
Showing posts with the label North Node


Shit is coming your way. Love like you have never experienced the rub your back when you can't sleep type love. There was a time when you was heartless and now you feel like you are the vulnerable one. This love is coming to bless you in all arenas of life especially in business. You will start to see that while you may give more your love isn't going into a empty vessel allyou give will mulriply. You see this angel and you get why they come from the divine now. They will be the one to show you how to get to paradise in every plane of existence. You want to reassure this person you want to be there for the long run. Do not immediately propose working together its gonna come off as red flaggy. ok I thought this was goin one way but i see that was your facade. Your plan is to use this person. Shame on you scorpio. Why would you want someone tobe dead inside? Didn't you mess up? Aren't you seeking forgiveness? So if you are in the wrong how dare you want to hurt th

Old Sophia is back now things are about to change

No more fake hangouts. No more catering to those who abuse you. No longer will you stay feeling used and abused in connections. That karmic cycle of make up to break up is over. Abandonment and abuse are no longer dishes served at the party that is your life. Any patterns that lead you to destruction they are done. Using silent treatment to control is out the door. Any connections with self involved narcissit and love bombing are no longer a option. You are making changes in your life that will bring good out circumstances to the forefront. You are prepared for the surprises and you are enjoying the ephiapanies that come with the whiffs of inspriration heading your way. That self love is going to be the spice in life and so many people need it. Your unconventional ways are why you cant be strung alng. People think they have the keys to your secrets go ahead and show them they just got backstage passes to a real healing journey. No more empath vs narsissitic drama and

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve


Pills and potions, overdosing, angry because who you love doesnt love you. Played to many games got caight in the same and now you can't stand your self. You aren't taking care of yourself and whatever you are doing is cutting yearss off your life. You might be a 80s baby. You just want this person to finally pick you. You haven't learned the lesson yet of dealing with this person and what ever you did I hope you have a lawyer because i see they are justified for whatever they are about to do.. You are like a dark cloud in this persons life. You may have thought you was being sneaky but they found out. Now that they know they want you to say it out loud and say it with your chest. You have been getting signs that have been telling you to stop for ages. YOu wasn't scared before but all the sounds and shadows have finally got you sppoked. Its tolate to blowout the candle. The universe heard your little baragins and has come to collect on what you owe and its comin


Someone is thinking of things in the past. Rewriting their memories to be happier. Trying to rewrite the story so it has a happier ending. All you desire is to go on adventures and to stop missing out on life. Possibly feeling like happy and you were just not meant to be together. Quick connections with no substance are no longer desired. Not knowing when to say no but claiming awaeness in connectiomns is your new self talk. Declaring to yourself there is a best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime out there just waitung fir the first steps to be taken. This person might have numerous piercings. This person when you hug then you do not like to release them. When you are with them you feel fertile. You are freeing yourself from darkness and toxicness. Your throat chakra has been blocked preventing the truth from coming out but now your free and you can find a safe place embraced by harmony to thrive in. Learning to stand alone is ha

What Family got to say

We lied on you. We told your lovers and friends any and all negative things possible. From calling you for the streets to accusing you of being on drugs or an alcholic. We wanted the world to see us as your Savior. We wanted everyone to disregard how awesome you are and blessed you make us. Your knowledge and gifts were for us to hoard. If you had a blessing it was ours as well. Leaving you out made you work harder for our attention and love. We need you to let us back in your life. Like a crack head feenin for his next hit we crave you. Who is going to educate us. Who is going to give us free everything? You didn't even to learn things you just decided that is what you wanted to do and then did it. We hated it when you was happy. You look prettier, your energy is addictive and you thrive. You have walked away and you are so powerful that we know better to come at you disrepectully anymore. Your intution protects you from us. We did a lot of thing beind your back and had no sh


I deserve to punished. I fumbled and lost. I promised you this lifetime i would do right by you. Marry you and make you ridiculously happy. I messed up in one timeline looking at my doopleganger miserable because the woman he loved he mocked and betrayed and here i am literally doing the same thing. From the amount of kids to the relationship fumbles I'm mirroring them and I don't know how to stop. I hate the fucking matrix. I knew from the first moment i saw you i wanted you. I made you chase me and I intentionally kept my distance. I figured your crush on me would carry us til i got bored with you. I never got bored you kept changing and becoming more and more fascinating, You did right inleaving me alone and not chasing me. I was cheating. I know it sounds crazy but i wanted a little girl with you. I don't have daughters and i just knew we would have a goregous talented little girl. I never told you but you had my heart... you still do. I want to give you all

Karmic Masculine to Divine Feminine

Its over over ain't it? You should've cheated on me. You was faithful to a ideal. I wasn't honest with you. I even had a baby on you but you don't know yet. I did't know you was meant to be my kingdom mate. I tore you down for no reason. If you give me a chance I would dig deep for you. I will give you the sex life you deserve. I was selfish. I felt safe but never made you feel safe. I have nothing to offer you but struggle love becuase I dont want to work hard. I have so many bad things happening I hope you are still covering me. I tried to destroy the joy you had. I wanted to have you clingy on me. I didnt understand not all women are like that. I can't pop up on you. I can't be intimate with you. I just want you to love me. I really want to prove my love thru sex. I just know you will fall back in love if i pull out my tricks. I will do and say anything to get you back to me. I need you. My life is in shambles and noone wants to save me. I ain'

Distant family or Friend message to Divine Masculine

Someone told us to watch you. What made you change up? Was it really Divine Feminine? You don't need that nerd. All you need to do is grind a little harder. Kiss some ass and you might get aead faster. You don't need her. If you set your sight higher you could get it. Stop telling her everything! She knows way to much without your assistance. Everything we have done to stop her from reconnecting with you and everything doesn't stop either of you. We know that its a pointless battle but we still try. We just wont be happy seeing you two together. We don't like that she encourages you to be yourself. You lost is you mallable and we need you that way to control your money, your addictions, your connections.

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Masculine

You need help or something? You already know how she feels. You can feel her in your soul. I hoped you would devestate her and leave her broken. I was hoping you would give her something incurable you know bring her down to where she belongs. Why should her heart heal? Mine never did. You know what come on over here I'll put this grown woamn on you and you wont want her anymore. I need someone to pick me over her!!!I'm going to make a move on you that child doesnt know what to do with a real man. I dont see my age I think I'm young and more desirable. I watched you walk away from that child to your destruction and i cheered. All the bad luck i couldnt create for her i wished on her. Losing you was just the creme of the crop. I laughed at all your dalliances because they cut her to the core. When you fought i hoped you would yell to trigger her. All the kind things you would do for her made me sick. Why was she getting a doting lover and i had noone? I wish you was my ma

Don't Bizounce

Someone has an addiction to women.  They think women make the world just easier to live in.  Women are the spice in life.  Problem with this mindset is this person keeps entering into connections that they are implying would stay monogamous and then cheating rampantly.  There was no way this person was going to bring that you.  Not you.  Not the person they loved.  You could be on the edge of the mess, but right in the middle no they couldn't bear to see you daily knowing they was hurting you like that.  You may feel like they are choosing other connections instead of you and it's not that it's these other people make being a cheater easier.  For whatever reason it's just easier to hurt them then it is to know they are causing you intentional harm which they would never do.  Right now this person wants to touch you deeply everywhere and I mean everywhere fingers in your mouth too??? you bet!!!  They have two words for you #CreamPie you do with that as you will... They w

Blame it on the rain

Silly little one. You can’t ignore that you have to eat and drink more healthier. Junk food and sugary drinks aren’t for you. You have been feeling lethargic, snappy and your bowels are probably looser than normal. You are supposed to be glowing, growing, and reaping your rewards at this time in your life. You are being watched over by loved ones and your spirit team. You have been letting your gifts fall to the wayside out of fear. Letting others opinions and sense of right cause you to let go of your spiritual support team and second guess your path.  You are developing a healthy ego and it’s letting you fly in areas of life you used to fail. Like any good POC comic character you are wielding lightning instead of getting hit. It’s ok to admit you need to learn more and then you make a effort to go about learning. Something you create is going to flip your life around.  You have been manifesting and the Universe says it’s time to start receiving so get balanced so you can begin catchi

Healthy moves

  Yay you! You are making healthy choices in love and like. That self love is looking good on you. You are becoming happier and as you are you seeing the overflow. Stop measuring what many dance means and start seeing that you are elevating learning, expanding. You are walking away from co-defendant obsessive behavior and because of that the blocks in your life will no longer restrain you. No more letting people stopping your happiness. 

Eat it boo!!!

  You have your defenses up and your enemies are surrounding you like starving hyenas. They also see you as mysterious and unable to reach like the moon. You are just creating more abundance for your foundation. You are grounding yourself. You are the victor in this war you have been in. They are slowly surrendering seeing that you have created this strength and you know how utilize it. They thought they was going to come in like a monster and have a army and spill your cups. Instead they can’t even get to you. 

Equation for success

  What isn't adding up for you? In what way are things becoming hard to wrap your intent plus thoughts around? Even when you at your worse what keeps you striving to make one foot forward?  Those are the thoughts rattling around in your head.  You aren't alone there are many who are questioning their self image, reflecting on who they are and how that translates in their relationships both familial and personal. Some who have been bleeding on everyone unaware of their trauma are now beginning to tend those wounds.  You might be disconnecting from people you thought would be connected to you for a lifetime. You have recognized that if someone's energy doesn't match yours they are either a hinderance or  a assist to help you grow and you are taking the initiative to level yourself out by pursing the relationships that push you to grow.  You had connections in the past that sabotaged you, isolated you, kept you trying to prove yourself with no real promise that situations

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.

Your trails are almost finished Heracles

  You are doing some candle magic and it’s looking like to you it’s not working, but you have no idea what the Universe is working on behind closed doors.  You have been having sleeping problems and feeling like non of your prayers are even reaching the heavens. Family dynamics getting to you even peace seems to be hard fought for , but only for a little while longer I hear. You have been standing strong for so long and you are going to see the fruits of your labor. 

Retrograde energy sit back and take a look at yourself

You might be in some Gemini  Energy or you might resonate with the song by Sage the Gemini " Gas Pedal". Spirit is asking you to have courage. You are experiencing loss of control and ignoring your inner voice. You are doing something you know in your heart your wrong for and Spirit is telling you to stop before you can't turn back. You might be struggling to get things completed. simple tasks seem overwhelming and all you want to do is sleep. You aren't finding balance. Instead of being on top of things you feel like a mountain has slid on your back and you want to be surprised by it, but your only surprised its not heavier.  You might be desperately trying to manipulate situations to make it seem like you didn't make the mountain, but you don't need Sherlock Holmes to explain the signs. You left evidence in the hearts you affected. Its time to own it so you can start getting from under the mountain. If you are or have been committing fraud, lying to seem bet

Spirit message

 Right now you need to be alone. Not overly wise by thinking keep your enemies close. Right now it’s time to focus on your growth and truly heal instead of starting the process than stopping. You are accepting that you can’t measure your success, based on someone else. Your level up is dependent on nobody,but you. Things are finally where you want them to be.  You are on the tail end of healing from childhood trauma, and past relationships. You feel like your manifestations aren’t being realized, but your abundance is near. Someone is blocking well, attempting to block your download from Spirit.  Spirit says let them try YOU Got This. Anyone coming towards you saying let me elevate you is not being honest. They are hiding they do not mean to bring harmony.  You create your precious moments no one else. Even if you feel your Justice is coming slowly it’s not its all about Divine timing. Stop stressing and begin to remember how  you use to think for yourself. When you did you made big di


You to them:  Dude, I have no secrets. I just am tired of waiting around. Love just isn't enough. I'm not perfect, but I am trying to be spiritual and pray about this situation. I am trying to be objective in this situation. I know I need to let go of the past and heal. I know you don't want to change you are happy with how things are going.  I am in a battle within trying to heal myself I don't have the energy to fight you. You had me and lost me and now you want me back, but I can't be your black sheep anymore.  When I was with you there was so many worries, but I couldn't be my best around you. I felt insecure instead. Let's not lie I was insecure, and our connection made it worse. I didn't know how to be happy with you and I don't want to mess up now. I just wish you wasn't so unique. I have a habit of comparing and that holds me back. I can't be around someone I want to beat. I 'm trying to teach myself to dance like no one is watchi