
Showing posts with the label Rooster

You say I'm crazy but you call me baby and i'm not the only one..can you say my name cuz you cant pay the bills???

I have been under the influence at work. I can't focus because I keep going over what is missing in this connection. You was supposed to be my foundation instead you just became a wall I had to tear down.I am so very tired of crying over you. You was so insecure and hate filled. You really couldn't just be proud that I wasn't insecure like you. I lived out loud no secrets. You loved that about me until it stopped you from controlling me then you began to hate me. I stripped away my insecurities to be with you and you made me feel unloveable and disgusting because how bad must I be for you to do me like this. I know you say you want to stop my tears I just don't trust it. You so caught up on me thinking your broke when im more concerned about your mind and heart. You think sex is always going to solve it and quite frankly the more I come the more I resent you. I just want whats fair to be fair. I want to walk away because this is hurting m...


You got a crush on a older person and you fear that may be the reason why they never give you a chance. You are all in your head reeplaying messgaes wondering if you messed up. You just want to make this connection work. You want to be there for them in their pain and pleasure. You see them as a soulmate. You even see a child with them. You know you need to build yourself up some more but you havent given up on this idea of connection. Right now you feel like you are in a blackhole but really you arent. Let that negative miindaet go. Give that negative energy a wide bearth. You are attuned no matter the circumstances. Give them time. Being to pushy is a turn off. While you arent connected work on your toxic ways and continueeducating yourself. Go take your blood tests and start on that cleansing journey. No matter if you gain this connection or not this start to your spiritual joruney is awesome!!!

Boom Boom Shake SDhake

I'm feeling a little insecure right now. I don't feel like I have enough to give. I hate feeling that way. I don't know how to get past it. I tried to think about it and I keep hitting a brick wall. I want to talk to you. You have this perspective that makes everything clear. I know if I explain my past and my present you can guide me to my future. Once i have that info I will be in alignment. I know right now you don't want me in your energy. You are teaching me to take care of myself. I didn't see the real you a lot of people didnt see the real you and you have forced us all to go within and now many of us see with new eyes now. Your inner beauty blossoms out of you like a fragrant flower. I don't have to dig to see anymore you are the up to my down beat. I dream of touching you from the inside out I want to heal you. I want to be your comfort. You have given me so much and I see you are all I need and pleasing you in every way is how I will show you. ...

Song message

'Are you a real freak', 'as the day goes by I'm always thinking of your face your my eve and Im your adam so lets settle down'. I'm always looking at your picture it calms my heart down. Every time the music plays I can hear your voice. 'I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you' and then I wake and your not there and it fucking hurts. 'I want to rock the boat wit you you make me float, you make me high.' When I get to you I expect you to back up everything you said. Can you really 'put that thang in motion' or are you just talking to entice me. I want to get you into a position where you finally let loose and show me all the hidden desires that you have buried down within. I am terrified you might just turn me away I have played so many games and I don't blame you for having animosity towards me I just hope you still have some spot in your heart for me. You are so untouchable right now and I am so angry at myself for wasting...

Everyone has feminine and masculine energy

 You are surrounded by stars, but I’m not sure you realize you are the biggest star among them. You shine bright and you stand out. You are starting to see evidence of your Empress energy. You are no longer fighting to be relaxed you are just going with the flow. You have found that peace in your feminine energy  instead of the pressure of your masculine energy. The fruits of your labor are coming to fruition and you are starting to see it.  You used to fight so hard to make things come to pass and you had others fighting you to stop you from going down your path. The more you fought the less you was able to move forward. You put away your sword and your trying to use your words and you have found they cut even deeper then any fight could  cause. There are power in words use them cautiously, but figure out the balance and utilize it to your best ability.

A letter from someone you know

 Dear you,  Please don’t cry. I won’t leave again. Once I come home it will be the last time. You’re my Queen/King. Once upon a time we were lose and I miss that. You was so put together always knowing when I lied. You was my Temptation Song, cuz I have my sunshine no matter the day. I know I don’t deserve you, but I will fight for you because I see you as a victim of me and the world. I took your love for granted. Now I feel your so far away. You set the bar and no one compares.  Now there is a hole in my heart, my soul, my life. I’m so damaged I cry about us. I doubt I’ll see you again if I can help it. You helped ease my pain. I experienced such bliss with you. I have a plan on how to see you some how. I will talk you into seeing me. You’re Mine!! I know you still love me so how is it you still haven’t reached out yet?  You don’t want me anymore and it shows. Just when my friends and families true colors are showing. I wish I had showed you I do know how to love y...

Watch out

  Someone is dangerous to you. They see you as a delight, but you have been reflecting on the connection and you now recognize the red flags. You are being reassured that the Universe sees you. You are and always have been connected to the Creator. New beginnings are coming your way in life, love and within. As you walk in forgiveness and you see the overflow occur.  The more will you allow others to block your blessings. No more will you allow others to project laziness on you because you are a go getter. The last decade you have gone thru a lot and these last 9 months have been a doozy. In the next 9 weeks you will see physically evidence of abundance in the next 9 days you you will see a change I. Your energy. If your family safety don’t trip your family is safe. Your clairvoyant you do know that you can utilize your skills for yourself. All those who say they don’t read themselves just don’t want to hear. The messages. But with practice you can find the messages  that...

me + you

The sound of rain makes you think of someone. You think about holding them in front of a fire. You are scared to reach out to them because you have been hurt before.  You aren't close at the moment it might be because of a water sign, but don't worry the person you are thinking of wants you just as bad. They think the world of you.   They feel upside down about you. Maybe you need to be bunt or smoke a blunt with them, but as long as you apologize you will get out of this mental prison.  Start on the path to be a god with them. Ya'll was supposed to be sweethearts, but interference; You have gotten past the confusion of others lie and seeing what's real for yourself. Go get your person.