
Showing posts with the label Horus

The path of temptation is family led

Somone refuses to admit they intentionally lead their family member down a path of destruction. That they triangulated the whole family to gaslight and enable this family member into maintaing their bad behavior becuase the goal was noble( in their eyes). If this family member had died finally their family would have nice things to tell others about them. The level of barely disguised hate however cleverly hidden stood out to the ones who want to protect this poor (well they had a hand in their own destruction so maybe nieve?) soul. You was one of those protectors due to you wanting to just be there for them. You want to talk to this person about what their family has been involved in. The problem is you can't force them to discuss, but you can be there for them. You don't have to have words you just have to be kind. Your person is waking up to the deception and games being played in their name by family in hopes o

Cancer - Vedic

You are still sitting on your throne, but you are weaponless to defend yourself. You are dressed for the part, but its who you are not what your trying to be. You spend to much time pouring out into others and not enough pouring into yourself. You are trying to get out of a contract that has you feeling less then royal. This contract has not brought the abundance and happiness you anticipated. You see others celebrating and you are trying to stack and it seems as if things are slipping between your fingers. You want to celebrate but dont feel its the right time. You aren't the karmic but you are not their soulmate either. You are always over sensitive and argumenative. You have been trying to stimulate a change and its not happening. You stink to someone. You are overly depressed. You have left a lot to be desired in your connections. Your looking for miracles and they are not coming. You are realizing you have no vibe and you have been hiding in others identie

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve


You got a crush on a older person and you fear that may be the reason why they never give you a chance. You are all in your head reeplaying messgaes wondering if you messed up. You just want to make this connection work. You want to be there for them in their pain and pleasure. You see them as a soulmate. You even see a child with them. You know you need to build yourself up some more but you havent given up on this idea of connection. Right now you feel like you are in a blackhole but really you arent. Let that negative miindaet go. Give that negative energy a wide bearth. You are attuned no matter the circumstances. Give them time. Being to pushy is a turn off. While you arent connected work on your toxic ways and continueeducating yourself. Go take your blood tests and start on that cleansing journey. No matter if you gain this connection or not this start to your spiritual joruney is awesome!!!

I abused the you I had

I am sorry. I put to much attention towards making a profit and failed to put any effort towards you. I chose to go towards other things instead of chasing you. I neglected to see the fabulous person you was and instead chose to see the persona others projected on you. I chose to be in the streets in others sheets when i had you at home waiting to make me happy. I thought i was glorius . I didn't realize it was your shine reflecting off me. Once you left my life just was up and down it was like consistancy abandoned me. I left a stable person and introduced chaos into their life and judged when i had no room to judge. I started arguements to cover my behavior. I felt that making you feel small would boost me and keep me feeling like a god/ddess instead of like the unworthy bug you revealed me to be. I didn't want to face my darkness then you came in and lit every fake part up. I hadn't realized how much was fraudulant about the life I was leading. Being with you made m


Constantly you are on my mind. Like a repeating line a melody, you just can't get out your ear. I want so much and I want to say..I don't know I just know I need YOU. My life is in shambles and I feel like all I can do is ramble about what I desire. It doesn't imply you are any less it's just my heart might burst if I were to invest all I feel because it's all of me. My heart aches that I hurt you like this. Your defenses are up so high. You let me in only so much and then you pull back with fear in your eyes and though I feel surprised I know I caused those triggers. I want to make you my Janet in a Busta Rhymes Video. I want to make you soaking wet as soon as I get you in that bed. I wanna make you back up all those things you said then make you climb in ecstasy force you to gasp and then you go and spread your legs to cradle me letting me be the lead going fast then slow giving you the speed you need. I have to show you because I don't know how to tell you as

No more karmic drama

 You are stepping away from karmic situationships. No more feeling triggered, no more trauma bonding, letting go of resentment, learning the lessons, letting go and loving you. The pain of learning these lesson has you separating from everyone. You are unsure who to trust so you just pulled back from everyone.  You have been searching for your version of paradise. It’s somewhere where you don’t have to keep fighting to protect your spirit. You want to be able to relax in lush grass and beautiful sunsets. You want a life with no drama.  You may have a pet that you find comfort in and they were a gift from the universe to help you find a different kind of assurance within.  Just like being a parent to children you have to give time and attention to your pet and in return they help encourage that inner calm to rein supreme. What are YOUR personal truths? Have you sat down and asked yourself. What will you fight over and what have you been wrong about? You may have been questioning if your

Everyone has feminine and masculine energy

 You are surrounded by stars, but I’m not sure you realize you are the biggest star among them. You shine bright and you stand out. You are starting to see evidence of your Empress energy. You are no longer fighting to be relaxed you are just going with the flow. You have found that peace in your feminine energy  instead of the pressure of your masculine energy. The fruits of your labor are coming to fruition and you are starting to see it.  You used to fight so hard to make things come to pass and you had others fighting you to stop you from going down your path. The more you fought the less you was able to move forward. You put away your sword and your trying to use your words and you have found they cut even deeper then any fight could  cause. There are power in words use them cautiously, but figure out the balance and utilize it to your best ability.

You’re ok

 You have been used to pouring out for others. Always emptying your cup to folks and situations that accepted your all but never offered to refill you. You fought villages of haters, survived floods of  poverty and financial pestilence. Your path may have been so skewed with so many options, but not enough information to make a choice so you standing still. You actually made the right choice standing still because your noticing that some of the paths have disappeared like they never existed. Your destined to have abundance enough to share with others if you choose. To give to the vulnerable and exposed.  You have caused someone to step off their throne. They have put their weapon down and no longer feel like a giant towering over you. Now you are about to take the throne because that is where you was meant to be. Not only are you meant to be on the throne, but you are prepared to fight for your throne. Both your masculine and feminine sides both ready to fight!!  You standing above oth

spirit message

  Someone or several some ones are watching a person through social media or literally stalking them and because they feel this is how they will learn enough to decide to make a move. Problem is them posts aren't about you ( they just recognize a lot of folks go thru a lot of shit to and somebody might need that message) or they are just living they life. As far as the following goes they aren't ever gonna go anywhere that will show you their motives. Dude or dudette or bud you gotta reach out that literally is the only way otherwise you are a creep and need to go down a different path. Even if you get rejected at least then you can move on to healthier behavior.

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.

Money moves

 Someone is contemplating their money moves. This person may have a dog. At night when they are all alone they think about finances and someone they see as a star they also may spy on this star.  This person makes them smile. Whoever they are watching they want to move towards them. They find this person matches their inner drum beat. They may have been getting discouraging messages to keep them from moving towards their star but they are moving and it may have been slow but they speeding towards their desire. 

what are you creating?

  You want to be alone cuz your in your crafty stage.  Someone wants you to call them. They want to hear your voice. They want to get to know you, because they think you might just be the one. Whatever is happening they miss you. While they are waiting to connect with you they are leveling up.They feel like you have that It Factor. They want to indulge a little drink and smoke and pick your brain. They are hoping that convo will let them know if your capable of being the One who they can level up continuously with. They want to be be able to heal together not at odds forever.  They want to dream with you and make them a reality. They want to show you over and over they are focused. They see the right kind of the changes in life start and end with you. They want to be the prescription to your pain.  Angel Number: 2021,012,920,250

You can see clearly now

 You may be on a fairy kick or magic kick not really sure why, but you have been drawn to the the light and whimsy in life. The dreamy the esoteric pulls at you, but even more so right now. You cannot always have your feet in the air sometimes you have to have your feet on the ground.  If in the past you was part of third party relationships no longer is that going to be tolerated by you. No more hoping they might change, now if they don't follow thru the first time you forgive them  you won't give them an opportunity to have a second chance.  You will no longer be the gold at the end of others peoples rainbows while they aren't even trees o the path. You won't be someone's get rich quick scheme, the foundation they build their futures on. From now on it is equal reciprocity or nothing.  People take,take,take from you and never give you your flowers. They don't want you to know that you make a difference. Not only in other peoples' lives, but also in theirs


Take the shot! You have done it alone so far on your on own, and now it's about sustaining your success and maintaining your reputation. If you're feeling like you don't belong you do.  Something you been holding on to to deep down needs to be faced in order to be united with both sides of yourself the recipe is self truth, focus and self love. You need to walk in confidence of your dreams. If you don't believe in you then who else will.  So you have had setbacks stops wallowing in the what happened and focus on what you can make happen now that you have learned your lesson.  Angel Numbers:  333,222


 Overflow it's  coming that abundance you want is coming. That extra umph you need is here. Stop getting frustrated you have been putting in the work. You have let go of alot of connections that no longer serve you. You are seeking healing for yourself. No, longer trying to please others. You are taking care of yourself  mind, body, and soul. You aren't letting no-one sabotage this self love affair. Now if someone wants to be in your presence that they have to show you by action. Its all about timing. When the time is right Spirit will send you to your final first time Love. You got this!!! Its only solo for a little while longer. You are definitely showing the world what being a BLACK sheep means and your partner will be about that same energy. They won't try to hold you back or sabotage you. They will be your warrior. They won't take chances without discussing it. They will show you a love that goes back to the first moment of the very first love.   They won't put


 So, Have you been trying to make a web of lies stick together. Some lies about love because you feel abandoned? Whoever you was trying to keep trapped was your ideal mate, but you was busy playing games with others and you got tricked.  So, You trying to fix your web of lies to get your blueprint partner back. Spirit is saying there is no words, no actions that will convince and deep down you know it. This person was your shea butter baby. They are receiving Justice because of your past deceptions. I'm sorry your just realizing how much they meant to you. I'm sorry you feel empty. You can't mark someone as yours especially if they are telling you NO. Real love isn't forced, isn't supposed to be a negotiation either. You know they are a delight and you truly may be sorry and you might even be ready to risk it all, but you don't want to change even if you really want them in your life you cannot rewrite history and make them see things your way. You need to make

Mercury Retrograde

 This mercury retrograde you could be feeling blank. Not clear on anything so you are trying to just pause on life. Which would be an impressive feat if you could, but you can't bud. You gotta get moving cuz stagnancy will be your death. This isn't a maybe death either. Spirit said move your aa or the police will move you to the morgue.  Start walking in that natural confidence Spirit gave you. You know its time for a change. You can not let your past trauma keep you from moving forward. It's ok if you can't see the road ahead of you. You are doing some things Spirit is so proud of you for letting go of toxic habits, but they won't be gentle with you its boot camp time. You want something prove it.  Someone is about to show up with flowers. This person is going to put you in your head. Its ok Spirit is ready to have that talk with you, but you already know the answer. You can claim you was asleep but you WOKE now so you got no excuses.  You want your happily ever af

Mars, Pluto, Angel Numbers, Horus, Libra, Gemini, Df & DM, Aquarius

 I can hear Tiana singing  "  This old town can slow you down People taking the easy way I'm getting closer and closer every day I'm almost there People down here think I'm crazy But I don't care Trials and tribulations I've had my share There ain't nothing gonna stop me now 'Cause I'm almost there But I know exactly where I'm going And I'm almost there" You have been having quarrels with family and friends and you feel you can't move pass those connections. Well, you can be the bigger person. Make up with them! Just be honest with yourself. Just because you care doesn't mean they line up with who you are doesn't mean you can't love from a distance. You might also be having a life balance issue that is causing you  to hyper focus in one area and ignoring others.  You might even be feeling lackluster about some decision that caused drama before, but any delays internal or external won't last long. This weak moment wil

Horus, Libra

 Your thoughts are manifesting quickly into your 3d reality. So something's' haven't happened the way you want and you are learning that the things you went thru you had a hand in your own misery. You are coming to terms with forgiving yourself too. Yo are forgiving the people who caused you pain, lack, and intentionally separated you from jobs  and relationships and it sucks.  You wan to keep these relationships  but you realize how truly one-sided they really were. You was pouring into people with your time energy and money. It was emotionally draining as well and your slightly overwhelmed because you didn't realize how many enemies you actually had and now your trying maneuver around them.  You might even be a tad aggressive as you severe ties and close out Karmic cycles. Just don't become a bully because all those people were placed in your life just o get you to this point of change. I know you won't actually thank them but acknowledge that with out the tra