going to bring that you.  Not you.  Not the person they loved.  You could be on the edge of the mess, but right in the middle no they couldn't bear to see you daily knowing they was hurting you like that.  You may feel like they are choosing other connections instead of you and it's not that it's these other people make being a cheater easier.  For whatever reason it's just easier to hurt them then it is to know they are causing you intentional harm which they would never do.  Right now this person wants to touch you deeply everywhere and I mean everywhere fingers in your mouth too??? you bet!!!  They have two words for you #CreamPie you do with that as you will... They w

You shine when you acknowledge how you really feel

You miss them so much. You walk around with tears in your eyes barely making it each day without drowning in sorrow. Your connection ended with such a crash that no amount of cpr seems enough to revive it.  You both see each other as the enemy, but you were meant to be allies. You were not meant to be enemies but those around you were dead set on driving a wedge between you.  How dare you glow from being loved? How dare you have fun? How dare you feel stronger because of their love?  You had something unique and no one wanted you to have it.  You found by accident what most search their lives for and only find a measure of the love you stumbled upon.  While you both felt that you didn't deserve the gift your love was the Universe saw different and stirred the flames of your love causing it to grow while both of you tried to dampen it down with deds and relationships.  If either of you had the power you would have cut your love out and gave it to a random just to avoid the pressure


  Today you might be taking a chance and there is a opportunity for closure. Someone who has been stabbing you in the back you will be walking away from and be prepared a sneak attack maybe why you walk away.  Right now your single because you are trying to make healthier choices in love self care and being happier. You know that is your wealth. 


 You trigger somebody. They want to come your way, but fear your rejection. They don’t feel they will ever see you again. They realized their world is empty and lifeless without you. They fear you! They are insecure. You have them in their feelings and they can’t focus because of how bad they want to be bood up with you. They keep trying to keep you focused on them, but they can feel you slipping away.  When it rains they think of you and that one day\night in the rain.  This person or you may have a accent.  You and this person are both interacting with people you know to be fake, who are holding on to both of you. You are each other’s trauma bond friend, due to this bond being unhealthy no real growth has occurred.  When music plays they think of you and start to feel guilty. They know they have bad boundaries and no respect for most of yours.  This person may have engaged in relationships to have a home. They wished they had the means to support themselves so they could have been in

what are you creating?

  You want to be alone cuz your in your crafty stage.  Someone wants you to call them. They want to hear your voice. They want to get to know you, because they think you might just be the one. Whatever is happening they miss you. While they are waiting to connect with you they are leveling up.They feel like you have that It Factor. They want to indulge a little drink and smoke and pick your brain. They are hoping that convo will let them know if your capable of being the One who they can level up continuously with. They want to be be able to heal together not at odds forever.  They want to dream with you and make them a reality. They want to show you over and over they are focused. They see the right kind of the changes in life start and end with you. They want to be the prescription to your pain.  Angel Number: 2021,012,920,250

get out of your own way

Loyalty gonna get you killed out there. Are you real enough in your decisions or are you two minded. Some of you joined up in a situation that at first you was geeked up to do, but now the consequences of what you started has come.  Funnily your victims are praying for you because unlike you they are only wishing the best for you. They was a Empress/ Emperor long before you started hating. Now because you let others direct your steps you are being returned all you sent.  The fact that it was intentional pisses off Spirit as well. Double, Triple, Quadruple the  intention you set and that is the size of your personal storm.  I am sorry you chose this path. I am sorry you was hurt enough that you was willin g to join with others to harm someone. If you feel like your drowning like nothing is beautiful in the sky, that you should have been special. You could also be feeling sad, feeling unfit, surrounded by enemies, feeling childish, looking for help, hoping you still have time, can you ma

New things on the horizon

 You might be about to start a relationship. In life or business partnership that will bring a new level of contentment.  New beginnings and strong bonds.  You may be in your head trying to figure out whether or not this meant for you. Regardless of your circumstances stability and satisfaction.  You might be struggling to get your point across to people, and no one seems to get where you are coming from, but they know you believe what your saying they just aren't understanding. The right person will hear you, but until you feel heard and understood you are going to be walking around hostile and lacking compassion . Searching for answers and feeling lost. Aching because you feel lack, with no direction to turn to. It is frustrating you. You want friends & companions that support you on your spiritual journey. You desire adventure and dignity. Unique combo, but its energy is perfectly you.

Jelly hunh??

 You're wondering how does this person know WHO has been telling your business? You might be copying someone. You see the energy someone is in and you want a piece of their light. You might even have been trying to convince them you are their friend or lover. You are running out of ideas on how to get into their energy.  You can feel they don't want to deal with you and your angry at them, but you miss their energy. You don't have the word to try and convince them. Their intuition is strong, they are wise and abundant and you aren't any of that, but you kinda wanna be.  You want to be healthy, in a unordinary love given the chance you would try to please them to at least be around that. Their cup is so full and you want what they have.  Others of you just want to be safe and have a healthy give and take, but you kinda feel like you should've left a connection but you aren't sure. So you're taking your time to get all the info you need. Regardless of the info

Sekhmet, Sagittarius, Pluto, Capricorn,Scorpio,Leo,Taurus, Cancer, Geb,

  You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should  focus on personal development now. Soon you will reach your higher state of consciousness. This is also a time to be scrupulous in your dealings with others and to control your negative thoughts and feelings. Try to cultivate positivity. Step away from stress and strain. You might need to stop away from somethings you use to worry about, but you are finally realizing it was never your responsibility. Take a good look at yourself, your needs and physical surroundings. Its time yo be strong in your decisions and action concerning your physical well being.  The decisions you need  to make are often best made in solitude outside the influence of others. If you need to grieve the end of a relationship do it! Stop trying to pretend like it doesn't hurt and bother you. Its ok to show emotion. Just remember this was long overdue and was just the spilled milk of your relationship history.  Angel Numbers: 1010,1212