
Showing posts with the label 4th House

its a new day and time for a new beginning

Someone wants to tell you, I can weather any storm with you. I just want to put a lil excitement in your life. The world is scary, but knowing your in it keeps them sane. You make them feel lucky and lovely. You don't trigger them. That makes them feel so good. They wish you would reconnect with them. You can take care of yourself and they cant. They will never admit they did you wrong. Get in touch with feminine energy your most powerful in this energy. You have the ability to see the potential in anything. This spring this person wants to attempt to see you. They want to have the right to call you theirs. This person or people wants to work with you. They see how cool you are with the universe. They want your nourishing energy. They broke their own heart hurting you. You gave some of them wings and they only can soar because of you. Folks are mad because they won't get to continue in your energy in this lifetime or the next. They abused your boundaries. You are lettin

General Message

Someone is waiting for money to come in. A promotion was supposed to be heading your way and there has been some interferance. You may be looking at job sites preparing for moving to a better oppurtunity. There was to much drama at your workplace and you are just trying to work. You are teachiing folks, showing them new ways and folks are reaching out to you and desiring more from you. You may be under attack having suicidal thouhgt out of nowhere. Do not fret they are not your thoughts and emotions it is projection from foks who do not want to see you win. You know that you aren't perfect and aren't trying to be anyhing more than who you are. The people upset with you for healing they wanted you to dry in your tears. You make history just showing up. Your life has been shaped by ptsd and yet your still loving and kind. You have severed ties that were attempting to blow up your spot. What you have going is so beautiful and you make people think of you. People want to be in

I'm working on it.

I want to please you for hours and hours. I want to show you that you got the love i want and the love i need. I know right now i can't give you what you want . Yoou cant call me to come thru and its killing me and i know its frustrating you. I know we arent attaxhed but we are and i can feel you need me. I can't wait to hear your moans and groans again. I cant wait to hear your whispers in my war. Are the zodaic freak Tyrese was sining about cuz he left a few out. I always figured he couln't pull those ones. I cna't wait to come thru. Someone will be having back pains after this. I need to tell you something it may affect our long term connection. I suffer from depression and i have never learned healthy methods to deal with it. I dont want to mess this up and I know my behavior is a lot for a bunch of people let alone just you. I promise if you give me a chance I will do everything i can to not sabotage this. I want to do life the legal way. I have some things I

My love is toxic

I love you more and more each day. I love you in a very special way. I know you have no ill will towards me. I know you even ignored your intuion a time or two when it came to dealing with me. I know you didnt have to so I thank you because not many would give me that grace. You was such a blessing when all I did was tear your world upside down. I took your blessings and claimed them as my own. I repeatedly stopped your forwad progress to aid my attacks on your personality and reputation wanting nothing more to prove I was the only reason you survived. If people knew any blessing you had I took a portion, every step toward progress i ridiculed or tried to lace with imposter identity. I battled you on so many fronts and laid all my burdens at your feet. I loved to see you battle worn and sick from trying to survive my attacks. I enjoy you begging me for scraps it shows the world YOU need me. I even disrupted your relationships. You having support meant you didnt lean on me as much.


Constantly you are on my mind. Like a repeating line a melody, you just can't get out your ear. I want so much and I want to say..I don't know I just know I need YOU. My life is in shambles and I feel like all I can do is ramble about what I desire. It doesn't imply you are any less it's just my heart might burst if I were to invest all I feel because it's all of me. My heart aches that I hurt you like this. Your defenses are up so high. You let me in only so much and then you pull back with fear in your eyes and though I feel surprised I know I caused those triggers. I want to make you my Janet in a Busta Rhymes Video. I want to make you soaking wet as soon as I get you in that bed. I wanna make you back up all those things you said then make you climb in ecstasy force you to gasp and then you go and spread your legs to cradle me letting me be the lead going fast then slow giving you the speed you need. I have to show you because I don't know how to tell you as

18+ from Him

I love watching you masturbate.  I love when you touch yourself and you say my name.  Shit is so fucking hot it makes me hard as fuck.  I am charging towards you.  I gotta get my hands on you I need to make you mine again.  I know I should be spewing love talk, but this is all lust I need to make you curl around my dick as I stroke deep in you.  I want to fuck your mouth and then I wanna make you cum in as many ways as possible. Do you orgasm from nipple play?  Well we are about to find out.  Next time I see you just start taking your clothes off I'll get the message.  Ugh I got burnt.  I didn't know.  I wouldn't have brought it to you if.... I'm not right.  I'm really fucked up right now.  If anything I'm gonna corrupt you along with burn you.  I'm so fucking rude.  You deserve better from me but I can't seem to give you that.  All I give you is tears and stress, loneliness,anger and dick.  I'm heartless so I don't feel bad,  but I know I should

Create the tools you need so you can succeed

 You may feel like you are ill prepared to handle the tools you have been given in this battle call life. You have the strength to shape new tools if you feel that is what you need to do just remember what you create will be the first of their kind so you must train others to use those tools as well. It will be hard because your making up as you go.  You  should be wary of contracts presented to you at this time. Not all finance is good even when you need it coming in selling your soul for a few pesos is not fair to you. You have a knack to survive in situations others would buckle in. You have found healing in the midst of your spiritual famine.  You have spent much time surround by others trying to see how you do what you do. You have even tried to teach them and they still sat there acting like you didn’t teach them anything, but are using the skills they have learned from you to attack you.  You may have pulled back your energy to gain insight from your ancestors and guides. Seekin

A letter from someone to you

 Dear you, I don’t have a deity, but if I could claim I believe in one it would be you. I know I missed my last chance but the time didn’t seem right. I’ve been selling myself to have the things I need. I am ashamed of how you will judge what I have done.  I haven’t had faith in myself like you seem to have. I don’t understand you keep standing back up after all the set backs.  I know I e betrayed you to much for you to trust me. I’ve taken so long to set it all right. You are heading somewhere I don’t think I can follow, but I want to try. Your so free in being yourself. You found the sunshine in yourself. You are so far from who you used to be. You’re not even in the ball park of your old self.  You made me feel whole, but I didn’t understand that so I ran from you. You are a miracle and because my crown chakra was blocked. I couldn’t understand what I was missing.  If you will just suspend your disbelief and let me prove my agenda is everything and that I deserve a chance…well anoth

A letter from someone to you.

 Dear you, I’m gonna get back to you. I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I hate you. I’m gonna hurt you. I want to strip everything from you. Why can’t I trap you? The games I play should not be obvious to you. You was supposed to stay asleep to what was happening. You taunt me thru every source of entertainment I try to utilize. All of them justifying retribution that should be yours not mine.  I am due Justice!!! Someone owes ME!  I demand my due! I am a Royal! I have made my mark and I will be recognized. I don’t need to be reflective. I am who I was meant to be. I don’t do politically correct! I hate feeling like I lost out on you. I’m low key proud you figured me out, but I resent it too because that means your not in my grasp.  I thought I had all the obstacles out maneuvered, but your so smart you threw up new ones.  If we was in another place I’d come back to you and be different. I’d give you that soft rough love you desire. I’m just scarred to trust my heart to you. You’re my


  You are smart, have good energy, and you present it in a willful way but you are also impulsive. Your sincerity is apparent to all after talking to you because when you walk into a room folks feel like you are flexing on them. Tchue/Tlaciache(hero who brought fire to mankind) risked his life to bring a tool of change to man and I feel you are very much like him in you see a need and you want to figure out how to fulfill it. So keep on doing whatever you are doing in the world to be a part of the light and keep on passing out tools I feel that is your calling.

I'm stingy, I'm selfish

I want Everyone to know your mine. I am fighting my demons to get to you. I couldn't figure out why you thought I would grow up for you and  I refused to grow for myself but i see now you wanted me to grow for me. You really just wanted the best for me.  You are actually kinder than I gave you credit for. I'm moving to be closer to you. I am baffled on how you understand me when no one else does. I don't know if I'm gonna get it right this life time and it hurts so bad!! I don't feel good enough for you. I am a societal menace and I believe I dont owe apologies to anyone. I know you are my sun and I may not say it in the most pc or cultured way. I might never admit it, but I miss us being close. Will you let me put you on a throne? I know I'm flakey and I have left you hanging before, but I finally understand you are the total package.  I know you are scared to risk it all but i need you to ask yourself what do you want? I hope its me.  My heart is fragile I won


 I’m no afraid-Eminem Take a bow- Rihanna  So something wasn’t mathing. It just really wasn’t adding up to what you know to be true. You are being told that the people in your life won’t go astray that they just want to be back in your life. They love your vibe, your willingness to love and sooth  others. You’re a butterfly. You want people to fight for your love not act like they don’t care that love exists. You are releasing toxic habits. No longer trapped in delusional mindset. You are releasing people who aren’t proud of you who don’t have your best interest in life.  You have found your direction and your taking the steps on your destined path.  People who don’t respect you are lost they don’t know how to get back in your good graces.  Your boundaries are really keeping them at bay.  Someone ants to marry you. They got money, but being with you is what’s on their mind right now and every night it’s just you.  They don’t wait to take their Time, but spirit is in charge of the when

You are enough

 I don’t now why you feel like you aren’t where you need to be. You are enough. You do have a place in this world. No ore self sabotaging please. You deserve. You deserve whatever you desire if you are willing to put forth a effort.  Someone likes you alot they want to flirt with you, go on a date and show you how special you are.  Beware of narcissist  that love bomb you then isolate you. Keep on holding that boundary so you only have clarity around you. You only want people around you who reflect the kind of person you are striving to be. People will try to seduce you outta your character. Don’t let them get you into situations where you find yourself emotionally unbalanced. Step back and rest if you need so you can savor the special moments in life. Those friendships that are coming your way will keep you uplifted. 

Retrograde energy sit back and take a look at yourself

You might be in some Gemini  Energy or you might resonate with the song by Sage the Gemini " Gas Pedal". Spirit is asking you to have courage. You are experiencing loss of control and ignoring your inner voice. You are doing something you know in your heart your wrong for and Spirit is telling you to stop before you can't turn back. You might be struggling to get things completed. simple tasks seem overwhelming and all you want to do is sleep. You aren't finding balance. Instead of being on top of things you feel like a mountain has slid on your back and you want to be surprised by it, but your only surprised its not heavier.  You might be desperately trying to manipulate situations to make it seem like you didn't make the mountain, but you don't need Sherlock Holmes to explain the signs. You left evidence in the hearts you affected. Its time to own it so you can start getting from under the mountain. If you are or have been committing fraud, lying to seem bet

To you from them :A

 I thought you was meant to be mine, but I am no longer sure. If there was a moment where I was going to give you my heart that urge is gone. I want us to fix this. Can we go to therapy to fix this? I lie, cheat, and steal, but the few moments I saw clearly was because of you. I fear I will never hold you again. I know I’ll have to stop calling you mine. I have to find my own light. I can’t expect you to always be there for me. I don’t know how to do better. You don’t love me anymore do you? You no longer look at me and see a hero. I just want to make you laugh. I want you to desire to be in my arms. I have no idea how to change this dynamic. Even coming to you and asking how do we fix this ? It scares me because you have every right to laugh at me, yell at me, cuss me out… I can’t handle any of that. I have no more confidence. I broke my own heart. I know your my other half and that is what hurts the most. I hated being separated. I hate missing you. I wish I could go back in time. I

me + you

The sound of rain makes you think of someone. You think about holding them in front of a fire. You are scared to reach out to them because you have been hurt before.  You aren't close at the moment it might be because of a water sign, but don't worry the person you are thinking of wants you just as bad. They think the world of you.   They feel upside down about you. Maybe you need to be bunt or smoke a blunt with them, but as long as you apologize you will get out of this mental prison.  Start on the path to be a god with them. Ya'll was supposed to be sweethearts, but interference; You have gotten past the confusion of others lie and seeing what's real for yourself. Go get your person.

Its time to stick to your guns!!

 You keep getting knocked down and left for dead. As you reanimate your life you tell others how you did it just incase they fall into that pitfall as well. Defying societal urges to step on others who are down you are listening to that higher purpose and pulling others up. Here is where protecting yourself comes in. You have to have boundaries or you will end up pulling up people who only want to push you down. It doesn't matter how low you perceive yourself there are those who just don't want you to have anything. There are those around you who are unstable who are to show the masks they used to hide behind.  They are still trying to oppress you, but you are being protected by your Spirit team. Even when you had nothing these folks still had they hands out. They still have their hand out physically and metaphorically to you.  So people might be accusing of being stingy with your gifts, time and energy and guess what they can suck a fat one. No one is entitled to what God has

following the breadcrumbs

 You are leading someone unto the path of reckoning. Someone from your past life or past. Whomever it is knows you as a enemy and although they treat you differently they dislike you deeply. They see you as a trailblazer and hate that about you. You cause anyone who is connected to you levels up. You loved on them and didn't appreciate the connections , but now that they are severed from you they want it back. They want you to believe they aren't the enemy, but you being  in alignment is making it hard. Seeing you heal your soul is making them fail where they once succeeded.  The energy you shared with them made them feel like a go getter who could fly  and they feel like their is no air and they can't breathe let alone fly. Just stuck