
Showing posts with the label Cedar

Be careful

Someones baby dad wants them dead. This person has tried to have them attacked, raped, has tried to pin crimes and spread lies just because they can live a independant life without them. They have conspired to keep you struggling. They had you under surverillance. They thought you was so in love you would never suspect that they was after you. Karma is coming good and bad. This individual always feared you seeing that you could do better. Now they see their fears actually coming thru they have done a 180 now they want to be on this path with you. They are brokenhearted because if only they knew you was this capable... They are crying now... They see shaking your foundation was futile youare the builder so you always rose again stronger. Addictions may be a factor in this situation. They fear your touch yet they crave it. They dont understand the signals their body sending them but they know they don't like it. You know things you have ideas you can help them. Its not like they


You are looking to the future and you are hoping someone is going to be in it. You might even pose as a client to talk to them. Their body is on 10 aand their head game is a thousand. You miss their touch. Your soul hurts. You are sorry you werent always devoted to them. You owe them money. You just want to love them. You have been waiting your whole life for them except when you had them cuz you didnt know what you had. You want to gas them up for life. You want to hep them elevate. You want to bring peace to their life. You are needy and think they can fix it. You aren't thnking clearly. Do you not see what is actually happening in their world? Yes you aren't a drug dealer but are you a drug user? I don't get how you have this ego with no deep confidence behind it? Are you scared someone will call your bluff? I am glad you recognize you hurt your person. What are you going to do? I see go to school and better yourself... nothing wrong with that. In life there


I have a lot of things I need to hide. Like i don't think your adorable. Spirit is mad at me and I am facing Karma. I was the fuck up in my connections...all of them. I never tried really hard. I tend to stalk becuse I am insecure and have some childhood trauma I can't heal from becuase my abuser is still in my life. I want to mark you as mine, but right now I can't. I realize I have been waiting my whole life for you and you was right here. I spent more time tearing you down and undermining your growth. I couldn't see how magic you were. You was the smooth whiskey in the dark night of the soul on the rocks my life has been. I haven't done nearly a quarter of the inner work that you have cuz I never started. I want to say you are spying on me, but I know you aren't that way. I just have to keep hoping you will show me some toxicness to feel more safe around you. Your kindness rung false, but that is because i didn't know any real kindness. You are my li

I'm working on it

You have the ability to see the potential in anything.Do you feel what I feel Is this rfighting for this. eal? The answers to all of lifes questions is YOU!! I know i am beyond toast in your eyes. I am worse then a fraud I am a failure because I never tried. I didn't see any value in a connection with you. I couldnt imagine being in love. I didnt take life seriously. I judged your age. You actually take very good care of yourself. tate. Its the best way I want to ptotect you from toxic lovers and be the loving entity you need. You are my comfort , understanding and I want to protect you. I want to marry you dummy. My soul awakens with you. My controlling, abusive behavior, my lack of direction and agressive nature was due to my solar plexus being blocked but I am working harder on being aligned. I seek more knowledge on connected with you. Your vibe scares me. We both need to meditate. Its the best way to quiet our minds. All I want to do is grw old with you. All my love is

We need to talk

I'm on my way to talk to you. I'm not trying to text you all of this. I have a lot to say and I hope you are willing to listen to me. There has been a lot of interferance in our connection and i just need to clear everything up. I hate this up hill battle i feel we have been fighting for what seems like forever. I know I act like this stuff is easy to get over but i really just bury all of it deep down. I know i should have learned from my past faster, but the lessons took me so long to understand let alone learn from. So i let all my traumas keep me trapped. I stepped beack from you because i had to see where my head was where i fit in when it comes to your life. Do i add to you or am I a burden? Being so far from you makes me wonder and fear what you are feeling about me. I try to send you good vibes because ai want you to be ok evenif i am not with you. They say the sky is the limit but if there was no sky you are my limit. I'll do what ever it takes to reach you

Eat it boo!!!

  You have your defenses up and your enemies are surrounding you like starving hyenas. They also see you as mysterious and unable to reach like the moon. You are just creating more abundance for your foundation. You are grounding yourself. You are the victor in this war you have been in. They are slowly surrendering seeing that you have created this strength and you know how utilize it. They thought they was going to come in like a monster and have a army and spill your cups. Instead they can’t even get to you. 

Are you going to answer the call?

You are being called to be a leader.  Your path has been the way it was because your meant to be a empathetic role model teaching others to intentional put themselves in another’s emotional state to be better to them.  Your biggest battle has been self love. It’s been a tough road and now it’s time for you to lead others down it.  As you relate your experiences to work you will see life has shaped your for such a time as this.  Now it’s time for you to accept it and finish healing so you can began taking others on the path you spiritual Harriet Tubman.  *especially for those with Capricorn highly aspected in their #vedicastrology #yearofthegoat#eldertheseeker#Sagittarius#Capricorn#Aquarius#LEO#cedartrees#beechwood#apple#cancer

Competition for what???

  You have someone who thinks they are in competition with you. They don’t just want to win they want you dead. Not able to review e the pentacles that Source has planned to give you. You are protected by your spirit team who are armed to the gills prepared to show anyone what is really good. Your whole life is about communing and celebrating your spiritual journey so you are truly connected and can’t be fucked with. Your childlike love for the Divine and for those who came before you puts a smile on your face that those looking down on you can’t comprehend.  Again I’m being told you are being protected and watched over.  This person coming for you is blocked like the first black surgeon was performing on white folks. This person coming for you has no idea they are trying to wrestle a lion you are a Empress or your in your feminine energy and you can’t be taken off your throne. 

Equation for success

  What isn't adding up for you? In what way are things becoming hard to wrap your intent plus thoughts around? Even when you at your worse what keeps you striving to make one foot forward?  Those are the thoughts rattling around in your head.  You aren't alone there are many who are questioning their self image, reflecting on who they are and how that translates in their relationships both familial and personal. Some who have been bleeding on everyone unaware of their trauma are now beginning to tend those wounds.  You might be disconnecting from people you thought would be connected to you for a lifetime. You have recognized that if someone's energy doesn't match yours they are either a hinderance or  a assist to help you grow and you are taking the initiative to level yourself out by pursing the relationships that push you to grow.  You had connections in the past that sabotaged you, isolated you, kept you trying to prove yourself with no real promise that situations

I don't care if you don't want me, I want to possess you it doesn't feel right without our connection

 song message: Tired of Being Alone~ Al Green I'm so tired of being alone I'm so tired of on-my-own Won't you help me girl Soon as you can I guess you know that I, uh, I love you so Even though you don't want me no more Hey hey hey hey, I'm cryin' tears All through the years I'll tell ya like it is Honey, love me if you will Yeah baby Tired of being alone here by myself, now I tell ya, I'm tired baby I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night In my dreams, nobody but you, baby Sometimes I wonder If you love me like you say you do You see baby, I been thinkin' about it, yeah I been, I been wantin' to get next to you baby Ya see, sometimes I hold my arms, I say mmmm hmmm hmmm Yeah baby Meeting you has proven to me To be my greatest dream, yeah Message: You might be in a situation where you are connected to someone or someones who a karmic to you and they have a karmic as well and they both are sending ill will your way or even doing dark m

Money moves

 Someone is contemplating their money moves. This person may have a dog. At night when they are all alone they think about finances and someone they see as a star they also may spy on this star.  This person makes them smile. Whoever they are watching they want to move towards them. They find this person matches their inner drum beat. They may have been getting discouraging messages to keep them from moving towards their star but they are moving and it may have been slow but they speeding towards their desire. 

Harriet time to follow the drinking gourd

  You are being called to be a leader. Your path has been the way it was because your meant to be a empathetic role model teaching others to intentional put themselves in another’s emotional state to be better to them. Your biggest battle has been self love. It’s been a tough road and now it’s time for you to lead others down it. As you relate your experiences to work you will see life has shaped your for such a time as this. Now it’s time for you to accept it and finish healing so you can began taking others on the path you spiritual Harriet Tubman.

I suck at emotion laid conversation.

 6lack~ Prblms Timing is at work. When you reconnect it will be like the first time. Your person recognizes you have trauma from their past behavior. They are upset that you are not speaking to them the way you used to and the silence is eating at them. They know you are a gift from the Divine and they don't want to let you go.  They want to finally create some precious memories with you.  They for some reason don't want you to be aware of how they feel. They want you to come to them begging for their attention and then they feel they can show you slowly how intense their love for you is they are yours heart and soul.  They want you to be their lil baby.  They wish you would just give them a chance to prove that THIS time it really is different. They want to sweep you off your feet they still want this chance. They realize they don't know how to be a adult. They are aware their behavior has been a big issue in your situationship.  They are battling within trying to heal the

following the breadcrumbs

 You are leading someone unto the path of reckoning. Someone from your past life or past. Whomever it is knows you as a enemy and although they treat you differently they dislike you deeply. They see you as a trailblazer and hate that about you. You cause anyone who is connected to you levels up. You loved on them and didn't appreciate the connections , but now that they are severed from you they want it back. They want you to believe they aren't the enemy, but you being  in alignment is making it hard. Seeing you heal your soul is making them fail where they once succeeded.  The energy you shared with them made them feel like a go getter who could fly  and they feel like their is no air and they can't breathe let alone fly. Just stuck