The Thoth zodiac sign is an Egyptian zodiac sign associated with the god of wisdom and learning, Thoth. People born under this sign are said to be wise, energetic, romantic, and courageous. Dates: April 1–19 and November 8–17. Associated traits: wise, energetic, romantic, courageous, inventive, enjoy learning, and excellent problem solvers. Associated symbols: ibis, baboon, scales, papyrus role, stylus, crescent moons, and pens. Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and learning. Virgo, the sign ruled by the Moon and Mercury Life is leveling out and truth be told its not how I thought it would turn out. I thought my secrets was safe. I thought the people in my connections were to oblivious to notice each other let alone what I was up to. Someone gave them a cheat sheet and now they got me clocked. On top of having me clocked they are turning it around on me. They got they hands out and attitudes soaring. They still haven't figured out me close to the vest secrets, ...